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God save the Queen


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Lets get the amount right ,for all the people who read these threads ........the amount is actually 62p per person .

Thats f..k all,she brings in far more revenue via visitors to the country.


how much revenue does she bring in ?


How many people do you think would boycott visiting if the royals lived off their significant pre-existing wealth ?


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I believe she is underpaid and I would not be too pleased if I was asked to dig into my bank account to keep things going at work.


I think that when they say they will not increase the purse she should sell Buck Palace for a housing development and see how they like that :laugh:

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MINA Breaking News - Queen Elizabeth II the largest landowner on Earth


Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface.


She is the only person on earth who owns whole countries, and who owns countries that are not her own domestic territory. This land ownership is separate from her role as head of state and is different from other monarchies where no such claim is made – Norway, Belgium, Denmark etc.


The value of her land holding. $33,000,000,000,000 (approx).


This makes her the richest individual on earth. However, there is no way easily to value her real estate. There is no current market in the land of entire countries. At a rough estimate of $5,000 an acre, and based on the sale of Alaska to the USA by the Tsar, and of Louisiana to the USA by France, the Queen’s land holding is worth a notional $33,000,000,000,000. Her holding is based on the laws of the countries she owns and her land title is valid in all the countries she owns. Her main holdings are Canada, the 2nd largest country on earth, with 2,467 million acres, Australia, the 7th largest country on earth with 1,900 million acres, the Papua New Guinea with114 million acres, New Zealand with 66 million acres and the UK with 60 million acres.


She is the world’s largest landowner by a significant margin. The next largest landowner is the Russian state, with an overall ownership of 4,219 million acres, and a direct ownership comparable with the Queen’s land holding of 2,447 million acres. The 3rd largest landowner is the Chinese state, which claims all of Chinese land, about 2,365 million acres. The 4th largest landowner on earth is the Federal Government of the United States, which owns about one third of the land of the USA, 760 million acres. The fifth largest landowner on earth is the King of Saudi Arabia with 553 million acres

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complicit :mad:

List of Traitors to the United Kingdom



List of Traitors to the United Kingdom



Since 1972 six European Union treaties have been signed abolishing our nation. As this is illegal under the British Constitution, our nation has been undermined in this and many other ways. The EU is succeeding exclusively through subversion by traitors from inside the UK.

The EU has the laws of a police state, and a constitution that hands absolute power to unelected dictators; it specifically hands all military power (and that includes the nuclear weapons of Britain and France,) to these dictators. It is the Soviet system, and creates a sham EU parliament with no power; it will abolish the nations of Great Britain and England.

The list of traitors according to the severity of their crime.

1. HM the Queen. Committed six acts of treason signing EU treaties that abolish our nation. She is the only monarch to have broken her Coronation oath. Failed as the ultimate check and balance, failed to insist on a national ballot for the abolition of our nation.

2. Ted Heath.One act of treason. Lied his Eureopean Communities Act 1972 would not abolish our sovereignty, and started the entire illegal EU process.

3. Tony Blair Three acts of treason, three EU treaties, enthusiastic implementer of EU laws disguised as British laws, eg ID cards; enforcer of crippling EU regulations.

4. John Major Treason with the Maastricht treaty and other actions.

5. Margaret Thatcher Treason with the Single European Act. Now regrets signing it.

The above five people have all committed treason, and prosecutions were pending. Their crimes are sufficiently serious they were facing life imprisonment. So Tony Blair and the Queen repealed the treason laws in the Crime and Criminal Evidence Act 1998.

6. John Prescott, John Reid, Peter Mandleson, Alan Johnson, etc.

Communists with allegiance to the European Union, who have implemented the EU's Frankfurt school subversion, and the 111,000 EU regulations that are criminalising us all.

7. David Cameron, Ken Clarke, Douglas Hurd, Michael Hesletine, Geoffrey Howe, Chris Patten, Francis Maude etc. Pro-Europeans who have seized control of the Conservative leadership, imposing their own agenda, ignoring the wishes of Conservative voters; sabotaging representative democracy. A vote for the Conservatives has been a vote for the EU dictatorship for 34 years, these are the traitors responsible.

