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Everything posted by ABG

  1. I filled in my high school (went to school in South Africa) so didn't have GCSEs and included mine and my wife's certificates. On the work questions - fill in all your jobs but select NO for claiming points from them. I included evidence from everywhere I worked, but superficial details for not relevant employment (e.g. employment contract only). I submitted everything I gave with my skills assessment, the skills assessment itself, plus a bit extra as I used statutory declarations in my assessment in lieu of formal reference letter, but included a proper employer reference for the main application.
  2. I think that is a more sensible way to go. Free with ads for revenue and can introduce ad-free version with extra features once you've built up a user base Sent from a really tiny keyboard - pardon random autocorrects and fat-finger typos
  3. In about 7 weeks we'll be doing our activation visit to Melbourne, with a plan to make the permanent move in Q2 2018. We have two kids (3.5 and 5.5 years old) and will be in Melbourne for 2 weeks. What are the important things we should get done on this trip? Anything you wish you had done but didn't do? Sent from a really tiny keyboard - pardon random autocorrects and fat-finger typos
  4. Looks like only Tasmania are sponsoring. https://www.anzscosearch.com/222211 Sent from a really tiny keyboard - pardon random autocorrects and fat-finger typos
  5. The EOI recalculates points automatically as time passes so no point holding back submitting. Sent from a really tiny keyboard - pardon random autocorrects and fat-finger typos
  6. Most countries have exceptions to who has to take English test; e.g. certain passport holders, degree from English-speaking university. I would guess a similar policy would be used Sent from a really tiny keyboard - pardon random autocorrects and fat-finger typos
  7. AFAIK, there is an algorithm and if medical costs over x-years costs more than y then you're at risk of refusal and then have to fight your case. With permanent conditions, y could be extended to life-time. I think getting pro advice would be money well spent as their will be strategies in mitigation
  8. Thanks for sharing your intel. We've secured our visa and want to move in September, although my employer may throw a spanner in the works and we may be doing a reccie/activation visit instead. Sent from a really tiny keyboard - pardon random autocorrects and fat-finger typos
  9. As others have said, CSOL list occupations need sponsorship. My occupation was CSOL and I got sponsored by Victoria for a 190 visa (permanent residence visa). If I've got the right occupation code for you (361112- horse trainer), looks like Tasmania or South Australia are you only options, although South Australia is a special conditions sponsorship which means you need high points (80 I think). Sent from a really tiny keyboard - pardon random autocorrects and fat-finger typos
  10. ^ This. Points on EOI change as time passes. Mine went up as whilst waiting for State sponsorship I went to top bracket for work experience. If you change age brackets before visa is submitted you'll lose points. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. There was a post a few weeks ago about someone on here who got there IELTS remarked as the score in one band was similar to yours and much lower than all the others. This might be an option and save you some time and money
  12. In Southern Africa the bull shark is called the Zambezi shark and they've been known to swim up the Zambezi River to Cahora Bassa, a large dam 100 km up stream. There are even rumours of a breeding colony trapped in the dam!
  13. Statutory declaration along with your tax records and client references? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I wasn't over wowed by the show. If you have zero idea about the process you'll learn something, plus can get visa assessments and contact details. It was much smaller than I had hoped. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. ABG

    Which ielts test

    Most occupations only require general ielts. The test isn't difficult for native speakers, but you should do practice tests to familiarize yourself with the format. There are often 'trick' questions where two answers could be right. Typically one is explicit in the text, the other can be inferred. Always go for the explicit one Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. ABG

    Where are you from?

    Durban, South Africa via Oxford, UK. Heading to Melbourne Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I think its a very smart play and wish we had done the same thing
  18. I've got the episodes recorded and watching in incorrect order but it amazes me, having gone through the process, how many people simply would not be eligible for a visa yet get onto the show. I also thought that one couple played up the decision massively and that they had already decided to go, but wanted a free activation visit (they had already secured PR visa)!
  19. Thanks very helpful! I hadn't thought of looking at BBC Australia/Asia, will add that to my feed.
  20. If everything goes to plan, the family and I will be making the big move in September so I want to start getting my head into Australian current affairs. I was hoping for some input on on what are the major news outlets, which are broadsheet/tabloid, and their political leaning is (E.g. The Guardian = broadsheet, centre-left; The Sun = tabloid, right wing). If newspapers tend to be State by State then what are the options for Victoria? Finally, do any of them have an app that if head and shoulders above the others or are they all much the same?
  21. They'll have seen it all before. My company is the same. Assets held in top co., trading company is a subsidiary. It's a safer corporate structure Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I don't have any experience in it, but based on things I've read whilst doing my visa application there is an equation that DIBP apply for healthcare costs. If any preexisting medical condition will cost more than AU$40k over 5 years (for PR visa), then there is grounds for refusal. If it's a permanent condition, they might make the calculation over a longer period of time. If treatment requires scarce resources (e.g. dialysis) then there are also grounds for refusal. But I think it is not as black and white as that. Arguments can be made in mitigation, and your doctors and specialists can give reports in support. Best thing is to contact an expert for their advice though Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I'd kill poisonous ones and relocate the not so dangerous ones - purely as I don't want to tempt fate a relocate a poisonous one. The one good thing about spiders is they'll help with the flies
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