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going back to uk and can't wait


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Although not a long time frame, the same could be surely said about Australia, or anywhere else? The points the OP mentioned though outside the sad fact that twenty six pubs a week are closing has much else changed? A lot of above points are either applicable elsewhere or hardly of relevance to the critique expressed by OP. Besides the return to familiarity may clench the deal.


I agree to some extent Flag, and said as much in my initial reply (post 18) to the OP. However, the post you quote was in response to another poster who seemed to think nothing has changed in the UK since 2008.



6 years is nothing, the UK has not changed in 6 years...no worse no better, all the things you mentioned have hardly any effect on the individual, things like that happen all the time.


I don't agree that life in the UK has stood still over past 6 years, politically or economically. My opinion of course, but the examples are part of the reason for that opinion.. Tx

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After reading jb39 initial post, its confirmed why we cannot wait to get out of UK.....


Bring on August....... :-)



I dont want to rain on your parade , you are probably very excited about the move , but don't knock the uk , if you not even here yet , I have seen it so many times .


People knocking uk , getting here to be disappointed , not saying you will be , but when the honeymoon period has worn off , or if you struggled finding jobs . You will be kissing the ground in the uk when you get back lol .


Like I say if you have a good standard of living in uk and you want for not much , it's no different here apart from the sun shines . Australia may be full of sea and sand but it's also full of brick walls for many people . Lol good luck .

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He was referring to Aus - you want to move to all that stuff?!



Lol I don't think all them things on that list , it did make me giggle . But I also know how peeps have struggled and marriage break ups , when they were perfectly happy in uk . Ect... I am guilty of it to carnt wait leave this weather behind lol . But life is a box of chocolates and all that ....

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Some people are just unhappy wherever. Seems a lot of people talk down of the UK on the way out and talk badly of Australia on the way back in.


Need to learn to be happy.

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Parly on the backs of UK workers if the BBC is to be believed................5 million on zero hour contracts it reported on World news this morning

We have a very inept government at the moment in the UK, they ain't called the nasty party for nothing, who is not to say labour would have had us in a better situation if they were in power.

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Sorry i wrote it sarcastically, the comment was not about the UK or OZ, it was about peoples attitudes.


His attitude, in my opinion, depicts the general selfish attitude of people prepared to voice opinion over a public forum with no thought to its consequences.


Something some UK people are good at!.


After 6 years away I would suspect given a few months back in UK his opinion may well change again.


For newbies, like us, reading such negative comments is not helpful or constructive, it is his opinion based on his circumstances.


Our own circumstances for moving to OZ have been 6 years in the planning, so hopefully we are not going on a whim but still to leave family and friends is a wrench.


Creating better opportunities for the kids is the main reason for trying OZ. It might not work but then it might. World is now a small place.


I am not criticising what was written, but the way it was written as a new topic, it was not really fair to read.


But hey, if i offended anyone with my comment then i apologise.........

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Sorry i wrote it sarcastically, the comment was not about the UK or OZ, it was about peoples attitudes.


His attitude, in my opinion, depicts the general selfish attitude of people prepared to voice opinion over a public forum with no thought to its consequences.


Something some UK people are good at!.


After 6 years away I would suspect given a few months back in UK his opinion may well change again.


For newbies, like us, reading such negative comments is not helpful or constructive, it is his opinion based on his circumstances.


Our own circumstances for moving to OZ have been 6 years in the planning, so hopefully we are not going on a whim but still to leave family and friends is a wrench.


Creating better opportunities for the kids is the main reason for trying OZ. It might not work but then it might. World is now a small place.


I am not criticising what was written, but the way it was written as a new topic, it was not really fair to read.


But hey, if i offended anyone with my comment then i apologise.........



No no you didn't offend lol , I'm just defending uk , because not many do , but aus is beautiful too , but you do what you want to do , you have got try it anyway , because you will live with if only I had of tried lol . But it's same here has uk IMO lol .

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Sorry i wrote it sarcastically, the comment was not about the UK or OZ, it was about peoples attitudes.


His attitude, in my opinion, depicts the general selfish attitude of people prepared to voice opinion over a public forum with no thought to its consequences.


Something some UK people are good at!.


After 6 years away I would suspect given a few months back in UK his opinion may well change again.


For newbies, like us, reading such negative comments is not helpful or constructive, it is his opinion based on his circumstances.


Our own circumstances for moving to OZ have been 6 years in the planning, so hopefully we are not going on a whim but still to leave family and friends is a wrench.


Creating better opportunities for the kids is the main reason for trying OZ. It might not work but then it might. World is now a small place.


I am not criticising what was written, but the way it was written as a new topic, it was not really fair to read.


But hey, if i offended anyone with my comment then i apologise.........



Hey don't apologize keep remaining positive the fact still remains the majority of people successfully migrate and still live in Australia. This is the moving back to the UK section so therefore its full of people who didn't like it for one reason or another. Some are bitter but don't let that get to you. Many positive people, but maybe not in this section. Good luck in your move my lovely, hope you'll be as happy as we are.

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Guest hoffer

I love the fact that your first issue is whinging Aussies and the first thing you do on here is Whinge.

