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Any nurse here or in uk awaiting AHPRA registration? I applied with QNC...

Guest annieross

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Guest Jo and Dave
Other than in discussion here, has anyone been officially told/read that IELTS is back on the agenda? The form still gives option of proving you were educated in English, so surely that's the official line?


There's a draft guideline on the Ahpra website in the nursing and midwifery section, but it's wishy-washy in parts as usual so still unclear?!! however it's only a draft so not yet official.

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Guest CabbageDan
There's a draft guideline on the Ahpra website in the nursing and midwifery section, but it's wishy-washy in parts as usual so still unclear?!! however it's only a draft so not yet official.


You don't have a link for that do you? I can't find it.

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Guest lesleyawalsh
There's a draft guideline on the Ahpra website in the nursing and midwifery section, but it's wishy-washy in parts as usual so still unclear?!! however it's only a draft so not yet official.


Quite bizarre really they seem to contradict themselves. the initial part of the draft states that even if you are from the countrie listed e,g uk, oz, usa ect you have to complete the IELTs but then section 1 states that if you are from these countries and completed your nurse training in the english language you do not have to complete the IELTs from what i can gather they are going to remove the part of the policy that states you have to have completed your secondary education in english, but it doesn't read well at all :err:

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Guest lesleyawalsh
You don't have a link for that do you? I can't find it.


its under latest communicactions on the nursing section of the site, click into that the draft policy is in there. i wouldn't worry about an english test at the mo coz theres no immiediate plans to change anything

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That is how I read it to Lesley, completely contradicting themselves!


They will have to honor mine as I sent when very clearly said IELTS no longer required. They will have to amend applications from the date they are changing guidelines again!

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Guest CabbageDan

I'm actually cautiously optimistic.


I think the confusion lies in the way they use the word "should" in this paragraph:


"The Board considers that applicants who have been taught and assessed in English in their tertiary, entry to practice nursing and/or midwifery education in the countries listed here should meet this requirement. "


I think they are actually using "should" to mean "will".


If that's true, then this clears up the ambiguity (in our favor). Although they certainly won't be winning any plain English awards this year.


Of course that is just my interpretation, I could well be wrong. I suspect we'll have to wait until the draft is made offical before knowing for sure.

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Guest lesleyawalsh
That is how I read it to Lesley, completely contradicting themselves!


They will have to honor mine as I sent when very clearly said IELTS no longer required. They will have to amend applications from the date they are changing guidelines again!



hi Sam have you bought your ticket yet

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Guest Irvingsago

Well I woke up this morning to an email confirming initial assessment has taken place & they just need my statement of entry (which I had all along certified too), a verification (which was sent to Melbourne but who cares I've arranged another today), and some more money (I'll pay when I arrive in 2 weeks!!). I wrote a letter of complaint last week so is it because of this or just because it was my turn- who knows. At least things are happening & my husband offered a job this am too so it's all working out. Keep your chin up folks & it'll happen to you some day. I sat the IELTS & to be honest even thought they're stating now you don't need it some hospitals I've looked at are asking for evidence of English language ability so I'd sit it if you can as it may help you in the long run.

Good luck to one & all x

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When did you put in your application Irvingsago?


I am going to Brisbane and Princess Alexandra have not asked for IELTS or capability of english.


I sat with Nurse Recruitment manager face to face, she said what a farce IELTS is for native english speakers!


Congratulations getting your application processed though.


May I ask what you complained about ?


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Guest Irvingsago

I initially applied in July but my application was sent to QLD in Sept. I've been in touch every week with no avail. I found on AHPRA website last wk a complaints section so I put all my concerns in writing & complained that nobody could tell me how long it was going to take, and given 4 months had passed that I should be near top. It may just be that it was my time but who knows. I think they're definitely moving along with apps so sit tight. Apparently if you have a job offer this can expediate your application. Who knows for sure the rules change all the time.

Best wishes from Laura

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Thanks Laura good to know that your complaint made a difference.

Crazy you have had to wait so long.


I have sent them a letter explaining my BF been there 10 months living and working also I have been offered a job once registration processed please can my application be processed by Christmas.


I sent October 7th my birthday. I had a receipt of registration fees taken from my account On October 19th. I rung two weeks ago and they said it takes 4-6 weeks, don't think she knew I was an international candidate.


I haven't passed IELTS kept failing on Reading by .5 of a mark!


In august they changed the guidelines English exempt if prove secondary education and nurse training taken in English. I sent written evidence for both.


There is change again, whether IELTS is required once more!



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Guest lesleyawalsh

it could be because the points test is changing in july. you will no longer be scored for proficiant english the points will be dependant on IELTs scores, you have to score over 8 for top marks. they are also increasing the age limit to 49 but no points for 45-49 so the IELTs would be useful in boosting score, i agree its worth doing.

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so would they accept IELTS of 6.5 for reading? Getting 9 and 8's in the others?


Still confused by all of this?


I am going on an employer sponsored visa so won't affect me thankfully.

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Just wondering does anyone know when the 90 days starts counting down for your registration to be completed.

I sent mine on 11 August, money got taken out of account 22 September, received email after 3 weeks saying they received my application on 29 September but I already knew this because they had taken my money.

