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Graduate primary teacher needs help for a 457 visa!


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I am graduate Primary School Teacher wishing to move to Perth with my boyfriend (whom already has been granted a 190 visa).

My occupation has been moved onto the CSOL as a schedule 2, which now means I cannot continue with my 190 visa application myself, I have to apply for 457 subclass (190) visa and the criteria for that is that I have a contract of employment for teaching.


I have recently sen off my documents to AITSL to be skilled assessed and these can take up to 10 weeks for a decision. The reason that I am not being added as a de facto on my boyfriends visa is that we have never lived together in the 4 years that we have been together, this is for a number of reasons such as, work and university. I am currently working in Moscow as an English Governess, I have been doing this job since graduation University so that I could save up enough money to move out and start my life in Australia.


Any guidance or help in regard to the visa process and more importantly, the job, I would be eternally grateful.


Many thanks!



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Primary school teachers just aren't in demand here, thats why its not on the SOL. There are so many new Australian graduates that can't get jobs... to be honest, I think you are going to struggle finding a job that offer a 457. If you are under 30, and from an eligible country, you are probably better off getting a working holiday visa, moving in with your boyfriend, living together here and then trying to go down the partner visa route if you can.

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There are other options, your boyfriend is a PR, therefore prospective marriage visa would be most likely option rather than going Down the skilled migration. If you are able to live together for 12 months then you could apply for a partner visa instead of the prospective marriage visa first.


Are you eligible for a working holiday visa?

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Thanks for all of your feedback everyone, this is exactly what I thought the case would be.


Sadly I am working in Moscow at the moment, so there is no way that we can live together as he lives and works in the UK. That is what our relationship has been like for the past 18 months, although I did take a career break for four months just passed and lived with him them but my name is on no bills, I just get basic mail there.


Before I graduated from university, I was away in London for it and he worked away all over the UK in electrics and he also travelled for 6 months. It is so annoying that we need utility bills and so forth to prove that we are in a relationship. He has already accepted his 190 visa as we thought that I could apply for the same but we have found out now that it is too late for me. I can't see a way that he can add me his now that he has accepted his invite and is due to pay for his visa in the next two week. I don't want it to hinder his process any longer and if we were to get married then surely they would think the marriage is not justified?


I'm nearly 29 but I have already used my holiday working visa up when I was 22.


I'm absolutely beside myself as I dread to think what will have to happen now.


Many thanks!


Felicity :)

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Perhaps you should get professional advice regarding seeing if it is possible to add you to his 190 as defacto couple, or as you say get married. DIBP understand there is some circumstances couples live apart. If you are married there is no 12 month relationship requirement, just have to prove the relationship is genuine and continuing.


If he hasn't paid for the visa that application has not been lodged yet. Get professional advice a lot cheaper than the cost of another visa if it is possible to be included as secondary applicant.


There is options for him to sponsor you once he has his visa, hence the prospective marriage visa, which has no requirements for the couples to live together before, only to have np met in person once before.

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Thank you so much for taking the time out to reply to my post again, it's really appreciated. I am wary of seeking professional help as I got ripped off last year with a scam agency called ixp/global visas and I lost thousands. I am on the other hand in touch with a lady who works for the immigration for WA so hopefully she will come back soon with something positive.

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Sorry you were scammed, but there are some great agents out there and I really think you do need to speak to one. Go Matilda are very highly regarded and in my years on here I have seen nothing but praise for them. Alan who is the managing director often posts on here helping people. They will do a free assessment for you.


Never rely on on advice from people at immigration as they often give bad / incorrect advice. Sounds odd, but on here we have often seen people in a mess from acting on bad advice from immigration.

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Thank you so much for taking the time out to reply to my post again, it's really appreciated. I am wary of seeking professional help as I got ripped off last year with a scam agency called ixp/global visas and I lost thousands. I am on the other hand in touch with a lady who works for the immigration for WA so hopefully she will come back soon with something positive.

Sorry you were scammed, but a quick google,search of said agency would have brought up some interesting reviews.


There are many reputable registered migration agents, that are very good at what they do.


Not it sure how the lady in WA will be able to help you with the defacto issues, or no job offer to get schedual 2 nomination and as said above immigration are know to give bad advice.

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