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Just wondering how the Commonwealth games are going?


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Seems to be very quiet on the English front.......... Don’t want to talk about whom is leading the medal table as I will be accused of being a flag waving insecure Aussie.... :cry:

I guess if you aren’t doing well best to be quiet!!!!!!! :wink::tongue:

AUSSIE, AUSSIE, AUSSIE, OYE, OYE, OYE :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:

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The aussies are doing well but the poms havent done bad either.

Its made great viewing on Channel 10 so far here, we have had swimming with a hint of weight lifting, swimming with a hint of a shooting, swimming with a hint of gymnastics, oh and swimming with a hint of speed walking,,,,lol,,, oh and did i mention swimming?


Cal x

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Guest chris955

I think it's quiet because like in this country no-one other than the media could care less about them.


It's OI OI OI by the way :wink:

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Guest chris955

It is a shame that England didn't send it's good cyclists, I like watching the velodrome. Most of the other stuff is a bit hohum. Have they shown any swimming ?

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Seems to be very quiet on the English front.......... Don’t want to talk about whom is leading the medal table as I will be accused of being a flag waving insecure Aussie.... :cry:


I guess if you aren’t doing well best to be quiet!!!!!!! :wink::tongue:





Canada won gold in Synchro Swimming and the Decathlon !!


CANUCK CANUCK CANUCK , EH, EH, EH:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: (us fence sitters (Canucks) don't really sound off hence the small writing :wink:)



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Geoffrey, you are such a stirrer :biggrin: :biglaugh:


I was just talking to my OH and he kindly reminded me that we are getting whooped by the aussies. I replied something along the lines of 'Really? I hadn't noticed...?" This was of course a LIE. I'm just a bad looser....:biglaugh:

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Foxtel is pretty good with the coverage - get lots of events to choose from. It's been great to watch some of the para sports too - my 11 year old has been very impressed with these athletes in particular and their achievemnets. I think it was Manchester wasn't it who did the first combined able bodied and para games?

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Guest sh7t man no way
Seems to be very quiet on the English front.......... Don’t want to talk about whom is leading the medal table as I will be accused of being a flag waving insecure Aussie.... :cry:


I guess if you aren’t doing well best to be quiet!!!!!!! :wink::tongue:



the commanwealth game is just a slow warm up for the olympics geoffrey--its of no real importance to me--i seem to remember the last one wuz in melbourne--but when it came to the real deal (olympics) the poms smashed the aussies out of site:biglaugh:lots of love from a secure flag waving pom--besides aussies always bottle it on the big stage--roll on the ashes:jiggy:besides most aussies now watched TV rather than do sports--there quite unfit as a nation you know--but they do pretty good at sports for a little country:shocked:its nice to see the smaller nations doing well--im all for the underdog--well done australia:wink:

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Guest sh7t man no way




Are they in it????? :wideeyed:

apparantly theres a scotish waiter serving tea in the english hotel--so i suppose there a part of it in some way--well done scotland for looking after the needs of the english once more:notworthy:
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Geoffrey, you are such a stirrer :biggrin: :biglaugh:


I was just talking to my OH and he kindly reminded me that we are getting whooped by the aussies. I replied something along the lines of 'Really? I hadn't noticed...?" This was of course a LIE. I'm just a bad looser....:biglaugh:


I never spoke to your husband honest, but he sounds like a top bloke


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I never spoke to your husband honest, but he sounds like a top bloke



I know my place when it comes to Australia v UK sporting events :biggrin:























(I just laugh quietly to myself when we beat you and rarely have to say a word - he just looks at me despairingly and I know he is *feeling* the pain):biglaugh::wubclub:

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the commanwealth game is just a slow warm up for the olympics geoffrey--its of no real importance to me--i seem to remember the last one wuz in melbourne--but when it came to the real deal (olympics) the poms smashed the aussies out of site:biglaugh:lots of love from a secure flag waving pom--besides aussies always bottle it on the big stage--roll on the ashes:jiggy:besides most aussies now watched TV rather than do sports--there quite unfit as a nation you know--but they do pretty good at sports for a little country:shocked:its nice to see the smaller nations doing well--im all for the underdog--well done australia:wink:


Er, Beijing UK got 47 gold and Aus 46 gold shi7man, that isn't smashing us out of site:laugh:smashed us by ONE medal:biglaugh:

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I'm an avid sports fan and will generally watch anything so long as it's competitive but this year the Games have been a bit flat as so many of the top ranked performers just didn't go....not just because of the state of things in India but many of the UK cyclists have put their 2012 preparations first and all the top UK gymnasts stayed home as the World Championships are on in 3 weeks.


