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UPDATE: Wanting to move back to Wales but husband won't


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Hi Everyone :)


Just thought I'd give an update on my situation - i wrote in a few months ago about wanting to move back to Wales but my husband refused to make the move.


I was in a really bad headspace with home sickness and became so fixated on the desire to move back that I couldn't appreciate the positives in any aspects of my life here on the Gold Coast. I knew I couldn't keep living like this so I need to take control of my life and do something about it. So I went on a solo trip to Wales at the end of Dec for 3 weeks and it was the best thing I could have done. I've only recently returned and I already feel a lot better about my life.


In a nutshell, I have decided that I am going to stay here in Australia. I still would absolutely love to live in Wales and would move in a heartbeat if my husband was willing. But the reality of my situation is that he doesn't want to move and with 2 very young children to consider I simply cannot take them away from their dad and move them to the other side of the world. I don't want to split up with my husband either. So while I still have that strong pull to Wales, my kids are more important and their needs/happiness have to come before mine and destroying my family and uprooting them is not the best option for anyone. It stings and hurts to fully accept that the shipped has sailed on my opportunity to move.


I loved everything about home - my parents, family, best friends, the weather (believe it or not!), the culture, the pubs, the coastal paths, the friendly locals, the close proximity to everywhere, the cuteness of the community etc. But I do recognise that as I have been living in Australia for 14 years I probably don't fit in as much I had romanticised in my head. I've changed and so has my family and friends to some extent so I think me moving back and trying to make a new life for myself would be incredibly hard, especially as my parents are so much older now.


So back here in Australia with a clearer head and a bit of help from a psychologist, I can see things in a better light now. There are so many fabulous things about my lifestyle here that are in a different league to what I'd have in Wales. I certainly don't 'love' it here. I really like it though. I know that with a better mind set and some changes that I need to make, I can definitely make a real go of things here once and for all. It's not going to happen over night so will be a work in progress! I don't really have a choice. I have to accept that moving back isn't going to happen and it's not the end of the world. My husband is so supportive of my Wales woes and always reminds me that I have the best of both worlds - I am a Aussie girl and also a Welsh girl and have the pleasure of being able to live in one country, and visit the other as many times as I like to get my Welsh fix whenever the crippling homesickness monster rears its ugly head. I will still continue to have a visit home each year, or two visits if need be.


I sometimes feel a bit envious when reading of some other members who have been lucky enough to move back to the UK with their partners/family. But then I remind myself that each situation is completely different and mine is what it is. I think there are pros and cons living in either country but I know that the most cons for me at this stage in my life are in Australia.



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It's hard that you can't get home permanently but maybe regular trips back can help you 'top up' on all things Welsh. We're going back for a year shortly - hubby doesn't want to, but there are practical things to attend to so needs must. I am trying to set myself up financially so I can spend a great deal more time in the UK and that will have to do for now.

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Good on you Daffodil. Sometimes you just have to reframe and accept that the least worst option is the best option! It's good that you've got a psych who s working on ways to help you look on the bright side. You never know your luck, sometimes life throws you a curve ball and your DH could do a 180 turn but in the meantime you will find it easier because this is YOUR decision and you have the freedom to come and go. CBT can be a life saver used well!

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Great post, I particularly liked this sentence which I'm sure describes a lot of PomsinOz who dream of returning:


" I do recognise that as I have been living in Australia for 14 years I probably don't fit in as much I had romanticised in my head."


I must say that until I moved back here, I hadn't realised just how much Australia had changed me!


It's good to hear you're managing to find the positives, best of luck for the future.

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Great post, I particularly liked this sentence which I'm sure describes a lot of PomsinOz who dream of returning:


" I do recognise that as I have been living in Australia for 14 years I probably don't fit in as much I had romanticised in my head."


I must say that until I moved back here, I hadn't realised just how much Australia had changed me!


It's good to hear you're managing to find the positives, best of luck for the future.


I do think that once you have even considered moving, your life will never be quite the same as it was, it will always be different, and you can never move back, you can only move on. Be careful before opening that Pandora's box.

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Hi Everyone :)


Just thought I'd give an update on my situation - i wrote in a few months ago about wanting to move back to Wales but my husband refused to make the move.


I was in a really bad headspace with home sickness and became so fixated on the desire to move back that I couldn't appreciate the positives in any aspects of my life here on the Gold Coast. I knew I couldn't keep living like this so I need to take control of my life and do something about it. So I went on a solo trip to Wales at the end of Dec for 3 weeks and it was the best thing I could have done. I've only recently returned and I already feel a lot better about my life.


In a nutshell, I have decided that I am going to stay here in Australia. I still would absolutely love to live in Wales and would move in a heartbeat if my husband was willing. But the reality of my situation is that he doesn't want to move and with 2 very young children to consider I simply cannot take them away from their dad and move them to the other side of the world. I don't want to split up with my husband either. So while I still have that strong pull to Wales, my kids are more important and their needs/happiness have to come before mine and destroying my family and uprooting them is not the best option for anyone. It stings and hurts to fully accept that the shipped has sailed on my opportunity to move.


I loved everything about home - my parents, family, best friends, the weather (believe it or not!), the culture, the pubs, the coastal paths, the friendly locals, the close proximity to everywhere, the cuteness of the community etc. But I do recognise that as I have been living in Australia for 14 years I probably don't fit in as much I had romanticised in my head. I've changed and so has my family and friends to some extent so I think me moving back and trying to make a new life for myself would be incredibly hard, especially as my parents are so much older now.


