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Winter in Australia

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

I'm currently feeling badly done to as winter has well and truly arrived. Last week was freezing it was 28 degrees (82F) during the day and 16 degrees (60f) at night. Look how cold everyone was around the lagoon




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It is cold in the evenings/overnight now. We have had the fire going just in the evenings for a couple of weeks. Our house is lovely and cool in the summer, but very cold in the winter. Still, it could be worse!


photo (17).JPG


ETA: No idea why my photo came out that way round!

photo (17).JPG

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Love a good bonfire. Up here in the hills we can have decent sized ones as well.

3-5 degrees at night at the moment but great daytime this week.

Eldest lad has his 19th party Saturday so well have a few beers with his mates around a fire I expect.

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Well we have officially lit our fire, its not too bad during the day (jeans and Tee compared to shorts and Tee) but of an evening it really cools down, so we bit the bullet and chopped some wood up,lol, im dreading July as thats when i normally feel the coldest,lol.


Cal x

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21-22 degrees in Adelaide today but felt much warmer in the car. These are the kind of winter days I love in South Australia. Cool mornings but warming up very fast and staying gently warm during the evening. Never had that in Europe!

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Guest The Pom Queen

This is what I love about Australia there is a climate to suit everyone. At this time of year we have all the grey nomads from Melbourne heading up to Cairns for 6 months and then they head back to Melbourne when it starts warming up.

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Lovely jubbly in grand ole Perth too. It's nearly 10pm and in sat out in light linen trousers and a long sleeved tee shirt.


technically its not winter yet, still autumn.


personally I hate winter in Perth and would if i could go to Europe for the months of July, August and September .


weirdly though when I arrived it was a couple of years back it was the beginning of August and remember posting about being sat out in my bikini and getting but burnt.


last week, I brought all my winter jumpers out. I now walk the dogs in my uggs at that time of year.

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