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:mask: Just a reminder to keep it civil please and to not jump on the OP for expressing their views.


Remember, its subjective. The OP is entitled to not like Australia and to say so. And to have views or express thoughts that don't align with your own. This is the MBTTUK forum after all.


Lets try to wish them well for their move and life back in the UK.


Going to hug the rainbow unicorn now and look at pictures of kittens and baby owls. Warm fuzzy thoughts people, warm fuzzies :wubclub:

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Nice to see I've started a discussion with my controversial post. That was the point of it - to shake the expat tree and see what thoughts fell out.


I note the returned goading along the usual lines of "tried", "failed" & "wasted years". For you - I never tried to assimilate, never planned to die in Aus, thus did not fail. Years were not wasted, I've had some great times, made some good like-minded friends (Aus & others), seen the different flora and fauna of the continent and seen neighbouring countries.

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Nice to see I've started a discussion with my controversial post. That was the point of it - to shake the expat tree and see what thoughts fell out.


I note the returned goading along the usual lines of "tried", "failed" & "wasted years". For you - I never tried to assimilate, never planned to die in Aus, thus did not fail. Years were not wasted, I've had some great times, made some good like-minded friends (Aus & others), seen the different flora and fauna of the continent and seen neighbouring countries.


Glad to hear it hasn't been all bad, and I posted wasted years as that was the tone of your first post, so as you have now corrected that then perhaps the experience of living in a different country means they weren't wasted, hope so and hope UK is everything you hope it will be.

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Nice to see I've started a discussion with my controversial post. That was the point of it - to shake the expat tree and see what thoughts fell out.


I note the returned goading along the usual lines of "tried", "failed" & "wasted years". For you - I never tried to assimilate, never planned to die in Aus, thus did not fail. Years were not wasted, I've had some great times, made some good like-minded friends (Aus & others), seen the different flora and fauna of the continent and seen neighbouring countries.


Controversy. Yes that. Of course some will always leap in and have a reply. I'm sure you knew that when you posted though if you've been a lurker for a while before your first post here.


TBH a first post from someone who wants to stick the boot into Aus is not something I generally pay much mind to. I don't do drama on forums as a rule. As I said earlier, subjective, your thoughts are your own and your experiences also. I don't see any problem you want to return to the UK. Only people you need to justify it to is yourself and your nearest and dearest. If they are all happy, go enjoy life there and I wish you all the best.

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Suggesting that people who like a country must be lower socio-economic or flawed individuals is quite inflammatory...


Surely people are free to call them an idiot back? Wasn't just bashing the country

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I said OR from a lower socio economic background, etc, etc.


Out of curiosity what do you think of England?


Love it and get back to it whenever I can but not to Blackpool. Do let me know your departure date though as I can do with cheering up.

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People who love Australia are usually a combination of thick skinned, materialistic, lack good taste, don’t appreciate culture/the arts/history (indigenous history is not aussie)/architecture or have come from a lower socio economic background/place in their home country which they resent/blame (chip on shoulder type - say home country has "gone to the dogs" , etc). The latter are the aussies' favourite immigrant because they don't challenge them and actually (and I think it really demonstrates a weak mind).


All in your opinion and opinion is all it is. It baffles me why you would make such statements in an attempt to cause a stir. How may I appreciate your post when you have written it in this tone. Otherwise we would all wish you well, advise on any questions you may have, follow your progress etc.

I am not leaving because I hate England, but I am leaving because I love love love Australia.

So many colleagues from surgeons to porters, patients and people I meet in my work.... when I say we are moving to oz respond with exactly that "I don't blame you.... This country has gone to the dogs".


Im just sorry they feel that way about where they live. Good luck in finding what you are looking for on your return.


from southchick (nurse, history of art degree, living in a caravan and driving a clapped out fiesta as we await our move date..do I meet your criteria???!!)

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Suggesting that people who like a country must be lower socio-economic or flawed individuals is quite inflammatory...


Surely people are free to call them an idiot back? Wasn't just bashing the country


Why waste the type space is where I go out from. But then that is me.


I must admit, I didn't think much of what you are referring to either but given it was the OP's first post and they are sticking the boot in big time about Aus, I ain't going to lose sleep over their opinon or waste time replying to it. It is what it is and not something I really hold much in. Some will no doubt be chomping at the bit to reply :unsure:


My point earlier was to be civil. If the thread goes off the rails it will be locked and/or moderated or moved. We've been here a thousand times with these sorts of threads. Does anyone ever have a case of déjà vu? :cute:


Anyone want to go hug a unicorn?

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Nice to see I've started a discussion with my controversial post. That was the point of it - to shake the expat tree and see what thoughts fell out.


I note the returned goading along the usual lines of "tried", "failed" & "wasted years". For you - I never tried to assimilate, never planned to die in Aus, thus did not fail. Years were not wasted, I've had some great times, made some good like-minded friends (Aus & others), seen the different flora and fauna of the continent and seen neighbouring countries.


