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Everything posted by tea4too

  1. This was an event the bomber knew would attract young fans, teenage girls in particular. They selected the young and the vulnerable as victims because they think they represent our weak spot. Seeking to divide us, to terrorise us, they target that which we hold most dear. Our children. Our freedom. Our future…… Terrorism is not new .….The strategy is to provoke, to get a reaction that contradicts the principles we cherish and they seek to undermine….. Experience tells us that, in reacting to the agony of last night's violence against our children, we must remain true to [our] values, however hard that may be. To lash out would be to play into the hands of the bomber and his accomplices…… Those queuing to give their blood in Manchester today, people of all backgrounds and faiths, understand that we are all the same beneath the skin. This is a time for reaching out, not hunkering down. www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40004410 ….Mr Easton says it better than I could. T x
  2. <p><p>Hi - not sure if you are logging on to PIO much, but just wanted to sat 'Hello' as you are missed! Hope you are settling in ok and that life is treating you well. T x</p></p>

  3. <p><p>Hi Paul, I was looking over some old posts and came across your thread about a move back to the UK... around now? Hope all is working out ok. T x</p></p>

  4. <p><p>Hi Rosie - I was just looking at some older threads and came across your posts, just before your return to the UK. Hope all is going well and the wet, grey winter hasn't taken too much of a toll. Spring is on its way so not too long before the daffodils are dancing, the blossom trees bloom, and the nights get lighter! Take care, T x</p></p>

  5. <p><p>A belated but well meant "Happy Birthday"....I hope the cake was big, the candles bright, and the next 12 months bring all you might wish for! T x</p></p>

  6. <p><p>Have missed your posts lately - hope you are ok and all is well. Take care T x</p></p>

  7. <p><p>Lovely reading about your latest travels! So hope you have the best of times - stay well, and safe and enjoy. T x</p></p>

  8. Home responsibilities protection (HRP) existed in the 1980's though. The link provides broad guidance to help with the most common queries, so it would be worth checking your own eligibility to HRP for a period not covered by the web pages. Good luck, it's probably worth an email just to be sure. Tx
  9. @fizzybangs - depending on when when you reached (UK) state pension age, if you were a foster carer in the UK for a complete tax year before 2010 you may be eligible for National Insurance 'credits' towards a state pension. This link might help? www.gov.uk/home-responsibilities-protection-hrp/overview Tx
  10. <p><p>Hi - clicked the wrong button before I'd finished the message! Just wanted to say I'm glad you got to share happy memories. Tx</p></p>

  11. <p><p>Hi, I just wanted to wish you well with your plans for returning to WA. I remember your earlier posts and the difficulties you dealt with in trying to balance the needs of your sons, so it's great that you can now focus on what you need to put a spring in your own own step. All the best, T x</p></p>

  12. <p><p>Just dropping by to say Hi and to wish you a Happy New Year. I have missed your posts, so hope you will be back soon. Take care, Tx</p></p>

  13. <p><p>Just dropping by to say 'hello' as I have missed your posts. I do hope you are ok, and that 2015 turns out to be a good year for you and yours. Take care, T x</p></p>

  14. <p><p>Happy New Year JD. I hope 2015 is a good year - one that brings you good health and happiness. Take care. Tx</p></p>

  15. <p><p>Hi Sarah, I just realised we both posted our 500th post at the same time and on the same thread (women and makeup)! Not sure of the right terminology, but "Happy 500"!!! Tx</p></p>

  16. <p><p>Come back WW! You're turning me into a stalker lol!:eek: .........joking apart, hope you are ok and that you will feel ready to post again soon, Tx</p></p>

  17. <p><p>I have just read (in MBBTUK) the happy news regarding the safe arrival of your baby, and wanted to send my best wishes. Congratulations! And it really is true what people say, they grow up so quickly - something to hang on to if/ when sleep deprived! All the best, Tx</p></p>

  18. <p><p>So sorry to read about the horrendous experience you and your dog are still dealing with. I hope she recovers quickly and soon. Take care, Tx</p></p>

  19. <p><p>Hi -just wanted to say thank you for my 1000'th 'like'! Tx</p></p>

  20. It may be hard to believe right now, but you will both (Sandra and Bereftmum) smile again, and continue to be proud of all that your children achieve, because you raised them, and they are who they are because of you. And in the meantime you have found PIO - a great place, full of people who will understand how you feel as you deal with huge changes that you have no control over. I can’t write anything that will make the next few days or weeks any easier, but concentrating on different ways to maintain a relationship with your son might help a little. Texts are relatively cheap and provide instant contact - great for a quick boost when people seem a long way away. It is a form of bereavement I think, and because of that there is no easy way to get through it. But you will get through it, and PIO can help Tx
  21. <p><p>Thinking of you WW, and just dropping by to say 'Hi' as I have missed your posts. I know from recent threads that life is maybe a bit tough at the moment, so wanted to include a :hug: too - just in case you needed one. Take care, Tx</p></p>

  22. <p><p>Just dropping by to say 'hello' - I had planned to reply to a thread today when I had a little more time, but can't see it now......so just wanted to send a :hug:. Take care Tx</p></p>

  23. <p><p>just wanted to say 'thank you' for your kind response to my post in the Utopia doc. It's a difficult subject with sensitivities on all sides.....but I agree that 'difficult' shouldn't be the reason to give up trying. Tx.</p></p>

  24. <p><p>Am so pleased you are feeling a bit better, and hopefully with family support and familiar surroundings it will not be too long before you find a spring in your step again. Take care, and best wishes to you and yours. Tx</p></p>

  25. <p><p>Hi Aymie, just read the post in MBTTUK about your forthcoming trip back to the UK, and wanted to wish you well. Hopefully the chance to spend time with family and re-charge your batteries is all that is needed to get life back on an even keel. I enjoy your posts, so if you decide that a break from PIO is also needed I hope you don't stay away too long. Take care, Tx</p></p>

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