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UK May General Election 2015


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Agree with most of the above. What sent a shiver down my spine was talk of Labour n SNP coalition, they would empty your pockets, tax heavily and break the country almost overnight. The minor parties including UKIP should be treated with care, they are amature and extreme in their opinions, single policy parties with no thought other policies! UKIP and Conservatives is too far right, Conservatives and Lib not ideal but best mix. Lab n UKIP won't happen, Lab n SNP please no! Lab n Lib far left and will financially break the country in trying to control and reverse recent changes with no good reason.


It really is best of a bad lot!



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You don't want SNP? Isn't Scotland a important part of this union and we're all "better together". So that means Scotland votes for who it wants. I apologise for that not suiting some people. A bit like us getting Tory governments that most if us don't want

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I was going to ask about a labour and lib dem but I've just read that it would break the country. Sounds like it's going to be interesting then if it's not going to be a clear labour or conservative victory :unsure: I can't believe I'm sticking up for UKIP but one of the good things about the smaller parties is that they can sometimes make the bigger ones that they can't always take voters for granted. If that makes sense. We will have to see what happens

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But you say you'd vote UKIP as a protest. And if they deliver the referendum and we stay in the EU - then where does that party go?


The point is Farage wants Labour to win the 2015 election. If the Tories win then a Euro referendum will almost certainly held by 2017, and if the result is to stay in the EU, then UKIP are finished. If it is to leave, then UKIP's work is done - either way UKIP wouldn't really have any reason to exist after 2017/8.


But if Labour win in 2015, the Conservatives will implode (or explode...), probably into two pieces: a moderate right-of-centre group, and an anti-EU hard right party - and Farage is planning to link UKIP to the latter and take it over as leader. That is what he is plotting right now. Every vote he takes from the Conservatives (5 times more than he takes from Labour) brings Ed Miliband closer to an election victory - which is exactly what Farage wants...





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Guest Amelie
I was going to ask about a labour and lib dem but I've just read that it would break the country. Sounds like it's going to be interesting then if it's not going to be a clear labour or conservative victory :unsure: I can't believe I'm sticking up for UKIP but one of the good things about the smaller parties is that they can sometimes make the bigger ones that they can't always take voters for granted. If that makes sense. We will have to see what happens


You are absolutely spot on there. That is the fundamental issue of the Conservatives and Labour, particularly Labour…they won't and cannot believe the amount of support UKIP currently receives. Sky News keeps quoting poll numbers against each party from different media channels….I have no idea who is voting on these polls? I don't think that the numbers quoted via these polls are accurate against how people will vote on election day.


It will be interesting to see what the results will be after 7th May.

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You don't want SNP? Isn't Scotland a important part of this union and we're all "better together". So that means Scotland votes for who it wants. I apologise for that not suiting some people. A bit like us getting Tory governments that most if us don't want


So we get a Lab/SNP alliance, with a mandate to split the UK and to drain UK confers to prop up Scotland? You at least have the opportunity to vote for or against the Conservative party, we in England, do not get a chance to vote against the SNP.

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David Cameron seems like a very nice bloke.

I'm sure he will get a 2nd term.


He won the 'Better Together' campaign and I think people like him



I had to check the date - funniest thing I've read in years. April fool to you too!

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We can pick on many things that x government did wrong - money wasted, soldiers sent to wars that only benefit oil and construction companies, IT projects over running etc. But these are the mistakes that all governments make - and hindsight is a wonderful thing. By all means vote UKIP but don't buy the propaganda about labour causing the GFC as it was a worldwide crisis and we came out of it much better than might have been because us taxpayers bailed out the banks. Look at borrowing figures and they were well within average range up until 2007/8 when the crisi hit / and its increased ever since.

Only this morning the Tories were blaming the GFC for poor growth in the last 5 years so even they know they are being disingenuous blaming Labour.

i too care about those in need in the UK but you can bet your bottom dollar any money supposedly 'saved' from foreign aid will be lost in tax breaks for businesses that already avoid tax - your old and infirm loved ones will be left to the dogs.


Once again I take your point .....but hundreds of young men and women dying in the armed services in Iraq and Afghanistan is a war crime not a mistake....

Putting the wrong fuel in your car is a mistake....taking a wrong turn is a mistake

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Once again I take your point .....but hundreds of young men and women dying in the armed services in Iraq and Afghanistan is a war crime not a mistake....

Putting the wrong fuel in your car is a mistake....taking a wrong turn is a mistake


History will show that the intervention by bush and Blair in Iraq was the catalyst for ww3......whilst Saddam Hussein ...ghaddaffi...mubarak and Assad were in control ,a lid was kept on things....now pandoras box has been opened,and there is no shutting the lid.

When the bastard who is running the country is ousted.....all the other bastards fight to take his place.

Look at the mess over Libya....we back the rebels with arms and air strikes...ghaddaffi is ousted.....cameron stands with the libyan people , a victory for democracy he called it....now look at Libya

We are now backing the wrong side in Syria...for all his faults,Assad protected all minorities,including the christians.

Now look at Syria.....little christian boys and girls being beheaded for refusing to convert

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History will show that the intervention by bush and Blair in Iraq was the catalyst for ww3......whilst Saddam Hussein ...ghaddaffi...mubarak and Assad were in control ,a lid was kept on things....now pandoras box has been opened,and there is no shutting the lid.

When the bastard who is running the country is ousted.....all the other bastards fight to take his place.

Look at the mess over Libya....we back the rebels with arms and air strikes...ghaddaffi is ousted.....cameron stands with the libyan people , a victory for democracy he called it....now look at Libya

We are now backing the wrong side in Syria...for all his faults,Assad protected all minorities,including the christians.

Now look at Syria.....little christian boys and girls being beheaded for refusing to convert

Sounds like a pretty good argument to have left Hitler and Mussolini in control of Germany and Italy to me. Order before human rights?

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You don't want SNP? Isn't Scotland a important part of this union and we're all "better together". So that means Scotland votes for who it wants. I apologise for that not suiting some people. A bit like us getting Tory governments that most if us don't want


I think peoples fear is that a very small minority of people effectively will have control if theres an SNP coalition. I understand where you are coming from on Scotland being subjected to a Tory government but the argument is flawed in that the majority of Britains voted Tory, the majority will not vote SNP and theres a real fear they will just be out for themselves/Scotland not the entire country.

Lib Dems have had their critics but they haven't held back the country to further their own objectives in the last 5 years.


Now if the people of Scotland do not wish to be controlled potentially by people elected south of the border they have had several chances to correct this, we south of the border have never had a choice. 5 million Scots cant control the power of 60 million others.

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Once again I take your point .....but hundreds of young men and women dying in the armed services in Iraq and Afghanistan is a war crime not a mistake....

Putting the wrong fuel in your car is a mistake....taking a wrong turn is a mistake


As someone who has served in Afghanistan I can tell you it is not a war crime and saying it is belittles the term.

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