Not sure how you could have had great times in your last 10 years unless you feel that you also fell into one of the categories you outlined for those who love living in Australia.


Moving to a new country is so much like a relationship. The courtship is so exciting, then there is the honeymoon period. There are ups and downs and some find that they can adjust and compromise and remain in the relationship for life. Others fall out of love and end up despising the very thing (person) that they once courted so assiduously.


It is not that your observations have no validity but to infer you are in some way superior to everyone in the country is ridiculous. Though it is unfortunately a very English trait and is in no small measure a primary reason why the English are often disliked (and I speak as an Englishman btw).

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People who love Australia are usually a combination of thick skinned, materialistic, lack good taste, don’t appreciate culture/the arts/history/architecture or have come from a lower socio economic background.



Ha ha ha. Now that is hilarious.


What an absolute nutter you are.


Either that or you are a little bit late for April Fools Day.


You are so WRONG on ALL accounts. Well for me personally anyway. Cannot speak for others.


However, that aside, please (I beg you) don't ever take a job as a police profiler; otherwise you will fail miserably in that career.

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As a long time reader, first time poster I decided I should finally contribute my thoughts on why I'm leaving. Brace yourself if you have willingly assimilated into Aus life :wacko:.

My situation: Professional, married (not aussie) with kid, live in Sydney, seen most of Aus due to job. Been here 10 years and will be leaving within the next 12 months.


I find the thought of staying here forever very depressing and for some time I've felt like I'm isolated and missing out on real life somewhere else in the real world and that every concept/service/product/event/etc is just a lousy copy of something out of UK/Europe/America i.e. there is no original cutting edge thinking/innovation in Aus.


Being from UK, I find the underlying problem with Australia is that it feels like an incomplete country and lacking in soul - scratch beneath the glossy plastic surface of their immigration brochure and there is nothing further to see. Incomplete in that the lack of history, constant dumbing down of everything and nannying by government creates a shallow existence for the locals who seem to do as they're told, never question, think little and only focus on material new stuff. This in turn creates a majority of individuals that, to me, are like apathetic cardboard cut outs of real people - they lack a fully developed personality and their goals are very simplistic and materialistic. If you have personality here, you will intimidate a lot of locals during conversation (if you can actually get conversation momentum going) - quite easy to spot as their eyes glaze over. They think personality & character means adopting some over animated wooden caricature of the white anglo nation’s expectations of, for example, a footballer, or slapstick comedian, shock jock, tough guy, news reporter, intellectual and so on i.e. lots of people with the same wooden personality. You only need to look at the TV personalities to confirm it – they’re second rate.


People who love Australia are usually a combination of thick skinned, materialistic, lack good taste, don’t appreciate culture/the arts/history (indigenous history is not aussie)/architecture or have come from a lower socio economic background/place in their home country which they resent/blame (chip on shoulder type - say home country has "gone to the dogs" , etc). The latter are the aussies' favourite immigrant because they don't challenge them and actually (and I think it really demonstrates a weak mind) try to adopt the aussie accent/swagger.


The parochialism, blind nationalism and ignorant “aus is best” mentality is also intolerable as is the nanny state approach to everything which the locals just seem to accept.


Time to start planning a well deserved escape (and no, I won't let the door hit me on the way out for all you hilarious types).


You missed selling of to the highest bidder. The nation is being sold out from under the feet of nationals. I can certainly see ever increasing numbers of educated, leaving for greener pastures in coming years.

I tend to think Britain has declined as well though. In fact all the Anglo world. All very sad.

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Looks like the OP has upset a few of you.What you have to remember though is it is their own personal experience,so I'm not sure why some of you are taking it so personally!Its like the OP is personally insulting your OH to pieces!Its only a country hey?Interesting reading posts over the years of people emigrating from the UK and posting stuff like "The UK is a shithole"etc and some of you are agree,yet when the tables turn???

I'm moving back to Australia soon,and I didn't get abit upset about the OP's post.Some of it I agreed with,other bits I didn't. The OP is returning to the UK,is probably abit stressed (as you would be moving anywhere),and I for one,am going to reiterate what I said in my first reply and that is,I wish the OP future happiness and peace.

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People who love Australia are usually a combination of thick skinned, materialistic, lack good taste, don’t appreciate culture/the arts/history (indigenous history is not aussie)/architecture or have come from a lower socio economic background/place in their home country which they resent/blame (chip on shoulder type - say home country has "gone to the dogs" , etc). The latter are the aussies' favourite immigrant because they don't challenge them and actually (and I think it really demonstrates a weak mind).


All in your opinion and opinion is all it is. It baffles me why you would make such statements in an attempt to cause a stir. How may I appreciate your post when you have written it in this tone. Otherwise we would all wish you well, advise on any questions you may have, follow your progress etc.

