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Everything posted by peterc1983

  1. On my recent visa grant letter it said, specifically:
  2. peterc1983


    1. No.. but you would be seriously negligent to not plan ahead and bring some cash to keep you going until you get a suitable job, I'd think.
  3. I can't speak for myself (yet), but I know my sis who moved to Perth with her husband 3.5yrs ago is now far better off -- that's with an 8month old daughter now, too.
  4. In your case (I'm assuming); you got the residential mortgage in good faith, not intending to let the property. As such, you are obligated to let the lender know that you are not going to be resident there -- but this does not ​necessarily mean they will require you to change your mortgage in any way. They may be happy to allow you to keep all of your current terms. O The problem is that from a lenders point of view, the risk is higher if you are not going to be paying the mortgage directly as the residential mortgage was agreed with your particular wages/circumstances in mind. A tenant, on the other hand, could be shady; miss payments, dodge rent etc etc. This could mean to you not getting your rental income - which in turn means the lender won't get the mortgage payment. Bottom line: if you don't tell your lender of the change in circumstances and if the lender were ever to find out, they could withdraw any bonus rates you receive and/or alter the terms of your mortgage as it's tantamount to mortgage fraud. Be careful; read over your mortgage terms to check what is says in relation to letting. You will almost certainly be required to tell them. Now, all this said -- many people will do it anyways http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/experts/article-2462805/Can-I-let-new-house-telling-lender.html .. this article covers this exact question. EDIT: I should add, so I'm not scaring the bejesus out of you -- I know loads of people who do nothing at all when they start letting a property (albeit, none of them ever planned to from the outset). Now I'm also fairly sure none of them are even aware that they were meant to notify the mortgage lender. Similarly, none of them have ever had a problem with it. I'm not advocating or incriminating; just putting it all out there
  5. I'm not sure what you want to get from the thread Anyone saying yes - or no - is generalising hugely.
  6. If your perception of the country is that it is racist (which you have indicated), then it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
  7. I believe my sister, when she did (and still does) exactly this, simply engaged a letting agency to look after her affairs whilst she's in Australia. She pays a fee to the agency who then try to ensure the property is not left vacant, and also facilitate the payment of the rent to her so that the mortgage is covered each month. Quite successfully, I should say, as it's not been vacant yet for 3.5yrs.
  8. You should investigate the MoneyCorp and NAB forums on here. MoneyCorp help you transfer money and have facilities to do this regularly and target certain exchange rates etc. Very painless and simple. NAB and MoneyCorp accounts were free to open.
  9. Totally agree with this point. I have no idea how they came up with the value that they set for my 'met' date; but it wasn't anything I found obvious or I could have pre-calculated. As such, I instead chose to rely on IELTS points rather than work experience, as I found it too risky to claim them (in my case, at least).
  10. Thanks for this; it's very encouraging .. I'm going to have a look into some of the places mentioned.
  11. My ACS assessment looked like this: I graduated in July 2008 with my honors degree.
  12. (it is me in the pic).. well, my sis is in her early 30s and as I say, lives in North Beach, but had previously been in Subiaco. She loves Perth and since she's already there it was my first choice of destination; but as she is with her husband and new-born the dynamic is a little different for her than me. I'm not sure exactly how much I will be working off of once I start a job but thank you for the suggestions. In my flat here in Scotland I pay say $1000AUD for a 1-bed flat where I am just now (rent only, bills on top of that). So it seems like it's fairly similarly priced. Thanks again.
  13. Hey all, I recently got my 189, and am currently saving away to move over April next year. My sis stays out in Perth at North Beach and am wondering if anyone can recommend some locations in Perth? I don't think I will be able to live where she's at, given the prices, at least not for a while I'm single, will be moving over myself and am used to living in the city centre. I understand transport links are great in the city so I'm all for a cheaper alternative location nearby. I'm presuming that the work I will get will likely be office and therefore probably city-bound travel will be a big thing. Additionally; has anyone done this solo as well?! Any tips?
  14. My medicals link finally changed to something like: you are not required to submit medical reports for this subclass of visa based on something-or-other. At that point, I knew that no further medical data was required (just a plain medical for me).
  15. Certified, no. Colour scans, yes. My current tax year only. I sent the last three months of pay-slips.
  16. My case officer requested by birth certificate and P60/pay slips to prove my current employment. I'm guessing they are going to front load these proofs when they can.
  17. I just got my visa granted and it was 60 for a 189. You don't 'send' any documents with the EOI. You're just claiming points on that. The full visa app itself requires you to attach documents supporting your points claims. Are you sure you've read the full 189 instructional pages at IMMI? It's all there on those pages... http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/189.aspx
  18. My understanding is that since the 189 visa is skills-based, you still need a positive skills assessment.
  19. peterc1983


    Due to the colonial history of Australia, I'd imagine their laws are likely to easily recognise a will drafted in the UK. But to avoid complication I would imagine one would just create a new will to ensure no problems (assuming you are now permanently living in Australia). I believe certain states in Oz also have the concept of an "international will", for residents who have assets overseas as well as in Australia.
  20. Oh you mean when is the latest I can go? July 2015. Based solely on my meds being done July 2014.
  21. They put on your grant whether it is conditional of you doing anything in particular -- mines had nothing (I'm not sure it's common to have conditions though?). I'm planning April 2015; give me time to sell stuff in the flat etc.
  22. According the IMMI website: This suggest your children will not be blood tested; unless they have blood-related medical complications and/or have had transfusions recently. For my own medical there was a urine, blood and eye test. Plus the X-Ray and general medical questions about recent illnesses or medication.
  23. When you submit your visa app, you can then immediately start attaching documents under the relevant headings. There will be a link on the screen about arranging your medicals.
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