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I am going hubby staying


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Has anyone else been in the same situation, I have had enough still no work after 8 months, more qualified than some and no job in site, totally demoralised .....we have decided that hubby is staying here with a view to looking for a better job or completing the 3 years on 457....if you have done similar would love your opinion

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I met a couple who had moved here in April, the guy was a plumber and could not find any work so they went back in early July. Trade work seems especially difficult as you need australian licences so he'd have have to effectively work as an apprentice for a year...this was a guy with 20 years experience. In such circumstances it's a no brainer!

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I am HR qualififed, and have extensive admin/reception/sales experience, I have applied for over 500 jobs ranging from reception to HR, and have had 2 interviews! In the UK I could be in a position to chose a job and always managed to get interviews.


Financially we are managing, but we came here with the view of more money a better way of life, but seem to be worse off than being in the UK.


Hubby staying to get more experience, as was in army all his life, if he gets a better job which if financially viable I may return, otherwise he will either come back to the UK or look elsewhere.


I am not home sick, as we have travelled or been seperated by work all our married ife, I have always worked and did not forsee any issues with my qualififcations or experience moving over here, but alot tougher than I thought.


It has done nothing for my self esteem not being able to find any sort of employment and being on my own all day, we have a few friends but they all work, so can only socialise at weekends.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Really sorry to hear this Hubbert :hug: Which area are you in? Sometimes in this game it's not what you know but who you know.

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Sounds like a similar situation to my own, I'm an accountant and moved from London to Melbourne on a permanent resident visa in March. A few days after arriving I met with a friend of a friend (also an accountant) who had done the same just before Christmas albeit he was an Australian coming back here. He told me it took him 3 months to find a job which I couldn't believe it as I've never known job hunting to take anyone longer than 3 weeks in London. A couple if ex-colleagues were fired for being useless and got new jobs within two weeks so even ended up doing pretty well financially as they were on two months notice.


After just over two months looking here during which time I only had 4 interviews I landed a temporary role but although the money was decent it was much more junior than my previous roles. That only lasted two months as we had finalised the annual budgets and there was nothing else coming up for me to do...I think they got fed up of me asking for something to do multiple times a day!


So I've been looking again for about four weeks now and only just had my first interview in this round if searching. I'm also waiting to hear back on two applications that match my experience. If nothing comes of those three, so within about 2-3 weeks, I'll head home which will be a shame as I wanted to stay for summer at least. The biggest problem seems to be just a distinct lack of jobs as its not like I have have had loads to apply for. Then with the few jobs that do come up I guess the don't fancy taking a risk on a non Australian. Remember it still took my Aussie friend three months, who has a massive advantage over you and I, to find anything so try not to let it affect your confidence.


The most frustrating thing is people suggesting you look for call centre or sales work to tide me over while searching. I'll never do that, it's not being arrogant but I'm at the stage where I have a career and my aspiration is to make the best if that, not exist in simply Australia at the detriment of it.

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I am HR qualififed, and have extensive admin/reception/sales experience, I have applied for over 500 jobs ranging from reception to HR, and have had 2 interviews! In the UK I could be in a position to chose a job and always managed to get interviews.


Financially we are managing, but we came here with the view of more money a better way of life, but seem to be worse off than being in the UK.


Hubby staying to get more experience, as was in army all his life, if he gets a better job which if financially viable I may return, otherwise he will either come back to the UK or look elsewhere.


I am not home sick, as we have travelled or been seperated by work all our married ife, I have always worked and did not forsee any issues with my qualififcations or experience moving over here, but alot tougher than I thought.


It has done nothing for my self esteem not being able to find any sort of employment and being on my own all day, we have a few friends but they all work, so can only socialise at weekends.



Hey sorry to hear you are struggling to get into HR. I'd be interested to find out more from you as I'm a HR professional currently in the process of applying to move etc.. Any insight into job hunt etc would be appreciated... Where are you living? Many thanks.. Kez

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it is sole destroying, espeically when you have gained all the experience, and lets face it (without being rude) more experience than the Aussies on many levels, I have been doing admin all my working life from MS Dos years and HR for 4 years before moving and I feel I am good for nothing here, even to retrain would be over a $1000. Having done call centre in the past I fully understand where you are coming from, but I have even applied for some jobs in this area and still been knocked back.


I hope you hear something positive soon

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I qualified as a HR generalist, but over here HR has no 'clout', it is all split into specific areas, ie recruiting, change management etc.....HR roles are not as you would expect them to be, I have even looked at training here to obtain an Aussie qualification but very very expensive and I feel why should I, the qualifications from the UK are more advanced and knowledge based.

