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Lets all reintroduce ourselves.

mr luvpants

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Hello everyone!

I am Melanie (37, Domestic godess and general dogs body) OH is Terry (40, Accountant). We have 2 children, Ciara (11, going on 18) and Ruairi (7) and Felix the very lucky cat!


Been a member since Feb'09. Our visa was granted in Jan this year and are heading to our new life in Brisbane this August. We are all very excited with bouts of sheer fear thrown in for good measure when we least expect it!:wacko::laugh:

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Hi, Mathew (25) and Kath (26), married with no kids but have our own little baby, poppy our 4 yr old lab!

I'm a maintenance fitter and Kath is a teaching assistant and has just completed a foundation degree.

All forms and payment have been sent off for SS to WA. Originally wanted QLD but then the changes came, then though Adelaide, but another stumbling block with that came, so hopefully headed for Perth.

Been oz twice in the past 2 years, once for honeymoon and last year was for a holiday/reccie.

Live pretty comfortably here but think theres a lot more to be had elsewhere and loved Oz when we were there! Would hate to think I got to 50 odd and had the opportunity to goto oz and didnt take it and thought 'what if'. Regret what you have done, not what you didn't do!

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Guest digc

Hi all,


This is great reading!

We are Diane (42 nurse), Gary (38 builder) and our 2 daughters 12 & 11.

We've talked about moving to Australia ever since we've known each other (18 yrs) but i've always come up with reasons/excuses. Then last March I said let's go for it - so we have!! It's been a long year but compared to others i suppose our journey is fairly straightforward although feels like it has come to a stop at present. Offer accepted on our house beginning of March (still waiting for a move date), all visa requirements finalised 18/3/10 but no grant yet and I'm desperate to hand my notice in at work!! We are still hoping to be in Perth by August this year. Fingers crossed!!

I've found the posts and advice on PIO really valuable. Good luck to all xx

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Guest YellowGecko

Joanne (my wife) (aged 35) and I (aged 40) have lived in Australia and the UK. I was born in Australia, my wife in England.

We like Australia and the UK SO much that we have produced a useful DVD all about getting to Oz to live (and work), and love discussing the differences between both beautiful places to live.

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Guest shawgorbys
Hello, I am Pam and husband is John. We have two girls, both married, eldest living in Sydney for 5? years, youngest lives about 200yards away from us here in Wiltshire and has our first grandchld.

I would give anything for whole family to be together again, and having seen eldests life in Sydney on four separate occasions, can only see the better life we (all of us!) could have there.

I am about to go to Sydney again in September to see my first grandson! and to celebrate my 60th birthday. Pretty sure that I won't want to come back again, except for my youngest daughter and her family still here.

We all visited in Jan/Feb this year, with a view (in my mind) to look at jobs and possible visa applications all going off. Sadly, the weather was soooo hot and humid for the three weeks we were in Sydney and Melbourne, that youngest and her hubbie said a definite "no"

It was on this holiday that I heard I was to be a Grandma again.


So, I am to have two grandchildren and they will be on opposite sides of the world.


This wasn't so much an introduction, as a good old moan.! Sorry, sorry sorry.


My troubles are minute compared to those of you with young families going through the whole visa fiasco. I feel for you all.


ps Mr Luvpants, youngest daughter here is serving police officer and is the main breadwinner in their house. She will be interested to see how you get on. I will follow your progress with interest!



Hi Pam &family you can still go my sisinlaw is 60 shes a nurse and is going to Adelaide next month on a 457 visa so good luck with all your plans and its only took her 8weeks to get everything Take care Andrea&family :hug:
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We have 2 of our children coming to Oz with us - Lucy (21) hairdresser and Sean (17) apprentice gym instructor. Sean will join us at the end of his apprenticeship.




How on earth did you manage to get your 21 year old added on to your visa????:chatterbox::notworthy:

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Maxine (35 Nurse), Me, Gary (35 Maintenance electrician), Macy (10) and Thomas (21 months) from Preston,Lancs. Process started Feb 09,Reccie in sept 09, decided that our future lies in Oz.. OH sat bloody stupid IELTS 3 times and not got required mark on reading so delaying progress of her skills assessment, got mine (electrician special class) succesful 14th April 10. Relatively comfortable financially but feel that something is missing and we need to offer the kids and us a different lifestlye and more family time. Hoping to be in Perth by this time next year so just another season to see City win the premiership title !!!!!!!! Also hoping that Maxine's proffesion will still be in demand and on the new SOL.

