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I don't want any comments about cancelling my trip or being some sort of health tourist.


Ive been to the doctor tonight to speak about my spirometry results and they've told me there's something about my lungs. They weren't very informative about what it could be, I suppose they don't really know. Anyway she wants me to go to a GP and get chest X-ray and then possibly go to a specialist depending on what they find.


I want to know wether my Medicare will cover this? I'm really stressed about it. when she was telling me all this all I could think about what that the bill is going to end up thousands and I won't be able to afford it. I've got insurance and they do know that I've been for my asthma tests so least I haven't lied.


I really don't need the extra stress

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Oh Stacey, what bad timing!


Did you tell the doctor you were going overseas in a week? I would have asked her, is this serious enough that I need to cancel my whole trip? Maybe then you would've got more out of her.


Do you have time to get your chest x-ray and some kind of feedback on the results before you go?


The good thing is that most Australian GP's are very knowledgeable indeed about asthma because it's so common in Oz.

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I know, I was actually just thinking last night that this trip was going drama free. I almost wish I hadn't even went for a asthma test, ignorance is bliss haha. I'm hoping that if it was really serious she might have told me to consider cancel.


All she said to me was that it was too late to send me anywhere over here and that I would have to register and get the X-rays over there and then I might have to get a specialist depending on what the X-rays said. I asked "could this be something serious" and she hesitated for a few seconds and said it probably wouldn't be but I can't leave it for a year.


I just feel guilty about having to use a GP so early incase they think I'm taking the piss but I obviously wasn't expecting this. All I wanted was a inhaler!! I've messaged sta travel explaining and asking how much altogether it would be to make a few adjustments to my trip because they did say I could fly to Australia earlier than the 6th. But it's a total nightmare because I'd then have to add another 2 days hostel onto it but I've already paid for a hotel for the 6th and 7th so would be a bit pointless

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Why on earth would you want to go earlier?


Just go when you planned. When you get there, go and find a GP and make an appointment. They won't think you're taking the piss, they will know that an asthmatic needs regular prescriptions and would want to register with a GP asap just for that. Then tell the GP that your doc was a bit worried about your spirometry readings last time you saw her, and you might need your treatment adjusted or maybe some further investigation, but there wasn't time before you left.


Was it just spirometry that your doctor did? Did she test you both before and after taking Ventolin (or whatever reliever puffer you have?).

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Just go with the flow. I have asthma it was diagnosed about 3 years ago. I cannot believe that they did not tell you whether you were or were not asthmatic when you had the tests. I had the tests at the hospital and the guy who did the tests told me I was asthmatic before I returned to my specialist. As has been said Australia is the asthma place of the world, all our dust and pollens make it so. It turned out my asthma is caused by molds so I know what sets it off. There may be other things too. I found all this out very quickly. They do not mess around here. We do not have health trusts and all that rubbish you have over there, we just get sent to the specialist which we pay for and then the tests are done and we are told what is going on.


You can buy Ventolin over the counter here with no prescription.


I have Bricanyl which I do need a prescription for. Also they give preventative if asthma is a bad problem.


Go on holiday and enjoy and do not worry they do not let you die here in Aus.

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I want to know wether my Medicare will cover this? I'm really stressed about it..... all I could think about what that the bill is going to end up thousands and I won't be able to afford it.


As I understand it, if you're on a WHV from the UK, you are covered by Medicare. If you go to a GP who bulk bills, the appointment cost will be covered completely by Medicare.

There are radiology clinics which also bulk bill - just ask the GP to refer you to one of those. If you do need to see a specialist, you can be referred to one at the outpatient clinic of a public hospital. Same deal - no cost, but you may have to wait a while for an appointment.


Some people find that asthma improves in a different climate. That may be the case with you. I would just continue with your plans, see a GP in Sydney, then take it from there.

In my (long :rolleyes:) experience, if you try to cover all the "what ifs" in life you'd never do anything.

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Why on earth would you want to go earlier?


