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Kiwi living in Aus wanting to move "home" to the UK


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Good on you. the fact you say you have family in the UK who love it. The proof is in the pudding of people. Go for your dreams and move back.


I have been moving since the age I guess of 20! I't not about me being right or arrogant, just what I have experienced with an open mind and honesty. I still believe Ireland, Scotland, England are NZ are very liveable "for me" from where I have lived and experienced. If others think Australia has been so right for them , let us know why! free speech!

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If uve made up ya mind kiwi aus .....the uk is a good life aswell ....yes I agree with Ramot there is people visiting food banks my mother and father in law run one at the church ...and she delivers food to people too so I know what goes on ...l

but it happens here also ...still homeless ....my hubbie and son and me fed a homeless guy for 3 months when we lived at southbank when we first arrived here ....me hubby cooked his tea everynight and my lad took it him lol .....and you see people struggling here going food banks the same pretty much .....



my dil dil to be and her sister went a spa weekend with a open fire cocktails in the pool I was gutted having there feet done and a massage I was well jel haha ...went Lake District week before ,...my friend Is inamsterdam ATM ...my friend Denise had a cocktails and meals out over weekend ,,,,my friends and family so pretty much same as us here apart from I'm seeing there pics on fb and thinking they are being very rude in deed when I'm stuck in lol ....my other mates off to Cuba ....my hairdressers on fb having a great paddys day ....they r living it up ...I am aware though it's not so great for some but that's pretty much world over I would say :) uk isn't that bad ...infact I doubt a lot would be here if it offered the weather lol

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Oh I am still going please bear with me. Experiences!


Moved to UK on my honeymoon (did not quite have), but, thought oh I am sure will love UK and I do have Irish and Scottish ancestory. My newly wed hubby left, I followed. But guess what! I had never found people so nice, inviting, friendly, and made great friends in England. Moved back NZ, still nice, and included family, very liveable, but still not as friendly as UK! Came to Australia, career prospects for my hubby, fair enough!


Guess what, still waiting for the friendliness or any kind of social contact.! nearly 7 years later!


Heavens above! I made friends straight away. We moved from Sydney to Perth then back to Sydney and now we are in Tasmania. I have found people to be very friendly and welcoming wherever we have lived.

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And I was reading a article tonight ...still got the benefit cheats here ....a woman got her own house here taking the rent from it but claiming there version of our council house and benefits it's no different we just don't see it lol ...I made friends here ...some I'd rather not associate myself with and some lovely ....but some live miles away of kilometers away lol or busy working and u can only catch up once a month lol :)

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Oh I am still going please bear with me. Experiences!


Moved to UK on my honeymoon (did not quite have), but, thought oh I am sure will love UK and I do have Irish and Scottish ancestory. My newly wed hubby left, I followed. But guess what! I had never found people so nice, inviting, friendly, and made great friends in England. Moved back NZ, still nice, and included family, very liveable, but still not as friendly as UK! Came to Australia, career prospects for my hubby, fair enough!


Guess what, still waiting for the friendliness or any kind of social contact.! nearly 7 years later!


Have you ever considered people are attracted to friendly and/or positive people and tend to avoid unfriendly and/or negative people?

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Have you ever considered people are attracted to friendly and/or positive people and tend to avoid unfriendly and/or negative people?



I am am friendly ...and not usually negative, have been since being here so I don't think it's that ....I saw someone here go from being posotive on top of the world infact ...hubby lost his job which is a shame ....to negative about the whole place in a matter of days ....ya see I see a bit of all right jack going on ....I'm aware people look after there own family's and have too , but when someone's down on their luck or just don't like the place everyone throws the negative card ....if it was shoe on the other foot and my friends were negative over something I would listen to them .


I had had a friend say to me well obviously not a friend because of what she said ....I said no work about ...she turned and said of course there's effing work about lol , people don't see the big picture that's all :) well I'm not negative just realistic I say lol if I sound negative I don't mean too :) and also people are fibbing too , they are saying everything's Rosie , then actually it's not so they arnt being truthful :)!