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Thank you. It is interesting to read reasons people have come back to UK hence the reason ended up on this thread. Hopefully to avoid their experiences / mistakes.

Interestingly though the only people to give negative comments about us moving to OZ (besides immediate family and friends) are brits that have come back!!

This forum is very useful and so glad its been here for us, but sometimes can be frustrating when you read headlines like this :-)

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if you have a good standard of living in uk and you want for not much , it's no different here apart from the sun shines .


This is bang on for us.


We had a very good life in the UK and by moving here we have swapped family for sunshine (and slightly less money here) its that simple! And after being here a year the holiday period has worn off and the sunshine and beach isnt a novelty anymore, the novelty of our family never wore off......

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I don't think peeps are whinging , well the op might of gone ott lol , but I do think there was many successful migrants a few years ago and they are the ones saying it's great ect .... It is for them and good on em , what I'm saying is times have changed and for many coming now the ship has sailed , not all but many have , .


The ones that come let's say 7/10 years ago it was different then . Them coming pretty much now , or in the last 18 month 2 yrs ago some will have taken to it like a duck to water , but a lot have headed back , because they carnt find work , or they have and theve lost work .


It's great for some if works out , good on them . People are not bitter , people just like to believe they are . And if people carnt find jobs they carnt eat flies lol . I'm was just thinking it's funny how so many I have heard over the last few years slating uk and now they are singing from a different hymn sheet .


But hey I wish anyone coming here all the luck in the world , it's not easy for many and it's a drain financially can be , stress on marriages , and to say ya kids are better off here , they are no better off here than uk it's swings and roundabouts .


If you lived on the bread line in uk , fair enough it will be like you've hit jackpot here , but many have come out here to live on the bread line too who wasn't before . No offense intended . To anyone but uk isn't has bad has people think , years ago Australia was deffo the jackpot for peeps . Lol

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This is bang on for us.


We had a very good life in the UK and by moving here we have swapped family for sunshine (and slightly less money here) its that simple! And after being here a year the holiday period has worn off and the sunshine and beach isnt a novelty anymore, the novelty of our family never wore off......



Its ta the same for us too watsy lol , look me and my hubby can have a very lovely lifestyle here . But we also can in uk and I've left family too lol .


Im hanging on for citizenship though haha I want somert out of it lol , but by then I could of settle , me sons a copper in uk u never no he might join us later , I doubt it but I'll see lol . X

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For newbies, like us, reading such negative comments is not helpful or constructive, it is his opinion based on his circumstances.


Dont let it bother you then


Creating better opportunities for the kids is the main reason for trying OZ. It might not work but then it might. World is now a small place.


Not trying to put you off at all but the above line is typical of someone who has not made the move yet, especially the last part. All thats missing is the classic line "theres always skype"...like thats a substitution. We were exactly the same as you so not having a dig at all.

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This is bang on for us.


We had a very good life in the UK and by moving here we have swapped family for sunshine (and slightly less money here) its that simple! And after being here a year the holiday period has worn off and the sunshine and beach isnt a novelty anymore, the novelty of our family never wore off......


I think this is our only concern and actually quite glad to read it.


Thing is if we don't try now while kids are the right age, i feel we will forever regret it.

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Its ta the same for us too watsy lol , look me and my hubby can have a very lovely lifestyle here . But we also can in uk and I've left family too lol .


Im hanging on for citizenship though haha I want somert out of it lol , but by then I could of settle , me sons a copper in uk u never no he might join us later , I doubt it but I'll see lol . X


The thing is, now that citizenship is 4 years and most people have had enough after 1 year, i dont class 3 more years as 'hanging on' a few months is hanging on in my eyes.


The only reasons we will go home is family and friends and that factor will always be an issue and not something that will pass after x years back in the UK so personally I cant see us needing/wanting to come back if we ever go home.

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Thing is if we don't try now while kids are the right age, i feel we will forever regret it.


This is how we thought and would always rather regret doing it than regret not.


But since being here its made me think and realise/appreciate whats important in life and its not sunshine and beaches.


When my time is up (hopefully a long way off as only 31) or when my parents time is up, Im pretty sure that I will wish for one more day with them not one more day on the beach.


Just my opinion though.

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The thing is, now that citizenship is 4 years and most people have had enough after 1 year, i dont class 3 more years as 'hanging on' a few months is hanging on in my eyes.


The only reasons we will go home is family and friends and that factor will always be an issue and not something that will pass after x years back in the UK so personally I cant see us needing/wanting to come back if we ever go home.



I know now I have 2 more years to wait , just over . Each to it's own though , I just think for me there's a fence and I'm sitting in the middle of it .


So before I ping pong and waste a whole lot more money , which really I've emigrated twice in a short space of time I need to be absoulutley sure .


I mean i could wake up in 6 months time , and say right **** it , I carnt be arsed anymore , but for now I'm just happy enough plodding along and see how it goes lol .

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This is how we thought and would always rather regret doing it than regret not.


But since being here its made me think and realise/appreciate whats important in life and its not sunshine and beaches.


When my time is up (hopefully a long way off as only 31) or when my parents time is up, Im pretty sure that I will wish for one more day with them not one more day on the beach.


Just my opinion though.


No really, its useful to hear.

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