8. Julia Middleton Managing Director of Common Purpose. Trained 19,500 local government, quango and NHS "leaders" for what they chillingly call the "Post democratic era." Close to destroying the NHS, and local democracy, by transferring power to the council executives. Common Purpose is the number one subversive body outside Parliament.

9. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM). In charge of the handover of power to the EU, controls Common Purpose. Has put a "Monitoring Officer" into every council in the land; they suspend councillors who speak out for the truth.

10. Baroness Warnock, 25,000 dedicated subversives, and 100,000 "useful idiots". Ruthless implementors of the German Frankfurt School's subversion on behalf of the EU. Over the last 40 years our churches, families, schools, courts have been undermined, with single parent and same sex parents encouraged, teachers have had their authority removed, sex and homosexual education is forced on many under 13s, and decades of political correctness have dumbed down our ability to speak out. The results fill our newspapers every day.

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Expose the EU dictatorship and its police state

The Queen, Treason and the Coronation oath


Together with Churchill, King George VI saved our nation; he was a Monarch to be proud of. But his daughter the Queen is the only monarch to have broken all her coronation oaths, by signing these six treaties that abolish our common law, the British Constitution, the British and English nations, and our sovereignty. She has also committed treason, together with co-signatories Ted Heath, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.


Realising they stood a good chance of spending the rest of their lives behind bars, Tony Blair and the Queen signed the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998, which secretly abolished much of the crime of treason (s36.3) - they didn't tell the MP's what they had just voted for.

1.4 million British Servicemen gave their lives for our independence. The Queen has thrown their sacrifices away and made them worthless.

At no physical risk to herself, she could have fulfilled her oath and duty as a constitutional check and balance, by refusing to sign the six treaties until an in/out referendum had been held. In the unlikely event the vote went against her, she was even more unlikely to lose her crown (not her life or a limb), and would keep her £9 billion plus palaces either way. Those servicemen's lives would still have meant something.

But she was always keen to sign; and said in advance she would sign the last treaty. Princes Charles, William or Harry can now never be King. You can't have a King without a Kingdom: they can only be princes of a region (principality) within Europe.

King Edward 8th was forced to abdicate because he was too overt as a German Nazi supporter. Mrs Simpson's divorce was merely the excuse. The Royal Family is a German Family - real surname Saxe-Coburg Gotha. Windsor is an adopted surname. All four of Prince Phillip's sisters married high ranking German Nazis. After they lost the war the EU was switched from a Nazi basis to a communist basis.

Between the ages of 12 and 22 Queen Elisabeth's political and constitutional tutor was Sir Henry Martin, a Fabian Communist. It seems clear she was well trained for her subversion and treason.

Because she waves and smiles at us most are fooled into thinking she's lovely; in fact the Queen is a member of the Illuminati, a Bilderberger, head of Freemasonry, is wholly pro the (German) EU, and has abolished this nation with ruthless determination. It is so obvious she cares nothing for Britain or the British. The Queen's aspirations are not ours; she clearly serves a higher and darker master; the faith she defends cannot be the one we think it is. King George VI, the one recent monarch not indoctrinated with Nazi or Communist philosophy, must be turning over in his grave.

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The queen and the immediate Royal Family are part of the fabric of the country and I believe they more than pay for themselves.


This alas is much more than can be said for the vast majority of our politicians and high flying civil servants.


They are an easy target for so many people and I believe the green eyed monster plays a part in much of the negativity. If they were removed it wouldn't make any difference to the income or outgoings of anyone.


God save the Queen!! :wink:

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Agree that a fiver a year isnt much,BUT can we take the vast swathes of the uk they doled out to themselves back tho pls? then we can have the income from the duchy of cornwall etc etc etc.

As you've guessed by now i abhore the class system and they are the epitome of it imo.

Re tourism,paris gets plenty of visitors to their palaces etc and no queen there?:radar:

Do the tourists get to sit down and have a chip butty with the queen or something??

