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Lets all reintroduce ourselves.

mr luvpants

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We are Lisa (Brit) and Scott (Aussie) both in our thirties and still in denial at exactly where in our thirties we are :swoon: We have been together almost five years and got married last year. We three beautiful cats who love to keep us busy and we live in Hobart, Tasmania :wubclub:


PIO is a haven and a life-saver for us. Without it, I'm not sure how we would have got through the visa process and are both eternally grateful for all the advice we have received and read here. We both also love the brilliant attitude of the PIOers and the top sense of humour found here :o)

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I have a fear of snakes and spiders......did worry there would be no books to read but am re-assured there are plenty of bookstores and libraries (this was a genuine fear!.....if only the others were so easily allayed!)

I am mad about books and worried about that too but if I can find plenty of books here in Tas you will be fine wherever you end up on the mainland. :wubclub: And there is always the Amazons (UK, US, Jp, Ca etc.), The Book Depository, the ABC Shop, Angus & Robertson and Booktopia to keep you going to name but a few not to mention eBay.


I'm not fond of spiders either but see less at close proximity here than I did in England.

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I am sue (47) nurse Wilf (53) water supervisior Michael (19) Danielle (15) and David (21 & in the uk) I have been a member since 2007 may not always post on here but is very difficult to cut ties with family and that what this site is part of my extended family Did House swaps Dec 2003 sydney & 2005 Brisbane. Decided Brisbane was for us moved here April 2008. we have had ups and downs but no Journey runs a smooth path we have loved laughed and cried we believe we have become better people we have more time for each other and do more as a family which is important. hubby was out of work for 14 weeks but with percerverance and trogging to the library everyday to use the internet (as this was on the luxury list so didnt have one at home) Wilf discovered the council offices next door he went in introduced himself and within a week had a job which he loves.

I May be a Nurse But you dont have to be sick to ask for my help - I would just like to help give back what this site has given me help advice and friendship we must remember we are not alone on this new journey in our lives.:cool:

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Guest Prickles83

What a lovely thread- it got me thinking- i don't think I ever had introduced myself- How rude!!!!


I'm Holly (26) warranty administrator and my husband Darren (30) mechanic. We started thinking about moving to OZ in Jan 09 but thought it would be at least 4-5 years before we could afford to look into it properly.

The dream of wanting to make the move made me join PIO. We planned and booked flights out to OZ for December thinking we will have a holiday and have a good think about if we really wanted to live "down under".

Anywhoo cut a longish story short- we couldn't stop thinking about it- I saw a post one day from George Lombard suggesting to someone else in the Motor Trade to contact Adrian Carlson and I asked if I could be so cheeky to do the same- and I did. That was September 2009. As you can see from our timeline on my signature we haven't looked back!

We LOVE our new life in Melbourne and everything is because of PIO and the very helpful posts and threads.

We are currently starting our application for the ens 856 visa

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Hi we are Lyn (49) Bridal jewellery designer/maker Barry (38) IT Geek and Ross 8.


We finally made our dreams come true by landing in Sydney 3 weeks ago. I have always wanted to visit Australia ever since the days of Skippy and Tingah and Tucker, but never thought I would ever get here.

I have 2 older children 24 and 21 from a previous marriage back in the UK which of course is hard.

Barry grew up in the warmer climates of South Africa and always wanted to go back to warmer climates didn't fancy the political climates of S.A. so Australia is where we wanted to be after around 4 years of trying he managed to land a 457 only to have it pulled due to the credit crunch.

Then around end of Feb this year he had an interview then a second by Skype and by March 3rd we had a case officer and 14 days later the visa was ours. They wanted Barry to start May 3rd.

We arrived April 23rd just making the first planes taking off after the ash closures, stayed 3 weeks at Neutral Bay then moved last Friday into our long term rental in Castlehill a lovely area North of Sydney.

Never give up hoping for your dream, our next is to turn the temporary visa permanent and remember the internet is great and so is Skype for keeping contact with your families.