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Some people I have come across ...I sent one money cus she was struggling I added her to my fb and she was going away for the weekend ...who the fool soft sod me lol ...then I came across a bunny boiler I couldn't breath with her I couldn't talk to anyone else , I couldn't go out with anyone else my hubbie spotted it not me ...at the end of the day everyone isn't everyone's cup of tea ya will not get back ya friends ya had in uk ...well maybe ya will eventually :):)



i also also have had friends what r friends with friends...they talk about u behind ya back and think u won't find out lol ...well they are still friends which is fair enough ...but what I find hilarious they are talking about each other ...I don't want be part of that no thanks ! Having said that I have got a couple of good ones ...and really how many do ya need it's not quantity it's quality :)

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If uve made up ya mind kiwi aus .....the uk is a good life aswell ....yes I agree with Ramot there is people visiting food banks my mother and father in law run one at the church ...and she delivers food to people too so I know what goes on ...l

but it happens here also ...still homeless ....my hubbie and son and me fed a homeless guy for 3 months when we lived at southbank when we first arrived here ....me hubby cooked his tea everynight and my lad took it him lol .....and you see people struggling here going food banks the same pretty much .....



my dil dil to be and her sister went a spa weekend with a open fire cocktails in the pool I was gutted having there feet done and a massage I was well jel haha ...went Lake District week before ,...my friend Is inamsterdam ATM ...my friend Denise had a cocktails and meals out over weekend ,,,,my friends and family so pretty much same as us here apart from I'm seeing there pics on fb and thinking they are being very rude in deed when I'm stuck in lol ....my other mates off to Cuba ....my hairdressers on fb having a great paddys day ....they r living it up ...I am aware though it's not so great for some but that's pretty much world over I would say :) uk isn't that bad ...infact I doubt a lot would be here if it offered the weather lol


Shelly I have never mentioned anything about food banks?

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Evening Gough Whitlam


I am back. I am now looking forward to hearing your story and response.


We have had a logical discussion, and are now are decided at our decision that we move back to the UK at the end of 2017. It was not the right time for us to move at the end of this year, it would have been heart overruling logic and benefits.


We will save up the first year of international fees for our eldest daughter at university to safeguard. Best we can do. We are not moving back for her when we have a big pay rise due next year. It might sound like we have lots of money, but we

don't. Lost a ton in an investment. Our mistake, we own up, not complaining. But we will get it back. And we will eventually end up in UK because we love it over there. But sometimes you just have to wait that little bit longer and not wait.


Experiences please. Who felt like they rushed to a different country and how did it turn out? Who waited a bit longer, and was that right or not? Look forward to replies, Kiwi being very patient in Aus, longing to get back to UK.:rolleyes:

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Who has recently moved back and why?? who has decided to wait and why??


For those who moved back what are their thoughts of the "current" UK?


Anybody from another country want to leave and head back to UK but want to hear about experiences, please post.


I am intending to stay longer in Australia, but does not mean I will not lap up and info/experiences out there . It's supportive to people leaving from any country. Keep in touch. :wink:

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I'm waiting to see how things go ...if go well I'll stay ...if I think we flogging a dead horse I'll go ...actually ...I just want my life back to normality this isn't normal to me lol :) some might think I'm not normal but that's another story ;) I don't mean work wise he will get work ....I just don't want it to be anywhere ...I carnt live apart :)

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We left NZ 9 months before the Christchurch earthquake happened, we lived in Rangiora. Just in time for the Ipswich Qld floods. But we were OK. So always something positive to find. I have to adjust an earlier comment. My teenage daughter does reassure me that some state schools in Queensland are good, and this is true. She was the happiest at the one state school we tried. In general I feel the schooling in Queensland lags behind the rest of Australia. We lived for six months in NSW. And I think again that schooling in Australia is not as good as England or NZ. But always exceptions, as I know Starlight above will be pleased to hear, that Melbourne University is one of the best in the world. Each to their own, but I find Australia has gone down hill of recent times and is not as good as it used to be. Certainly the cost of living has got ridiculous and what is going of with house prices? Poor future generations.


As we get older and have a chance to move and make the most out of life, why not??? A big world out there and something for all of us.


