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What are the main reasons you moved back?


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We've found - from living here - a real appreciation for the history of Europe - can't wait to get back (and it's the Australians that have given us this clarity of view) - but like most - for us it will be the family and friends argument - though when we do go, we will be losing friends here too now.

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Whilst I wouldn't describe myself as miserable (a lot of my posts are fairly tongue in cheek) I've never liked Australia, even as a place to visit. That's no reflection on the country, it's just that we were wrong for each other. But, with an Australian partner it was always inevitable that I'd end up living here for a while, I just didn't think it would be this long!. I'd love to go home, not because I think the UK is some kind of northern hemisphere version of nirvana, but because it's home and I fit in there. As my signature says, maybe one day, but in the meantime I just bump along making the best of things whilst taking some satisfaction that my partner and daughter are happy here :smile:

That's it exactly!

Sometimes you just do what you have to do because the people in your life are more important than the place you live it in. However it is great when the people and the place come together! Hope it happens for you one day EW, cos when it does, it's amazing!

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The first thing that has struck me about this thread is the amount of views it has had- 4,000 +! That in itself is very telling I think..

It's a tough one really but I think it probably just boils down to what you want out of life and who and what is important to you as a family, person etc. I believe some people find being in a certain environment more important than being with certain people, then you get the other group who are a bit of both (if that makes sense).

Speaking from personal experience I really can relate to some of the posts on here. We went from living in a big city by the sea in the UK to a suburb in Adelaide!!! I found it very mundane quite quickly, yes the 'Benidorm Brigade' off down the RSL every weekend, endless BBQ's round people's houses, ex-pats slating the UK, and when i had my days off just wondering what the hell to do. I am not someone who gets easily bored and I love the outdoors, nature etc but I was bored. I found the place 'lifeless with no soul'. Those who have experienced this will relate. I simply felt I had lost my 'mojo'. I made friends (not all Brits), socialised with others (not the benidorm brigade), and generally tried to embrace my new life. However, I just got fed up with it.

I have also lived in Perth and feel there are lots of similarities with Adelaide (Adelaide is even more sleepy). There are many myths about life in Oz, and like I said before, what appeals to some may not appeal to others. I would not say to people don't go, just consider carefully your reasons for going I mean what is it you are looking for? Another thing I would say is you cannot plan for your feelings. I had lived in Oz before so had some idea. However this time was different. I was a bit older with a bit more life experience. Your priorities change. Also, we went for the experience, not because we didn't like our life in the UK.

Our life now- both have jobs, have nice house, good friends and family, had several holidays abroad since being back, and enjoy our life. The sun is shining and life is good.... In a nutshell I prefer my life here and sometimes we have to do theses things to appreciate more what is sometimes right under our noses. I have my 'mojo' back!

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The main reason we moved back (6 days ago!) is for family. We need them and they need us now, so the timing was perfect. (Some of you know just how perfect). Who knows what the future holds, but for us right now, the UK is where we need to be.

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My son is 23, left school and did an electricians apprenticeship. Worked as a sparkie in Perth for a while, decent money even working in Perth. On top of that he bought himself an XR6 turbo ute which he can claim the whole running costs back on tax, including loan repayments. He's now moved into FIFO and works 8 days on 6 off and gets more money than me. He has saved up enough hols to have 3 months off, by the time he factors in his FIFO swings. He is in Barcelona at the moment having been on boat trips round the greek Islands and Croatia and to Pamplona for the running of the bulls. He goes on to Ibiza for a week or so soon and then to the Tomorrowland festival in Belgium. Finishes off by a bus about trip.


He has probably seen as much of Europe as we did in 20 years of having our 2 weeks in the sun every year. He asked his cousins, who are the same age but live in the UK, if they wanted to come and stay with him in Ibiza as he has already paid for the room, they couldn't even afford the tickets as one of them has never had a job and the other finished her teacher training degree with a massive debt and still struggling to get a job.


