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People who don't like animals...

Red Rose

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I'm obviously going to get biased opinions here, because people posting here obviously like animals.


However, I was wondering whether you, like me, find you get on better with people who like animals than people who don't?


I, for one, couldn't have a relationship with someone who didn't like animals. I just don't think it would work.

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Guest chris955

I cant understand anybody not liking animals. I get on far better with other animal lovers, they are usually 'nicer' people.

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Never crossed my mind to be honest, although I knew my hubby had grown up with dogs (as I had) and he took a bit of talking into getting two cats rather than one but I don't think I would have minded not having a pet if he didn't want one.

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Never thought my husband was a dog person until he moved over here...to be honest it wouldn't bother me, but he LOVES dogs now! I don't really care if others don't love animals, but, it gets on my rag when they comment negatively on my own dogs as if it won't bother me. My sister in law does this a lot. Don't people realise my dogs mean as much to me as a child might? It hurts my feelings when she calls them ugly!

Anyway, aside from that, I do find I get a better rapport talking to those that love dogs too. We just click better.

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I love animals.My first OH did'nt and yes it caused some rifts between us.I particularly love dogs,and had one.The dog would'nt go near my OH,so they must pick up vibes I reckon.If someone in the street stops to chat,and has a dog,the dog immediately makes a bee line for me to get patted and so on lol

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I did once have a friend who wasn't a animal lover but she did respect my love for them.


personally I couldn't live without an animal in the house. Since being born I've always I've pets. At the moment it's two gorgeous labs, who quite frankly I could walk with and play all day with but when the time comes and I can't or am unable to exercise dogs to the extent that they need, I will get a cat or house rabbit etc.


having a pet to come home to after a cr@p day at work makes it all worthwhile.


thank you for starting a lovely thread

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I love animals.My first OH did'nt and yes it caused some rifts between us.I particularly love dogs,and had one.The dog would'nt go near my OH,so they must pick up vibes I reckon.If someone in the street stops to chat,and has a dog,the dog immediately makes a bee line for me to get patted and so on lol


Gosh seen and heard about that so much. Personally I would never trust someone who didn't love animals

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Gosh seen and heard about that so much. Personally I would never trust someone who didn't love animals

Luckily he's my Ex!Seriously the dog really did'nt like him.If my OH got the lead out to take him for a walk,he would run over to me and huddle into me,and give me a look as if to say "Please don't make me go"!!!yet if I got the lead out,he would be jumping around really excitedly and looking really happy!

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Personally I would never trust someone who didn't love animals


They do say that don't they. I do think there is some truth in that, although Hitler apparently loved animals.


Anyway, I love this quote by Gandhi:


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"


So true.

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They do say that don't they. I do think there is some truth in that, although Hitler apparently loved animals.


Anyway, I love this quote by Gandhi:


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"


So true.



Well I certainly agree with that quote. I know their is good and bad in whatever country, people that will abuse animals just through stupidness and lack of .......i don't know what, maybe education, peer pressure, lack of knowledge etc etc


what really pis@es me off, and having lived and seen first hand is where religion states how animals are treated. The certain countries/religion that believes that animals have no souls and so are not worth bothering about cos they don't make it to the next stage.


bolloc@s. these are living breathing beings. They can't defend themselves.

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I dont think i could go out with someone who didnt like or want animals either. Although i think sometimes people can change, my aunt was never a fan of animals, would never harm them obviously but we didnt think she would own one. She didnt like dogs very much. Then when she was older she rehomed her best friends dads cat as a favour when he died. Then after cat died she went out to the cat home and rehomed a young cat. We were all shocked lol. It's totally changed her, she doesnt even mind when he knocks down all her posh ornaments etc

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Gosh seen and heard about that so much. Personally I would never trust someone who didn't love animals

Remind me never to try and help you out on here with anything then as you wont be able to trust anything I say!

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I love my cat, but he doesn't really seem to love me. Or anyone really - He's very sparing with his cuddles & affection. I feel a bit ashamed, having always been a cat lover but I think I could be persuaded over to the other side i.e 'dog fancier'. Never thought it would happen :embarrassed:

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I love my cat, but he doesn't really seem to love me. Or anyone really - He's very sparing with his cuddles & affection. I feel a bit ashamed, having always been a cat lover but I think I could be persuaded over to the other side i.e 'dog fancier'. Never thought it would happen :embarrassed:


Cats dont have owners, they have servants lol

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Just wanted to point out that it is possible to not love or hate animals, but be somewhere in between. I personally like animals - we had a dog at home most of the time I was growing up - but I wouldn't have a pet of my own. For lots of reasons, but the main one at the moment is they are too much hard work, especially with kids as well. I like being around other people's pets if they have them though. So I'm not mad keen on animals but I don't hate them either. Where does that leave me, and plenty of others like me I would have thought, on your 'could only be friends with animal lovers'?