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eternally grateful to the fab 5 and Gill without who we are sure that we would still be stuck in limbo.



excuse my ignorance only been on here a couple of days, but who are these magical people and what do they do to help?


would be greatfull for the tip!


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OK here goes.....


Im Wendy 31,(Care assistant for the elderly) ,Hubby is Dean 33 (main applicant Electrician) and our 3 children Cameron, Leah and Dylan aged 9,6,and 2 respectively.


We were granted our PR visa in october 2008 and moved to Perth in june 2009.(Can't believe we have been here almost a year)


We have all settled here and consider Australia to be home.



Wendy xx

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Guest waynenicola

Hi all,

We are Wayne, Nicola, Mollie & Elliott. We have been members since early 09 and have had some amazing help from Gill especially but everyone on here has helped in some way. We are waiting for qld ss 176 cat 5. I am a carpenter joiner and my wife is a book keeper. The kids are still positive at the moment but the long wait is starting to effect us as we seem to be on hold and not sure what to do.

We have been to oz to meet friends in Caloundra and Brissy, whilst there we went to Sydney to see family as well annd the kids loved the whole experience which was really good for the wife and me because we were worrying about them.

Good luck to all in their quest for a visa

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Guest Janeloz

Hi. We are Jason (39, accountant/salesforce.com consultant), Jane (me, 39), Alex (13) and Thomas (11). We first applied for Oz back in 2003 then due to change in circumstances we didn't go through with getting the visa, but have always had that 'what if' in the back of our minds. So in Feb 2009 we decided to 'go for it' again and after getting all paperwork sorted, we put in our application for 175 in May 2009. We sold our house in Dec 2009 (after only 13 days on the market), hubby got made redundant at the same time, and thinking that the visa was just a couple of weeks away, sent our wordly goods to storage and we moved in with the in-laws just 2 days before Xmas. Then on 5th Jan 2010 we got an email saying that our eldest son had failed his meds and we had 28 days to put in an appeal, (he has a chromosome re-arrangement, which I think scared the medical bods!), so we decided that whilst the appeal was going ahead, we had better get on with our lives here, just in case things didn't go in our favour, so we moved to Berkshire, rented a house got our stuff out of storage, and put the boys into school, where they started on 1st March (after being home schooled for the last 3.5 yrs).


Anyhow, after getting a new educational psychologist report done and a letter from the hospital stating that his chromosone thing wasn't going to be an issue, and with help from George Lombard and his team, we got the magical visa letter on 8th April. The boys are leaving the school at half term and we have our flights booked for 11th June (4 weeks today!!!) and cannot wait to start our new lives in Brisbane, probably heading north Brisbane. The boys are really excited too, and as we have moved around the UK a bit and they have only been at this latest school for 3 months, they do not have any real worries about having to start again, luckily they just go with the flow.


Anyway, thats us, and I love reading about everyone else, so keep them coming,

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Guest shirlw

Shirley(Scottish) 44,Russell (English)46,Stuart 15,Dylan 13 and wee Callum (all South African)nearly 7......we own 2 flooring businesses in South Africa and originally applied for a Business visa 163 which was granted in July 2008.I am from Scotland originally and had a long break from nursing (10 years) but returned in 2007 part-time....after completing the magical 24 months minimum we applied for a 176 in November 2009 and were granted in March 2010.Businesses still have not sold but we have made a decision to make the move this December regardless.Most probably I will stay behind in Australia with the boys as it is crucial to get the 2 older ones settled into High School sooner than later.If we have not sold up the hubby will return to S.Africa until we have sold and just pop out and visit us every few months.Not ideal but we are a strong family and I am sure we will survive.Visited Australia twice in last 3 years and bought a property to move into which is a little bit of a comfort.

We will be settling on the Sunshine Coast in Sippy Downs and the boys will attend their respective Chancellor Park schools.

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How on earth did you manage to get your 21 year old added on to your visa????:chatterbox::notworthy:

She had returned to full time education for a year to get her level 3 advanced hairdressing (she still lives at home so we support her financially) - fortunately her course was extended to the end of Jan 10 (it was due to finish Oct 09 but they had difficulty with the tutors) so she was still on it by the skin of her teeth when we were granted 22nd Jan - we literally were days away from her losing her eligability. So glad she is included - it gives her the opportunity to give it a go.

Donna x :cute:

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excuse my ignorance only been on here a couple of days, but who are these magical people and what do they do to help?


would be greatfull for the tip!





They are the main reason that we (and many others granted on here) got our visas granted after the devastating changes of 23rd September 2009 when processing priority was completely changed and so many of us were left high and dry after being so close to visa grant.

