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Good Morning


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Reading through a few miserable threads on here, who needs it first thing in the morning.


So this is my happy Good Morning thread, the sun is shining, still very wet in Melbourne, St Kilda is playing at the footy and my son is going, my daughter is moving today and oh is trying to make a fist of things although not well.


The cats are happy, we have food on the table I can afford the power bills.


So all in all its a very good day today.

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Good morning, what a lovely thread, the sun is shining here, the bacon is on the grill, there is lovely music playing in the back ground, and my DH is snoring away .... dog too, just about to have another cuppa and then off to the butchers, then back home to relax in the garden ..... :jiggy:

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A very good morning to you all. I dont have a job, have v little money, live in a overpriced rental with hardly any furniture but i am now heading into my 2nd week of living in Oz and have just sat outside with my coffee watching the sunrise thinking WOW it really couldnt get any better than this (hopefully the job and money issue will come good).

Later im off to meet someone i met on the forum and talked with before i left the uk, so maybe im about to find my first Oz friend too. Lifes good:cute:

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It's a bit cloudy but the fires going and I've had a nice sleep in :)


Satch (in her typically vicious way) is the only reason we're both up yet - she climbed quietly on the bed and then gradually wriggled her way between us and kept 'huffing'. When that didn't work she put a paw on Jon's shoulder and her cold nose in his armpit..... Which made him move slightly so she wriggled into the spot he'd been, and repeated the move until he HAD to get up cos there was no room left on the bed!




I love waking / getting up to things that make me giggle like a maniac!

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For the first time in about 8 weeks we have nothing planned for Saturday night and it's bliss ... the icing on the cake is that my son doesn't have a game tomorrow either so I don't have to get up to meet at silly o'clock.

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Guest guest17301

Hear, hear Petals, we can get so bogged down with misery. Just look outside and embrace the day!

Well sadly I'm not quite doing that, youngest woke me up 20 mins ago @ 7.30 which I decided was far too early on a weekend, tried and failed to get back to sleep so checked out PIO on my phone...now inspired to get up and start the day! Sun peeping through curtains, birds singing, warmest day of winter expected, plans for later after enormous healthy brunch are sons swimming lesson, drive to beach for extended walk with dog then I think we will fire up the Barbie, enjoy the late afternoon sun in the garden probably stay outside till just after dark. Enjoy your day everyone

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sun shining in Perth. Off to the gym, then massage then choir practice then to see the musical Chicago. Some where I may actually feed the kids and I will ignore the layer of dust I can see on the floorboards in the hall until tomorrow.

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A very good morning to you all. I dont have a job, have v little money, live in a overpriced rental with hardly any furniture but i am now heading into my 2nd week of living in Oz and have just sat outside with my coffee watching the sunrise thinking WOW it really couldnt get any better than this (hopefully the job and money issue will come good).

Later im off to meet someone i met on the forum and talked with before i left the uk, so maybe im about to find my first Oz friend too. Lifes good:cute:


Whereabouts are you?

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Any of you happy people people fancy making me a cuppa? - I'm dying for a brew and I feel a bit haggard after trying to keep some of the PIO kids in line (or off line)




I would, but it might be a bit cold when you get it! Lol!

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Morning everyone, Looking out of the window, the sea is calm, quite a few boats out this morning. Hubby is back in the UK on business at the moment, so, here on my own, AAAaaaah! but all is good, I've had a busy week, but have a free day today, want to cram in so many things, can't decide which to do. I need to do some shopping, would like to treat myself to a docking station for iphone/ipad and would love to have a walk on the beach, and I can't tear myself away from PIO at the moment. Choices .......choices.

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Hi Petals, still evening here, but we have had two days of rain, which we are very grateful for, as we have had no rain for six weeks. Just been sitting outside and saw five fireflies, I was Mesmorised like a child again.


Funny how such simple things can make our day !!





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Guest guest17301

Ooopsie went back to sleep after all..now up and outside with a cuppa under the verandah, what a B E A yootiful day it is too....

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Guest Guest16631

.........have just come inside for some lunch............it's a beautiful day............collected 12 eggs today..............one from each hen perhaps..?................ bathes for the dogs after lunch............and a walk in the sunshine....!

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Saturdays are always busy for me. Cats wake us at 5 am no matter what day it is....so feed them then lie in for a bit. Ut because it is Saturday, they are all allowed to jump on the bed! Had a back massage and salt scrub booked for this morning and it was sooooooo nice. Just a very normal day despite that, we found a phone on the floor in the shopping centre and handed it into the office, so hopefully it will be reunited with its owner. Right now a chicken is roasting in the oven, the fire is on and I am looking forward to a nice cosy evening at home with some wine x

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Cuppa coming up.


Sorry no biccies in our house ...trying to be good! :sad:




Any one else got a biccy for NW?


I can you offer you a Bob Martin NWM - the dogs are the only ones who have biscuits in this house:biggrin:



Have a lovely day with your kids Munchkinella:hug:

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Was up at 6.00am - not like me at all, but enjoying the cooler air at this time of the morning - they say it is gonna get up to 40 today so will prob spend most of the time either standing in front of the freezer or sat under the air con, but will be fighting for space when my Beagle realises it is on:biggrin:


As the Yanks say "Have a Nice Day":laugh: whatever you have planned.

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