He took his cousin out one night and he bought him a pair of trousers and paid for everything.


Like Hoff says, be careful where you move back to. His cousins are from Manchester and Tolpuddle. The one from Tolpuddle is the teacher and ironically, is having to move to Manchester to get a teaching job.



To be fair Paul, and to give a bit of balance, 'kids ' can do it from the Uk too. My daughter has just finished her A levels and is touring Europe right now. She and her friends have been to Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Krakow, are now in Budapest and heading to Vienna today, then to Munich, Paris, Florence and Rome before coming home at the end of July. She's home for 5 days before going to Norway and Sweden for three weeks with her boyfriend. Then she's home for 6hours before we go to Spain for a family holiday. She and her friends have paid for their trips themselves.

Yes, be careful where you move to (either way), but not everyone here is destitute, just as not everyone in Aus is wealthy.

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Haha, this made me laugh (the convo bit). My friend emigrated to Perth about 5 years ago (OH grew up there and always said he wanted to go back - so she went with him after getting married). Within a couple of weeks of arriving in Kelmscott WA, an Aussie said to her 'welcome to paradise' - I don't think she quite knew what to say! I was in Perth for a year - was ok for a short time. I worked for that year for a govt dept (admin), and I remember walking in on a conversation about 'the boat people'. One woman said 'I bet this really annoys you doesn't it? - these illegal immigrants coming over and given visas to stay, when people like you find it hard'. All I said was 'Whatever gave you the impression I want to stay?'. That was a conversation stopper! I found that Aussies were really baffled when you said you didn't want to stay permanently!! I found (and this is just what I found - not speaking for the people I didn't meet), that Aussies were full of their self-importance as a people/nation.


this applies to my experience of the UK as well so it happens there too. I had a few people ask why i would ever want to leave the uk and then get really funny with me when i gave my reasons. Each to their own. The english are just as self important in my experience.

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So why do so many Poms choose Perth ?

I've never understood why it seems at least 70% of Poms on PIO say they are going to Perth.


We're moving to Perth because I didn't get enough points for NSW to live near my sister in Sydney. Western Australia were kind enough to sponsor me so I have to live in WA for two years and I figured Perth would be the best place to base ourselves. Then we can consider moving to other parts of Australia.

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this applies to my experience of the UK as well so it happens there too. I had a few people ask why i would ever want to leave the uk and then get really funny with me when i gave my reasons. Each to their own. The english are just as self important in my experience.


Sorry, but there is nowhere more full of their own self importance as Oz. Even worse than the USA and that says something! You only have to be around for Australia day to see that. The funny thing is, that while the US has some justifacation for it being the world super power. Most people barely register Australia. Maybe thats why - they know that to the rest of the world there just some parochial rock down under and so they over compensate. Bit like a kid that gets ignored and starts jumping up and down for attention.

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Sorry, but there is nowhere more full of their own self importance as Oz. Even worse than the USA and that says something! You only have to be around for Australia day to see that. The funny thing is, that while the US has some justifacation for it being the world super power. Most people barely register Australia. Maybe thats why - they know that to the rest of the world there just some parochial rock down under and so they over compensate. Bit like a kid that gets ignored and starts jumping up and down for attention.


If you read my post i didnt say the english were more self important, just as self important. I know all about aussie arrogance having grown up in SA and been part of the massive sporting rivalry and competition between the nations, as well as meeting aussies along the way.


at the end of the day everyone can argue their points til the cows come home, but everyones opinions are based on their own life experience and cannot be taken away from them.

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Guest guest74886
What are you talking about? What is this PR Scam? I have seen a couple of adverts advertising Australia as a holiday destination. Never got the impression they are begging people to move here so they can rip them off.


Very bitter post, did your big move not work out so well?


It's alright. wait till you've been here a bit longer and you've read the newspapers a bit more and then you'll get it.

