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Kids have it tough here in Australia!

Que Sera Sera

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My poor lad has just come home from school having done fitness all afternoon. The poor thing had to go to the beach play cricket and swim in the Ocean, 27c and wall to wall sunshine. The poor kid, what a nightmare eh? He's not lucky like I was running cross country in the rain and the mud! Tough, tough life over here mind:biggrin:

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My poor lad has just come home from school having done fitness all afternoon. The poor thing had to go to the beach play cricket and swim in the Ocean, 27c and wall to wall sunshine. The poor kid, what a nightmare eh? He's not lucky like I was running cross country in the rain and the mud! Tough, tough life over here mind:biggrin:


Remember most days when my kids came in from school and tell me what they'd been up to my usual response was "call that school". Kids still remind me of it, they've both finished now.

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My poor lad has just come home from school having done fitness all afternoon. The poor thing had to go to the beach play cricket and swim in the Ocean, 27c and wall to wall sunshine. The poor kid, what a nightmare eh? He's not lucky like I was running cross country in the rain and the mud! Tough, tough life over here mind:biggrin:


You forgot the hail and the sleet!

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Jesus, wish you hadn't reminded me about cross country in Blighty in the middle of winter! I'm off for a Panadol and a lie down......................

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My poor lad has just come home from school having done fitness all afternoon. The poor thing had to go to the beach play cricket and swim in the Ocean, 27c and wall to wall sunshine. The poor kid, what a nightmare eh? He's not lucky like I was running cross country in the rain and the mud! Tough, tough life over here mind:biggrin:



you know i said the same to my 13 yr old daughter on one of our many trips to london or was it monaco or was it rome or innsbruck or prague or munich or was it lucerne or hhhhmmmmm,could it have been her 3 trips to venice or...her trips to disney paris , disney california and disney florida or could it have been las vegas or her boring last weekend the cinema , ice skating or shopping ....its crap here in england ....

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you know i said the same to my 13 yr old daughter on one of our many trips to london or was it monaco or was it rome or innsbruck or prague or munich or was it lucerne or hhhhmmmmm,could it have been her 3 trips to venice or...her trips to disney paris , disney california and disney florida or could it have been las vegas or her boring last weekend the cinema , ice skating or shopping ....its crap here in england ....


Is that why you took her to all those places so you could prove your point??:wink:


Cheers, Bobj.

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B61, just remembered an 'incident' when I went to Germany with my school. We had a layover in Köln railway station for 3 hours. One of the boys needed to go to the toilets, so a small group of us went with him. He gesticulated to the big woman seated in the gents that he needed some toilet paper as there was none in the cubicles. She gave him 2 pieces of the cheapest dunny fodder one could ever imagine.

Most of the buildings that we saw had bullet marks around virtually every window.

It really put into perspective what Germany was like after WWII.



Cheers, Bobj.

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you know i said the same to my 13 yr old daughter on one of our many trips to london or was it monaco or was it rome or innsbruck or prague or munich or was it lucerne or hhhhmmmmm,could it have been her 3 trips to venice or...her trips to disney paris , disney california and disney florida or could it have been las vegas or her boring last weekend the cinema , ice skating or shopping ....its crap here in england ....


It took you long enough to realise it!

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B61, just remembered an 'incident' when I went to Germany with my school. We had a layover in Köln railway station for 3 hours. One of the boys needed to go to the toilets, so a small group of us went with him. He gesticulated to the big woman seated in the gents that he needed some toilet paper as there was none in the cubicles. She gave him 2 pieces of the cheapest dunny fodder one could ever imagine.

Most of the buildings that we saw had bullet marks around virtually every window.

It really put into perspective what Germany was like after WWII.



Cheers, Bobj.


Spent 3 1/2 years in Germany as a kid. I remember a car crash, being in hospital at Xmas for a tonsil operation, and a Xmas party and that's it!

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you know i said the same to my 13 yr old daughter on one of our many trips to london or was it monaco or was it rome or innsbruck or prague or munich or was it lucerne or hhhhmmmmm,could it have been her 3 trips to venice or...her trips to disney paris , disney california and disney florida or could it have been las vegas or her boring last weekend the cinema , ice skating or shopping ....its crap here in england ....

You've just proved your own point there Bunbury by the amount of places you mention where your daughter went.

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Of course there are things that are better in Australia, just as there are things that are better in the UK. The question is, are you the kind of person that focuses on the positives or on the negatives?


Actually, I used to enjoy cross country. I was no good at it, but it was nice to get out in the fresh air, see nice scenery and generally not have people trying to topple me by shoulder charging my thighs. And if it was raining, sport was cancelled. I don't think we had 27 degrees to contend with but I'm not sure that would make outdoor sport very enticing.

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Of course there are things that are better in Australia, just as there are things that are better in the UK. The question is, are you the kind of person that focuses on the positives or on the negatives?


Actually, I used to enjoy cross country. I was no good at it, but it was nice to get out in the fresh air, see nice scenery and generally not have people trying to topple me by shoulder charging my thighs. And if it was raining, sport was cancelled. I don't think we had 27 degrees to contend with but I'm not sure that would make outdoor sport very enticing.


What school did you go to and when. In fact when might be the operative word here. I've never known sport get cancelled for rain when I was at school. I think the teachers used to love it even more, if it was pouring down, to say right lads 5 miles cross country today. In your green flash, so heavy when you got back as they were covered in mud that stuck to the soles like glue.


To be fair I liked all that stuff. Our school had a cracking cross country team. If it wasn't for sport I would have hated school. As it was I enjoyed it a lot.

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What school did you go to and when. In fact when might be the operative word here. I've never known sport get cancelled for rain when I was at school.

That would be the 1970s and 1980s. I went to more than one school and it was practice at each to cancel sports if it was raining. I presume this was for health and safety reasons.

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what worries me is some of the peeps I went to school with are starting to pop their clogs, and I,m only in my 50s, bodie with his 3.0 ford capri was a welcome relief from my days as a gasboard apprentice now he's gone along with Jack Reagan from the sweeny :eek:

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That would be the 1970s and 1980s. I went to more than one school and it was practice at each to cancel sports if it was raining. I presume this was for health and safety reasons.


The worlds going soft isn't it. The time would certainly make the difference. I finished secondary school in 1969-70 and we never had anything cancelled then because of rain or bad weather, actually cricket did used to get stopped, but it had to be raining pretty hard for even that to happen. Good job really, we would never had managed to get a full football season in.


I used to coach my boys at Auskick for a few years and my wife tells me they aren't allowed to score at auskick anymore. The boys should just turn up and play for the love of the game????? What's the point in sport if no-one wins? Gets the kids used to striving for something, the elation of winning and the deflation of defeat. Kids are protected too much these days. No wonder a lot can't cope when it comes to exam time.

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I used to coach my boys at Auskick for a few years and my wife tells me they aren't allowed to score at auskick anymore. The boys should just turn up and play for the love of the game?????

At our local Auskick, they have competitions, races, keep score in the kickabout. And that was this year.

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