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Why move from the UK


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We left the UK in 2006, and have lived in Asia and then the Middle East before moving to Oz earlier in the year. Our reasons are varied, firstly the weather. I hate the dark winters, cold weather and much rather open the curtains to sunlight in a morning, my wife who isn't from the UK hates the weather there and said she would NEVER live there (we spent 6 months there in total as a family). Secondly, we see Australia is a country with potential, lots of land, resources, agriculture and more. Finally, the work opportunities here are far better, I earn around 4x or 5x what I would earn working out of Aberdeen and get a good pension, job security and benefits which I wouldn't get there. The money is similar to what i was earning on expat contracts elsewhere, so that certainly is a bonus.

I don't miss much from the UK, and yes the normal routine stuff is the same everywhere such as shopping and living. But, I would say that our kids and our lifestyle is amazing here and we love it.

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For us , we wanted a fresh new challenge. We both had good jobs but the thought of years and years of the same old was oppressive. The knowledge that my OH's skill was on the critical skills list in a country such as Australia was the main draw. We thought we give it a bloomin good try. It turned out for us to be the best thing we ever did. OH currently earns 5 times his previous salary. I ,all but retired at 43 something I could have only dreamed of in the UK. Paying off our mortgage in the next few years is a real probability and a very early retirement for the OH is on the cards. Added to that a climate with pretty much all year round sunshine and a welcoming population, a house 3 times the size of our UK home with a pool and a walk from the beach. It is achievable but do your homework, so many seem to get caught out. Make sure your occupation is genuinely in demand and that your skills are transferable once here. Be prepared to work at it and acknowledge you will have to go months if not years before you see your nearest and dearest, so if you are close to your family and friends a move here may not be wise. If olde worlde pubs are your bag then again don't come here. If after you've done your research you decide to still come then come with a "give it a fair go" attitude because negativity breeds contempt. Different can be good.

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I moved because I have no dependants, the weather and the chance to live in a different country. My job (accountant) was in the skilled occupation list and so with no gaurantee of if being there for ever I took it while I had the chance.


After two years I came back because:


The weather...in melbourne was marginally better than London. A good 5-10C warmer is decent but summer, as fantastic as it was and much more consistent still only lasted 3 months. In hindsight melbourne might not have been the best place for me weather but it does have so many great other features.


The work-life balance was no different to home, if anything I worked longer hours in Oz. Money was pretty much the same too.


Cost of living. While rent, bills, food etc was pretty equal in Melbourne as London (warning...if going from anywhere in UK other than london Melbourne/Sydney rent/prices will be far higher than what you're used to) when all added up, what concerned me was that if I was to stay I'd want a trip home once every couple of years. If I'd had a family in Oz I'd have to add in school

fees. Factoring that in makes england much more affordable.


If I was to go back it would be because of the idea of doing family activities like seeing Dad's in cricket teams with their sons or going surfing. I'm not sure that alone would be worth all the extra expense but then it's also

difficult to put a value on something like that.

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Yeah I understand. It's very easy to get carried away. I could be making the wrong decision, but I've spent the last 5 years getting to a point where I can make that decision. so I have to try.


Better to look back and think 'aw well i tried' rather than 'umm wonder what may have happened'. We migrated on a whim, fancied a change, wanted a more chilled out lifestyle, sick to death of sitting in traffic jams every day going to work, drizzly gray weather especially (for some reason) on weekends and holidays,lol , we just wanted something different, and we havent looked back yet.

It is darn hard work this first year or two and some things do take quite a bit of adapting too but we have no regrets, we managed to find, less working hours, more sunshine and less crime on the doorstep ,so if you check and pick your areas carefully ,you should be able to as well.


Lots of luck with your move and keep us updated

Cal x

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what concerned me was that if I was to stay I'd want a trip home once every couple of years. If I'd had a family in Oz I'd have to add in school

fees. Factoring that in makes england much more affordable.


If I was to go back it would be because of the idea of doing family activities like seeing Dad's in cricket teams with their sons or going surfing. I'm not sure that alone would be worth all the extra expense but then it's also

difficult to put a value on something like that.


The flight thing is a real consideration because Australians are forced to pay much more for flights than anyone else. A family of five, for example, could easily be looking at $10,000 - $12,000 before touching down at Heathrow. We came as a couple and started our family here, and to be honest while I could stand going back and would like the family to be together, I'm not sure I like the look of UK schools and what I hear about GPs and waiting times concerns me a bit.

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Agreed some of the FIFO contracts are superb. We work 5wks/5wks with one swing off a year (gives a 15 wk holiday).

Working offshoot will give good rosters, but you don't talk for the whole fifo community.. Just like a banker in the UK.. Life's good but you can't talk for everyone

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Isn't summer 3 months everywhere in the world?


More like 6 months in the outback, we only have two seasons, summer and winter. In between are transition periods lasting no more than a month. I get bored of opening my curtains to scorching sun every day (in fact most days they stay shut to keep the house cooler). Makes being a stay at home mum pretty boring!

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Be interested to hear from people who are about to leave the UK

what are your reasons for leaving...? How do you think Australia will solve/improve things and why couldn't you do these changes back in the UK..?


We moved 10 years ago so I am sure things have changed a bit since then.....maybe peoples reasons for moving wont have though.....we went because we fancied a change....something different.....enjoyed our 3 years in Perth but found it quiet and a little too slow for our liking.....initially the weather was a bonus but even that wore off.....we were not that impressed with the schooling and felt our children could get a better education in the UK......we had a nice house with a pool 5 mins from the beach but when you stepped outside your front door you could stand there for 15 or 20 minutes and not see another person (apart from cars)......although we had a decent standard of living we only holidayed 2 or 3 times whilst there......in the UK we would go away 2 or 3 times a year.....so like you Paul we had an itch but never quite discovered what all the fuss was about.....maybe we were looking in the wrong place.....who knows.....pleased to be back in the UK now and have never once regretted coming home....fell back into our old lives and our time in Australia almost feels like a distant memory or a dream now.

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