And actually we are going back better off than ever if we had stayed in the UK

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It's alright. wait till you've been here a bit longer and you've read the newspapers a bit more and then you'll get it.

And actually we are going back better off than ever if we had stayed in the UK


So it's not been all bad!!!! Sorry but from the tone of most of your posts there have been no positives from your time in Oz.

i've been here over 10 years and read the papers, honestly don't know what you are talking about. I appreciate you seriously don't like it here, and just hope France is everything you think it will be.

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It's alright. wait till you've been here a bit longer and you've read the newspapers a bit more and then you'll get it.

And actually we are going back better off than ever if we had stayed in the UK



Well it's not a very good PR Scam if me and other people are unaware of it. The PR people should be sacked.


Also if you take everything you read in a newspaper as 100% truth then I admire your naivety.


So What's your moan going to be about France? which is where I assume you are moving. Probably that they don't like outsiders or something? where will you move then?

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Guest guest74886
So it's not been all bad!!!! Sorry but from the tone of most of your posts there have been no positives from your time in Oz.

i've been here over 10 years and read the papers, honestly don't know what you are talking about. I appreciate you seriously don't like it here, and just hope France is everything you think it will be.


Read my comments on page 7 and I would add to those the following, the lack of accountability for any body found to be ripping the country off or carrying out financial scams, the lack of consumer protection here despite all the much talked about red tape; don't ever have an industrial accident here without union membership, medical insurance and be able to pay for a lawyer; don't loose your job without income protection because you will be scrabbling on what you qualify for in benefits; and just hope that you can pay your rent because there is no safety net that will look after you and your family when you get evicted.


Seriously tho why I say it's a PR scam is because so many of the dirty little, and big. secrets that Australia has never see the light of day outside a few Fairfax newspaper articles and the dire politicians and shady businesses here get very little publicity or aggressive attention from the Australian media, there are no 'Paxman' interviewers here.

It's like a 'black hole,' nothing about the downsides of Australia ever escape and make world news, it's all about the sunshine, the beaches, the barbecues, the weather, the Great Barrier Reef ( which they've just discovered!!!!!! the subsidised sugar farmers have been killing for years) which the State governments relentlessly churn out, did you know that the State govts have budgets for international advertising for their individual states to encourage not just tourism but immigrants also with top advertising people.

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HI ALL ! my name is tony and I'm a domestic gas engineer with electrical experience and soon to have HVAC qualifications too .Here's my problem I would love to move to oz.my partner wasn't sure at first but has come around to the idea ! I/We have been thinking about Perth because of my trades. But reading this thread I'm not so sure now .I have my partner and two girls 7/2 {the move wouldn't be for another two years at least } as I say I'm just looking with open eyes.

IS IT VIABLE ?? in this current climate ? please help as I say I have 2 small children and HAVE to get this right !!

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Guest guest74886
Well it's not a very good PR Scam if me and other people are unaware of it. The PR people should be sacked.


Also if you take everything you read in a newspaper as 100% truth then I admire your naivety.


So What's your moan going to be about France? which is where I assume you are moving. Probably that they don't like outsiders or something? where will you move then?


Actually the French I find refreshing in their honesty about not liking other races and nationalities and a lot of French people admit to it and there is public discourse about that as a part of public life and that has spawned a very nationalistic political party which has a part in political life, it is at least out in the open and there are concerns expressed about its policies, there is still a Communist party which also still has adherents and nobody is shocked by that either.


As De Gaulle said how can you run a country that produces so many cheeses, but at least they have some understanding of what Socialism should stand for and the country doesn't try all the the time to project itself as some kind of Nirvana.


And they can at least build things like the Millau viaduct ( http://www.amusingplanet.com/2012/03/millau-viaduct-france-tallest-bridge-in.html ), a bit better than Cambell Newmans bankrupt tunnels

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That's an awesome bridge I must admit OzToFrance. It's almost as nice as the gateway bridge and the story bridge which I drive along in my car in the sunshine eating from the BBQ on my passenger seat, while listening to the radio telling me how brilliant Australia is.

