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How did you get to Australia?


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I'm a 19 year old looking to ultimately move to Australia.

I'm at the stage now where I need to focus on a career and begin my life. The problem is i dont know which occupation to pick. It's very important that I pick a career that will get me my dream move to Australia.


I'm just interested in hearing about your experiences.

How old were you when you made the move?

Which occupation did you move with and how highly trained and experienced were you?

Was immigration always your goal or was it by coincidence that your occupation was on the SOL?

Or do any of you have any experience of the other visa options?


It would be ever so helpful to hear your stories and advice and will really help me in planning my situation.



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Why not just choose a career that you know you will enjoy,where ever you end up living?This plan of yours will take quite a lot of time and energy.From what I've read on this forum,even when you finish uni (if that's part of your plan)you will need to clock up some experience first before even thinking about emigrating.Have you got the patience to wait that long?

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I will answer your questions below (see red) but as per your other thread, I would implore you to put more thought into this. You will spend one third of your life asleep, you will spend at least another third at work if not more. Why would you not look to be spending that time doing something you enjoy? Having a purpose or yes, just enjoying it.


You claim to be academically gifted and yet you have set yourself such a low goal in life ... moving to another first world country. If you did manage to find a way to Australia, what then, I doubt just being there will provide the stimulation you need. Anyways in red....





I'm a 19 year old looking to ultimately move to Australia.

I'm at the stage now where I need to focus on a career and begin my life. The problem is i dont know which occupation to pick. It's very important that I pick a career that will get me my dream move to Australia.


I'm just interested in hearing about your experiences.

How old were you when you made the move? 40

Which occupation did you move with and how highly trained and experienced were you? Very highly trained and experienced in my occupation.

Was immigration always your goal or was it by coincidence that your occupation was on the SOL? No immigration had never been my goal, it had never crossed my mind until 12 months earlier and my occupation just happened to be on the list.

Or do any of you have any experience of the other visa options? Not personally.


It would be ever so helpful to hear your stories and advice and will really help me in planning my situation.



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Seems like you're clutching at straws seeing as you've started two threads. Don't take this as a criticism but...................yes................I was young once and do know what it's like.........but stop clutching at straws. I find it very sad that at your age, you don't have a sense of direction with your career. If you're not quite sure. then study someting that if you "fall out with" you can use as credits to pursue what you eventually decide on.


My grand daughter was studying pshychology at Lancaster University.........it had a biology module so she studied birds for that module. Every semester big break, she would come to Oz and volunteer at Australia zoo. When her course at Uni finally finished, she came out here "on spec" and Australia zoo gave her a full time job in the bird house and she presents the birds during the croc show............as much as she loves psychology (she's a weirdo ;-) she's never looked back







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I'm a 19 year old looking to ultimately move to Australia.

I'm at the stage now where I need to focus on a career and begin my life. The problem is i dont know which occupation to pick. It's very important that I pick a career that will get me my dream move to Australia.


I'm just interested in hearing about your experiences.

How old were you when you made the move?

Which occupation did you move with and how highly trained and experienced were you?

Was immigration always your goal or was it by coincidence that your occupation was on the SOL?

Or do any of you have any experience of the other visa options?


It would be ever so helpful to hear your stories and advice and will really help me in planning my situation.





If this is very important to you, and there is a job you would be happy with on the list then you best start making a plan to enter into that profession. Just don't expect this to happen overnight.

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We came over to Australia to visit my sister in Brisbane last summer, loved the place and decided to move. We were extremely fortunate that my OH is a social worker and on the list.


How about utilizing a careers service? - it is likely that your education to date, skills and interests will push you in a particular direction. I am a firm believer in a career being a vocation - I am a good solicitor but would make a hopeless social worker. Once you have a steer as to where your skills lie, you can narrow down the options from the list.


As I think I mentioned on the previous thread, you need to enjoy what you do - you could study for years and then find the role is taken off the list. You don't want to be stuck in a country you don't want to be living in, doing a job you hate.

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I came over on a spouse visa with my Australian OH. Would never have considered moving to Australia otherwise and while I am happy here I was also happy in the UK. I'm not sure what you think you can get in Australia that you can't get in the UK (apart from extreme heat and Australian rules football) but life really isn't that different here.

