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In Perth - 4 weeks in.


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So pleased to see your update, it was such a good one, and I was wondering how you were getting on.

welcome to Perth, hope you continue to be as happy as you sound now.

have been in QLD for 12 years and wouldn't move back to the UK for anything.

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Involves Drum beats yeah.....:wubclub: not Bingo night...:laugh: guaranteed to keep you fit... stay cool if you can tomorrow because its going to be one of those thunderstormy days .. hot humid .. sub tropical ness... Summers have been wierd lately..much cooler then the odd hot spell... used to be all hot and 35-40C dry days 20 years ago

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Involves Drum beats yeah.....:wubclub: not Bingo night...:laugh: guaranteed to keep you fit... stay cool if you can tomorrow because its going to be one of those thunderstormy days .. hot humid .. sub tropical ness... Summers have been wierd lately..much cooler then the odd hot spell... used to be all hot and 35-40C dry days 20 years ago


I am planning to go to Belmont tomorrow for an hour or so, hopefully this time without the detour to Morley (yes, I know, opposite direction, what can I say?). Hopefully I'll be back by midday and ready to collapse no doubt. The midgets will probably want park again, so we will do that in the evening again.

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Although I am moving to Sydney in 3 weeks on a 4 year work visa (never even set foot in Oz before) your post has really helped me. My OH and furbaby can't come until July so I have 6 months on my own (well relatively, i do know a few people over there). Ironically my best friend lives in regional QLD and my OH's cousin is the Manager of Perth Glory but of course, I am in Sydney so will be a while before I settle! Excited but nervous and more upset about leaving my dog, who is currently cuddled up and tucked into my leg.


Please do keep these updates coming as you settle in.... a lot of what you say will be a massive help to anyone else nervous about getting on that plane!


Best wishes, Karen

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Brilliant post. Please keep 'em coming over the next few months.


Just one point about prescriptions that I've never seen anywhere else on the forum.


The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme has a Safety Net but unless you always go to the same pharmacy, you MUST keep track of your expenditure towards it yourself. Ask any pharmacy for a 2015 Safety Net card and EVERY time you or anyone else on your Medicare card has a prescription filled, stick the sticker you should get with the prescription (you may sometimes need to ask for it) into the card. When your family expenditure for PBS prescriptions gets to the safety net threshold, the cost per prescription drops dramatically for the remainder of the calendar year. If you always go to the same pharmacy, they will almost certainly keep track for you (ask to make sure) but get a card anyway in case you get stickers from any other pharmacy - you can then show the stickers to your usual one and they can adds that to their records. My family usually hits the SN by about July each year and the savings are huge after that.


The SN threshold for 2015 is $1453.90 (covers the whole family) and the cost per prescription drops from $37.70 down to only $6.10 but I'm not sure if those amounts will change after the new legislation goes through both houses of parliament.



Medicare also has a Safety Net and they keep track of your out of pocket expenses automatically for individuals but I think you have to register for it for a family; only once though - no registration needed for subsequent years.

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Sounds great.Nice positive post! Can I ask why you didn't go to Tassie? (assuming that was the original plan by your name on forum?!)


I was originally Tassie bound but when this particular Uncle who lives in Perth found out I was coming back to Aus, he was so excited and wanted me to come here. Then of course, when I arrive, he's working 12 hour days and was a right misery. He's just come back from his holidays though and he's like a different person; definitely the Uncle that I remember not the old grump he has been being.


I would still like to go to Tassie, but to be honest, for me, Perth is perfect and I love it. I love the heat, even though it's like a sauna today and last night Uncle said to me "you love it here don't you?" and it's so obvious to everyone. Yes, I'm sure there are bad things about Australia, in fact, that's why I left originally, but it's changed, and everyone is so friendly and so outgoing. To be invited to share a family Christmas with complete strangers is, to me, amazing.


I miss my son and hubby now he's gone back to the UK but he's back in a couple of weeks and all the Perth PIOers have been amazing, offering to help me etc., so to all the people planning to come back/come for the first time, DO IT!!!! I wish I had listened to Uncle and come back when he was begging me to 15 years ago!

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Brilliant post. Please keep 'em coming over the next few months.


Just one point about prescriptions that I've never seen anywhere else on the forum.