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HI ALL ! my name is tony and I'm a domestic gas engineer with electrical experience and soon to have HVAC qualifications too .Here's my problem I would love to move to oz.my partner wasn't sure at first but has come around to the idea ! I/We have been thinking about Perth because of my trades. But reading this thread I'm not so sure now .I have my partner and two girls 7/2 {the move wouldn't be for another two years at least } as I say I'm just looking with open eyes.

IS IT VIABLE ?? in this current climate ? please help as I say I have 2 small children and HAVE to get this right !!


I have no idea about job prospects from trades. But just from this site it seems there's lots of negativity to Perth. I have only visited there (stayed by the beach so didnt get a feeling for suburb life) Did quite like it though! Personally if I was to live in Australia it has to be Melbourne or Brisbane for me at my current life stage. Sydney would also be nice if I had lots of money

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HI ALL ! my name is tony and I'm a domestic gas engineer with electrical experience and soon to have HVAC qualifications too .Here's my problem I would love to move to oz.my partner wasn't sure at first but has come around to the idea ! I/We have been thinking about Perth because of my trades. But reading this thread I'm not so sure now .I have my partner and two girls 7/2 {the move wouldn't be for another two years at least } as I say I'm just looking with open eyes.

IS IT VIABLE ?? in this current climate ? please help as I say I have 2 small children and HAVE to get this right !!


All I would say is do your research very carefully! The job situation here isn't great at the moment and you have to come to terms with being alone especially if you have a good family relationship and support in the UK, those are the things people seem to struggle with the most.

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All I would say is do your research very carefully! The job situation here isn't great at the moment and you have to come to terms with being alone especially if you have a good family relationship and support in the UK, those are the things people seem to struggle with the most.


Sensible advice. It was a lot easier for me as I have Aussie gf who had been living In Brisbane for years, with a group of friends to hang out with on arrival. Must be a lot harder starting from scratch!

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HI ALL ! my name is tony and I'm a domestic gas engineer with electrical experience and soon to have HVAC qualifications too .Here's my problem I would love to move to oz.my partner wasn't sure at first but has come around to the idea ! I/We have been thinking about Perth because of my trades. But reading this thread I'm not so sure now .I have my partner and two girls 7/2 {the move wouldn't be for another two years at least } as I say I'm just looking with open eyes.

IS IT VIABLE ?? in this current climate ? please help as I say I have 2 small children and HAVE to get this right !!


Look gasman, ignore the crap on here and make your own mind up, it's not possible to 'get it right' 100% theres always a risk involved. Plenty of people here have though and every chance you will too. Its a beautiful place to be and life is what you make it anywhere. Pitfalls and unexpected hitches around every corner but also huge benefits and a nice quality of life. PM me if you need any more help. Seek out the whats good about Perth threads for more info..if you believe all you read on here you'll go mad. One persons experience can be very biased according to their journey.

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It's like a 'black hole,' nothing about the downsides of Australia ever escape and make world news, it's all about the sunshine, the beaches, the barbecues, the weather,


Every Australian paper - including small regional ones - is on the internet and is available for anyone in the world to read.

They are not censored to weed out the "bad" bits for the rest of the world.

If you want something other than Murdoch or Fairfax, read other news media and commentators - ABC, SBS, Crikey, The Drum, IndependentAustralia etc. They all have websites.


If anyone claims they don't know what's going on in Australia they have only themselves to blame.


the Great Barrier Reef ( which they've just discovered!!!!!! the subsidised sugar farmers have been killing for years)

They haven't "just discovered". Scientists have been warning about this for nearly 30 years.

The political will has been lacking to do anything about it.