Just go when you planned. When you get there, go and find a GP and make an appointment. They won't think you're taking the piss, they will know that an asthmatic needs regular prescriptions and would want to register with a GP asap just for that. Then tell the GP that your doc was a bit worried about your spirometry readings last time you saw her, and you might need your treatment adjusted or maybe some further investigation, but there wasn't time before you left.


Was it just spirometry that your doctor did? Did she test you both before and after taking Ventolin (or whatever reliever puffer you have?).


Well I don't want to particularly walk around Singapore haze when at the moment it's almost at the high part of the unhealthy range but I suppose I'll just have to stay inside or wear a mask. It was just something I read about problems that already existing aren't covered. So I'm worried they'll just say I have to pay the full amount. Maybe it's not even that expensive, I don't mind paying but I obviously just can't afford loads and loads.


the asthma nurse gave me a test a few weeks ago where I had to blow into the machine and make this stupid little cloud on the computer go along to the end. Then she made me come back for a proper set of asthma tests yesterday but really just to rule it out. She didn't act like there was anything wrong yesterday, she just told me she was going to get a doctor to decide on the inhaler and also discuss my recent thyroxine results. It wasn't until today that I found out there was any concern. I got a big fright when she told me.



Sorry i forgot to got to add yes she got me to do the second test after the ventolin. She said there was a difference but not a massive one

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Hopefully it'll be okay, I'm hoping they just say it's something non serious after the asthma. I shouldn't have googled haha. It's bringing up COPD and worse things. But I just wanted to google the term she wrote on my paperwork. She printed off the results to bring to Australia. It says I have a restrictive pattern or something like that

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They already gave me ventolin. It's the actual tests I'm worried about. Wether they will cover some of the costs or not. Being a hypochondriac at the best of times I'm worried they are going to turn around and say it's some sort of bad disease that they think I might have. It'll probably just be something small but it's not the stress I needed

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You could certainly get an x-ray before you go - have you actually seen a doctor? I would try to get to see the Dr and see what they have to say.


Medicare doesn't cover all costs for everything - I had to pay for some blood tests which weren't covered ($70) and if you get referred to a specialist then there may be some wait to see one and it would mean that you're having stay and wait for the apt in whichever state you were in.

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They already gave me ventolin. It's the actual tests I'm worried about. Wether they will cover some of the costs or not. Being a hypochondriac at the best of times I'm worried they are going to turn around and say it's some sort of bad disease that they think I might have. It'll probably just be something small but it's not the stress I needed


There's likely only two possible problems - either your asthma is a bit worse which means you need a preventer, or you've got COPD which is unlikely at your age.


When you see the GP in Australia, ask him to refer you to the Asthma Clinic at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, the doctors there are the best in Australia and it's all covered under Medicare. You may have a bit of a wait to get in there rather than seeing another specialist but it's worth it.

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Yes It was the doctor that seen me tonight and they said they didn't have time to send me anywhere because I was leaving on Monday. They are really rubbish at my GP surgery. She just said I need to do it in Australia and asked if I had insurance.


she did ask about my plans for that reason

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There's likely only two possible problems - either your asthma is a bit worse which means you need a preventer, or you've got COPD which is unlikely at your age.


When you see the GP in Australia, ask him to refer you to the Asthma Clinic at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, the doctors there are the best in Australia and it's all covered under Medicare. You may have a bit of a wait to get in there rather than seeing another specialist but it's worth it.


thanks Marisa, it's a weight off my mind if some of it will be covered by Medicare. I don't mind the wait if in staying in the area anyway, I'd probably have to wait longer over here anyway

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Hi Stace - If you want to go to the doctor as soon as you arrive there is a bulk billing medical centre in Bondi Junction - link to their website below




You can catch a bus from Coogee to Bondi Junction in Arden St near the Coogee Bay Hotel. Takes about 20 mins on the bus.


Please note I am not recommending these doctors and I have never been to them.

