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Married permanent resident would like to bring 2nd wife to australia


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I am married and having relationship with another girl in Malaysia for 7 years . I do not want to divorce my first wife. And my first wife is aware about my second wife. First wife is legally married and she is living in Australia and my second wife is married to me, but not legally. She is living in Malaysia on her own. Now my second wife doesn't have any one to look after. She is completely depending on me. I would like to know, What visa type would suit to bring her to Australia. Can anyone suggest me what i should do.

Can anyone suggest me what to do in this matter

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You have zero chance of bringing in a second wife while you're still married to the first.


So what is De facto relationship means. Can i bring her in Defacto relationship.

What if she comes here as a student and if she delivers a baby in Australia

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I have a real problem with your question. You are living in Australia, what have you learned about out culture, our culture and our laws do not allow for second wives in fact its called bigamy.


So I suggest as others have if you want to live a different life with more than one wife then you need to move to a country who condones this.

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Feel free to spend the money trying. I'm sure the Australian economy will value your dollars when they refuse the visa and offer you no refund... as others have said, you cannot be married to more than one person here in Australia. She is not a relative of yours, therefore cannot be a last remaining one. There are no visa options available that will offer you a long term solution.


But to be honest, I also smell rats on this thread...

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I have a real problem with your question. You are living in Australia, what have you learned about out culture, our culture and our laws do not allow for second wives in fact its called bigamy.


So I suggest as others have if you want to live a different life with more than one wife then you need to move to a country who condones this.


Technically incorrect. Bigamy is the crime of marrying while still married to someone else (in countries where it is is illegal). Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse (not a crime in some countries).

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Obviously the answer would be to return to Malaysia where it is legal for a large segment of the population to have two wives. Haven lived in that country I attended the wedding of a Malay friend at the time who was marrying for the second time. A younger model of course, but both got along from what I could see. Of course under Islam both wives must be treated equally.

Besides being illegal in Australia, the dynamics of the situation would be far harder to work in a country like Australia than a kampong in Malaysia.

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So what is De facto relationship means. Can i bring her in Defacto relationship.

What if she comes here as a student and if she delivers a baby in Australia

Applicants seeking to demonstrate a de facto relationship with their partner must provide evidence that for the period covering at least the twelve months before the visa application is lodged:



they had a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others

the relationship between them is genuine and continuing

they live together, or do not live separately and apart, on a permanent basis.


If she gives birth to a child while on a student visa she will still be on a student visa - she will have no rights to stay in Australia.

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