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Eczema condition in OZ


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Hi all,


Some opinions please from eczema sufferers or parents of eczema suffers. My son has had eczema since he was 3 months. I have lots of experience in managing the condition but I'm wondering how he will react to the climate in Australia. We lived in Brisbane for a year and it seemed to improve a lot. We are back in the uk now and it's got alot worse. I don't know exactly what triggers his eczema or the extent to which climate plays a part but we are thinking of a move to Melbourne and I wonder if anyone has had any experience of how the climate in Melbourne effects eczema.

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My husband, an Aussie returning home (not to Mel) has had terrible problems. Seems to be allergy based and flares up when hayfever season is in full swing. Was bad when we first arrived, settled down for about 6 weeks then went nuts again. Requires steroids to get it under control. He had the occasional flare up in his 8 years in UK but nothing on this level and has really struggled with it since being back.


My son, never had eczema since he was a baby had an initial few weeks of it flaring up pretty badly but then it passed without needing medical treatment. Just managed it at home. He's been fine since.

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Humid weather made mine flare up, but I found it was diet and lifestyle change that was the cure in the end. Lactose and stress are more causal factors..along with environment. Theres a little gene action as,well which is hard to control. Avoid steroid creams like plague. I also discovered a root based oil in bali called paramao root 100% natural oil base that worked wonders after I tried every tom dick and harry cream on the planet. Pm me if you need more details.

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Humid weather made mine flare up, but I found it was diet and lifestyle change that was the cure in the end. Lactose and stress are more causal factors..along with environment. Theres a little gene action as,well which is hard to control. Avoid steroid creams like plague. I also discovered a root based oil in bali called paramao root 100% natural oil base that worked wonders after I tried every tom dick and harry cream on the planet. Pm me if you need more details.



Hi Gee13


Just wondered why you would avoid steroid creams? I know you have to be careful with them but with major flare ups it's the only thing that I find really works. I use a 1percent hydrocortisone cream.I'll see about the paramao oil. I also use calendula and coconut oil which works quite well.

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Australia I think has the highest incidence of asthma in the world.


Asthma, Hayfever and Eczema are all closely related. Fortunately most people grow out of them by adult hood, and they do run in the family although some kids get it much worse than other.


My baby son was scratching himself raw as a toddler and we had to wrap him in wet bandages down his arms and legs. It was horrible for him.

He still suffers at age 20.

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This is just a feeling.....not researched based.....but from stuff I have read from others I think u can sometimes be better in a new place as if the body hasnt had a chance to become allergic....but maybe it does in time


sun obviously helps many but then suncreams can b a problem

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This is just a feeling.....not researched based.....but from stuff I have read from others I think u can sometimes be better in a new place as if the body hasnt had a chance to become allergic....but maybe it does in time


sun obviously helps many but then suncreams can b a problem


There is only one sunscreen my son can use, and we buy heaps when we are in Perth.

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Hi all,


Some opinions please from eczema sufferers or parents of eczema suffers. My son has had eczema since he was 3 months. I have lots of experience in managing the condition but I'm wondering how he will react to the climate in Australia. We lived in Brisbane for a year and it seemed to improve a lot. We are back in the uk now and it's got alot worse. I don't know exactly what triggers his eczema or the extent to which climate plays a part but we are thinking of a move to Melbourne and I wonder if anyone has had any experience of how the climate in Melbourne effects eczema.


I don't think you can rely on anyone else's experience. For many sufferers, humidity makes skin conditions worse - but others find the exact opposite. If he was better in Brissie than in the UK, then it sounds like humidity is a help not a hindrance. Likewise, some people find the sun aggravates it, while others feel it helps keep them clear. The Melbourne climate isn't as humid as the Eastern seaboard but it's not dry like Adelaide, either.

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I don't think you can rely on anyone else's experience. For many sufferers, humidity makes skin conditions worse - but others find the exact opposite. If he was better in Brissie than in the UK, then it sounds like humidity is a help not a hindrance. Likewise, some people find the sun aggravates it, while others feel it helps keep them clear. The Melbourne climate isn't as humid as the Eastern seaboard but it's not dry like Adelaide, either.