Anyway,just my opinion,dont despise the royal family or anything,BUT like i say,to me its all about the class system,the "ruling" classes,"aristocracry" etc,and i wouldnt be doffing me cap to ANYONE,im/we are all as good as the next person in my eyes.

Sack them,and let them eat cake:biggrin:


Come on Pabs, you love the class system...... You love the title "working class" The class system is so interwoven into Britain that it will never be replaced. With or without the Queen.

Getting rid of the Queen would not stop people coming to the UK, nor pulling down the Eiffel tower would be enough to stop people from going to Paris, but something would be missing, why dosen't New York change the colour of it's yellow cabs? It's only a colour!!!!! It's part of it's identity the same as the Queen, black cabs and red double decker busses.


Keep the Queen :wubclub:

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I think we need alternate national anthems from God Save The Queen.


We can have "Allah Save The Queen" for Muslims

We can have "Elohim Save The Queen" for Jews

We can have "Buddha Save The Queen" for Buddhists

We can have "Science Based Evidence Save The Queen" for Atheists


Think the Hindus may have to decide on which one of their umpteen gods they want to save the Queen themselves.



Anyway, just a thought.

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I think we need alternate national anthems from God Save The Queen.


We can have "Allah Save The Queen" for Muslims

We can have "Elohim Save The Queen" for Jews

We can have "Buddha Save The Queen" for Buddhists

We can have "Science Based Evidence Save The Queen" for Atheists


Think the Hindus may have to decide on which one of their umpteen gods they want to save the Queen themselves.



Anyway, just a thought.


Good idea afro, not sure about the first one though!!:shocked::biglaugh:

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MINA Breaking News - Queen Elizabeth II the largest landowner on Earth


Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface.


She is the only person on earth who owns whole countries, and who owns countries that are not her own domestic territory. This land ownership is separate from her role as head of state and is different from other monarchies where no such claim is made – Norway, Belgium, Denmark etc.


The value of her land holding. $33,000,000,000,000 (approx).


This makes her the richest individual on earth. However, there is no way easily to value her real estate. There is no current market in the land of entire countries. At a rough estimate of $5,000 an acre, and based on the sale of Alaska to the USA by the Tsar, and of Louisiana to the USA by France, the Queen’s land holding is worth a notional $33,000,000,000,000. Her holding is based on the laws of the countries she owns and her land title is valid in all the countries she owns. Her main holdings are Canada, the 2nd largest country on earth, with 2,467 million acres, Australia, the 7th largest country on earth with 1,900 million acres, the Papua New Guinea with114 million acres, New Zealand with 66 million acres and the UK with 60 million acres.


She is the world’s largest landowner by a significant margin. The next largest landowner is the Russian state, with an overall ownership of 4,219 million acres, and a direct ownership comparable with the Queen’s land holding of 2,447 million acres. The 3rd largest landowner is the Chinese state, which claims all of Chinese land, about 2,365 million acres. The 4th largest landowner on earth is the Federal Government of the United States, which owns about one third of the land of the USA, 760 million acres. The fifth largest landowner on earth is the King of Saudi Arabia with 553 million acres



Great thanks for that ........GOD SAVE THE QUEEN


PS i would rather have some old etonian toffs running the country , and the class system and all that comes with it.......you sort of know what to expect ........rather than those "socialist hypocrites",we have just got rid of, along with their union brothers feeding from the trough .

The queen looks far better suited to finery ,than John Prescott .

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Great thanks for that ........GOD SAVE THE QUEEN


PS i would rather have some old etonian toffs running the country , and the class system and all that comes with it.......you sort of know what to expect ........rather than those "socialist hypocrites",we have just got rid of, along with their union brothers feeding from the trough .

The queen looks far better suited to finery ,than John Prescott .



"socialist hypocrites":yes: spot on mate :notworthy: lets have our cake and eat it brigade.

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Guest shark
how much revenue does she bring in



100 million plus on the crown estate which goes into the public purse ,than the is the millions that is brought in by tourism:wink:
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When I was about 10 I went on a school trip. Massive outdoor affair with loads of other schools in attendance. We found out before hand Fergie would be there. So my Mum thought it would be a good idea to tell her naive son to shout "parasite" if we saw her (not sure if she was joking). Anyway, the moment came and Fergie was doing her walk about. As she was going past myself and my mate who I got in on the act were running along shouting "parasite". Looking back I'm suprised we got away with it, mind you, we didn't even know what we were actually doing anything wrong at the time.

