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going back to uk and can't wait


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I have been many places and have lived in oz for nearly 6 yrs. But enough is enough! !

Had enough of

whinging aussies

people who don't wear shoes or shirts in supermarkets

People out in the streets in pajamas

looser drivers

crap roads

crap pubs

crap houses that are freezing in winter

expensive .....everything

racist people

high tax I have to pay

pay when you go to the doctor

how they bang on about medical insurance

million adverts every 10 mins on tv

radios that play the same music day in day out

asshole cops just looking to make revenue


This country is 30 yrs behind the rest of the world

corrupt government

alcoholed fuel violence

the poor level of English spoken

bad language

No history

that pointless AFL

Bad loosers in sports


I have met many great people here. But for me the bad points out way the good.

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Firstly, welcome to PIO, I see this is your first post. I think if all those things are becoming very significant for you and making you unhappy then you're probably doing the right thing in heading back to the UK, Good luck in the next part of your adventure and I hope find the contentment you're seeking.

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I have been many places and have lived in oz for nearly 6 yrs. But enough is enough! !

Had enough of

whinging aussies

people who don't wear shoes or shirts in supermarkets

People out in the streets in pajamas

looser drivers

crap roads

crap pubs

crap houses that are freezing in winter

expensive .....everything

racist people

high tax I have to pay

pay when you go to the doctor

how they bang on about medical insurance

million adverts every 10 mins on tv

radios that play the same music day in day out

asshole cops just looking to make revenue


This country is 30 yrs behind the rest of the world

corrupt government

alcoholed fuel violence

the poor level of English spoken

bad language

No history

that pointless AFL

Bad loosers in sports


I have met many great people here. But for me the bad points out way the good.


Bad 'loosers' in sport and 'looser' drivers? Ah, I think you may well find bad 'losers' wherever you go.....

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Guest Guest 47403
I have been many places and have lived in oz for nearly 6 yrs. But enough is enough! !

Had enough of

whinging aussies

people who don't wear shoes or shirts in supermarkets

People out in the streets in pajamas

looser drivers

crap roads

crap pubs

crap houses that are freezing in winter

expensive .....everything

racist people

high tax I have to pay

pay when you go to the doctor

how they bang on about medical insurance

million adverts every 10 mins on tv

radios that play the same music day in day out

asshole cops just looking to make revenue


This country is 30 yrs behind the rest of the world

corrupt government

alcoholed fuel violence

the poor level of English spoken

bad language

No history

that pointless AFL

Bad loosers in sports


I have met many great people here. But for me the bad points out way the good.


Those highlighted in red can also be found in the UK they are not unique to Australia, I could list another 101 faults that the UK has but can't be arsed.............................enjoy your trip back.


Hopefully you'll come back on once back in the UK and give some practical advice to those returning (or you could just whinge and whine quite a few do that as well) :wink:

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Guest guest30085
I have been many places and have lived in oz for nearly 6 yrs. But enough is enough! !

Had enough of

whinging aussies

people who don't wear shoes or shirts in supermarkets

People out in the streets in pajamas

looser drivers

crap roads

crap pubs

crap houses that are freezing in winter

expensive .....everything

racist people

high tax I have to pay

pay when you go to the doctor

how they bang on about medical insurance

million adverts every 10 mins on tv

radios that play the same music day in day out

asshole cops just looking to make revenue


This country is 30 yrs behind the rest of the world

corrupt government

alcoholed fuel violence

the poor level of English spoken

bad language

No history

that pointless AFL

Bad loosers in sports


I have met many great people here. But for me the bad points out way the good.



All this, but you stayed six years?


Good luck for the next place you decide to go

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Guest Guest66881

Where you moving back to OP if you don't mind sharing that gem with us poor sods left here in the shite

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Guest Andy
I have been many places and have lived in oz for nearly 6 yrs. But enough is enough! !

Had enough of

whinging aussies

people who don't wear shoes or shirts in supermarkets

People out in the streets in pajamas

looser drivers

crap roads

crap pubs

crap houses that are freezing in winter

expensive .....everything

racist people

high tax I have to pay

pay when you go to the doctor

how they bang on about medical insurance

million adverts every 10 mins on tv

radios that play the same music day in day out

asshole cops just looking to make revenue


This country is 30 yrs behind the rest of the world

corrupt government

alcoholed fuel violence

the poor level of English spoken

bad language

No history

that pointless AFL

Bad loosers in sports


I have met many great people here. But for me the bad points out way the good.