Hello, yes your are probably right. Everyone (in the UK) said that moving to Brisbane would make his skin worse - in fact it got better. I guess we will just have to see how we go. I've always found with eczema that what works for one person doesn't work for the next - I have had people stop me and ask 'what's the matter with your son?' and then give me a load of unsolicited advice about it.


Thanks all for your helpful comments.

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Both the oh and son suffer from eczema.


In the uk my son suffered from it from 5 weeks old. He scratched himself silly.


We tried everything the doctors would give us.


Emollients, 1% hydrocortisone, full body wraps, soap substitutes, soy milk, 0.025% methyl-somethingorother. None really worked.


We immigrated to Melbourne when he was 18 months old.


It was still bad. It took 9 months to get a referral to the pediatric allergy specialist. He gave us Elicon which is quite a strong steroid (which we didn't really want), his argument is that it is better to hit the eczema hard then moisturise preventively rather than to constantly be trying to get on top of it.


After 2 months of Elicon he was clear.


It still flares up occasionally, but only really behind the elbows and knees. We hit it twice with the Elicon again, moisturise for a few days, and it goes.


I can't remember the last time this happened? Maybe in the winter. It does seem to be a bit worse then. But not bad at all considering where we have come from.




The oh mainly gets hers on her hands. She is a nurse and the alcohol gel and scratching was ripping her hands apart. She still gets it here with nursing, but again a lot less, although more prevalent in winter.


If she gave up nursing it would probably go completely, but she doesn't want to, so uses her Michael Jackson gloves with emollient at night and the Elicon every so often if she has a few bank shifts in a row.

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Hi Gee13


Just wondered why you would avoid steroid creams? I know you have to be careful with them but with major flare ups it's the only thing that I find really works. I use a 1percent hydrocortisone cream.I'll see about the paramao oil. I also use calendula and coconut oil which works quite well.


Because they dont treat the source symptoms, in fact they can do more damage. Like antibiotics are just a temporary cure, but the rashes/skin can get resistant to the topical steroids. Im speaking ffrom direct experience - I once started my rash at age 17, went to doctor, got steroids prescribed, rash went away at first but came back twice as bad everytime, its like I got dependent on steroids up to the point that at 18 almost 70% of my small skin rash had spread out. Took ages to recover. Im in my 40s now and it only cleared up in my early 30s... I still get it on and off but only if I eat lactose high content - like cheeses and milks. In fact a massive change of diet to avoid toxins and lactose/ gluten products radically helped recovery. Then for topical treatment a friend once passed me the paramao oil. Id been diving in a wetsuit and a massive rash came on.. Everything cleared up overnight and there were no after effects! That means cleared up and cleared up for good. Its the only thing I used now.. And QV Flare Up BAth Oil. Paramao oil is also great for mozzie bites, stings, sunburn etc...But its damn hard to get get as its not avail here - I have to get it in Bali and bring in.

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Hi all,

I arrived in Brisbane in Jan 2012 and as soon as I arrived I had a flare up on my hands. To cut along story short, the condition got a lot worse and over the next 18 months it progressed to inflammations all over my upper torso,face and neck.

After seeing numerous Doctors who liked to prescribe, I eventually went to an allergy clinic and after testing found out that I was allergic to a substance called methylisothiazolinone. It's a preservative found in many cleaning agents, sunscreens, shampoos etc,etc,

Anyway, after spending $400 to a see a specialist and finding out what my allergic reaction was to, I have to say that was the best money I ever spent. My condition has completely cleared away.

See a specialist. GP's are good at prescribing but can't solve the root problem in this scenario.

Regards Derren

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My youngest daughter got diagnosed with Eczema in Adelaide when she was a toddler.Unfortunately she suffered with hers pretty much all year round.Summer seemed to aggravate it,and winter wearing long sleeves and and jeans ect also seemed to as well.She does still have it in the UK,and whether its because she's got older or the fact the climate or whatever is better for her is anyone's guess.Wish I could source some of the Paramao oil/cream,sounds like its pretty good?She has to be careful which soaps she uses (usually she uses Simple brand)and E-45 but she is never totally clear.My Mum sufferes from Psoriasis so skin things tend to run in my family.

