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To anyone thinking of moving back home- I say go for it, it's the best thing we did!!


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Hi all


We may have only been back a couple of weeks but being home has been even better than I could ever have imagined. After hearing so much doom and gloom about life back in the uk and having all our friends in Oz call us crazy for coming back, I just wanted to say to anyone out there thinking of coming back that you should definately go for it. We have been amazed at how friendly everyone is, it's lovely to walk the dogs in so many different places, the pubs are warm and welcoming and surprisingly the weather has been great too!!


So if anyone is having doubts about coming back (I know I had them before leaving Oz) I just wanted to put up a positive post about being back home. You really can't put your finger on it but it's a sense of belonging that you just can't beat. I hope everyone returning has a great time too


All the best



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its just started snowing again and bloody cold lol



When you have moved to the other side of the world, then realised its not for you, and then come home and everything is confirmed that you love home so much, the weather doesn't really matter....... as the saying goes - there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing :)


To the OP - its a good feeling to feel so content at coming home!

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I can't even get out to Oz to even want to come back.


Everyone to their own. I guess at the interim moving out there might have been a good idea and a reality check to appreciate what you had.


I am a weather orientated person. I prefer warmth, heat, sun. Not bothered about the rain, cloud, hate the cold, ice, snow, wind.


I'm stuck here in the UK. Keep trying for jobs but don't get any luck so trying Oz well I would love to.

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Guest karen561

Hi Sarah we have only been ere since nov last yr, and i miss the UK so much and all my family.

I am so unhappy ere and wuld go home 2morrow. OZ People say its 2 early 2 think bout that, but i know wer my heart lies in the UK. We are goin back next year at some point, it seems like a life time away, it cant come fast enough.

The uk is a lovley place, and have some amazing places 2 go, all so very diffrent, and thats wot i miss.

Hope u are settlin in Sarah, sounds like u are x:twitcy:

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Guest ShellBee

I loved reading this post Sarah. I'm heading back in 18 weeks & can't wait. Bring on that sense of belonging!!

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Its not all Honey !!!!!



I think we know that, but it aint honey anywhere....for some its more like the hive than the jar though..so ergo it lasts longer....and the moral of the post is to help those who are doing so provide them moral support so reminding em that it aint honey doesnt exactly do that now does it! So lets be supportive and positive for those who want to....we have the media to tell us not to do it...they are so good at putting UK down no wonder people dont know whether they are coming or going....:biggrin:

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Glad to hear it Sarah, We've been back 18 months and that feeling of loving the UK has not left for a single second. We feel so lucky to have been able to return.



Hi all


We may have only been back a couple of weeks but being home has been even better than I could ever have imagined. After hearing so much doom and gloom about life back in the uk and having all our friends in Oz call us crazy for coming back, I just wanted to say to anyone out there thinking of coming back that you should definately go for it. We have been amazed at how friendly everyone is, it's lovely to walk the dogs in so many different places, the pubs are warm and welcoming and surprisingly the weather has been great too!!


So if anyone is having doubts about coming back (I know I had them before leaving Oz) I just wanted to put up a positive post about being back home. You really can't put your finger on it but it's a sense of belonging that you just can't beat. I hope everyone returning has a great time too


All the best



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Sorry I agree with i did meam Aus i have been here 47 years and never settled would come home tomorrow Dont get me wrong its a good country but its not home for me



i wish it was honey....i did my time in USA 30 years never settled. Always longing to go home had i not got divorced never would have left...now i realise it left an indelible mark on me...but Oz is not for me. Good luck.

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Been a very dull week in Perth this week so not much to do. Wife's in tears desperate to go home. Best of it is her flights in 2 weeks !


I know 2 weeks is not that long but when you feel like your wife is feeling it feels like an eternity! Can the flight be brought forward?

I hope she gets thru this tough time!


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Hi Sarah,


So glad that to hear that you are so happy to be home ,i know what you mean by a sense of belonging that how i felt when i went back .


I know what i am going to say next a lot of people will think it a silly thing to say ,but besides having that feeling of belonging i felt that i was home with my own people and i belonged there .


i ony wish i was there with you to enjoy all the things England has to offer .


Waiting for the house to sell.

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We have been back for 10 days after nearly 5 years in Brisbane and I have just read this couldn't of said it better myself.

Driving up the motorway today I said to my husband I have got my sense of belonging back coming home he totally agreed.

I always liked Australia but could never shift that feeling of unsettledness in the last couple of years now its just gone. Its fantastic to be back with that similar sense of humour, friends, popping into the parents, sisters. Not regrets about living in Australia all part of life experience and it has made me return with new eyes for my country. I absolutely love been home after also all that doubt :)

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I sadly never settled in aus but hubby wouldnt go back home so i stayed but it is my biggest regret only really stayed for the kids now if i go back i am notgoing to get pension nothing like home eh



In similar boat stayed in states for parents now deceased...my pension (not that I am old enough to get it) is there....I never really settled their and not settling here....must be me..LOL

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Wherever you lay your hat that's your home!


Some people dream of this venture of going to Australia. Hell I'm one of them. But for those at the time wanting to go to Australia, whether it be because the weather here in the UK does not meet your standards, Immigration out of control, Crime, Tax and NI rip off, running faster but going nowehere blah de blah, if your heart leaves that hat behind then that hat is always going to be on your mind.


I'm not a materialist person. House, money etc are just tools that help you achieve what it is you want and how you want to live and where you want to live. It's your personal and family happiness that counts with the time you have on this planet. Live now, Life is short, time is luck.


Hats off to those that took the plunge, went out there and said "Nah it isn't to me I want to go HOME". For those that stayed out there and making it work, even those against all odds, well done.


You have to decide if you want to cut that umbilical cord with your home and make somewhere else that place. If you have doubts then that is against all odds.





Me......my wife and kids...... well we are still working on it. Hope is a good thing and probably the best of things. If it happens for me then that hat will be coming with us. We have already agreed on that. Britain, Australia, Spain doesn't matter. It's where you want home to be.


One day I hope that my home may come true.

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Spain for me with the option of "popping" to UK when I feel like it


Can't wait although I will definitely miss some aspects of Australia............It's NOT for me long term but I'm glad I did it!


Glad you are enjoying being back :)

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