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The downside (and upside) of being single is.................

Guest shaunaforoz

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Guest shaunaforoz

OK so I dont know how many people on this forum are single but I am and I have to say one of the downsides is the fact that right now I would love a shoulder massage and I will have to go and pay to get somebody to do it....suppose it could be worse, I could be paying for other things :o)


Upside, I can go and spend £60 on getting somebody to give me a neck and sholder massage for an hour and there are no little people who are going to go without shoes, food, etc as a result...one of the other reasons I will stick to having a puppy as opposed to children :o)


What do you think are the worst and best things about being single???

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Guest shaunaforoz

Dont be so bloody smart jove....Why do you think I was walking up and down that street all morning :o)


I have to say I am very much like that scene in dirty dancing when it comes to my bed...this is my dance space and this is your dance space....i hate having people lying on top of you on the bed...I dont want somebodys wrapped round me, i want you to sod off to the other side of the bloody bed so I can go to sleep. Had my niece staying with me for a couple of days and she ws a bloody nightmare, kicking and rolling all over the place!

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I've been single for 3 months now and 99% of the time, I love it! I've stayed away from the dating scene deliberately as I'm moving to Brisbane in 8 weeks, so there' no point in starting something I can't finish. This in turn has given me more time with my friends, more time to do the things I want and more time to figure out what I want from the future.


But the downside are, no cuddles, no sex, no date nights. There are more plus points for me to stay single for now. But I am quite looking forward to getting back in a relationship when the time is right:smile:

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Okay! I'm a happily married mum of 3. I love my kids and family life etc etc etc.

But--I've always wanted to be single before I got married! Still in some corner of my heart I cherish a lot of upsides to it.

For one I don't mind paying for my massages--that way I get a professional one and the masseuse will 'listen' to me.

I would love the peace and quiet that comes with it and probably could have pursued my education further( I dream of one day doing my PHD).

I don't mind being single as I could lie in bed all day and play bubble breaker if I so wished.

In actual fact I could do 'anything' or nothing at all if I was single. I would have had no one to answer too, could leave all the dishes dirty, never would have had to wake up during the night-----Ooooooooh--this list is getting exhaustive--guess its time to turn that time machine on! Ciao!:wink:


Just one more thing--there is an upside to being 'double'--I'm a kept woman--yeah--don't have to fend for myself!:cute:

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Can't answer that yet. I'm i a relationship at the mo but when i move to oz i will be single as the misses don't want to go. so will answer when i have seen both side's... ok


Thats a shame, will she not consider it at all? it's a shame to break up a relationship over it but i guess it happens sometimes and especially if its your dream

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I get to watch the olympics all day - and I can watch whatever sport I want.


But when something fantastic happens - there's no one to share it with.


(Actually - that's married life - not the single life! What was I thinking! If I was single I'd have my mates around!)

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upside - bed to yourself,

downside - no one in bed with you.


Totally agree with you there Bob!


It's also nice to be able to do your own thing, as and when you want without having to get the other halfs approval!!

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Guest Trueblue22

The downside - You mean there is a downside to being single????? :) I guess it would have to be sunburn on my back due to not being able to reach all parts with suncream myself lol!The upside - I can move to Oz whenever I want!! :DX

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Funny,I heard a story a few days ago that's pretty similar to yours.


The delievery guy for our building is originally from N.Ireland,been in OZ 30ish years.He was ready to migrate down under (30yrs ago) but his missus wouldn't leave her mother.He moved here,they separated,he was devastated, then he went back home for holidays after 2years.While he was there,his missus' mother passed away:(He proposed to her during his holiday,and they've been married 34yrs.DON'T GET ME WRONG,I'm not hoping for a death in the family,but my 2 cents is to do what you need to,things have a way of working out.All the best...

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Can't think of many downsides to being single. Being married is just different and you have to accept that the single life is over. Having kids and family life has been something I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on. Sure there are ups and downs in a relationship but you have to get through them.


I don't think human beings are cut out to be faithful to one person all their lives. It's tough and quite often there are temptations and you bump into people you are attracted to. It's easy to become almost too comfortable with each other in a married situation and let the sexual side slip a bit, especially after having kids.


I got married quite late (34) and had kids a couple of years after that, so I had a pretty good run being single. Even then I still didn't want to get married and could quite easily have carried on living together.


I know that the area I came from most people got married young, usually to people they knew from school or the local area. I was different to nearly all my friends and was the only one in my mid 20's who could go in the pub every night and not worry about what time I had to be home. The pub owner used to greet me nearly every night with "when are you going to get married? You can't be happy all your life you know".


Most of the friends I had then are on their second and third marriages by now.


I know if I got divorced (god forbid) I don't think I would ever bother getting married again. Especially with all those on-line dating sites around.:wink:

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The only thing I miss about being single is having the bed to myself - I'm such a bed and duvet hog lol! And being in a relationship with someone doesn't mean free massages....I've threatened Paul that if he doesn't give me a massage i'm gonna pay some sexy man to do it! haha :P


Must admit i'll be glad when we're settled and both working, and I can get more 'me' time, I miss curling up and reading books or with my ipod!

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I bought a manaquin,it was ok, but i felt used, so i told her to hop it. Shes still here but we dont talk. If i had got a blow up wife i could flat pack her away, but their not the same.The manequinn is good for two occupancy lanes into town,quicker etc.Still we dont talk. Should have gone to specsavers:wink:

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