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it is sole destroying, espeically when you have gained all the experience, and lets face it (without being rude) more experience than the Aussies on many levels, I have been doing admin all my working life from MS Dos years and HR for 4 years before moving and I feel I am good for nothing here, even to retrain would be over a $1000. Having done call centre in the past I fully understand where you are coming from, but I have even applied for some jobs in this area and still been knocked back.


I hope you hear something positive soon


HI hubbert0403, I am planning on heading to Oz as well and have 20 years experience in HR and have found this site great for advice, etc.


Without 'teaching grandma to suck eggs' have you tried tailoring your cv for each role that you apply for?? or did you just send off the same cv for all? 500 jobs seems a huge amount to apply for with only 2 interviews. It strikes me that your cv could need work if you are not even getting interviews?? Is your cv done Aussie style as well?? Have you thought about having 4 differnet cv's one for each type of job you are applying for - you could just have them ready for each different type of job you apply for?? It is awful to hear that you are thinking about leaving hubby as you cannot find work.


It seems to me from everything I have read on this site that if you head to Oz you have to be prepared to make it work and keep going til it does! What do they say you have to fake it until you make it!!


Just fyi my friend moved out to Queensland (Brisbane) a few years ago and she works in HR and got a role after about 6 months and hasn't looked back ...... if you can get by with hubby's money would it not be worth giving it a bit more time??


Best wishes anyway whatever you decide to do!



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Hi, yes AUssie style cv and covering letter, I have 3 copies of each, I also adapt a copy of each if applying for jobs which are a little out of my field. I think after 8 months anyone self esteem and worth can be tested, hence my decision to leave its not a decision taken lightly as we came here thinking we would finally settle down.

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Hi, yes AUssie style cv and covering letter, I have 3 copies of each, I also adapt a copy of each if applying for jobs which are a little out of my field. I think after 8 months anyone self esteem and worth can be tested, hence my decision to leave its not a decision taken lightly as we came here thinking we would finally settle down.



Sorry to hear you are leaving, what methods of looking for jobs did you use? Have you ever asked for someone else to look at your cv and cover letters? Sorry if you have and you tried everything, I just can't believe after 500 applications you've had no luck that's soul destroying and not a good outlook for rest of us?!! I really hope to secure a role before I even leave and I'm really early in the whole process but drawing on as my contacts as much as I can now! Where are you based? What if any feedback have you received from your applications?

Good luck whatever you decide to do!

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Living on the Gold Coast and been told one of the worst places to find work, but there is plenty out there which is again frustrating


Absolutely correct and can quite understand the amount of jobs you have applied for without success. It is rare to see any job in HR advertised at Gold Coast and the building industry has thousands of people out of jobs too. I really feel for you as our family home was there and I truly understand. My son had to leave for the same reason - his work completely dried up Also other things are going downhill a bit there unfortunately as I love Currumbin where I used to live near the Bird Sanctuary and Burleigh Heads.

It is only people who have never lived there that don't understand and it has nothing to to with you and I am quite certain you are well aware of what is expected with your CV. It's no better further south unfortunately and other than Brisbane city where there might be the odd jobs advertised through agencies I cannot think of where you could go to. I also can't see the situation getting any better any time soon. I arrived back in UK in April and am living in Devon and it is far more positive here for work than it was back there albeit that the wages are lousy!

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Hi, yes AUssie style cv and covering letter, I have 3 copies of each, I also adapt a copy of each if applying for jobs which are a little out of my field. I think after 8 months anyone self esteem and worth can be tested, hence my decision to leave its not a decision taken lightly as we came here thinking we would finally settle down.

Sorry to hear. Not sure what an Aussie style CV is and probably best I don't try and guess. Clearly if there aren't the jobs there, it is not you at fault, but yes, anybody would be disheartened by your circumstances. Personally I would say stay together, but thats easy for me to say.


I have seen a few improvements in the UK economy but it is area dependant - it is just possible that you might find it easier to get work here, which after all people expect about a move to Oz, would surprise many.


Good luck in whatever you decide.

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I met a couple who had moved here in April, the guy was a plumber and could not find any work so they went back in early July. Trade work seems especially difficult as you need australian licences so he'd have have to effectively work as an apprentice for a year...this was a guy with 20 years experience. In such circumstances it's a no brainer!


This isn't uncommon, but when I hear stories like this I have to ask myself did this couple do any research before they came? Did they imagine that they'd be able to just wander in with a monkey wrench and a nod and start fitting gas boilers? There must 500 threads on this site alone about getting local qualis for dozens of trades.


It's sad, and you can imagine what those two months were like for them.