Keep ringing and they say everything is in order but still waiting !!! I know registration is supposed to be completed in 90 days but when does this start ??????

Please anyone????


x helen

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Guest Pamela and Brian
Just wondering does anyone know when the 90 days starts counting down for your registration to be completed.

I sent mine on 11 August, money got taken out of account 22 September, received email after 3 weeks saying they received my application on 29 September but I already knew this because they had taken my money.

Keep ringing and they say everything is in order but still waiting !!! I know registration is supposed to be completed in 90 days but when does this start ??????

Please anyone????


x helen


Hey Helen, well i spoke to a friend today who is moving to Adelaide in 6 days. She applied to AHPRA in March, they also took the money in March but she has heard heehaw!! To be honest from what i have heard and read it is just your pot luck as to when you get registration :unsure: who knows!!


Pam x

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I took my application in person to the Brisbane office. I gave AHPRA a ring yesterday, and the guy on the general number put me through to the office in Brisbane. They told me they were currently processing applications from August. When pressed further, she told me "mid August" ! I'm not sure about where everyone has sent their apps to (they have several offices), but it may be worth ringing to have a moan if you have been waiting longer than this.

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That is ridiculous!


We shouldn't be waiting that long, they need to employ further staff, this is not our problem, but we are made to feel it is.


They stressed to me a month ago can take up to 90 days to process.


I will ring them tomorrow night this is crazy. I have not been so stressed about anything apart from current financial status, due to forking out for this joke!


Surely they must be sick of the calls and E-mails etc and would act quicker.


I am guessing Helen it starts from when they take payment, does it say in the AHPRA site from when it starts?



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Hello all. I have been following this (and all other AHPRA related posts) for some time now as I am also waiting (now impatiently) for my registration. I was offered a job in Adelaide at the end of July and was ecstatic, I duly got everything sent off to AHPRA within the next month or so, and after numerous attempts to contact them, they finally responded to my emails after 6 weeks and confirmed that they received my full application on Oct 8th (it would appear that it took well over a month for it to arrive!!).


I then got a direct number to the Adelaide office and have rung every week for the past month. I have always spoken to the same lady, and each time she has given me a conflicting story. The first time I phoned I was told they take up to six months, the second time I was told three months, the time after that I was told six months again. She told me three weeks ago that my application was going to be processed within the next week, when I phoned the following week; she said it would be 'looked at' in the next few weeks. I have just phoned tonight and been told that someone will email me. I have absolutely no faith in them whatsoever at the moment, so I highly doubt that anyone will be emailing me.


I totally understand that they are a new set-up and that they will encounter teething problems, however; I think that blatantly lying to people is unacceptable. I think my emails of complaint will start tomorrow!


Rant over! Sorry, had to get that out there!

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Hi Everyone,

Just felt I needed to let off a little steam again on here regarding the incompetence of "AHPRA":realmad:


Following my initial application back in may with NBV (when payment was taken from me), I applied to AHPRA 09/11/10 and even after constant telephone calls and emails, no one can tell me how much longer this whole thing is going to take. I cannot have my 457 visa granted until I get my eligible for registration letter which I lodged in July.

My post in Austin Health was supposed to commence over 7 weeks ago now and with christmas fast approaching and the rising costs of flights I am really really feeling p****d off. My career break from my post in the UK has commenced which states I cannot take any further employment in the UK, so now I have to survive on what is left of my wages or start using up my savings. I have lodged a complaint which was posted a few days ago and fingers, toes, legs crossed I will get some useful information soon. :jiggy:



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I too have a job offer on a 457 and waiting for registration.


I have just been on to APHRA again a few minutes ago. Again I am being told I have a case officer attached to my application , but that they couldn't give me a timescale. What he did say is it should be completed within 90 days of when my application was lodged,which actually answers my earlier question but he looked and could not tell me the date of lodgement. Surprise, Surprise !!!!!!

Assuming I am nearing the 90 days real soon.


How much longer do we have to put up with this nonsense. God, I am being so polite.:arghh:I feel like screaming.

:hug::hug: to all who are waiting. xx Helen

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Guest lesleyawalsh

I believe it starts as soon as they take your money, whenever i called i was told that you knew processing had started when the money had gone from your bank. Melbourne processed my application it took about 2 weeks from them taking my money. when processing starts you should be allocated a case officer so it might be worth asking for the name of the case officer dealing with your application. whenever i called i asked to be put through to melbourne office rather than dealing with the call centre.

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HI all


I finally made it to melbourne and guess where my first sight seeing stop was ....... AHPRA office, very clean and minimalistic. And guess what ... i handed them my letter of eligibility and said i wanted to confirm my full registration and identity and they didnt know what to do !!!! I cant tell you what i was thinking. They then proceeded to photocopy all my documents and then was told they ill be attached to my file and processed.


I asked how long this will take and all i got was - it will be attached to my file, assessed and then processed. I felt like shouting "let me talk to the organ grinder, not the monkey"!!!! I have sent an email to my case officer and i hope to god they dont mess it up !! Which they probably will !!!


FIngers crossed ........ AGAIN.


I feel all of your pain guys and hope you get some news soon.

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