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Shortest Time in Oz?


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That says it's North American therefore I do not recognise it. Just like I spell mineralisation with an s and not a z.


Anyway, enough about the words - start a new thread if you want.


Perkipie it's so nice to hear someone who's decided that Australia might not be for them. It sounds like once you made your decision it was much easier to get on with life and you sounds very successful. I wish you all the best for your midwife studies. And yes maybe take a holiday in Oz as I think you'd really enjoy it.

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It is also a shame you deleted your post about Winningest - which is listed in the Oxford English Dictionary:



That wasn't my post! :tongue:

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This is probably going to offend, so, apologies to start with. But you must have more money than sense. I think you should as soon as you can leave Australia and go and renovate your little farmhouse in France. I do hope that you speak fluent French!!


I feel sorry not for you, but for the company who has sponsored you and put their faith into the fact that you were going to be working for them for a certain amount of time, but more so, I feel sorry for any other people, who are really wanting to live in Australia and the fact that you have taken an opportunity away from those individuals in obtaining a sponsorship from an obviously decent company, didn’t you do any homework at all?


Well I am so glad you started with an apology.

It is very difficult to post your thoughts & feelings at times for fear of insults and negativity.

For those of us brave enough to post that we are unhappy & thinking of returning to the UK support and understanding

would be the most helpful reply to post not one that insults.

I am glad you are settled here but please don't insult those of us that are not, after all what's right for one is not

always right for others.

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Hi Alandeej

Reading you post makes my heart ache :sad:


Since 2008 my husband and i thought australia (WA) was where we wanted to be. I am very happy to say we are still here in beautiful N.Wales and are soooo happy that all those mining companies etc didn't reply to his emails, job applications etc. We have taken our rose tinted specs off and have realised that we are so much better off where we are, my hubby has set up as a mobile plant fitter (is mega busy and earning lots of money!!!) and i am off to college to hopefully train as a midwife. Here is where we need to be and i am thankfull everyday. Australia is beautiful i am sure and we would like to visit it one day..... as a tourist.


I really hope that you manage to make it back to the UK. Can i just ask did you go there alone or are you there with your family? How are they coping?




Hi, I'm Denise, I'm the wife. We came as a family, our daughter age 13 and our son age 20. I must admit I pushed too, to come here to WA, as I was told that our lives would be considerably better in Australia. We was told that our son would be snapped up for apprenticeships, to which he has applied for loads and has signed up to 8 skilled job centers. He has had one phone call in the last 4 months of being here, and that was to offer him a job in a fast food restaurant, and he was to wait for the manager to contact him. That was over a week ago, and he has contacted them several times and has been fobbed off. So he went to see the manager in the store, he was fobbed off there too.

I am counting down the days as to going back as I was going to give Australia more time, but the time is running out for my son as he has never been unemployed and money is getting tight, and in this country they black list you for even questioning a bill, as I was shocked to see on the local news a woman who had a bill for her phone, she questioned the excessive amount, and they black listed her for questioning the bill. When the local news contacted the phone company they apologized, and said it was an error, but she is still after 6 months of the apology, she is still black listed.

Don't get me started on the sneaky speed cameras (UK they call it 'entrapment') everyone moans in UK that there should be warnings and the camera's should be yellow so as to stand out and that the British Police are this & that. They hide behind bushes here, plain clothed and no Police car, no warnings.


Wales is a lovely place, you know what's what where you are, but I would never tell someone not to try elsewhere, it works for other people, but not us. You never realize what you've got until you throw it all away, but luckily for us we still have something we can salvage.

I suffer with my nose being blocked up, so I use a decongestant spray. I use to buy the spray from Tesco, it cost £1.99, here is cost me $10.00, it costs $100 to see a doctor, $800 to use an amberlance. If anyone comes, make sure you have a lot of money!

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That old chestnut....'didn't you do your homework'?

We did, even got an Uncle living in Perth WA, he thinks it's great. I have family living in Birmingham, and they think it's great. We've been to Perth WA and I think it's great, but even some of the Australians we have spoken to have asked us 'Why come to Australia, and why WA?

You have to spend time here, you cannot come over on a holiday, we've been here some months now, and I'm speaking for myself as I'm Denise of the alandeej, and good on those that love it here. I like to compare it to Marmite, you either love it or not. I do love the place, Australia, but where we are, it's starting to get me down, and my husband is the one who goes to work. I have tried to find work, but like my son, some that have come over the same time as us have found jobs as they are from a medical background. Best of luck to those that want to come, and all the best to those that have settled. As my husband is the bread winner, I go where he goes. Good luck to you all.