It will, of course, involve more red tape and bureaucracy to take counter measures - which will bring joy to those on here who love to whinge about that.


the lack of accountability for any body found to be ripping the country off or carrying out financial scams,


So you slept through all the court cases which resulted in CEOs being imprisoned for financial fraud? Bit hard to miss very high profile ones like Alan Bond, I would have thought,



don't ever have an industrial accident here without union membership, medical insurance and be able to pay for a lawyer;



Really? Can't imagine how people I know received workers' compensation without any of those things.


Seriously tho why I say it's a PR scam is because so many of the dirty little, and big. secrets that Australia has never see the light of day outside a few Fairfax newspaper articles and the dire politicians and shady businesses here get very little publicity or aggressive attention from the Australian media, there are no 'Paxman' interviewers here.


Bit funny considering that it has taken over 20 years for the media scandal in the UK to be taken seriously. :rolleyes:

Or that Jimmy Savile - and his cronies - did their nasty work for 50 years without anyone noticing.



Never watched the investigative work - or read the books - of Paul Barry, Chris Masters, Sarah Ferguson?

Probably because they continue to beaver away doing their investigative work and are not interested in becoming media "stars".

Not that I don't appreciate Paxman's style: I am particularly loving his wonderful (but damning) "Empire" series on Australian TV at the moment

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Guest guest74886
HI ALL ! my name is tony and I'm a domestic gas engineer with electrical experience and soon to have HVAC qualifications too .Here's my problem I would love to move to oz.my partner wasn't sure at first but has come around to the idea ! I/We have been thinking about Perth because of my trades. But reading this thread I'm not so sure now .I have my partner and two girls 7/2 {the move wouldn't be for another two years at least } as I say I'm just looking with open eyes.

IS IT VIABLE ?? in this current climate ? please help as I say I have 2 small children and HAVE to get this right !!



I know I'm seen on here as Mr Grouch but I would say this to you and then others can tell me I'm wrong and at least you will get both points of view;


a) the amount of domestic gas installations here are substantially fewer as there are a lot less heating systems and most of those are LPG and there are not the same requirements for gas certs on rented property, or at least not in QLD so that is a fair bit of work gone already.( It is probably fair to say that NSW and Vict will have more heating systems and these are often gas fired warm air units)


B) Most gas installations are done by dual qualified plumber/ gas fitters


c) The house building industry is a bit in the doldrums at the moment, what it will be like in 2 years is anybody's guess.


d) Australia looks like it's going to be entering a bit of a lean time with downturns in it's driving force, mining, and how that will affect the housing industry is difficult to tell, Syndney's housing market is supposedly on the up but Brisbane and Perth are sliding backwards at THE MOMENT.


e) the cost of living here is higher than the UK, with rents and property prices significantly higher than the UK, food is a little higher than UK and utility bills I would say about 15-20% higher, eating out at other than fast food is very much more expensive and Alcohol both at the offie and in pubs much more expensive.


f) going out to the pub is a very different proposition here and that is something that you really need to research and get handle on because it is so different as is most entertainment availability and the cost of it.


g) you really need to use google maps to understand how far out from the center the cheap housing suburbs are and how isolating that can be for someone left at home and how few facilities there are out in some of these suburbs and how little public transport there is here in comparison to the UK.


h) the cost of fuel is about to rocket due to fall in Aus dollar and will be close to UK prices and that is going to hurt here because commuting often is a long journey


i) if you want to go self employed you need to check the individual state quals that you need to have to go self employed because they are much more onerous often that the quals which will get you a visa


I know that Australia has a lot to offer but there are downsides and one of these is that to live the Oz dream you have to have a good income and I would venture that that needs to be a income of around a $85-100k, I'll let everyone else on here take potshots at me but I think if you're coming here to make a fresh start and not be struggling with a family then it has to be around that figure.

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Actually the French I find refreshing in their honesty about not liking other races and nationalities and a lot of French people admit to it


Of course, when the same thing happens in Australia, you condemn it as racism and criticise it as one of the things you don't like about this country.

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