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Everything posted by Jsmull87

  1. If I remember correctly the EOI only asks for your highest education i.e the one you are claiming points for. When you get to the visa application you will need to tell them everything. Not for points but to help them assess your character. Could be wrong as it was a fair few months ago that I completed the EOI.
  2. Has anyone registered with the South Australia TRB? I am trying to research how much of the application can be done before landing in Australia but struggling. I know there is a 1day training course before they will fully accept registration but do I have to complete this before I start the application? I was hoping to hit the ground running and have heard some whispers the process can take 3 months.
  3. Honestly, I think your clutching at straws Do you think DIBP look at all applications within 5 weeks and then say looks ok let’s keep em in suspense for 10 months now. It’s just luck of the draw depending on work load. As verystormy said could be 10 days could be two years.
  4. We have been swaying between Brisbane and Adelaide and look to be edging towards Brisbane. Queensland made kindy compulsory to an extent so we hope that should mean work is about. They also make registering to teach easier at the moment as it can all be done offshore where Adelaide insist on a one day course that can only be done once in South Australia. Just little things like that are swaying us although we would be more suited to the Adelaide climate I think. Do you know how ma y points you expect to have ? Over 75 should get you a quick invite at the moment. We had 70 points as academic IELTS proved to be a bit trickier than expected. Us native speakers tend to move towards slang terms which are frowned upon. We could have done another general test to try for more points but the waiting game suited us to sell our house etc. When you say not in demand in Perth, are you looking st a state sponsored visa? If not I would just follow your heart if it’s in Perth. All these states that are listing the occupation as a shortage are doing so for rural areas and there will be just as much competition for work in Adelaide as there is in Perth.
  5. We got the invite last Wednesday and have submitted most of the required docs minus police check and medical. The website indicate processing is 8-10 months so its a waiting game now. Will obviously have to produce the medical and police check on request from case officer but as these documents have an effect on first entry date we will wait until they are requested. My wife studied at University of Birmingham who offered the PGCE in early years (although she can still teach upper primary just as you can teach low age range) It’s a long process. Do you know where you are heading to yet? E.g which state.
  6. Yeah i would strap in. Once you get your visa then registering to teach could take 3 months as well depending on which state you choose. It will be worth it though! Do you know where your planning to head to yet?
  7. If you migration agent is relaxed about it then you should be fine as they will likely deal with AITSL regularly. Plenty of teachers make the move. I did the application for my wife back in September for Early Childhood Teacher with no issues but her PGCE was specifically early years and said this in the title which I was told AITSL like as makes it obvious to them. We still had to supply a letter from the university stating how many days supervised practice she had as they wouldl not take the PGCE on face value. Perhaps you could get the university to add the age ranges to the letter just clarifying you spent all your time in the lower age range. you are correct that they will only accept teaching experience after completion of PGCE.
  8. If you have 80 points you will get called forward by skillselect very quickly regardless of occupation. Visa processing is currently 8-12 months once submitted. Just make sure you can prove beyond doubt everything you claim points for. Work experience probably being the most difficult. You can only claim from completion of PGCE and you will need references on headed paper from the school(s) to cover each year unless you requested skilled employment statement from AITSL. Still simple enough if you only worked in one school!
  9. I filled out the application for my wife and that took around 6 weeks. It was just before Christmas though so they may have had a slump in applications. I wouldn't worry as 9-10 weeks seems to be the norm. May be a bit late, but its worth asking for the statement of skilled employment as it is no additional charge if requested at the same time. Makes it a little easier when you fill out the visa application.
  10. That’s my big concern at the moment as well. In fact I posted pretty much the same on another thread last hoping to get some positive stories. I know the down under centre now offer the theory to the gap training whilst in the U.K but the cost seems higher than doing it in Aus. Looks like you need to be aware of the timescales too as they say it must be completed within 12 months including a practical exam that is done in Brisbane. Before spending the money make sure you have a clear moving date in mind. Saying that, there seem to be a lot of sparks doing the course with them and they have a Facebook to share experience and issues with the theory. Then there’s the -2 months of e profiling - where does it end !!! a lot of sparks make the move so it certainly must be possible to get work. They are probably too busy enjoying their new surroundings to come back here As with everything you get out what you put in and employers will recognise that. Good luck with everything.
  11. Hi All, I have had my skills assessed and received an OSTR. I'm now looking at the next stage of the process and was hoping any of you who have already walked the path can give me a preview of what to expect and plan for. Was it difficult finding an employer whilst on a restricted licence? Do wages take a big hit whilst getting the experience for eprofiling? ( I have planned for not getting a job right away but do sparks find it any more difficult because of the e-profiling) Lastly, some RTO's are offering distance learning (at an inflated cost) to start the gap training whilst in the UK. Does anybody have any experience doing this?
  12. Electricians are one of the none pro rata occupations in blue.
  13. Do some research on the IELTS prior because it's surprising how many native speakers struggle with it. They tend to ramble on with writing and use slang in speaking. AITSL will allow you to use your degrees as proof of language ability but they have the right to request IELTS if not satisfied which slows the process. Obviously the general test is slightly easier when thinking of points. Save some money by getting a head teacher to certify all your copies rather than paying a solicitor.
  14. You can only claim points once from each section so obviously use your highest qualification. Also you can only claim experience for what you can prove and only from the day you qualified e.g after PGCE. Be aware AITSL are quite picky about what they accept as Early Childhood Teacher and some struggle if the degree doesn't say early years in the title as there is an element for 0-2 years in Oz that perhaps isn't the norm in the UK. Make sure you sit the ACADEMIC IELTS for your skills assessment. I recently did all the admin for my wife's assessment as Early Childhood Teacher which came back positive and happy to share some info with you if you require it.
  15. From what i have learned so far. To pass the skills assessment you will need a 3 year Bachelor degree followed by a PGCE. So 4 years total.
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