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Six weeks back - my impressions (warning, whinge)


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HappyHeart , in reply - I presume it's down to personal choice of a car .. We certainly found them cheaper . It was just a thought for the op as an option , in case they hadn't thought of that route :)


Yeah...I can't agree with cars...I sold my very acceptable fiesta for 800 quid when we left in 2009, can't imagine its that much more now...its going to a dealer that does it...private sales are cheaper here and there

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I am having a laugh at people saying you can get a full breakfast in Oz for $5 and maybe $10 with a coffee !!!!, never seen anything like that the cheapest Breakfast I have seen is $15 and then add $3.50 to $4.00 on top for your coffee I am in Perth though !!, I do hope you find your feet Marisa, it's all new and it will take time to work out the best places at reasonable prices, good luck to you both x


That's because we live in Perth Laney. Most expensive place in the world.

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I am having a laugh at people saying you can get a full breakfast in Oz for $5 and maybe $10 with a coffee !!!!, never seen anything like that the cheapest Breakfast I have seen is $15 and then add $3.50 to $4.00 on top for your coffee I am in Perth though !!, I do hope you find your feet Marisa, it's all new and it will take time to work out the best places at reasonable prices, good luck to you both x



We should do lunch soon :)

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It is swings n roundabouts..


but having just returned a few days ago from the UK...no way is it cheaper overall.


some things are, some things aren't. Supermarkets have a better choice, but not cheaper. Except their cafes, cheap food.


i looked at new cars on the forecourts ....not cheaper.


Went for lunch one day at my local weatherspoons, yes it was under £6 for a meal and drink....but it was nothing more than a mulched up microwave meal.


One night out with friends, at a lovely old traditional pub, four drinks £11.20....that was great, but even my friends said that was mega cheap, think we just picked a good pub:yes:


We don't earn anymore here in Aus than we did in the UK, so I find it much the sameness. Both places are too expensive for the average joe..

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I was to shocked when I came home from Perth 10yrs ago, all I wanted to do was jump back on the plane, which I did a yr later, and now 15 yrs on iam going home with my partner and kids.. Everyone thinks England is cheaper some things it is some you think OMG your robbing sods.. Hope you settle in and make ago of it, then at least you have had ago

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That's like the place I went to in glasgow. Something like £3.60 for my croissant and they wanted £9 for toast and eggs Benedict. £5 is the price for toasties and salad these days though.. Well not that far off it


Not somewhere I would eat, I'm not tight by any means but I like to get good value for money and not feel ripped off.

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One of our local cafe's in town do coffee and cake for £2.95.Its not a small piece of cake either,its massive!They usually have around 4 different varieties to choose from so good value.BHS cafes do bacon rolls and a hot drink for £2.50.I was expecting a small type roll but the roll was a large ciabbata type roll with 4 pieces of nicely cooked bacon inside!:smile:

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Not somewhere I would eat, I'm not tight by any means but I like to get good value for money and not feel ripped off.


Same here. I paid £9 for some toast egg and bacon in Guernsey and I wouldn't do that again. Guernsey was very expensive. No places like wetherspoons there! We just went to that place in glasgow because the cakes looked amazing. Then I didn't even get one.. Typical!

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Found an Australian style cafe. Nice but pricey.


I'm not sure what's particularly Australian about the menu, bar the Nutrigrain and Tim Tams. Everything else seems pretty standard fare you could get anywhere.

Good excuse to charge more though - a bit like those American Diner type of places.

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Where on earth are you and where are you drinking? I agree, there are some dodgy places to try and buy decent coffee. You have to go a bit off track - buying from Starbucks, Costa etc is no different from Dome or Gloria Jeans, but there are some fabulous little coffee shops around.

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I'll preface this by


(a) reminding everyone that I've moved back from Sydney, which has a different cost of living and lifestyle than, say, Pert or Adelaide or Brisbane and


(b) saying that I'm well aware my feelings are influenced by all the stresses of being a stranger in a strange land (I haven't lived in the UK for 30 years). Who knows, in a few months I may be loving it, but right now I just have to moan to someone and you guys are the only people available!


We've made up our minds we're going to stick it out in England for two years but right now I'm gritting my teeth when I say that. If we hadn't already invested so much money into this, I think we'd both be on the plane to Hobart tomorrow (which was our second choice).