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Hi Denise and Alan,

Dont let the negative comment on this site get you down. The only people who have a right to comment are those who have walked a mile in your shoes. There is a lot of negativity from some Auzzies who seem to take it personally that other people think Australia is not "all that". I suspect some of them havnt even been out of the country!

I know which company you work for as I recognise your user name from a UK site. My husband was the first 1 to arrive in 2009 for this company, they are doing the same to you lot in Geraldton as they have done to rest of us in Avon, Kal and Esperance. We have family here and had been on holiday here before we moved, but everyone under estimates how hard it can be to settle. No one can "do their homework" on their feelings. It doesnt help when the company you work for dont give a crap. And, Geraldton is very expensive and a 4hr drive from civilization.

We too have spent the past 3 years full of regrets, we would have nearly paid our mortgage off and would have been very comfortable now. But here we are, having to start from scratch and taking on a huge mortgage. Luckily, there is light at the end of the tunnel for us, my husband has got a job with another company and today is his last day with this shower of s**t. He is going FIFO with a big mining company so now we feel we have a future here. We spoke to the DIAC first and as long as he continued to work in the same job in a Regional location they were fine about it. There is such a shortage of people in your husbands job that it could be possible to get some one to take over the 457. It can be done and does happen. We have our PR now. If you want any advice about this and feel free to PM me.

Those of you who feel sorry for the company obviously dont know the details, the company,or what has gone on. The only reason this company is recruiting from abroad is because no Auzzie would leave another company to work for them, they are bottom of the pile and a last resort. So they mislead people in the UK and South Africa to work for them.

Good luck in what ever you decide. If you go back I totally understand, but if you stick it out, you can make a life here.

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Guest debbie67

Hi Alandeej your post is quite old so you may have settled or gone back to uk ?? But yes it sounds just like me ! I have also been blinkered into believing Oz is a better way, a freind of mine tells me its fab she been here 18 months and moved 3 times that is not settled in my book !! she has now admitted she wants to come back to uk lol ! The thing is OZ is not for everyone, I love the sun, hardly seen any in vic though lol, Home is where the heart is simple.

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Well I am so glad you started with an apology.


It wasn't an insult, but come on - It would be the same if you moved from say the South of England to the North, new company, new start, no friends, no jobs for the other partner (having to stay at home) or for your children, what is the difference.


Your lives could be considerably better off, but you have to work, start right from scratch, as if you were that spotty teen (joking here), just left school and going out into the big wide world for the first time in your life. Everything is new, even walking down the street, suddenly being shy again, because you are the new person and you don't know anybody, supermarket shopping - finding out that your favourite chocolate or drink isn't now available and you have to try different stuff....., yes it's so frustrating, it does all take time. Treat it as an adventure, remember that it isn't what you are used to and try to embrace any new experiences.


Before leaving WA (if you do), if you haven't already done so, and you get a chance, drive north out of Geraldton, only about 15mins, take the North West Coastal Highway, you will see signs for Coronation Beach (about 20-25km), turn left, and follow it down. There is an amazing bush campsite, right on the beach, they have free bbq's and shelters, it's just such an awesome place off the beaten track and not highly publicised, we love it and will always camp here a couple of nights when we get the chance = $5 a night (bargain). You don't have to camp though, just go for a drive.


Now to be constructive.


Alandeej - HBF do Ambulance cover for the whole family - it's around $80, so you don't have to worry about paying $800 for one. Doctors, you need to find one that bulk bills, you don't pay to see a doctor and if they refer you for any treatment, that is usually covered.


Apprenticeship, it has taken our son 2 years to get one, he managed to locate one through Gumtree, and not the local papers, or there is this web-site, which I don't think it very well publicised but it may have something - http://apprenticentre.det.wa.edu.au/vacancies/Default.aspx


I do hope everything does work out for you, just a question, are you living in Geraldton or on the out-skirts?

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The only people who have a right to comment are those who have walked a mile in your shoes. There is a lot of negativity from some Auzzies who seem to take it personally that other people think Australia is not "all that".


Anyone has a right to comment if there are statements which are factually wrong - which wasn't the case in this thread but there have been some howlers in the past - or if a generalisation is made about "Australia" when the situation actually relates to a particular location. This then gives people who are looking for information a misleading impression about the whole of the country. In the case of Geraldton it is so different from the part of Oz where I live that it could well be a foreign country. I dips me lid to the OP for trying an area which is so different to the UK. I know I couldn't live there - the heat alone would be a killer for me, as well as the distance from the capital city.

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There were stats created late last year - if i have the time later i will get the web address. Basically there was net migration from Australia to the UK last year. Around 50% of the brits who came left and a large amount of Australians heading in that direction .

The shortest i have come across was on another board and wasnt even here 24 hours

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There were stats created late last year - if i have the time later i will get the web address.