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I came over on a spouse visa with my Australian OH. Would never have considered moving to Australia otherwise and while I am happy here I was also happy in the UK. I'm not sure what you think you can get in Australia that you can't get in the UK (apart from extreme heat and Australian rules football) but life really isn't that different here.



Same here - married an Australian and would never have thought of living here prior to that. Happy here though could just as happily live in the UK. Both great countries.

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I'm a 19 year old looking to ultimately move to Australia.

I'm at the stage now where I need to focus on a career and begin my life. The problem is i dont know which occupation to pick. It's very important that I pick a career that will get me my dream move to Australia.


I'm just interested in hearing about your experiences.

How old were you when you made the move?

Which occupation did you move with and how highly trained and experienced were you?

Was immigration always your goal or was it by coincidence that your occupation was on the SOL?

Or do any of you have any experience of the other visa options?


It would be ever so helpful to hear your stories and advice and will really help me in planning my situation.




Not sure if this will help but thought I'd tell you our story :)

My dream from I was very young was to move to Australia, as was my husbands and were only starting the actual visa process now. My husband started working in air-con when he was 21 (worked at whatever would get us by before that) . He worked for a good while always being told 'you can get a job in air con anywhere as long as you have the experience' (not the case if you're looking to move abroad although there is the odd exception). Anyway, we saved up and started looking into applying for our visa a few years ago , soon found out my husband needed to do a lot of different courses (thinking back, duh of course he would of had to do something) . Well two years later and he has another year of his course to do before we can go anywhere (more time to save!) Luckily though, when he finishes his course he will already have the experience as he was already working. If you could find a way to do a course while you work at it, sort of like an apprenticeship, or find a summer placement while your at Uni (I done this when I studied equine science) could help you get there quicker because you'll at least have some experience (but you'll also want to get saving too!!)


Sorry can't be of more help but we haven't actually moved yet ourselves ! But finally in the process of getting our visa sorted :D good luck !

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Many people move to Australia and find they do not like it; they move back soon after getting here. Fair enough. Like you, these would all have been people who were hoping to "live the dream", have a "better life" or whatever. It just didn't work for them.


The lesson from this is that if you are eligible to move to Australia, by all means give it a go and see whether it works for you. But don't invest your whole future in something that may turn out just to be an unhappy few months. Qualify in something that looks interesting, fun - maybe even lucrative. Then the opportunities will follow. They might be opportunities to live in Australia; they might be opportunities to travel widely; they might be opportunities to become very successful right where you live now. Take the opportunities you have now, don't play life like a game of chess, always looking six moves ahead because before you know it, you'll be old, have used up all your moves, and not appreciated anything on the way. Once you reach adulthood, life goes very quickly.


Oh, and even if you do pick a profession now that is on the skills list, there's no guarantee it'll still be there when you have got the qualifications and experience.


In answer to your questions - I married an Australian and moved in my late 30s. It all happened unexpectedly - it was not part of a grand plan.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To all the young British men like you, that want to get to Australia.I can tell you a easy way to do it.If you have no trade or don't want to spend years and years training in a profession.Join the British Army,Navy, or Airforce.You can train for whatever you like. For 3 years, then apply for a transfer to the ADF.When your service is near it's end.

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To all the young British men like you, that want to get to Australia.I can tell you a easy way to do it.If you have no trade or don't want to spend years and years training in a profession.Join the British Army,Navy, or Airforce.You can train for whatever you like. For 3 years, then apply for a transfer to the ADF.When your service is near it's end.


It is not that easy to get into the British armed forces these days!

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I first went to Australia when I was 17 years old for 6 weeks. Came back and decided that I wanted to live there.


I am an industrial roofer and cladder with now 4 years experience (3 years post qualification).


Went back over to Perth in December for another 5 weeks.


Just preparing my Skills Assessment now & that will be submitted next month.


I am looking at making the move in January 2017.

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To all the young British men like you, that want to get to Australia.I can tell you a easy way to do it.If you have no trade or don't want to spend years and years training in a profession.Join the British Army,Navy, or Airforce.You can train for whatever you like. For 3 years, then apply for a transfer to the ADF.When your service is near it's end.


Rubbish. Who Knows what the ADF wants in 3 years? Engage brain before offering poor advice. As to "train for whatever you want for 3 years" They want return service for training you in a good trade and 3 yrs only just covers the training period let alone the return service to recompense them for said training

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