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Has anybody got an editable Form 80 they can send me please? I have been sent one from my MA, and tried using the one on IMMI site, but each time, when I go to save it, only the form saves, and not the content, which is getting frustrating now! Please note, not tech savvy, so it may well be my system as MA has suggested - Thanks


My SOH is IT savvy and he couldn't get form to do as it was 'told' so we went for the old fashion way, printed it out and used a quill - quite therapeutic. Then scanned and saved as jpg ready to send when requested. I roughly trotted up time spent on damn form x 3 as had to do one for our son as well - 7 x 8 hour days it took me approx and they will get it whether they request it or not after all the hard work. Kim

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We're so near, we've got our case officer just waiting for them to request AOS money and then it's all systems go I hope. Quick question, how did you all pay your AOS?




I read somewhere that immi is very fussy to ensure sponsor pays it and even went to extent of requesting bank statements to check money had not been transferred by parents to the sponsor so beware! Kim

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Has anybody got an editable Form 80 they can send me please? I have been sent one from my MA, and tried using the one on IMMI site, but each time, when I go to save it, only the form saves, and not the content, which is getting frustrating now! Please note, not tech savvy, so it may well be my system as MA has suggested - Thanks


Alan, I did it the hard way because I couldn't work out a way to save it online. I printed out the form, filled it in by hand, bit by it, then scanned each page (luckily I have a printer that scans) then collated all the scanned pages into a single pdf doc. Put like that it sounds easy, but it wasn't, hence my many hysterical posts to this site at the time. However, long winded as it was, it worked and I got it done. There was no way I could have done it at one sitting, and having the hard copy in front of me was obscurely comforting.


I also found the amount of detail requested unbelievable. I had been living in Belgium for part of the time with constant visits to my elderly and newly widowed mother in Wales, so remembering the dates of each visit was impossible. I just guessed most of the dates and wrote 'approximately' after each one. The trips to oz were easy because of visa and passport records but everything else I just put the closest likely dates with the overworked word 'approx' each time. It must have been okay because they accepted it.


Good luck!

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Well, if you end up down the south coast of NSW then my parents will be here too as you know. I know they would value having friends in similar situations! The idea of a forum thread is a good one too. I'm sure there will be lots of things that you discover on your immigration journey that others would find useful :cute:


Hi Moomin


weve just spent five days in kiama having a good look round and are more or less decided it's the place for us. We aren't planning to be moving out for a couple of years but will certainly be sending an email your way when we do!



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Has anybody got an editable Form 80 they can send me please? I have been sent one from my MA, and tried using the one on IMMI site, but each time, when I go to save it, only the form saves, and not the content, which is getting frustrating now! Please note, not tech savvy, so it may well be my system as MA has suggested - Thanks

Hi Alan,

Our MA told us the only way to save info on the form was to do it on a Microsoft based computer. We had an old laptop I was able to access emails on, it worked for us :wink:, we had tried it first on the IMac and suffered the same fate as you.



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I read somewhere that immi is very fussy to ensure sponsor pays it and even went to extent of requesting bank statements to check money had not been transferred by parents to the sponsor so beware! Kim

Hi Kim,

I transferred money into our sons account and he went to centre link the next day to pay, no probs. They only seem interested in checking they meet the financial criteria.

Hope this helps


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hi Maisie


Your daughter will be asked to open an account with the Commonwealth Bank and lodge the money. Costs 300AUd to open but interest paid on the money.They then inform Centrelink and Immi. Hope this helps.





Really, I thought it could just be paid into the Commonwealth Bank with a bankers cheque what a pain! Thanks Joyron



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Sadge. Kingsbury is not far from Reservoir which is one of the areas we'll be looking at. Family in the Preston, Thornbury area.


Hi Calmac,


Ooooh - Preston Market - fantastic. I was amazed at the number of vegetables that I'd never seen before. As a vegetarian I'm going to be in my element!


What is your lodgement date?