Donna x:wink:

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Guest Seabird50



I'm Claire (50) and moved out to Adelaide in December 2004. Came out with my daughter, now 18. Left two older children (29 and 25) in the UK as they didn't want to come out. Have two grandchildren, one was born just before we left and arrived in the UK 23 hours before the second one was born. Had just finished a PhD in the UK and had no work, and the offer of a job here in Adelaide with a colleague from the University in the UK - so came out on as RSMS permanent residency visa.


Now working in the commercial sector as an Environmental Consultant. Possibly moving to Brisbane next year, as have a better job offer in the pipeline and my daughter wants to study at Griffiths Uni. So thinking about another major move, still can't say it hasn't been interesting.


Notice Mr Luvpants is in Colchester. Daughter is still there, off Barrack Street and I came from Uni of Essex. Don't miss Colchester probably because I grew up in Essex, though I did love the few months we spent in Ipswich before we left the UK. Think if I had to go back to would be to Ipswich as I loved the countryside and found the folk really warm.


I also notice that Joanna's OH is and elderly care worker. My son (29 year old) is an elderly care worker in Ipswich, he loves the job and has just been promoted. Spends his spare time in the gym (6 ft 7 tall and pretty well built now) and playing in a very heavy metal band :eek: so the only people his career choice didn't surprise were his family... He wants to come out, though still trying to convince his OH.


Love Australia with all its funny ways and looking forward to our next chapter. Happy to help anybody coming to SA in the meantime though...


Great thread, thanks



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Guest annemarie and brian



I am anne-marie (38) and hubby brian(37) and 2 girls 12 and 7 and we joined mar 2008 we are finally going in september and we are going not because we do not like our lifes or lack of freinds but health reasons for my hubby and a outdoor life for the girls.


annemarie xxx

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Notice Mr Luvpants is in Colchester. Daughter is still there, off Barrack Street and I came from Uni of Essex. .


Whereabouts? My first house was in Providence place, behind the Winston Churchill Pub, off Barrack street.


Small world!



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I joined PIO July 2008 when we decided we would make the move. Our friends (ex friends) are going through the process and thought we'd all go together and support each other. I'm 38 on Tuesday and Mark is 38. We've just been granted our visa in April. I think we were lucky as we front loaded our meds. Our friends didn't and as far as a know (well up until we got ours) they haven't heard anything. We're staying in Labrador on the gold coast for 2 weeks arriving next sun 22nd. I'm not too excited yet as i'm looking at the bigger picture rather than the holiday so it's making me a bit nervous. It's all getting a bit real now. When we get back we'll put the house back on the market (we took it off after sept 23rd) then go as soon as it's sold.

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Hi all we are Tina (34) teacher, Pete (37) student due to finish IT masters in September and Matthew (2).

Have been dreaming of Oz for 8 years now, but life kept happening in the meantime!

Applied for PR visa 2006 but had son in middle of application so meds were delayed. Finally got our act together and were granted PR in May 2008.

Validated in Aug 2008 with a 2 week holiday in Melbourne and Sydney thinking do we still want to do this?

Had a promise of a job outside of Sydney last year which fell through and were gutted.

We are now going to Melbourne in October Pete is hoping to work in IT and it will be relief teaching for me.

Would love to hear from others off to Melbourne!

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Guest guest30085

Hi Im Gill 35 and have been on here for a while . .. . . .


I have one wonderful daughter aged 16 and I am currently studying for a degree in Psychology as well as earning money by teaching people to crunch gears and stall on a regular occurrence :biglaugh:


First visited Oz aged 21 and knew then that it was where i wanted to be but life has a funny way of getting it wrong (or maybe thats just me).


Have looked into student visas but decided to finish my studies here as it seems to be the safer bet with all of the changes. Its been a long wait but I will get there one day.



So basically I have no visa, no relevant qualifications and no recent work experience :cry:


Is that a violin i can hear . . . . . . :)

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We are Emma (me-35) & Mark (39 almost 40!) We both have family in Perth.

Went out last year on student visa but had to come back due to changes and finances! I have since been granted PR through RRV so will be sponsoring Mark and applying for Partner Visa and will hopefully be leaving start of next year :wink:

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Guest Liverpool lou

Hi everyone, this has been a great thread. Ive been a member of PIO for a few months, not posted anything but has used this site as a valuable information resource. We are Lesley (me 38, scrub nurse and main applicant), Ste(45, electrician), Liam(14) and Megan(10)and live in Liverpool.