I would make the following comments having returned after 9.5 yrs, and much older than you are probably-

The weather is a downer, this winter has seemed interminable, grey skies wet, windy and the short days for almost 4 months are baaaad

The education system under the tories has just become an education factory, look for Labours jeremy hunt speech today on education reform, the tories are exam fixated and have made education very pressurised whilst also reducing expenditure and channelling resources to privatised academies.

Every bit of social provision is being cut to the bone with promises of yet more cuts to everything including policing, armed services and councils are just being hammered, essex turns its street lights off at midnight.

The railways are expensive, £630 for a month from ipswich to paddington, and the roads are very full, driving standards are much better.

The politics and politicians better than Oz but still incredibly grubby , much more so than i remember and the tories are pushing the country back to the 1920's as fast as they can, there is a growing sense of entitlement on the behalf of those with money which is being picked up by those with a right wing allegiance and an incredible campaign of vilifying anybody who gets any kind of state benefit or costs the country money, the latest one is to make obese people lose weight and get back in the workplace or they lose their benefits, not stop the manufacturers stuffing the supermarkets with bigger and bigger packets of crisps and biscuits.

Endless scandals of banks and financiers fiddling and evading taxes.

jobs are difficult to get especially for the young even with degrees, you need a masters now to guarantee a job, jobs are very center specific with most opportunities in london and the southeast.

Property prices are very high and continue to rise faster than inflation with very little on the market so that there is a scarcity premium.

Old style pubs are closing at an alarming rate and most are now eateries, rather than pubs, with a lot of rather indifferent food

On the upside supermarket wars are making food cheaper and the quality of it is good and they are bargains to be had, single malt at £25.

utilities are expensive, and a rip off, but still a little cheaper, telephone and broadband very cheap and fast so longer as you are in a built up area.

the tv is a lot better and radio is incomparably better

Wages are stagnating for the vast majority and the future looks bleak for the next 3-5 yrs for most people

The NHS is struggling with poor management and a lack of resources and hospitals are being accused of poor care and incompetance

Child sex abuse scandals are popping up all over the place with scandals now involving politicians and cronies dating back 40 years or more and accusations of police and social services wilfully closing their eyes to it.

Am I glad to be back, well as i have no children, and are reasonably well off economically, on balance I would say yes, and all tho there are all of the above, the problems do get some airing in the media and people are upbraided for their failures and they are made to squirm and even resign over some the fiascos and there are more options about how you slice your personal bit of cake, just so long as you know you can get a big enough piece of cake to slice.

I really would not want to be here if you were poor, without qualifications or specific skills or living outside a major conurbation, or having to rent long termly, I think it would be very grim in the cold to be poor here.

You might also want to think seriously about what the implications are for you in pension terms, you might want to look at how many years you will have to work for your full pension in the uk and what the regs will allow you to do in the uk with a private pension and how it would be taxed in the uk against how it would be treated in oz.

So what have i ended up saying, as an oldie coming back there have been challenges which without money to insulate us and employment for my wife in a specialised field it might not have played out well.

Despite feeling much more at home and liking the options that the uk gives and tbh without my pension entitlements which i continued to pay into it might have been a lot more insecure.

For someone younger with children i might feel that this is not the time to bale out unless i knew i was going to be well insulated from the very cold and cruel wind which is sweeping the uk at the moment , i think i might look very closely at the economics of the whole exercise, especially if I had a good paying job in Oz, i might think to my self to start a moving fund and start to think about house price inflation in one country against the other and when to sell and buy and then to rent and start to look at pensions and start paying NI back home with a view to a long term plan .

I might start and look what other options there are in oz workwise and location and i might start and look at the education options in both countries, I'm not convinced that the uk system is that much better than oz and the cost here is now very high and for the best unis is very very competitive and private schools very expensive.

sorry to have rambled and is very much stream of consciousness but hope it helps you to see without rose tinted glasses.

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I would make the following comments having returned after 9.5 yrs, and much older than you are probably-

The weather is a downer, this winter has seemed interminable, grey skies wet, windy and the short days for almost 4 months are baaaad

The education system under the tories has just become an education factory, look for Labours jeremy hunt speech today on education reform, the tories are exam fixated and have made education very pressurised whilst also reducing expenditure and channelling resources to privatised academies.

