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going back to uk and can't wait


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Love how all the ex brits are SO defensive of Australia, like the OP has just personally insulted their family :biglaugh:



Not for me wattsy, but whilst not taking away from the OP, I can't honestly say that things like bad pubs (on the OP's list) would become so significant for me to return - it is of course their own experience, but you can't help but try to compare if you yourself would move back based on the list presented in the OP. Truthfully, I wouldn't - it would be something a little bit more substantial than the list presented.


I certainly don't have an axe to grind with the UK and don't say that Aus is perfect - but you'll find that when people knock the UK then the returned ex pats jump to it's defence also - different sides of the same coin I guess.

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Nice first post. Looking forward to the sequel back in the UK as most the items you listed aren't only found in Australia.


By the way it is LOSE not LOOSE. I'm glad you specified spoken English...

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Not for me wattsy, but whilst not taking away from the OP, I can't honestly say that things like bad pubs (on the OP's list) would become so significant for me to return - it is of course their own experience, but you can't help but try to compare if you yourself would move back based on the list presented in the OP. Truthfully, I wouldn't - it would be something a little bit more substantial than the list presented.


I certainly don't have an axe to grind with the UK and don't say that Aus is perfect - but you'll find that when people knock the UK then the returned ex pats jump to it's defence also - different sides of the same coin I guess.


Yeah as much as I miss proper pubs etc I wouldn't move back for that one thing. Family will be the only things that pulls us home.


I guess the ex pats who are defending the UK are at least defending their own country.


Everyone is different I guess.


I say don't forget your roots!

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As usual, the OP lists things wrong with "Australia" when they means the part of Australia they've lived in. It's a big country and just like the UK, there are suburbs I'd be scared to walk through and others where I could drop my purse on the street and be sure to get it back.


When I lived in country Victoria, I do recall "people who didn't wear shoes or shirts in supermarkets", and "people out in the streets in pajamas". Never seen it in Sydney, and even if I did, I'm not sure why that should bother me.


I agree about the "looser[sic] drivers" - but then, I'd rather drive in Australia than in most parts of Europe or in Asia. So it could be worse.

"Expensive" is relative, of course - it will be interesting to see if the OP still thinks Oz is expensive once he's back earning a UK wage.

"Racist people" - again, depends very much on the city/suburb you're in. My friend Kenny moved from Chicago to Sydney because he's treated like a human being here, not a colour.

"high tax I have to pay" - I can't comment on the comparison, but I will pay far more tax if I move to the UK, so that's an individual thing I think.

"Pay when you go to the doctor" - again, depends where you are. My doctor bulk bills.

"Asshole cops just looking to make revenue" - if you don't break the law they won't be able to, will they??

"Flies" - an Aussie cliche but again, not everywhere. There's an occasional plague of them in Sydney but I've seen very few flies in the last several years.

"This country is 30 yrs behind the rest of the world" - Yes and no. Behind in some ways, more forward-thinking and open-minded in others. But then I'm comparing it with where I came from (Scotland)

"corrupt government" - wasn't there a big scandal about corrupt politicians in the UK recently?

"alcoholed fuel violence" - I agree this is a worry but is it really not a problem in the UK? Here, it's new enough to make the news constantly. I suspect it exists in the UK too but isn't considered newsworthy.

"the poor level of English spoken" and "bad language" - again, depends where you live. There are UK suburbs with just as poor English and just as bad language.

"No history" - can't argue with that one

"that pointless AFL" - why is AFL more pointless than soccer or rugby or any other team sport?

"Bad loosers [sic] in sports" - coming from Scotland, I don't see any difference there.


However, I'm sure the bottom line is that the OP just wants to go home, and is making up "head" reasons to justify a "heart" decision.

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I was surprised by this list, so many of the items could easily be applied to the UK. I've seen plenty of alcohol-fueled violence in UK towns for example! Saying AFL is "pointless" is unfair I think. Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it irrelevant. I also remember an article about a school in England having to ask parents not to come to school in their dressing gowns. There are strange/lazy people everywhere.


Hopefully you'll be happier back in the UK and you can put your time in Aus down to experience.

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I have been many places and have lived in oz for nearly 6 yrs. But enough is enough! !

Had enough of

whinging aussies

people who don't wear shoes or shirts in supermarkets

People out in the streets in pajamas

looser drivers

crap roads

crap pubs

crap houses that are freezing in winter

expensive .....everything

racist people

high tax I have to pay

pay when you go to the doctor

how they bang on about medical insurance

million adverts every 10 mins on tv

radios that play the same music day in day out

asshole cops just looking to make revenue


This country is 30 yrs behind the rest of the world

corrupt government

alcoholed fuel violence

the poor level of English spoken

bad language

No history

that pointless AFL

Bad loosers in sports


I have met many great people here. But for me the bad points out way the good.

Blimey! You've clearly had a gut full of the place! I hope you find peace back in blighty


BTW, totally with on the corrupt govt and pointless AFL...

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When you read enough of these threads where the criticism of Australia is so unbalanced, you can't help but sit back and wait for the follow-on post outlining the almost inevitable crushing disapointment of life back in the UK. (That's assuming that this poster is genuine). If you can't look around you now and find some redeeming features to life in Oz, I reckon you're far more likely to find yourself in the same position in the UK. So jb, my two cents worth: being less negative and disparaging now will help you not only be happier in yourself but you'll be setting yourself up for better times ahead. Because as people have already pointed out, you'll be seeing lots of these problems again.

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I have been many places and have lived in oz for nearly 6 yrs. But enough is enough! !

