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UK May General Election 2015


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I think so... or certainly that at least just over half of you are :-) .. I imagine in reality it's about 5 / 6 % .. and of that half of them probably didn't bother voting.


In regards to only home owners being able to vote.. lol never heard that one before. If you applied that across the UK you may as well raise the minimum age of voters to around 30..


aye... I know we don't agree on Cameron... but that's what politics is all about.. if everyone had the same views it'd all be very boring. ;-)


It's quite noteworthy that this has come up as there are many on the right who actually still believe that universal suffrage is the wrong thing to do. The belief is that those without property will always vote to take from the wealthy so they should not be allowed that right. This is how things were in the UK less than 100 years ago and that is why establishment papers like the Telegraph are so anti-MP.

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The debt has gone up yes... It was always expected to... but the annual deficit has decreased significantly (that's the amount we borrow each year to stay afloat) ....eventually you end up with a surplus and only then can you start reducing the debt.


From a few hours ago on the BBC.

UK trade deficit worse than expected in February


No matter how you try and sell it Ben rarely has the UK been in surplus, even in the good times. The amount the country will have to pay in interest alone, at the current forecasts is more than they spend on the armed forces at present. can't see any light at the end of the tunnel and this government has been at least as bad as the Labour one that had the GFC to deal with. To come in when things were so bad, make a big issue about a letter left to say there was no money left, have a few years in government and get to the next election with a very good chance of not being elected again, shows how bad they've been. That's with a no-show of a labour leader too.

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Problem is that it would be grossly unfair to the children to make them live in poverty. Somehow Britain needs to educate that huge underclass it has of the unemployable.


I know but maybe it would make people think twice about having children they can't afford to raise.

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From a few hours ago on the BBC.

UK trade deficit worse than expected in February


No matter how you try and sell it Ben rarely has the UK been in surplus, even in the good times. The amount the country will have to pay in interest alone, at the current forecasts is more than they spend on the armed forces at present. can't see any light at the end of the tunnel and this government has been at least as bad as the Labour one that had the GFC to deal with. To come in when things were so bad, make a big issue about a letter left to say there was no money left, have a few years in government and get to the next election with a very good chance of not being elected again, shows how bad they've been. That's with a no-show of a labour leader too.

I can only assume you have no idea what the 'trade deficit' means?


The UK trade deficit will be worsening in Feb due to the weakening euro.. hence Europe becomes a more attractive region to import from than the UK. None of the has anything to do with our debt as a nation though.


Basically all this means is we have imported more than we have exported. .

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I'm no expert on British politics but hasn't the UK's debt gone up astronomically under this government? Still rising every day too. Unemployment is still pretty high and that's with the zero hour contracts and low salaries that people are locked into and have to accept, just to keep a job.




The ONS said unemployment declined by 102,000, to 1.86m in the three months to January, while employment continued to rise rapidly, to a fresh record high. The unemployment rate was 5.7%.On the more timely claimant count measure, which tracks the number of people in receipt of out-of-work benefits, there were 791,200 unemployed people, down by 31,000 from January.








This was the lowest claimant count score since 1975 — though the ONS is working on an alternative measure, to take into account the shift to “universal credit”.


Both from the Ultra Right Wing Guardian


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Good post Thom, demonstrates that Conservatives are always called on to help the country in drawing back on Labour overspending. It would be suicide to elect Labour at this stage.


From what I read, Labour are cornered regarding Scotland, SNP will back Labour if they agree to no nuclear and to a further independence vote! Really!! Red Ed will be the prime minister who broke UK apart, significantly weakened UK's defences and breaks their finances simply to win an election and save his job. He should do the best thing for the UK and stand back and allow the Conservatives to continue in repairing the country even if unpopular.



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Good post Thom, demonstrates that Conservatives are always called on to help the country in drawing back on Labour overspending. It would be suicide to elect Labour at this stage.


From what I read, Labour are cornered regarding Scotland, SNP will back Labour if they agree to no nuclear and to a further independence vote! Really!! Red Ed will be the prime minister who broke UK apart, significantly weakened UK's defences and breaks their finances simply to win an election and save his job. He should do the best thing for the UK and stand back and allow the Conservatives to continue in repairing the country even if unpopular.




ps Grauniad is read by teachers and hippy like people, definitely left wing.

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Both from the Ultra Right Wing Guardian


And the ultra Marxist Office for National Statistics too hey?:wink:

Keep on deluding yourself fellas.


Just like yourselves the government doesn't understand how to properly read statistics and instead get confused from time to time. But only when they are trying to scare the population, or to try and improve the record of the government.

Thankfully the heads of the agencies that release these statistics have regularly written to the government to help them understand what all of these confusing numbers REALLY mean...



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Oh well, if you rely on "kittysjones's" blog for your information, who are we to argue?




quote_icon.png Originally Posted by paulvviewpost-right.png


It's quite noteworthy that this has come up as there are many on the right who actually still believe that universal suffrage is the wrong thing to do.


Your evidence for that?

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Good post Thom, demonstrates that Conservatives are always called on to help the country in drawing back on Labour overspending. It would be suicide to elect Labour at this stage.



So that graph tells me that the current Conservative government has borrowed more than any UK government in history? Which I knew anyway but nice to have it confirmed... Even the rogue 2008/9 figures were caused by the GFC. If the Conservatives had been in power then their borrowing would have been at least as high.

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Good post Thom, demonstrates that Conservatives are always called on to help the country in drawing back on Labour overspending. It would be suicide to elect Labour at this stage.


From what I read, Labour are cornered regarding Scotland, SNP will back Labour if they agree to no nuclear and to a further independence vote! Really!! Red Ed will be the prime minister who broke UK apart, significantly weakened UK's defences and breaks their finances simply to win an election and save his job. He should do the best thing for the UK and stand back and allow the Conservatives to continue in repairing the country even if unpopular.




Amazing you get that conclusion from the post srg. The only times there was a surplus was when Gordon Brown was in charge and a small bit when John Major was in charge. What is blindingly obvious is the GFC timing and what that did to the UK. Wouldn't have been much different whatever government had been in.

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Labour governments accrued debt at almost three times the pace of conservative governments over the last hundred years. On top of that, the Conservative governments of the 20s and late 80s did some work at getting the debt as a percentage of GDP under control.

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Labour governments accrued debt at almost three times the pace of conservative governments over the last hundred years. On top of that, the Conservative governments of the 20s and late 80s did some work at getting the debt as a percentage of GDP under control.


If it were all so simple as that Thom then the Labour Government would never be elected again and the country would be rolling in money. What becomes clear when a Conservative government is in is the rich get richer, the working man, people who are going through a hard time, the sick, the poorer paid, get poorer or sicker.

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Guest John from Moneycorp

Hi all


Not been following this thread from the start so not sure if anyone posted this previously.


The link below anonymously details party policies – you decide which ones you like most for welfare, education, immigration, economy etc (you choose, whatever issues are important to you) and then it tells you which party you’re most aligned with. For some policies it’s pretty obvious to see which party is which but worthwhile to see them all detailed like that anyway.







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To be fair for some of the categories i agreed with all or almost all of the options so I must have clicked tories and ukip at one point. It just made me remember though that politicians say all this stuff and then don't do half of it. I include all parties in that one so it isn't a dig at any one

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