Every bit of social provision is being cut to the bone with promises of yet more cuts to everything including policing, armed services and councils are just being hammered, essex turns its street lights off at midnight.

The railways are expensive, £630 for a month from ipswich to paddington, and the roads are very full, driving standards are much better.

The politics and politicians better than Oz but still incredibly grubby , much more so than i remember and the tories are pushing the country back to the 1920's as fast as they can, there is a growing sense of entitlement on the behalf of those with money which is being picked up by those with a right wing allegiance and an incredible campaign of vilifying anybody who gets any kind of state benefit or costs the country money, the latest one is to make obese people lose weight and get back in the workplace or they lose their benefits, not stop the manufacturers stuffing the supermarkets with bigger and bigger packets of crisps and biscuits.

Endless scandals of banks and financiers fiddling and evading taxes.

jobs are difficult to get especially for the young even with degrees, you need a masters now to guarantee a job, jobs are very center specific with most opportunities in london and the southeast.

Property prices are very high and continue to rise faster than inflation with very little on the market so that there is a scarcity premium.

Old style pubs are closing at an alarming rate and most are now eateries, rather than pubs, with a lot of rather indifferent food

On the upside supermarket wars are making food cheaper and the quality of it is good and they are bargains to be had, single malt at £25.

utilities are expensive, and a rip off, but still a little cheaper, telephone and broadband very cheap and fast so longer as you are in a built up area.

the tv is a lot better and radio is incomparably better

Wages are stagnating for the vast majority and the future looks bleak for the next 3-5 yrs for most people

The NHS is struggling with poor management and a lack of resources and hospitals are being accused of poor care and incompetance

Child sex abuse scandals are popping up all over the place with scandals now involving politicians and cronies dating back 40 years or more and accusations of police and social services wilfully closing their eyes to it.

Am I glad to be back, well as i have no children, and are reasonably well off economically, on balance I would say yes, and all tho there are all of the above, the problems do get some airing in the media and people are upbraided for their failures and they are made to squirm and even resign over some the fiascos and there are more options about how you slice your personal bit of cake, just so long as you know you can get a big enough piece of cake to slice.

I really would not want to be here if you were poor, without qualifications or specific skills or living outside a major conurbation, or having to rent long termly, I think it would be very grim in the cold to be poor here.

You might also want to think seriously about what the implications are for you in pension terms, you might want to look at how many years you will have to work for your full pension in the uk and what the regs will allow you to do in the uk with a private pension and how it would be taxed in the uk against how it would be treated in oz.

So what have i ended up saying, as an oldie coming back there have been challenges which without money to insulate us and employment for my wife in a specialised field it might not have played out well.

Despite feeling much more at home and liking the options that the uk gives and tbh without my pension entitlements which i continued to pay into it might have been a lot more insecure.

For someone younger with children i might feel that this is not the time to bale out unless i knew i was going to be well insulated from the very cold and cruel wind which is sweeping the uk at the moment , i think i might look very closely at the economics of the whole exercise, especially if I had a good paying job in Oz, i might think to my self to start a moving fund and start to think about house price inflation in one country against the other and when to sell and buy and then to rent and start to look at pensions and start paying NI back home with a view to a long term plan .

I might start and look what other options there are in oz workwise and location and i might start and look at the education options in both countries, I'm not convinced that the uk system is that much better than oz and the cost here is now very high and for the best unis is very very competitive and private schools very expensive.

sorry to have rambled and is very much stream of consciousness but hope it helps you to see without rose tinted glasses.


Wow what a very indept and quality insight, thanks for your post. It should be very informative to many now feeling displaced and wondering if the grass is greener back in the UK. :wubclub:

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For a lot of people the grass is definitely greener back in the UK. Some prefer Australia. For the most part, poms and kiwis I have met in Australia are definitely looking forward to leaving Australia.


BackToDemocracy, I can not comment re the political situation over there at the mo as not really up to date. Are you really that confident that the government is any better in Australia? Constant swapping,

backstabbing, party members walking out etc and I am not really sure I have witnessed any good been done for some time for the people of Australia.