Had enough of

whinging aussies

people who don't wear shoes or shirts in supermarkets

People out in the streets in pajamas

looser drivers

crap roads

crap pubs

crap houses that are freezing in winter

expensive .....everything

racist people

high tax I have to pay

pay when you go to the doctor

how they bang on about medical insurance

million adverts every 10 mins on tv

radios that play the same music day in day out

asshole cops just looking to make revenue


This country is 30 yrs behind the rest of the world

corrupt government

alcoholed fuel violence

the poor level of English spoken

bad language

No history

that pointless AFL

Bad loosers in sports


I have met many great people here. But for me the bad points out way the good.


Yeah sorry for the couple bad spelling mistakes and Grammer. I'll turn off the auto fill

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I'm going to stick my neck out and agree with most of the list the OP has put up. Yes some may be true of the UK but I don't feel the need to balance the whole thing by listing the contrary. jb is allowed to do that and this is a forum for people wanting to move back to the UK

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I'm going to stick my neck out and agree with most of the list the OP has put up. Yes some may be true of the UK but I don't feel the need to balance the whole thing by listing the contrary. jb is allowed to do that and this is a forum for people wanting to move back to the UK

Well said Paul. He expressed his opinions, which is his right.


I don't agree with most of them but I don't feel the need to go into an apoplectic rage from reading them.

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However, I'm sure the bottom line is that the OP just wants to go home, and is making up "head" reasons to justify a "heart" decision.


...or maybe, just maybe the OP actually does feel these things and doesn't like Australia......shock I know!


I'm not saying they are right or others are wrong but they are all right in there own minds and does it really affect anyone or anyones life if he says/thinks this....really?


As true as the sayings are "not all of australia is like that' or 'not in all suburbs/areas" the OP or anyone for that fact can only compare where they currently live to where they are from, be it uk to oz or oz to uk because thats all that affects them and their life. It would be like someone saying "im moving home because I am unemployed" and then some bright spark replying with "not everyone is unemployed in oz/uk" true.....but that doesnt help their situation.


Anyway, im not trying to cause an argument but I personally feel anyones thoughts are their thoughts and dont impact anyone elses life.


Good luck to the OP what ever they chose and I hope they are happy.

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Anyway, im not trying to cause an argument but I personally feel anyones thoughts are their thoughts and dont impact anyone elses life.




No, and neither should those who disagree................I find it so strange that so often, anyone who disagrees with a poster, be it someone posting about either the UK or Oz, are "jumped upon" by those accusing the one in disagreement as "jumping upon" something/someone they disagree with. Folk have as much right to disagree and/or question either way, as those who are so vehemently defended for their opinions/rights by those who, at the same time, question someone else's right/opinion.

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6 years is nothing, the UK has not changed in 6 years...no worse no better, all the things you mentioned have hardly any effect on the individual, things like that happen all the time.


I've certainly noticed a change in the last 6 years. More though with prices going up and wages staying the same, house prices an the recession. Also the positive effect of the Royal Wedding, Jubilee, Olympics.

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...or maybe, just maybe the OP actually does feel these things and doesn't like Australia......shock I know!


I'm not saying they are right or others are wrong but they are all right in there own minds and does it really affect anyone or anyones life if he says/thinks this....really?


As true as the sayings are "not all of australia is like that' or 'not in all suburbs/areas" the OP or anyone for that fact can only compare where they currently live to where they are from, be it uk to oz or oz to uk




Absolutely true, and that's why I wish people would be more accurate in the way they express themselves. Where the OP chooses to live is their choice and I'm not trying to change their mind - just making the point that just because they didn't like one part of Oz, doesn't make it all bad - which might help them keep a sense of perspective.

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Absolutely true, and that's why I wish people would be more accurate in the way they express themselves. Where the OP chooses to live is their choice and I'm not trying to change their mind - just making the point that just because they didn't like one part of Oz, doesn't make it all bad - which might help them keep a sense of perspective.


Sure, it doesnt/shouldnt generalise all of Aus but then no one can live in every suburb in Aus to make a 100% educated decision before going home.


It makes most sense to compare where they used to live in the UK to where they currently live in Aus or, compare where the live now in Aus to where they are going back to. These are the only factors that will affect them if/when they return

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Sure, it doesnt/shouldnt generalise all of Aus but then no one can live in every suburb in Aus to make a 100% educated decision before going home.


It makes most sense to compare where they used to live in the UK to where they currently live in Aus or, compare where the live now in Aus to where they are going back to. These are the only factors that will affect them if/when they return


Sorry, obviously not expressing myself well. The trouble with Australia is that it can be almost as expensive to move states as it is to move back to the UK, so I understand it's not practical to move elsewhere and try again. I'm not suggesting the OP should do that.


I'm just asking for people to be fair in their criticism. If I were to go and live in one city in the UK and then publish a list of all the things wrong with England, people would be quick to point out how unfair it is to generalize about a whole country on the strength of one experience. If you're going to publish a list of what's wrong with a place, name the place, don't bag a whole nation.

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Sorry, obviously not expressing myself well. The trouble with Australia is that it can be almost as expensive to move states as it is to move back to the UK, so I understand it's not practical to move elsewhere and try again. I'm not suggesting the OP should do that.


I'm just asking for people to be fair in their criticism. If I were to go and live in one city in the UK and then publish a list of all the things wrong with England, people would be quick to point out how unfair it is to generalize about a whole country on the strength of one experience. If you're going to publish a list of what's wrong with a place, name the place, don't bag a whole nation.


Got ya!

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:ssign12:I guess someone out there needs to improve the Pubs for this unsettled fella. He needs a very cold beer I would say...but with his other complaints...he feels UK is still great.... We are waiting for a thread from him. I bet you jb39 will run back to where he ran from for a better life!:ssign3: :wink:

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