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I hope you have travel insurance - as long as this has emerged after you've taken out your policy you should be ok. If you haven't got insurance yet then I would be more cautious. The reciprocal agreement doesn't cover everything just essential care and if this protocol is deemed elective then you will either have to pay for it or return home to have it done.

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I got insurance a few days ago. I told them about the whole asthma thing, that I used to have it and that I'm currently getting tested. They obviously don't know about tonight though.


I guess if I have to pay for a X-ray by myself it's not the end of the world but if I have to pay for specialists then I'll just have to come home. Maybe the ones who said I'll be back within a month or two were right. They've cursed me haha

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You have my sympathy! I'd had a dodgy cough for a while and went to the GP to get it checked out, before putting in my application for a parent's visa. I really don't feel ill and only went because of all the information we're constantly bombarded with about early intervention (I'm a lot older than you) and catching things early. My GP referred me to a consultant and I got a letter from the hospital yesterday telling me I had to wait 22 weeks before being invited to phone for an appointment - not only can I not sensibly make my visa application now, but if I cant sort something out, I wont be able to go on a planned trip next Spring because I wont be able to get insurance. I too almost wish I hadn't gone to the doctor in the first place! You must be feeling so stressed out by it. Try and just do what you have to do and not worry - easier said than done I know - and good luck with it all!

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Hi Stace - If you want to go to the doctor as soon as you arrive there is a bulk billing medical centre in Bondi Junction - link to their website below




You can catch a bus from Coogee to Bondi Junction in Arden St near the Coogee Bay Hotel. Takes about 20 mins on the bus.


Please note I am not recommending these doctors and I have never been to them.


sorry I didn't notice this post! Thanks, lady rainicorn had sent me this one earlier too. Sounds like a good option

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If it's of any consequence, I have never used my inhaler in Oz. My OH actually 'forgot' that I had asthma!! The pollution here where I live in the UK is awful - I have adult onset asthma (since 2011) and now the heart thingo too - I'm sure I'm being poisoned living here and I can't wait to get to Oz to feel better!!


Hope it all works out, and best of luck. They are probably just erring on the side of caution for you.

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sorry I didn't notice this post! Thanks, lady rainicorn had sent me this one earlier too. Sounds like a good option


Stacey my daughter goes there, Bondi Junction, no complaints.

She was on a WHV to start with and had no problems getting first class treatment very quickly here, never had the visa held against her having first class treatment for a range of ailments including being epileptic, has had quicker referrals than she ever had in UK. Hope that allays your worries.

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That helps a lot. A few people have told me to go to A&E tomorrow because they'll X-ray me eventually but I feel really guilty about doing that. Although at the same time I don't know if I can cope with waiting ages to find out. Someone told me my Medicare card might not come for weeks although I think I can use a receipt thing or something like that.

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You will need a low dose CT chest which is not expensive, takes about the same time as a CXR, and gives a lot more information with little radiation. That and spirometry results, and most often you have a diagnosis. Not discussing with you options or explaining what is really going on is a hallmark of either a bad or ignorant GP. In either case, change.

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Haha I knew there was a doctor on here but couldn't remember your username! My GP surgery is awful.. Most people will have seen me complain constantly. When they aren't mucking up stuff they are just rude. They make that doc Martin program look pleasant lol.


I've had a few people from pio but on Facebook tell me that it'll be expensive and to go to hospital the now to get it checked. My mum wants me to go too because she's understandably worried about me going over there without known. I'm not sure what to do

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Haha I knew there was a doctor on here but couldn't remember your username! My GP surgery is awful.. Most people will have seen me complain constantly. When they aren't mucking up stuff they are just rude. They make that doc Martin program look pleasant lol.


I've had a few people from pio but on Facebook tell me that it'll be expensive and to go to hospital the now to get it checked. My mum wants me to go too because she's understandably worried about me going over there without known. I'm not sure what to do

Go get it do e Stacey then hopefully it will show nothing wrong and you'll be able to relax and get on with your adventure.

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