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"socialist hypocrites":yes: spot on mate :notworthy: lets have our cake and eat it brigade.


The recent British Airways dispute sums up these parasites .

Negotiations were held up because Tony Woodley of Unite ,was on a "FREEBIE" in Cuba, topping up his tan ........

Never mind the plane passengers and the death of another British flag bearer.

Iam all for full representation of the working man and woman ......but these people have a different agenda altogether

Dont start me about LORD MANDELSON:biglaugh:

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Guest greg n em

If we didnt have the queen we would nt have philip saying things like If you see a man opening a car door for a woman, it means one of two things: it’s either a new woman or a new car!”


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Come on Pabs, you love the class system...... You love the title "working class" The class system is so interwoven into Britain that it will never be replaced. With or without the Queen.

Getting rid of the Queen would not stop people coming to the UK, nor pulling down the Eiffel tower would be enough to stop people from going to Paris, but something would be missing, why dosen't New York change the colour of it's yellow cabs? It's only a colour!!!!! It's part of it's identity the same as the Queen, black cabs and red double decker busses.


Keep the Queen :wubclub:

Each to their own geoff, i know getting shut of them/phasing them out wont end the class system(obviously),i just dont see why i HAVE to respect them or approve of them,i dont.

If someone can tell me why i should respect them maybe i could?but i cant see why.

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Each to their own geoff, i know getting shut of them/phasing them out wont end the class system(obviously),i just dont see why i HAVE to respect them or approve of them,i dont.

If someone can tell me why i should respect them maybe i could?but i cant see why.


I think rspect is something earnt not given.


But I don't think anyone can say The Queen doesn't love this country and wants to do what's right for it. Also IMHO I think, if she thought she wasn't doing the right thing by the UK she would step down, I wonder how much time off she gets?

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The recent British Airways dispute sums up these parasites .

Negotiations were held up because Tony Woodley of Unite ,was on a "FREEBIE" in Cuba, topping up his tan ........

Never mind the plane passengers and the death of another British flag bearer.

Iam all for full representation of the working man and woman ......but these people have a different agenda altogether

Dont start me about LORD MANDELSON:biglaugh:

Whats the solution then?no unions?people at the top of any organisation will allways take the p7ss,some of the union leaders are the same,it does'nt mean unions are'nt needed .

It was the unions who got the british workers reinstated on the gas supply place up in the north east when the french sailed their own workers in wasnt it?

I remember because everyone on here was up in arms about it,no slagging unions off then?!!!!

I suggest yer read a book called "the ragged trousered philanthropist" by robert tressel ,it might remind you why unions came about in the first place and the struggles they had to get rights for the workers,instead of the gvnmt calling out the army on to the streets to deny the right to protest,as they did in 1916 on the streets of lpool and elsewhere.

Yes it was a long time ago,but the mindset of the old etonians you admire is the same now as it was then,and it allways will be,I.E the working classes are cannonfodder.

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I think rspect is something earnt not given.


But I don't think anyone can say The Queen doesn't love this country and wants to do what's right for it. Also IMHO I think, if she thought she wasn't doing the right thing by the UK she would step down, I wonder how much time off she gets?

Time off from what?jetting round the world first class,opening freshly painted buildings?

Maybe they could meet halfway and donate one of their castles to the returning service men/women who "supposedly" fight in their name?

Give them a castle to rehabilitate injured personel,they'l still have a load left

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Time off from what?jetting round the world first class,opening freshly painted buildings?

Maybe they could meet halfway and donate one of their castles to the returning service men/women who "supposedly" fight in their name?

Give them a castle to rehabilitate injured personel,they'l still have a load left


LOL Pablo, the grass is always greener


As for the service men and woman, IMHO it's the government that should be looking after them, it seems the great men and woman that lfight for this country get screwed by them from start to end!

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