In the time I have been on the Sunshine Coast it is a fact that unemployment has risen and is now at its highest, the foodbanks can not keep up with demand and crime has got worst as people have got

desperate. It sounds like in certain areas of the UK things are bad, but the same here too. The same could be found in any country I am sure, just to varying degrees.


The weather may be grey for 4 months and you have to pay heating bills, but here the weather is boiling for 8 months (and has gotten way hotter since you left) and you have to pay to have the air con or

the fans running for 8 months of the year! People die from the intense heat as well!


I am disappointed to hear your comment about the old style pubs closing. Is this really true? I loved those. Surely all those lovely villages still have the many family pubs still being popular? In my opinion

people eat out a lot more in the UK and socialise a lot more than here. I think there is a bigger support network over there. The fact Australia is so big and people are isolated here has to factor in.


Yes grim to be poor in UK but also grim to be poor in Australia. Australia is now one of the most expensive places to live in the world!


Good point re the pensions and something everyone considering returning to the UK needs to look into. We still have our pensions in UK set up and are planning to retire in UK anyway. Interesting to read

your comments and my hubby enjoyed your views on the politics. Cheers.

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For a lot of people the grass is definitely greener back in the UK. Some prefer Australia. For the most part, poms and kiwis I have met in Australia are definitely looking forward to leaving Australia.


BackToDemocracy, I can not comment re the political situation over there at the mo as not really up to date. Are you really that confident that the government is any better in Australia? Constant swapping,

backstabbing, party members walking out etc and I am not really sure I have witnessed any good been done for some time for the people of Australia.


In the time I have been on the Sunshine Coast it is a fact that unemployment has risen and is now at its highest, the foodbanks can not keep up with demand and crime has got worst as people have got

desperate. It sounds like in certain areas of the UK things are bad, but the same here too. The same could be found in any country I am sure, just to varying degrees.


The weather may be grey for 4 months and you have to pay heating bills, but here the weather is boiling for 8 months (and has gotten way hotter since you left) and you have to pay to have the air con or

the fans running for 8 months of the year! People die from the intense heat as well!


I am disappointed to hear your comment about the old style pubs closing. Is this really true? I loved those. Surely all those lovely villages still have the many family pubs still being popular? In my opinion

people eat out a lot more in the UK and socialise a lot more than here. I think there is a bigger support network over there. The fact Australia is so big and people are isolated here has to factor in.


Yes grim to be poor in UK but also grim to be poor in Australia. Australia is now one of the most expensive places to live in the world!


Good point re the pensions and something everyone considering returning to the UK needs to look into. We still have our pensions in UK set up and are planning to retire in UK anyway. Interesting to read

your comments and my hubby enjoyed your views on the politics. Cheers.


I am not sure the full political rantings of backtodemocracy are something that somebody moving back needs to be mindful of. UK is a democracy, like Australia, and some people will like the government of the day and some won't and in any case they come and go. I wouldn't let political views come into a decision to move, well I mean I wouldn't move somewhere with sharia law but would be happy with any democracy.


I returned in January and the weather has been superb. Obviously not superbly hot and sunny, but it has been mainly dry and crisp. Much easier than I thought it would be and it was nice to dress up in cold weather clothes too. It is perfectly manageable so long as you dress right.


I live in a country area and there are pubs everywhere, our local is absolutely booming. But I agree that a pub is more for eating out nowadays, not just for drinking. They still retain atmosphere, friendliness and quaint appearance though.

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You do what is right for u ....I carnt see the grass being greener to me in any country , had it good there and it's nice here also ...but for a lot or some people the way the work situation is ...I can hardly believe they will go on to do something else especially in a career what takes yrs to get ., I also don't think ATM the oppertunities are better for kids here ....u create ya own future , and yes we did in uk , took a chance here and bad timing , I for one if this doesn't go to plan this time , will be arranging to go back ...I haven't come to live apart not a chance what is the point of that , ok I'm hoping it's a temp thing and it should be but we will Afto see how things go ....


its no no good me saying yes yippee it's working out well jump in head first on a house and all the rest of it to fall flat on my face ....I'm just not putting all my eggs in one basket ATM .