Actually we're shell-shocked by how much money it has cost us so far. I assumed we'd be able to find a furnished flat for the first six months or so, but the standard of furnished flats is just shocking so we've had to take one unfurnished. All I can say is, thank God for Ikea, because the cost of furniture everywhere else is frightening. I'm sure it's frightening in Oz too, it's just that it's ten years since I had to buy any and I had no idea a cheap sofa cost over £500. Not to mention the exorbitant admin fees charged by estate agents (and the 3% extra they charge for overseas debit cards).


We're also finding day-to-day living costly. We've had to change our lifestyle, because in Sydney we're used to eating out once a day - whether it's breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea or dinner. We can't afford that here, it's all too dear. A big part of the problem is alcohol - most restaurants in Sydney are BYO - but food prices are higher as well. We had lunch at Nando's the other day and the meals cost us double what it costs in Sydney. An English breakfast in most cafes here is also double the price. And yes, even Wetherspoon's is expensive by comparison, though some of its specials come close. It's weird because if anything, food prices in the supermarkets seem slightly cheaper.


So suddenly we're sitting in the flat on our own for meals, which doesn't help our feelings of isolation. But hey, we can compensate for that - we're going to have more interesting things to do, like dancing and rambling and going to shows and visiting abbeys and castles, right?


Except I forgot to check the cost of travel. Rail travel is so ridiculously expensive - $100 just to get us to London, a distance no further than the Blue Mountains from Sydney. Locally, there isn't nearly as much going on as I'd expected in a city the size of Southampton.


Buy a car, you say? Everyone here talks about how expensive cars are in Australia but we're finding the second-hand market here just as dear. We can't buy a car equivalent to the one we sold in Sydney for a similar price. I guess we're feeling so poor after all the money we've already spent - and all the hurdles we've had to clear as "foreigners" trying to get bank accounts, leases etc set up - that we can't quite face spending several more thousand pounds on a car, insurance problems etc .


I'm sure it will get better but right now I'm wondering what the hell we've done.

30 years in oz. You must have really disliked australia to return after all that time. Why did you?

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If you pre book you can get a return from Birmingham to london for £12



[h=1]Birmingham International to London Euston



[TABLE=class: TicketDetailsControl]


[TH=bgcolor: #72BF44]Outward journey

11 Jul 2015


[TD=class: spacer, bgcolor: transparent][/TD]

[TH=bgcolor: #72BF44]Return journey

11 Jul 2015



[TR=class: content]

[TD=class: out IdmsOutBorder]Depart:

Birmingham Internationaldep. 07:30



London Euston, 09:27


Changes: 0 Duration: 1h 57m


1 Adult

Advance Single£6.00


Only valid on booked London Midland services and required connecting London Midland services.



Valid only on your chosen service. Not refundable. Changeable prior to date of travel for a fee.


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[TD=class: spacer, bgcolor: transparent][/TD]

[TD=class: ret IdmsRetBorder]Depart:

London Eustondep. 12:49



Birmingham International, 14:45


Changes: 0 Duration: 1h 56m


1 Adult

Advance Single£6.00


Only valid on booked London Midland services and required connecting London Midland services.



Valid only on your chosen service. Not refundable. Changeable prior to date of travel for a fee.


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[TR=class: footer]

[TD=align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: spacer, bgcolor: transparent, align: right][/TD]

[TD=align: right][/TD]




[h=1]Total: £12.00[/h]







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PlusBus for Birmingham International on Sat, Jul 11th

(Total price for all passengers: £2.00)










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Journey 1




Birmingham International to London Euston

Depart: Sat, Jul 11th, 07:30



Return: Sat, Jul 11th, 12:49









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sub total: £12.00



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Rail is so expensive because its run by private companies with monopolies on lines and with no regulation , or at least very little, of their pricing by the govt, it is crazy that booking a through ticket to places is more expensive than booking individual legs of a journey and travel at times to make sense of travelling somewhere for a day out is priced to maximise profit.



For some strange reason it was cheaper to book a ticket from a station further away from my destination rather than from my villages station. Never understood that. No one ever questioned it.

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Just a thought to the op , have you looked in your local classified section of papers at cars for sale ? Usually it's the best place to look . I'm sure you will find a reasonably priced runaround or a couple of years old

unless you want a newbie straight off the forecourt .

Tbh we were over from Perth in October last year and couldn't get over how reasonable most things were .. Saying that we were in the Midlands .

Also anywheres reasonable compared to Perth 



I would like to see how many cheaper cars people can find in Australian. Here's a UK site for comparison




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