The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme has a Safety Net but unless you always go to the same pharmacy, you MUST keep track of your expenditure towards it yourself. Ask any pharmacy for a 2015 Safety Net card and EVERY time you or anyone else on your Medicare card has a prescription filled, stick the sticker you should get with the prescription (you may sometimes need to ask for it) into the card. When your family expenditure for PBS prescriptions gets to the safety net threshold, the cost per prescription drops dramatically for the remainder of the calendar year. If you always go to the same pharmacy, they will almost certainly keep track for you (ask to make sure) but get a card anyway in case you get stickers from any other pharmacy - you can then show the stickers to your usual one and they can adds that to their records. My family usually hits the SN by about July each year and the savings are huge after that.


The SN threshold for 2015 is $1453.90 (covers the whole family) and the cost per prescription drops from $37.70 down to only $6.10 but I'm not sure if those amounts will change after the new legislation goes through both houses of parliament.



Medicare also has a Safety Net and they keep track of your out of pocket expenses automatically for individuals but I think you have to register for it for a family; only once though - no registration needed for subsequent years.


I didn't mention it as when I went to the Chemist for my prescription, they didn't seem to know anything about it! I am going to start using a different Chemist as they don't seem clued up at all there! But you have raised a good point @Ozmaniac so thank you for that x


P.S. I would add though that if like me, the GP gives you a prescription that will last you for about a year and half, then the cost is negligible when you consider that in the UK the prescribing rules sometimes mean that you have to get the px every 28 days and pay for it too, so actually, the meds may well work out to be cheaper here. The GP couldn't believe that my UK GP could only prescribe me 28 days of this medication at once.

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I was originally Tassie bound but when this particular Uncle who lives in Perth found out I was coming back to Aus, he was so excited and wanted me to come here. Then of course, when I arrive, he's working 12 hour days and was a right misery. He's just come back from his holidays though and he's like a different person; definitely the Uncle that I remember not the old grump he has been being.


I would still like to go to Tassie, but to be honest, for me, Perth is perfect and I love it. I love the heat, even though it's like a sauna today and last night Uncle said to me "you love it here don't you?" and it's so obvious to everyone. Yes, I'm sure there are bad things about Australia, in fact, that's why I left originally, but it's changed, and everyone is so friendly and so outgoing. To be invited to share a family Christmas with complete strangers is, to me, amazing.


I miss my son and hubby now he's gone back to the UK but he's back in a couple of weeks and all the Perth PIOers have been amazing, offering to help me etc., so to all the people planning to come back/come for the first time, DO IT!!!! I wish I had listened to Uncle and come back when he was begging me to 15 years ago!


I was a bit surprised and confused when I saw your original post MTT. I assumed you were in Tassie already and not waiting to emigrate. Glad to hear you have settled in so well, not surprised though and all the things you wrote about Perth, people, parks, cleanliness, costs, weather I was glad to hear. I sometimes think I must be looking at things through rose tinted glasses (as some people like to explain it) as just about everyday, especially at this time of year, I feel blessed to live here and the feeling hasn't changed in 22 years. I know it's not just me who feels like that though as I have lots of friends who say the same thing.


Warm one today but if you are near the coast or have chance to take the kids down there the sea breeze makes things feel a lot cooler, even at 40 degrees.:cool: Don't forget the sunscreen though.


I heard on the radio this morning that it's supposed to be turning a bit humid over the next couple of days so it feels more uncomfortable then. Perth doesn't get humid days very often though, unlike the East Coast so I'm sure you'll be able to manage. Also the weather guy said today is the hottest day since last January 12th so a 40 degree day a couple of times a year is fine by me.:yes:


Great post and update, carry on enjoying Perth. Have you been to Kings Park with the kids yet? They'll love the playgrounds.

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@Paul1Perth I have been to Kings Park once but it was just a "whistle-stop" but we are definitely going on Australia Day. Today is too hot to go out I think and the midgets are in the house on the other PC as they don't want to do anything lol. They are very sensible and seem to know instinctively that it's too hot for them. They are manic about their sunscreen and put it on at least 30 mins before we go out and both use 50+. No complaints either, which is a first. I will take them to the park later tonight when it gets cooler so that they can let some steam off. I was going to go over to Belmont today, but I'm just sitting here sipping water in a heap instead :wink:.


Perth is amazing. I must get @The Pom Queen to change my name lol to avoid even more confusion.

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