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Everything posted by Britpop

  1. Bikies - motorcycle riders Tradies - any trades person There are tons of these 'ies' and 'os' Along with jay walking, I don't think you can start crossing if the green man has turned red and is flashing. You'll very often be asked if you want a receipt after a purchase, sometimes they say doco, sometimes receipt but usually quickly so expect it And you won't have the awkward exchange lol One thing I've not seen in England, there are non smoking sections of open street in Adelaide and Sydney, maybe other places signalled by signs on the pavements and bins but not always easy to spot. And not that you would, but some streets and public areas are no drinking. You also can't smoke on any covered public transport stand/station and a bus driver in Sydney said it's an offence to smoke within x meters of a bus stop (it was just a stop, no shelter) though there are bins next to most so I don't know how true this is. Most bins and some signposts have butt bins for cigs but they are often smouldering so put out first! Finally for smokers, pack sizes are different. 25s is the norm, cheaper ones are 26s and you can buy double packs or large 50+ packs. 20s are available but more expensive. Prices vary wildly but supermarkets will be average. Putting your feet on the seats on public transport is fineable and they will really tell you off and enforce this (at least in Melbourne where I saw it a few times) Prices, even is supermarkets can vary wildly day to day. Lemons for instance rose from $1 to $2 in a day at the same store. There can also be huge discrepancies store to store, ie bunch of kale $4.99 in Coles, $1.99 at Harris farms and the grocers. If you see a good price, buy it then. Smaller shops i.e grocer, butcher etc can often be cheaper than the supermarket in my experience. if you buy bottles water do so at the supermarket, for 90c or so vs $4 for the same in a newsagents
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