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recession - heard a few regrets


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Hi so after many years we have got the ball rolling on emigrating! But seen a few posts on various sites and facebook etc with people saying if they had known what they know now they would of stayed in the uk and that its hard to get on housing market etc in perth and economy is bad. Can anyone shed any light as it has me a bit worried. Not got a house or.mortgage but was one thing we wanted to do if we moved to oz as we are a young family. Any advice guys?! X

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Yes the economy is in a downturn and from what I've seen on other threads, WA is suffering particularly badly because so much of their economy depends on mining.


I do think a lot of people migrate thinking Australia is the land of opportunity. So I suspect a lot of the people posting on Facebook etc about coming back had unrealistic expectations of how good it would be. As a former resident I assume you are more realistic and so long as you've got a buffer, I think you would be fine.

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All you can really do is make a decision,with the knowledge you have at this time.Thats all anyone can do.No one can predict the future for you personally.I guess research plays a big part in making decisions.I'm guessing you were in the UK during the recent recession yes?Now I don't know where you live and how hard it got hit,but from where I was/am,you wouldn't of thought a recession was in full swing.

So is it safe to assume Australia is the same?Some area's are being hit harder than others?I personally know of one person,a friend who is out of work in SA,and tbh?She wasn't reliable to its her own fault.

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Hi so after many years we have got the ball rolling on emigrating! But seen a few posts on various sites and facebook etc with people saying if they had known what they know now they would of stayed in the uk and that its hard to get on housing market etc in perth and economy is bad. Can anyone shed any light as it has me a bit worried. Not got a house or.mortgage but was one thing we wanted to do if we moved to oz as we are a young family. Any advice guys?! X


I think the people that say things like if they knew then what they know now just didn't do their research!


A lot of people do think things like: they will earn more money, be able to trade up a two bed terraced for a large four bed with pool, that people knock off work early and go to the beach, that they will become "outdoorsy" even though they never were before and that it is always pleasantly sunny. Mostly not true, but could be a disappointment for those expecting it to be.


Australia has hit an economic downturn, every country has them and you cannot avoid them in life. What you can do though, is pick your timing, maybe don't move in the middle of a downturn, but you could always get the visa and wait for signs of recovery and then move.

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We are still in early stages of the 'downturn ', with another eighteen months to go allegedly before the real impacts are felt. Perth immigration is well down on a year ago, but rents are slightly down as a result as well.


You may prefer to wait to see the outcome or even consider the east coast as a better option. Keep your eyes peeled to what is coming out of Perth, on a forum as this you will likely get opposing views, largely based on the duration of time in Perth and type of work.


Remember Perth is a very expensive city, outside of housing probably the most expensive, along with Darwin in Australia.

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I live in Perth and we came here ourselves in the middle of a recession in the UK and here, in 92. Interest rates were high and I was out of work for 5 months. My wife is a nurse and got a job within a couple of weeks that kept us ticking over while we rented and looked for a suburb we liked. We had a 2 year old and had given up good jobs and careers in the UK to come. Sold out house privately, which paid for us to come.


We didn't have sites like this and the internet to make us worry though. Able to read every negative about the place and I'm sure there would have been lots of horror stories at the time. Did we let it put us off? Not one bit.


Maybe we were just naive but we were both very excited, committed and supportive of each other. Both of us 100% behind giving it our best shot. I didn't get down when I was out of work, expecting a job to fall in my lap. I had good qualifications and experience, a degree in Computer Science, a fitting apprenticeship behind me and years of work experience. I got the knock backs that a lot of people complain about. "You don't have local experience/knowledge". I felt the same about work here as I did in the UK though. Something will turn up. It eventually did and we've never looked back. Never been out of work since, neither me or the wife and the 2 kids are doing well.


We really only came because we had the thoughts that everyone warns you about having. We wanted nicer weather, in a sunnier climate and to be able to live near a beach where we could spend more time outdoors as a family. Everything we expected from Perth has been delivered. We love the climate, we spend lots more time outdoors enjoying sporting activities, we love our house and suburb and friendship group. It can be done, even now.:cool:


BTW I've never worked in mining or oil and gas so there are other jobs in and around Perth. My son is a sparkie working FIFO and getting really good money so he's making the most of it. He has just changed jobs again to a bigger more established company but working at the same site as he likes it. There are still several massive projects going ahead, employing thousands of people, mostly fly in fly out from Perth. It's not all doom and gloom.


Verystormy is a geo and I heard on the radio only a couple of days ago that they have a 35% unemployment or underemployment rate in their industry since companies stopped spending on exploration. It's a niche employment opportunity that gets very good salaries when the going is good but a downturn in exploration can lead to massive layoffs. Which it has.


Pays to be very flexible if possible. I went back to working in Mechanical Engineering/predictive maintenance and fell back on my fitting experience for a year. Didn't like it but it had to be done. An opportunity eventually turned up back in comms and IT and I've been at the same company ever since. A redundancy is my dream.:yes:

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Them thousands of people who work on them major projects all know they are starting to get near the finish line, the jobs your talking about are barrow island, Wheatstone , Roy hill and Darwin .. There are NO other big jobs starting or in the pipe line, the boom is over, I know this as I work on barrow and am expecting to be made redundant by the end of the year.