People will know what's right really for them , I do live with one regret though a little ...the 5 weeks my hubby took get a job and he saw the back end of things and nothing coming through we should of cut our losses then ....but you think it will get better and ya hoping it will ...but actually 2:5 yrs in we still in limbo , I don't understand all the political stuff too complicated for me lol ...but is won't base my decision on it ....if I hadn't got kids loving it I think I would of thrown the towel in by now . Just being cautious not negative , it's no good crying over spilt milk if it goes tits up , I want to leave my options open at least until my hubby gives me the green light at the moment he's on amber lol if it gets to red we will be off :):)!

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Also things in uk are just done differently ...ya haven't got the sunshine as much and the heat ....you have long evenings in uk in summertime though ...my mates were all out at the grove or hotel in Chester this weekend staying over ...today theve gone a footie match ....they are always out ...cold mayb but u dress for the weather ...I miss my boots and my coat and hat and scarf at times lol ...they go ice skating and my son was in asda otherday his trolley full to the brim with variety I could of jumped through the fb screen and pinched a few things off him ....of course I want it to work here I haven't come this far for the fun of it , but I'm being very cautious at the moment that's all :) if ya sold up in uk and uve invested here in property you got no choice ..I have a sort of choice hopefully hang on for citizen and we shall see do what's right for u kiwi in oz ...I'm sure u will :)!



and if I go back a big if ......but still a if .....I av it all worked out ......I will have my garage converted into a bar lol , a Bali hut with a hot tub , a conservatory put on , I shall go away every other weekend and fly off abroad 3 times a yr like b4 , I will be out every fri with me mates , and I might buy another caravan haha . I'll be there for birthdays weddings get togethers , we still have the Drayton manors the Alton towers , we have different city's for shopping and we will av christmas haha a proper one ! :) either way I won't come off bad !

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Bungo, so pleased to see your positive comments, especially about the English pubs. I am now going off to watch my River Cottage in winter very cheerfully, while sweating like a pig with our 3rd day of high humidity and heat

and thunderstorms! Do people in UK realise it is not just the heat over here, but there is lots of rain with the thunderstorms!?


Shellybingobingo you are fascinating. Bless you.:laugh: You might go back to UK and convert your garage with a Bali hut and hot tub? Oh go for it! I love asda. Definitely prefer English supermarkets, I honestly think every apple

I have tried here recently have no taste. The fruit and veg have become sooooooo bad in Australia. Most imported and transported and no flavour for big costs! and how do you grow fresh vegies and herbs in Queensland?

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No the Bali hut and hot tub will be in my back garden haha with the led lights and the music lol ....in my garage I will convert to a bar have the front bricked up and a bow window put in ....I want a Wurlitzer juke box hahaha I have it all planned if it goes belly up here ....and my hubbie rang just half hr ago he's at woodman point reading a book lol he said it's packed with family's ...I said well we shud be together he said he knows ...he be back in a few week booking his flight this week carnt wait ...and I said let's go uk for christmas ...so he said if ya want ...so we booking up to go back for christmas for just over two weeks ...carnt do another christmas here haha not the same :):) yes apples don't taste like apples as we know haha ...I don't grow my own herbs I buy em lol did back in uk also lol :) the thing with me in uk I was always out doing something ....I was decorating I was always looking for the next thing to do quite hypo like that ....here ATMm stuck in limbo and carnt move forward ....I know what's wrong with me I need more to focus on than a bucket and a mop ....and a tele and a bed if my oh was here be different but won't be long lol :) my kids r living it up haha I'm glad though :)

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The fruit and veg have become sooooooo bad in Australia. Most imported and transported and no flavour for big costs! and how do you grow fresh vegies and herbs in Queensland?


Now you're being really ridiculous.. :no:


Hardly any fruit and vegetables are imported into Australia. They don't need to import it. Australia grows its own.


Haven't you heard of the Lockyer Valley, Darling Downs, Childers, Granite Belt? All prime vegetable growing areas and all in Queensland. Most of it quite close to you, too.

Have you never heard of Queensland bananas, avocados, mangoes, pineapples, oranges?


By all means have a whinge about what you don't like here, but be careful - some of your comments just illustrate how little you know. :wink:

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