You'll have to if you're to convince me...........................I must be in a black hole or something????????..........................In the past two years I've helped 14 families arriving here...................only two have returned and in both cases, their partners weren't happy about it.

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Just like to know what is the shortest time anyone has been in Australia before returning to the UK, I came to Australia to a small place called Geraldton in WA which in my opinion is no better than a 'Hick Town' I have only been here a short time but I knew the moment I stepped off the plane that I hated the place. I was so blinked that Australia was better than the UK, especially with the present economic climate, but so far Australia has proved to be overrated and overpriced, talk about 'rip off Britain' which is nothing compared to the Australia, rental is the biggest rip off followed by food prices. And as for embracing the Aussie way of life Sun, Beaches and bbq's, but the sun is too hot and has to be avoided, the beaches here are windswept and I'm already fed up with bbq's especially the crap Aussie beef sausages.

I have been told to give it longer here as the rule of the thumb is 2 years, but I can't see the point in stopping more than 6 months especially as my 20 year old son can not find work, and yet allegedly Australia is crying out for workers. For me Australia has turned out to be a disappointment throwing away a good life in the UK to live on the breadline in Australia, incidentally the bread is also crap here!


I have come over to Australia on a 457 visa with fellow Brits who think its great here, so I guess it's just me?


Hi..i agree australia is so bloody expensive compared to the uk..i dont know how they can get away with the prices they charge ...ive been on the asda website and its so cheap compared to here...we are getting so ripped off ..weve been here 4 years now and have finally realised that australia IS NOT all its made out..we are returning to "GOOD OLD BLIGHTY" for good..i say if you dont like, dont waste your time trying other places...coz you can go from one end of australia to the other and its all the same,,and as for moving to tazmania..theres nothing there! its so empty. just like the rest of the country..im sick of hearing the word 'AUSTRALIA" its in every sentence on the tv..they cant have a conversation without mentioning the word..anyway good luck with everything!

I cant wait to get home...im counting down the day's..so what if england is in recession,lets see how australia is standing in thousands of years..i wonder if they will be so patriotic then! oh and you cant beat a good old english sausage!

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and as for moving to tazmania..theres nothing there! its so empty. just like the rest of the country


Yes, it's pretty empty of concrete monstrosities and traffic jams and unhappy UK migrants. It's pretty full of great food, scenery, communities, friendly people and happy UK migrants.

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Yes, it's pretty empty of concrete monstrosities and traffic jams and unhappy UK migrants. It's pretty full of great food, scenery, communities, friendly people and happy UK migrants.


Traffic jams...& concrete monstrosities...have you been to the uk??? i would rather sit in a uk traffic jam any day... than drive on these horrendously designed road's..full of people who cant drive properly..who tailgate you everytime you go out..is it bred into you at a young age to cause crash's..ive never been in a country with such poor poor driving standard's. The food is ****..the scenery is alll the same..theres no communties..oh and ive yet to come across a (GENIUNE) ozzie!

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Traffic jams...& concrete monstrosities...have you been to the uk??? i would rather sit in a uk traffic jam any day... than drive on these horrendously designed road's..full of people who cant drive properly..who tailgate you everytime you go out..is it bred into you at a young age to cause crash's..ive never been in a country with such poor poor driving standard's. The food is ****..the scenery is alll the same..theres no communties..oh and ive yet to come across a (GENIUNE) ozzie!


Probably all valid criticisms of Australia although I don't know what you mean about 'genuine' Aussies? Born in Australia? My niece and nephew were both born here to an Italian mother and an English father.


You are obviously embittered towards Australia, as are others, and all you can do is to return to the UK. There is no other 'cure' when you reach the stage where you hate everything you see. Unfortunately, there is no cure for me, and many others, for we have gone native!

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Traffic jams...& concrete monstrosities...have you been to the uk???


Yes, I have been to the UK.

I wasn't referring to the UK. As is obvious by the extract I quoted, I was referring to your statement about Tasmania.

Having lived in Tasmania for decades - where we moved because my English mother didn't like NSW but loved Tasmania - I can assure you that the scenery is not the same as the mainland, recent migrants have commented that they think the food is wonderful and better than the knew back home, there are communities here with very strong community bonds - but that's not something you are going to get in a big city like Melbourne.

Never been in a country with such poor driving standards? Try driving in Asia.

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Guest guest57588
Yes, it's pretty empty of concrete monstrosities and traffic jams and unhappy UK migrants. It's pretty full of great food, scenery, communities, friendly people and happy UK migrants.


Just a hunch Skani, but do you really dislike the UK then?

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Guest guest57588
It's not ok. I can't see any relationship between your original comment and the quote of mine you copied. I do really mean HUH - how did you make that association???


It's just the impression I get from reading your posts. Thanks for clarifying though.

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