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....so they must pick up vibes I reckon.....


We used to have a cat that absolutely hated men - we got her from a kitten so who knows what had happened to her beforehand to put her off, but she wouldn't have anything to do with men - even my Dad who loves cats.


When we emigrated, we left her (sadly -for us) with my best friend who lived on her own. Cat and friend both as happy as Larry. Said friend has a couple of really close gay male friends though, and the cat is absolutely fine with them - still hates heterosexual males, but fine with these guys. So, yes, they must definitely pick up some sort of vibes...

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I've never found there to be any difference between people who do and don't like pets, same with those who do or don't like kids; as long as I'm not asking you to look after them it doesn't affect me at all and there's no issues with niceness or trustworthyness whatsoever. People who are deliberately cruel are another subject altogether.


Personally in the halfway camp; have always had dogs apart from a period where I didn't own a house, but only like certain breeds, don't like anything yappy or with a hairy face. Love reptiles, don't like cats, love horses, hate cows, no rhyme or reason; just personal preference.

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I also don't see if someone likes animals as important to my relationship with them. The only thing which does make a difference is when they are animal HATERS. There are lots here in oz. I have spoken to people who are only too happy to boast about shooting cats for fun. They are the sort of people I will never understand.


I used to work with animals, and have had more pets in my life than most. Now however I try to avoid it for as long as possible. I am at one dog, three cats and five chickens. I nearly bought some yabbies home over Easter too lol.


I actually had a dream last night that I went to get a job working with animals, and they had some odd creature with pincers. It escaped and bit my favourite cat (I know, I shouldn't have favourites). He needed a liver transplant because of the bite and I was trying to find him a liver on Facebook lol.

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I also don't see if someone likes animals as important to my relationship with them. The only thing which does make a difference is when they are animal HATERS. There are lots here in oz. I have spoken to people who are only too happy to boast about shooting cats for fun. They are the sort of people I will never understand.


I used to work with animals, and have had more pets in my life than most. Now however I try to avoid it for as long as possible. I am at one dog, three cats and five chickens. I nearly bought some yabbies home over Easter too lol.


I actually had a dream last night that I went to get a job working with animals, and they had some odd creature with pincers. It escaped and bit my favourite cat (I know, I shouldn't have favourites). He needed a liver transplant because of the bite and I was trying to find him a liver on Facebook lol.


Lol stay off the magic mushrooms! :P

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"....don't like anything yappy or with a hairy face."

:biglaugh: Made me laugh for ages Eera. Does that include men?


Chortlepuss, your cat was probably not handled enough as a kitten before you had him. Although I think that cats and other animals are like people - those that love company, those that need constant love and attention, those that are loners, those that are mad, those that are grumpy etc

I like dogs but couldn't commit to walk them everyday or pick up warm pieces of cXXX either! :arghh:


Blossom 79 - I had a cat who was shot. No idea who or where - it came to light when he got older and thinner, thought it was a tumour but turned out to be a pellet next to his spine. He'd lived in a few places before coming to us so could have happened before we had him.

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Luckily he's my Ex!Seriously the dog really did'nt like him.If my OH got the lead out to take him for a walk,he would run over to me and huddle into me,and give me a look as if to say "Please don't make me go"!!!yet if I got the lead out,he would be jumping around really excitedly and looking really happy!


Guess that told you something then!

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Awwww. Yes, my grandparents had a cat with a hole in his ear as he got in the way when my grandad was shooting rats.


My three cats are totally different. Delilah was dumped at 5/6 weeks. She is a cat cat. She likes playing lots, with whoever, but plays with the other cats lots. She will cuddle up when it's cold, but otherwise not too much. She hardly ever makes any noise.

When we came home from five days away she was so excited to see us she was meowing constantly. SO cute!


Samson loves pampering. Doesn't even mind a bath. Loves being brushed, will let me treat him like a baby and still purr. He is very vocal. Likes cat and human company. He is a bit of a wimp sometimes, and is obviously relieved when his mummy comes to save him lol.


Boris likes cuddles, but on his terms. If he gets too much he will walk off. He is also very vocal and seems to purr and talk near constantly, including a large part of the night. He is an equal cat and human cat, especially if you have food. :-)

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