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I am HR qualififed, and have extensive admin/reception/sales experience, I have applied for over 500 jobs ranging from reception to HR, and have had 2 interviews! In the UK I could be in a position to chose a job and always managed to get interviews.


Financially we are managing, but we came here with the view of more money a better way of life, but seem to be worse off than being in the UK.


Hubby staying to get more experience, as was in army all his life, if he gets a better job which if financially viable I may return, otherwise he will either come back to the UK or look elsewhere.


I am not home sick, as we have travelled or been seperated by work all our married ife, I have always worked and did not forsee any issues with my qualififcations or experience moving over here, but alot tougher than I thought.


It has done nothing for my self esteem not being able to find any sort of employment and being on my own all day, we have a few friends but they all work, so can only socialise at weekends.


Your not the first and won't be the last I'm sure, many brits come here with the view of more money and a better life but I think what some maybe don't realise it that is costs alot more to live here, so effectively you may be earning more but you are paying more out too. Good luck with your decision and I hope it works out well for you :smile:

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This isn't uncommon, but when I hear stories like this I have to ask myself did this couple do any research before they came? Did they imagine that they'd be able to just wander in with a monkey wrench and a nod and start fitting gas boilers? There must 500 threads on this site alone about getting local qualis for dozens of trades.


This same issue comes up on the poms in adelaide website. There has been a permanent posting right at the top of the jobs and careers section running for over 2 years about plumbing and what the requirements are for gaining licences and work and STILL people come on the site and post 'that's it going home, been here 6 months can't get work, UK licences not recognised, it is c*ap here' etc etc you get the picture! These are also the people that go back to the UK and tell everyone the story of how you can't get work but really they are not telling people the whole truth. In the end when you are trying to help people (myself and I know of another person that used to post and try and help and has given up) you start to lose the will to live because people just either choose not to listen to you or think they know better. I also think that people in the UK probably think they understand how the job market works here (speaking of Adelaide), but in reality they have no idea. I can give numerous examples of people shooting themselves in the foot because they don't understand how the 'system' works.


I have a friend that I met through the poms in adelaide forum. They contacted me as they noticed I had a HR background and we have become good friends. They worked for 10 years in HR in the UK at a fairly high level. The first time I met my friend I explained how getting a HR job worked in Adelaide and gave them my advice about how to go about it and the steps I could recommend they take. 2 years later, the other weekend I had the same conversation with my friend about how to get a job in HR, my advice hasn't changed, but they haven't done any of the things I suggested and I guess if they were truthful they don't feel they should have to do anything. At the end of the day it is the individuals choice whether they listen to you or not, as the saying goes 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink'.

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I don't think you can blame people for being a little naive. If you have been good at your job and made a successful career in the UK it is natural to think you'll have every chance t do the same in Australia. Which don't forget we are led to believe prides itself on giving people a fair go and ability/attitude counting for more than qualifications.


There are plenty of shoddy tradies in the UK and if you were a good plumber reading such stories you would probably think the people writing them just aren't very good and everything will be fine for you.

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The most frustrating thing is people suggesting you look for call centre or sales work to tide me over while searching. I'll never do that, it's not being arrogant but I'm at the stage where I have a career and my aspiration is to make the best if that, not exist in simply Australia at the detriment of it.

The impression I have of Australia after three or so years is that it is not unusual for people's fortunes to go down as well as up. You meet many people who used to work in more senior roles but have stepped down - for a variety of reasons. It seems to be less of a stigma and would not necessarily stop someone stepping back up at some point in the future. The concept of career progression is not as rigid in Australia.

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I am HR qualififed, and have extensive admin/reception/sales experience, I have applied for over 500 jobs ranging from reception to HR, and have had 2 interviews! In the UK I could be in a position to chose a job and always managed to get interviews.


Financially we are managing, but we came here with the view of more money a better way of life, but seem to be worse off than being in the UK.


Hubby staying to get more experience, as was in army all his life, if he gets a better job which if financially viable I may return, otherwise he will either come back to the UK or look elsewhere.


I am not home sick, as we have travelled or been seperated by work all our married ife, I have always worked and did not forsee any issues with my qualififcations or experience moving over here, but alot tougher than I thought.


It has done nothing for my self esteem not being able to find any sort of employment and being on my own all day, we have a few friends but they all work, so can only socialise at weekends.


Good luck with everything Hubbert. It can't be an easy decision to make but at least you have experienced living apart before and you know what to expect. Nevertheless, I hope it does not come to that and you are successful in your job search! Really hope things work out for you, whatever you and your hubby decide to do. :hug:

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