When I was about 15 my parents looked into emigrating to Oz and I've got an Uncle and Aunty in Melbourne. That fell through because my Dad was near 45 and didnt meet the skilled requirements. Ste and I met Dec 1988 and in 1993 bought a house and were married. Ste was made redundant two weeks before our wedding and we struggled on and off for many years after as job prospects were not good.

In 1995 my Mum and Dad were going on holiday to visit my Uncle and Aunty and we decided to go with them. By hook or by crook we managed to scrape the money together with help from Mum and Dad and we headed off to Oz in the February. That is where we got 'The Bug' for Oz. We spent 3 days in Cairns then flew onto Melbourne for 2 1/2 weeks with family and had a ball. We didnt want to leave, even my cousin was trying to get me a job. Reality set in, we had a house and a mortgage and had for 2 years been trying for a baby and I was on fertility drugs. Having a baby was so important to us and was our main priority nothing else really mattered.Our skills were also an issue, I had trained as a hairdresser when I left school but had left to work as a care assistant, ste had previously worked as a fork lift truck driver before redundancy, but was working as a temp debt collector. Chance of us emigrating were slim unless I went back into hairdressing and we returned after our 3 week holiday back to life in liverpool. About 2 months after we got back from Oz I found out I was pregnant,and we went on to have Megan 3 years later. In 2004 I decided to train as a nurse and Ste trained as an electrician. After we qualified we started thinking about Oz again and appointed an agent 01/09, gained ANMC 09/09, applied for WA SS 09/09, Ielts 12/09 (passed) decided to apply for 175 and online application was sent 25/01/10. CO 03/10 Meds and PCC 03/10. Meds finalised 27/04 but still shows up as requested.

Well thats our life so far, sorry to give my life story but it just goes to show that it's better late than never. We believe life is too short there is a big wide world out there that is full of opportunities for us and our kids. Hopefully we wont wait too long now and hope to be in either Perth or Brisbane in October 10. The hardest part is deciding where to go. We originally chose Perth but I am awaiting an interview in Brisbane so obviously it all depends on where the jobs are. Apologies again for going on and on :chatterbox: but I wanted to share our story. X

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appointed an agent 01/09, gained ANMC 09/09, applied for WA SS 09/09, Ielts 12/09 (passed) decided to apply for 175 and online application was sent 25/01/10. CO 03/10 Meds and PCC 03/10. Meds finalised 27/04 but still shows up as requested.




If it helps Lou, my wife and i did our meds and PCC at around the same time, and meds finalised about a week before yours. ours still said requested untill i looked the night before last and everything says 'Met' now, as of 13/05. so hold on in there!!!!:cute:

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Hi all we are Sharon ( Education) Daniel (Bricklayer) and matthew 13.


I and my hubby started this process in August 06. We needed court permission to go to OZ. My hubby has lived in OZ and he has lots of family there. In fact he only returned to Liverpool with a view of returning to OZ, then we met. I have stopped him ever since (not really) After we married we decided for our family it would be best to try for OZ, we have been pateinlty waiting ever since. Not using an agent, prob could of been there by now if we frontloaded meds, applied for SS earlier all of those what ifs!!!!

Nealr four years of gathering eveidence for courts assesssments etc. we have had our visa submitted 15 months now.

Matthew is now year 8 considering GCSE for next year (year 9) he was primary when we started, But one good thing from all of this is this forum, addicted and so nosy. This thread meets my needs.

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I'm Mhaggie (41) and Scott is still 40. We have 3 kids aged 14,13 and 10.

We are just back from our extended reccie trip to Melbourne and still feeling rather chilly in Scotland.


Our house is up for sale with no viewers so far in 8 weeks! We will be coming out when our 457 is granted......hopefully by August so kids don't have to return to school for the sake of a few weeks.


I am so looking forward to my new life in Australia. But am not deluded enough to think it will be easy but just want to be together as a family. Scott has spent the last 3-4 years working in Australia for long periods and short trips home, so this gives us the chance to be together.


I have a fear of snakes and spiders......did worry there would be no books to read but am re-assured there are plenty of bookstores and libraries (this was a genuine fear!.....if only the others were so easily allayed!)


So like a lot of people, life's a bit of a waiting game at the moment. I have given up work ,just before we left on holiday, to have some 'me'time, get the house ready, catch up with friends, be able to go to school events etc. Scott has gone back out to Oz, probably until just before we join him, so I'm back on my own again......dealing with life with a time difference! It's so much easier when you are in the same time zone!!

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