So back here in Australia with a clearer head and a bit of help from a psychologist, I can see things in a better light now. There are so many fabulous things about my lifestyle here that are in a different league to what I'd have in Wales. I certainly don't 'love' it here. I really like it though. I know that with a better mind set and some changes that I need to make, I can definitely make a real go of things here once and for all. It's not going to happen over night so will be a work in progress! I don't really have a choice. I have to accept that moving back isn't going to happen and it's not the end of the world. My husband is so supportive of my Wales woes and always reminds me that I have the best of both worlds - I am a Aussie girl and also a Welsh girl and have the pleasure of being able to live in one country, and visit the other as many times as I like to get my Welsh fix whenever the crippling homesickness monster rears its ugly head. I will still continue to have a visit home each year, or two visits if need be.


I sometimes feel a bit envious when reading of some other members who have been lucky enough to move back to the UK with their partners/family. But then I remind myself that each situation is completely different and mine is what it is. I think there are pros and cons living in either country but I know that the most cons for me at this stage in my life are in Australia.



Good on you :)

You really do have the best of both worlds - especially if you can visit uk once a year or even a bit more often while the kids are young.

The thing to do now is find a past time that you wouldn't be able to do in UK eg dragon boating or something like that where you can meet one or two more people to add to your friends in Aus - quality is needed not quantity.

All the best to you

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loved reading your post Daffodil,. Like you I still miss beautiful Wales and all those fundamentals you mentioned in your post, but have only been in Australia for 4 years. It's good to know you can change your mindset if you really want to, it is going to be vastly different to life back home but like you said it is about appreciating the good things. Good luck to you and your family.

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I remember your original post and so am very glad that you have managed to straighten things out. My wife and I have agreed that she goes back to Swansea once per year in order to see her friends and family and it has made a massive difference to her mindset here in Australia.


My son and I have to head back tomorrow night for 8 days and while the circumstances of our trip aren't the best we are both looking forward to being able to catch up with family & friends for the first time since we moved here four years ago. It will be interesting to see where we see home as a result.


Good luck for the future



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Hey Daffodil, my name is Amy. I moved to Australia (Perth) when I was 15, and lived there for 6 years. It was mentally a difficult experience for me, I always felt like I didn't belong and that I was missing out living in Australia. I moved back to Scotland in 2014, have been back here for a 1 and half. I never went back for a holiday, which was really bad, because i could of possibly seen the reality of the UK. I don't regret moving back because I experienced the working environment, weather, etc. I also met my boyfriend, who I am really happy with. I love Scotland, but it has downfalls. I only saw good times. Me and my partner are going forward with a partner visa. I really want him to experience life in Australia. I was against life in Australia, and wouldn't allow myself to see the great things about it. I had opportunities to make my life happier/better in Aus and I ignored them mainly. I hope some of the things I say, make you feel a little better xx

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There's nothing wrong with Scotland, and I'd always be the first to defend the life over here. I didn't mean to offend. Yeah for myself. I'm 22, I'm not a university graduate. The weather, more of a upbeat attitude, finances and opportunity were a lot better in Aus. Keep in mind I'm from highlands. It's a shame, because most Scottish people I talk to about my move back to Scotland, think I'm crazy.

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Your incredibly brave sweetness.

I know it sucks ducks nuts to be somewhere where you heart doesn't belong but you making the most of it, well done. :)

Especially doing it for your children.

I know in life you wanna be that little bit selfish and as a parent, its hard because you have to wrestle between kids and yourself. Just because your a mum doesn't mean to say you have to lose your identity and not be happy.

You have a wonderful sounding husband, beaut kids, a life that most people would give their right testicle/boob for AND AND AND you get to visit home!

I know what I mean to say in this post but I'm a mong. Basically, have a hug and good on you. xx


On a side note, at least in OZ you don't have to put up with the sheep sh**ging jokes ;)

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There's nothing wrong with Scotland, and I'd always be the first to defend the life over here. I didn't mean to offend. Yeah for myself. I'm 22, I'm not a university graduate. The weather, more of a upbeat attitude, finances and opportunity were a lot better in Aus. Keep in mind I'm from highlands. It's a shame, because most Scottish people I talk to about my move back to Scotland, think I'm crazy.



Why don't you stay and do your degree in UK first and give it a proper go.


A degree will open more doors for you than you can imagine.


You are still so young and the world is your oyster, really.


Don't throw away this chance you have.

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Guest Guest114430
Why don't you stay and do your degree in UK first and give it a proper go.


A degree will open more doors for you than you can imagine.


You are still so young and the world is your oyster, really.


Don't throw away this chance you have.



i don't see her throwing away any chance from what i read, she is very young and has the freedom to go where she pleases. she can go, come back, go and come back again, yet still be "young"!! . Age is just a number. it doesn't and shouldn't restrict you in your decisions.

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i don't see her throwing away any chance from what i read, she is very young and has the freedom to go where she pleases. she can go, come back, go and come back again, yet still be "young"!! . Age is just a number. it doesn't and shouldn't restrict you in your decisions.


Great advice there and a sure one way ticket to mediocrity.

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What a lovely read from all the threads, especially from Daffodil.

To be honest, I feel the exact same way after the nine years we have been here on the Gold Coast. Here is me thinking that it was just me who feels this way.


Yes it is tough, but the most difficult time I had was when my dad passed away suddenly last year. And I have had to deal with the guilt of it all that I wasn't there.

I suppose it's true to say that time is a healer, and we all have to move on in the best possible way.


Regards Dean

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