How about listing the good points about Australia a country that was good enough to give you the option to live there?

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Guest Guest66881


People out in the streets in pajamas
:laugh: makes it sound like a scene from the league of gentlemen:biglaugh:
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Guest Guest40285
:laugh: makes it sound like a scene from the league of gentlemen:biglaugh:


Loved that show

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I have been many places and have lived in oz for nearly 6 yrs. But enough is enough! !

Had enough of

whinging aussies

people who don't wear shoes or shirts in supermarkets

People out in the streets in pajamas

looser drivers

crap roads

crap pubs

crap houses that are freezing in winter

expensive .....everything

racist people

high tax I have to pay

pay when you go to the doctor

how they bang on about medical insurance

million adverts every 10 mins on tv

radios that play the same music day in day out

asshole cops just looking to make revenue


This country is 30 yrs behind the rest of the world

corrupt government

alcoholed fuel violence

the poor level of English spoken

bad language

No history

that pointless AFL

Bad loosers in sports


I have met many great people here. But for me the bad points out way the good.

Rubbish.....30 years behind thats unfair...20 years is fairer.

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A lot has changed in the UK during the years you have been away JB and as someone else rightly pointed out, many of the things listed in your OP could as easily be applied to today’s Britain. But if you haven’t settled in Aus in the last 6 years, for whatever reason, maybe it is time to find out whether you would be happier back in the UK. Swopping one first world country for another is not a really big deal in some ways, it just means that you have reached a stage in life where your priorities have shifted little. You may settle back in the UK really quickly, or ping pong – either way, how will you know until you try?


Personally though, I would maybe try to balance the positives and negatives from your time in Aus, as there may be a time when you will need to do something similar back in the UK. Finding where you belong can be tricky, but you know you are in the right place when it feels like ‘home’ despite all the irritating stuff. All the best Tx

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A lot has changed in the UK during the years you have been away JB and as someone else rightly pointed out, many of the things listed in your OP could as easily be applied to today’s Britain. But if you haven’t settled in Aus in the last 6 years, for whatever reason, maybe it is time to find out whether you would be happier back in the UK. Swopping one first world country for another is not a really big deal in some ways, it just means that you have reached a stage in life where your priorities have shifted little. You may settle back in the UK really quickly, or ping pong – either way, how will you know until you try?


Personally though, I would maybe try to balance the positives and negatives from your time in Aus, as there may be a time when you will need to do something similar back in the UK. Finding where you belong can be tricky, but you know you are in the right place when it feels like ‘home’ despite all the irritating stuff. All the best Tx

in 6 years......:biglaugh:

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I thought this post was really funny....and I would if I read a similar one on the uk too (before I get mobbed). U make some good points. I hope it is said tongue in cheek and hasn't got u down too much in reality. Enjoy the uk.

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in 6 years......:biglaugh:


I think there have been a lot of changes in the UK since 2008 – the bank crisis, a coalition government, austerity measures, major welfare reforms, huge increase in food banks, higher profile of political parties like UKIP, record low interest rates, riots, a hugely successful Olympic games, announced Scottish referendum………..lots of stuff, both positive, and negative. It may or may not affect everyone directly on an individual or daily basis, but it definitely impacts on the identity of the country.


I’m not knocking the UK PB, I am happy to live here, but that doesn’t mean I’m blind to the changing world around me. Chances are that someone who has lived away for 6 years or more will notice a few changes too. Tx

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I think there have been a lot of changes in the UK since 2008 – the bank crisis, a coalition government, austerity measures, major welfare reforms, huge increase in food banks, higher profile of political parties like UKIP, record low interest rates, riots, a hugely successful Olympic games, announced Scottish referendum………..lots of stuff, both positive, and negative. It may or may not affect everyone directly on an individual or daily basis, but it definitely impacts on the identity of the country.


I’m not knocking the UK PB, I am happy to live here, but that doesn’t mean I’m blind to the changing world around me. Chances are that someone who has lived away for 6 years or more will notice a few changes too. Tx

6 years is nothing, the UK has not changed in 6 years...no worse no better, all the things you mentioned have hardly any effect on the individual, things like that happen all the time.

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