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Thanks again all. I've found a supplier of the paramao oil http://www.paramaorootoil.com.au/ looks like it ships to oz from Bali. I'll check out holland and Barrett and other health stores in the UK. Always worth a try!


i hope to get a referral for a dematologist from the doctors. I'm fed up of being just prescribed one cream after the next. I don't think they really take it seriously.

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If u find it in the uk please can u post it on here or pm? Thx a lot


Thanks again all. I've found a supplier of the paramao oil http://www.paramaorootoil.com.au/ looks like it ships to oz from Bali. I'll check out holland and Barrett and other health stores in the UK. Always worth a try!


i hope to get a referral for a dematologist from the doctors. I'm fed up of being just prescribed one cream after the next. I don't think they really take it seriously.

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Thanks again all. I've found a supplier of the paramao oil http://www.paramaorootoil.com.au/ looks like it ships to oz from Bali. I'll check out holland and Barrett and other health stores in the UK. Always worth a try!


i hope to get a referral for a dematologist from the doctors. I'm fed up of being just prescribed one cream after the next. I don't think they really take it seriously.


Hey thats great, Nice to know theres a supplier now. Must be a new venture because only a few months back this didnt come up on a google search.


The good thing about the oil is that you get it with the root in the bottle macerating, and you can just top it up with more coconut oil once it runs out and it will still work.

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Was it this thread someone mentioned the Extra virgin coconut oil????Eldest daughter complained to me last week that her hands were becoming cracked and sore.I mentioned the coconut oil just out of convo and a few days later,she rang to tell me she had brought a big tub off Amazon (UK)for £10 and its working wonders!!She is really impressed!So apologies if this is'nt the thread,I'm pressed for time atm,and can't re read the whole thread.

Here's the link......http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_12/278-7580827-7978945?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=extra%20virgin%20coconut%20oil&sprefix=extra+virgin%2Caps%2C193&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aextra%20virgin%20coconut%20oil

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Was it this thread someone mentioned the Extra virgin coconut oil????Eldest daughter complained to me last week that her hands were becoming cracked and sore.I mentioned the coconut oil just out of convo and a few days later,she rang to tell me she had brought a big tub off Amazon (UK)for £10 and its working wonders!!She is really impressed!So apologies if this is'nt the thread,I'm pressed for time atm,and can't re read the whole thread.

Here's the link......http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_12/278-7580827-7978945?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=extra%20virgin%20coconut%20oil&sprefix=extra+virgin%2Caps%2C193&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aextra%20virgin%20coconut%20oil



Hi, yes it was mentioned as I use it on my son. I was in an airport and a lady from India approached me and suggested it. I like it because he likes helping me putting it on I think this is because it smells nice and has an interesting texture as it melts into your hand and skin. It's also one of the few things which doesn't irritate at all, even when he's been scratching and the skin is a bit sore. Its available quite widely, i just get it in the supermarket with the cooking oils.

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  • 1 month later...
There is only one sunscreen my son can use, and we buy heaps when we are in Perth.


Hi could you please tell me what the sun screen is as I'm really finding it difficult to find a screen that doesn't flare up my skin. I've had eczema since I was 6 weeks old I'm now 40 and since moving to Brisbane I'm really suffering with eczema and allergies.. I take methotrexate which helps and Elcon cream. I'm really getting down about it as I thought the sun would help. I've been referred to dermatologist but goodness knows how much they'll cost.. Advice would be fab. Thanx!!

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He uses sun sense sensitive. But even then we try and cover him with hat and thin cotton when possible. It works for him, but it may not work for everyone.

Hi could you please tell me what the sun screen is as I'm really finding it difficult to find a screen that doesn't flare up my skin. I've had eczema since I was 6 weeks old I'm now 40 and since moving to Brisbane I'm really suffering with eczema and allergies.. I take methotrexate which helps and Elcon cream. I'm really getting down about it as I thought the sun would help. I've been referred to dermatologist but goodness knows how much they'll cost.. Advice would be fab. Thanx!!
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