Any one visiting Sydney give us a shout and pop in for a cuppa you would be welcome.

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Hi all we are Sharon ( Education) Daniel (Bricklayer) and matthew 13.


I and my hubby started this process in August 06. We needed court permission to go to OZ. My hubby has lived in OZ and he has lots of family there. In fact he only returned to Liverpool with a view of returning to OZ, then we met. I have stopped him ever since (not really) After we married we decided for our family it would be best to try for OZ, we have been pateinlty waiting ever since. Not using an agent, prob could of been there by now if we frontloaded meds, applied for SS earlier all of those what ifs!!!!

Nealr four years of gathering eveidence for courts assesssments etc. we have had our visa submitted 15 months now.

Matthew is now year 8 considering GCSE for next year (year 9) he was primary when we started, But one good thing from all of this is this forum, addicted and so nosy. This thread meets my needs.


One more additon to family bump- just found out yippeeeee

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joined PIO Jan 2009

Living Whitefield Manchester, always on FB come and join me!


Married since 1989, Family 5, two girls, 17,19, son 14, started oz Journey Aug 2008

made plenty of friends on here and Face book. looking to live in Q/Land Gold coast.

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Hi all, Im Lisa (staff nurse) Hubby Gareth works for Corus but looking for a career change and boys Adam and Ethan who has mild Autism. Been on PIO for a few years now, hubby originally signed up but its only me now who posts anything. We live in Staffordshire and was hoping to move to Perth Sept 11 but things not quite going to plan so may either shelve idea completely or delay, thats even if we get a visa with the family's medical problems !! Were looking for a sponsored skilled visa (not sure what number it is) we have a wonderful agent called Sarah from Go Matilda who puts up with all our moans and groans. well cant think of anything else.

Bye Lisa

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Guest bindog1uk

Hi, we are Paul and Lesley, we live in Newton Abbot in Devon and love it here. We have two long haired German Sheperds called Lottie and Storm who will be making our journey with us, so will be needing lots of advice from peeps on here. Paul and I have been married 13 years, I lost my previous husband in a train accident in 1993, he was a train driver and father to my two grownup children, the joke goes that I'm taking my dogs and leaving the kids behind:laugh:How very sensible of me.

Paul is a very keen scuba diver, this is what he intends to do with his spare time in Oz, I on the other hand might have different idea's for him:wink:

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Hi, we are Paul and Lesley, we live in Newton Abbot in Devon and love it here. We have two long haired German Sheperds called Lottie and Storm who will be making our journey with us, so will be needing lots of advice from peeps on here. Paul and I have been married 13 years, I lost my previous husband in a train accident in 1993, he was a train driver and father to my two grownup children, the joke goes that I'm taking my dogs and leaving the kids behind:laugh:How very sensible of me.

Paul is a very keen scuba diver, this is what he intends to do with his spare time in Oz, I on the other hand might have different idea's for him:wink:


I scuba dive.:biggrin: Whereabouts in Queensland are you heading?



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Guest adsmith

Hi all,

We are me,Adam, IT manager (37) Sarah, school secretary (XX) Tom, catering manager trainee (19) Beth, angel (11) + 2 crazy english cocker spaniels, we are currently in South Manchester and are heading for Perth on September 15th 2010.


Weve been on the migration trail for 3 or 4 years now but its all about to come to fruition in 3 months or so. Looking back it seems to have been a hard slog and quite a drawn out process, its hard to keep the excitement up for so long, I really feel for the peeps who have had the rug pulled recently with the changes to the on-demand list and the general migration policy. I think we got in at exactly the right time.


The house is sold, the car is gone, the packers/shippers are booked, the dog transport is booked just playing the waiting game now.


We have been to a few meetups in the Manchester area, mainly at the Stablegate pub in Denton where weve met lots of great PIO'ers but not really stayed in touch with them. I hope we can meet up with some when we get to Perth in Sept, we'll be living in Ocean Reef for at least the first year or so



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