I am not leaving because I hate England, but I am leaving because I love love love Australia.

So many colleagues from surgeons to porters, patients and people I meet in my work.... when I say we are moving to oz respond with exactly that "I don't blame you.... This country has gone to the dogs".


Im just sorry they feel that way about where they live. Good luck in finding what you are looking for on your return.


from southchick (nurse, history of art degree, living in a caravan and driving a clapped out fiesta as we await our move date..do I meet your criteria???!!)

Just to keep a balanced viewpoint Southchick,I've spoken to people I know in Australia (my son,family,and friends) and also listen to talk shows via radio on laptop in Australia and some people also say Australia is going to the dogs.(I too lived in a caravan years ago in Australia,with a newborn baby,but that was my choice)

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All in your opinion and opinion is all it is. It baffles me why you would make such statements in an attempt to cause a stir. How may I appreciate your post when you have written it in this tone. Otherwise we would all wish you well, advise on any questions you may have, follow your progress etc.

I am not leaving because I hate England, but I am leaving because I love love love Australia.

So many colleagues from surgeons to porters, patients and people I meet in my work.... when I say we are moving to oz respond with exactly that "I don't blame you.... This country has gone to the dogs".


Im just sorry they feel that way about where they live. Good luck in finding what you are looking for on your return.


from southchick (nurse, history of art degree, living in a caravan and driving a clapped out fiesta as we await our move date..do I meet your criteria???!!)

Just to keep a balanced viewpoint Southchick,I've spoken to people I know in Australia (my son,family,and friends) and also listen to talk shows via radio on laptop in Australia and some people also say Australia is going to the dogs.(I too lived in a caravan years ago in Australia,with a newborn baby,but that was my choice)


Doctors and nurses holding protests recently against the winding down of NHS, held placards including ones that stated things like "Don't Make Us Move To OZ'. Yep I'm afraid Australia has very serious issues ahead. Housing being an issue of serious concern. Still the sun shines and there's always the sand dunes on the beach when things get tougher.

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I too cannot face seeing out my days here - I will claim the Aus pension if it still exists and return home (if not before).


@akiralx - just make sure you check out your entitlement to the Aus and British pensions before you do - if you wait till you're close to retirement you may find you can't get the Aussie pension and you can't get much of the British one either.


Having just gone through the process of moving close to retirement age, I've discovered it's a minefield of tax implications. If you're not happy in Australia, you'd be much, much, much better to get back to the UK as soon as possible and start building up your pension entitlements there. The job market in the UK is picking up too - no sense staying in Oz for the sake of a job, you'll get another one!

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Looks like the OP has upset a few of you.What you have to remember though is it is their own personal experience,so I'm not sure why some of you are taking it so personally!Its like the OP is personally insulting your OH to pieces!Its only a country hey?Interesting reading posts over the years of people emigrating from the UK and posting stuff like "The UK is a shithole"etc and some of you are agree,yet when the tables turn???.


I don't recall any of the posters on here saying the UK is a shithole or maligning people who choose to live in the UK.

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Just to keep a balanced viewpoint Southchick,I've spoken to people I know in Australia (my son,family,and friends) and also listen to talk shows via radio on laptop in Australia and some people also say Australia is going to the dogs.(I too lived in a caravan years ago in Australia,with a newborn baby,but that was my choice)


Doctors and nurses holding protests recently against the winding down of NHS, held placards including ones that stated things like "Don't Make Us Move To OZ'. Yep I'm afraid Australia has very serious issues ahead. Housing being an issue of serious concern. Still the sun shines and there's always the sand dunes on the beach when things get tougher.


Think you misinterpreted the message on those placards. They meant don't make us have to move to Oz for a better deal than we can get here.

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you have commited the cardinal sin on here, dont give your honest thoughts on anything, there are the oz police about....agree with beverything you wrote though.


It is perfectly fine to prefer or to choose to live in the UK. I don't prefer it, I like both, but I have chosen it for the time being. The objectionable part of the OPs post is to insult people because they chose something different.

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It is perfectly fine to prefer or to choose to live in the UK. I don't prefer it, I like both, but I have chosen it for the time being. The object optional part of the OPs post is to insult people because they chose something different.


Yes, well PB wouldn't care about that as he has made insulting people one of his hobbies. Hopefully he's not like that in real life :dull:

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Just to keep a balanced viewpoint Southchick,I've spoken to people I know in Australia (my son,family,and friends) and also listen to talk shows via radio on laptop in Australia and some people also say Australia is going to the dogs.(I too lived in a caravan years ago in Australia,with a newborn baby,but that was my choice)


For sure, people will feel that way about Australia too, and again sorry they feel that way about where they live.

I am very grateful that I don't feel that way about either countries. I just loved living in oz and am excited to get back there......Simples!

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