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The Royal Tour - Kate Will and George in NZ and Australia


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A poll in February found support for a republic was at 39 per cent – a 20-year low. Meanwhile, the impending and eagerly awaited visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who will spend almost three weeks in Australia and New Zealand with young Prince George, has generated intense interest.
Tony Abbott, a London-born former Rhodes Scholar, who led the monarchist movement during the peak of the debate in the mid-1990s. During his swearing-in ceremony last September, Abbott broke with recent tradition and pledged allegiance to the Queen. He has since reintroduced the title of Queen’s Counsel for senior barristers, and hung the Queen’s portrait in his office in Canberra. Last month, Abbott went a step further – and perhaps a step too far – by surprising his fellow cabinet members and reintroducing the titles of knight and dame for distinguished Australians.




I think its great that we have the royals to bring us and other commonwealth countries closer together.

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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cannot even escape them in Aus


It's not compulsory to have to see them or take any notice when they are on the news.

Personally I've found Aussies and ex-pats seem to respect and like the Royal family more than your average Englishman, especially respect. They can't really come incognito can they. I'm sure they'd love to go on holiday somewhere where they could just kick back, relax, go for a swim in the ocean in a cossie without a million photographers being there to say she's thin or fat, whether he's fit or not, whether they are looking after the baby correctly.


Just thank the lord you aren't part of the family and are able to lead a normal life. I wouldn't fancy their itinerary, wouldn't call that a holiday, more like hard work.

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Aww- pass the sickbag. Hope we aren't footing the bill.

I'm sure it's funded by sale of Prince Charles' pork pies or similar. Can't imagine the royals sponging off the proletariat to support their lavish lifestyle. I quite like the idea of monarchy but only on an annual elected basis - perhaps big brother style. Then all that wanted a go at being royal could have a chance to be part of it and the rest of us could cheer them on if it suited. Be tricky to keep redesigning the stamps though.

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Yes, get rid of the monarchy. It's useless, and has been for the past nine hundred years, just like everything else in our history. Best to declare a republic and sell off all the palaces and estates, and then the UK will be a utopian society, just like the USA, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Greece, etc, etc.

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Guest Guest66881

Britain will be just another country, you need your Queens and Kings it's that what makes you what you are and you should be proud of them all, even the lazy second cousins who get to live in a castle and do little to nothing just smile at cameras and wear weird 60's styled clothing.

Lose your Monarchy and britian will go the same way as the Romans:wink:

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Guest Finalproof
Yes, get rid of the monarchy. It's useless, and has been for the past nine hundred years, just like everything else in our history. Best to declare a republic and sell off all the palaces and estates, and then the UK will be a utopian society, just like the USA, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Greece, etc, etc.


Ya got it!

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