Having just looked at the medal table for the first time it's actually looking like Australia will not manage to beat the 2006 performance whereas England have already won more medals than they did last time.


One other thing that I shouldn't really mention is just how much it actually costs for Australia to 'win' each medal. I did my Uni dissertation on this subject and it was scary.....! There was an article on it a couple of months ago.........



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I have been watching the diving on the common wealth games and only because I met Dean Pullar (Gold medalist for diving Sydney Olympics) earlier this year in Cobram. He is the commentator for the Diving section of the games - in this years Commonwealth games. I didnt realise so was shocked when I saw him on TV the other night.


I was introduced to him intially when working at Cobram District Hospital earlier this year. Deans's father is chairman of the hospital. I was attedning a Merv Hughes ( Australian Cricket legend - early 90s for those of you who dont know) talk on health prevention and a colleague of mine introduced me to him. It wasnt until I got home that I realised his triumphs and have been glued to the TV ever since. I met 2 legends in one night and got paid for it!!


Merv Huges nows works for Andrology Australia and goes around doing health talks to men - for a fee obviously. I am kicking myself that I did not get both of their autographs!!

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I'm an avid sports fan and will generally watch anything so long as it's competitive but this year the Games have been a bit flat as so many of the top ranked performers just didn't go....not just because of the state of things in India but many of the UK cyclists have put their 2012 preparations first and all the top UK gymnasts stayed home as the World Championships are on in 3 weeks.


Having just looked at the medal table for the first time it's actually looking like Australia will not manage to beat the 2006 performance whereas England have already won more medals than they did last time.


One other thing that I shouldn't really mention is just how much it actually costs for Australia to 'win' each medal. I did my Uni dissertation on this subject and it was scary.....! There was an article on it a couple of months ago.........




The amount of money spent on sport in the western nations is all ridiculous, but it's not going to stop any time soon, it's not just Australia. Australia had an Institute of Sport way before the UK did and there were questions asked years ago in the UK about this (why wasn't it being done in the UK). Australia have always performed well in cycling, regardless whether it's Olympics, World Championships, or the Tour de France, it doesn't matter. People say Australia goes on and on about sport and what they win, but the UK didn't like the fact that everyone was winning when they knew they had the talent there. Years later they built a sports institute virtually modelled on the Australian one, and they also set up a swim camp on the Gold Coast. A former athlete (road runner) questioned the amount of coaches and athletes coming over to Australia and taking away with them the ideas, training schedules, etc, and said it shouldn't be the case. You can trivialise Australia's sporting attitude and prowess, but it seems that other countries want it and their people expect it, as the UK is now pouring money into it. I heard that a couple of the UK swimmers were heading to Australia (again) to get a heads up on stuff (and yes out of the UK winter). Australia has always punched above its weight in international sport, and can hold it with the best, and they hold many world titles in several sports, so there's no use in saying some of the best athletes weren't sent, there's always going to be athletes missing from events for injury or other situations, it doesn't always take away from the others who win the medals. Anyway, congratulations everyone who competed and represented their nation, good luck to all of them.

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Guest chris955

No-one is saying that every nation doesn't want sporting success but it is the obsessive nature of this country to sport and winning that I feel isn't healthy. We all want our sportsmen and women to do well but if they don't then we should just say well done better luck next time. Here any failure is picked over with a fine tooth comb and analysed for signs of weakness, just get over it and move on.

When my father in law first visited us years ago he remarked that all the country seems to think about was winning and back then when Australia actually beat England in cricket, rugby etc it went past obsession.

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