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Question - after Joop on 30 April am I really the next one on 23 May or is there someone between - trying to see good omen there as to might have been quiet time and immi will push through - ok ever the dreamer Kim


Hurry up through please Kim, we are 30th May.

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Hi Alan,

Our MA told us the only way to save info on the form was to do it on a Microsoft based computer. We had an old laptop I was able to access emails on, it worked for us :wink:, we had tried it first on the IMac and suffered the same fate as you.




Cheers Phil, but I am using a microsoft based PC, reckon it's me, with these new fang dangle machines!!! Completed mine earlier this morning, just waiting for MA to approve, then we can get Karen's completed, which should be easier, (famous last words!)

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Hi Moomin


weve just spent five days in kiama having a good look round and are more or less decided it's the place for us. We aren't planning to be moving out for a couple of years but will certainly be sending an email your way when we do!




It really is a lovely spot! We enjoy it here and can't wait for our parents to join us. :wink:

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Hi everyone I'm a newbie to the forum we submitted our application 4/6/15 I've been reading some of your posts and I can't imagine how all of the Spring/summer 2014s must be feeling!!! I'm only 10 months in and I feel like our life is on hold!!! What a destination we have in sight though Just want to wish all those who have there feet nearly in the door GOOD LUCK and to all the 2015s hopefully we can all help support each other over the coming months we are looking to settle in Mandurah which is about 60/70k south of Perth that's where my daughter / son-in-law and gorgeous granddaughter live they are having a house built and are looking to move in sometime in July. Can't wait to join them

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Hi Again Folks,


my mother in law posted her CPV 175 application 11 April 2014, test email is now saying processing dates are now at 29th April 2014 (FINALLY) :cute:

Of course she's in England panicking and now I'm starting to a little also...

Does anyone here have any idea when she should expect to hear something???



Thanks all :)

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Hi everyone I'm a newbie to the forum we submitted our application 4/6/15 I've been reading some of your posts and I can't imagine how all of the Spring/summer 2014s must be feeling!!! I'm only 10 months in and I feel like our life is on hold!!! What a destination we have in sight though Just want to wish all those who have there feet nearly in the door GOOD LUCK and to all the 2015s hopefully we can all help support each other over the coming months we are looking to settle in Mandurah which is about 60/70k south of Perth that's where my daughter / son-in-law and gorgeous granddaughter live they are having a house built and are looking to move in sometime in July. Can't wait to join them


Welcome and good luck with your move. We are not sure where we will settle, but we are stying with my son and his girlfriend in Lockridge whilst our freight is on its way. Jobs will dictate to a point, but from what we have seen anywhere will do!

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Hi All,

We've just had the most lovely email...............

Visa Grant


That was much quicker than I imagined.

Now come on Immi have a look at how my Visa was processed....

Form 80 completed with original application.

Early Med and Poloice Check requests.

Early contact for AOS.

CO to grant 4 days.

There has to be a future in this for all the CPV's

Thanks to all my fellow sufferers on the forum for helping make this a more than just bearable process.

Good Luck to the 2014ers awaiting your turn.

To all the 15ers time really does fly, it'll be here before you know it. even if it doesn't feel like it.

Thats it, I'm up off my seat and leaving the waiting room. Shuffle along everyone, one seat closer.



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Hi All,

We've just had the most lovely email...............

Visa Grant


That was much quicker than I imagined.

Now come on Immi have a look at how my Visa was processed....

Form 80 completed with original application.

Early Med and Poloice Check requests.

Early contact for AOS.

CO to grant 4 days.

There has to be a future in this for all the CPV's

Thanks to all my fellow sufferers on the forum for helping make this a more than just bearable process.

Good Luck to the 2014ers awaiting your turn.

To all the 15ers time really does fly, it'll be here before you know it. even if it doesn't feel like it.

Thats it, I'm up off my seat and leaving the waiting room. Shuffle along everyone, one seat closer.




Amazing - over please let me get your CO please please please Kim

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