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Them thousands of people who work on them major projects all know they are starting to get near the finish line, the jobs your talking about are barrow island, Wheatstone , Roy hill and Darwin .. There are NO other big jobs starting or in the pipe line, the boom is over, I know this as I work on barrow and am expecting to be made redundant by the end of the year.


You are maybe but Barrow isn't closing down is it paul? It's still going to be employing a lot of workers as are the other projects, well into the future. There are still mines, Ports, Infrastructure, even quite small operations where people are working that don't get a mention. Gold mines that I worked on a few years ago I wouldn't have known existed till I went to them.


Hopefully there will be more opportunities come your way and you should be looking now if you are expecting getting made redundant. That's if you like it here and want to stay though. I have a feeling your not too bothered about the place though and will be happy to go back the boom that is the UK.

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You are maybe but Barrow isn't closing down is it paul? It's still going to be employing a lot of workers as are the other projects, well into the future. There are still mines, Ports, Infrastructure, even quite small operations where people are working that don't get a mention. Gold mines that I worked on a few years ago I wouldn't have known existed till I went to them.


Hopefully there will be more opportunities come your way and you should be looking now if you are expecting getting made redundant. That's if you like it here and want to stay though. I have a feeling your not too bothered about the place though and will be happy to go back the boom that is the UK.

True about employing people, but the truth is barrow island has about 5000 people on it at the moment, when the construction phase is over it will only have at a guess 1000 people on it as its in production not construction , so your looking at 80% of people out of work.. That works the same for all sites that go from construction to production.. A lot of trades out of work

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I hope you don't whinge this much at work Paul, must be really draining.

Not whinging.. Saying it how it is, if you know better than me regarding oil and gas industry then fire away but if I was an outsider listen to someone who's on the Inside and not a keyboard warrior like yourself

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On a non Perth note, Brisbane has more building going on than I've seen since arrival early 2012.


Shed load of building going on in Perth at the moment too with some other big infrastructure projects been given the green light.


Sure, the mining has taken a big hit and the ripples can be felt far and wide in WA but other industries outwith mining are still going strong albeit the construction industry has became a lot more competitve at tender stage.

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Shed load of building going on in Perth at the moment too with some other big infrastructure projects been given the green light.


Sure, the mining has taken a big hit and the ripples can be felt far and wide in WA but other industries outwith mining are still going strong albeit the construction industry has became a lot more competitve at tender stage.

Wages going down too. I know lads who work for the best electrical company in Perth, just taken a $6 an hour pay cut.. Take it or leave it.. Construction industry is always the last in and the last out of a recession

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WA has been in recession for 5 months .. Read the data


Read what data?!


I read the newspapers daily and watch the evening news (in Sydney) and not heard of this recession before?! I heard of a downturn in mining; but not heard the word recession mentioned.


I first arrived in Australia in the middle of a bad recession back in 1990. But I never had any problems finding work. It was still in abundance, despite everyone moaning about the recession.


But then again, I was prepared to abandon my career temporarily, and turn my hand to any kind of work. It was fine. It was fun. It was stressful sometimes. But it was an experience. And adding new skills like this; was a bonus for the old resume.


Recession or not, you can usually still find work if you are prepared to do anything ..........(with reason of course - drug running excluded!!)


Plus of course in a recession houses are cheaper to buy and places are cheaper to rent.


There are positives to be found in every negative - you may have to look harder for them - but they are there and can be used to your advantage.

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What line of work are you in/looking to do?


There does still seem to be work for certain skills. Research will show you what trades.


Unskilled are doing it tough. Never known so many people out of work here. When my old admin position was advertised over 300 people applied.


You can't live on fresh air, but if you get work you can cut your cloth to suit.


You and only you can decide if the better lifestyle/weather is worth a possible drop in income. For us it is, we live and enjoy the free opportunities we have around us. Ie its winter, but its a beautiful morning in which I've spent out and about with the dogs and in the garden.


we both left good jobs in the UK, because we wanted a different kind of life, which we have found.


Never once did we think we were coming for more money, we would be much better off monetary wise in the UK.


We Didnt burn all bridges though, and getting here hasn't cost us anymore than we would have spent in holidays.


At the end of the day all you can do is weigh up the pro n cons.


If you've nothing to lose, go for it.

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Everyone seems to be talking about mining, but a lot of us in Perth have nothing to do with mining.


There is other jobs you know??


we arrived while WA still in a mining boom...that was as scary as being in a recession.


Mickey Mouse times:err:


I have no problem with the young guns who came to WA from wherever to make money, I would have done the same, why not??


but to now turn round and start moaning....jeez:wacko:


you had the best opportunities, in a beautiful part of the world.


Maybe be thankful:frown:

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