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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Yeah I'm quite surprised. There were a number on here from mid/end May a few weeks ago and now nothing. For the sake of my kids I need to get off the forum and email and get on with enjoying my time with them!


I am praying there will be some grants today or early next week, the waiting is driving me crazy :arghh:

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OMG it's actually real now! OH has handed in his notice at work and we're giving notice to our landlord.


I had been planning on a May departure, but itchy (and cold!) feet has brought it forward to March! In a bit of a spin right now, but the 2 years of research and planning should save my sanity.


Good luck to everyone still waiting to get that magical (and surprisingly boring!) email from their CO.

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Hello everyone,


Just came across this site and have spent most of the evening reading through the posts (obviously had to skip a few) but I was just hoping someone could answer a question...


I have read some people say that the CO has said to them something along the lines of "you will get the visa, you just have to wait until the 9 months is up" - Now is this a regular occurrence? Has anyone had this recently?


I lodged my application on 3rd Dec and have been assigned a CO and been told to arrange my health/police checks no earlier than the start of March.


In an ideal world i'd love to be back by the start of August for my fiances birthday but i think that's a bit too close. However if i knew in advance that it was all approved and it was just a case of waiting an allotted amount of time then I think I could handle that a bit better than just not knowing if it will be approved or not. Additionally my partner could go back a little sooner and try to set things up while i just saved flat out back here.


Not that i'm in the market for any horror stories or anything like that but has anyone come across any instances where visa's have been denied?




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Hello everyone,


Just came across this site and have spent most of the evening reading through the posts (obviously had to skip a few) but I was just hoping someone could answer a question...


I have read some people say that the CO has said to them something along the lines of "you will get the visa, you just have to wait until the 9 months is up" - Now is this a regular occurrence? Has anyone had this recently?


I lodged my application on 3rd Dec and have been assigned a CO and been told to arrange my health/police checks no earlier than the start of March.


In an ideal world i'd love to be back by the start of August for my fiances birthday but i think that's a bit too close. However if i knew in advance that it was all approved and it was just a case of waiting an allotted amount of time then I think I could handle that a bit better than just not knowing if it will be approved or not. Additionally my partner could go back a little sooner and try to set things up while i just saved flat out back here.


Not that i'm in the market for any horror stories or anything like that but has anyone come across any instances where visa's have been denied?




I don't think a CO has or should be allowed to say 'you're definitely going to get it' I would have thought they'd have to wait then just tell you their decision at the end of the 8-9 months.....nothing is guaranteed. Obviously if they've said they have everything they need then you can assume you're safe, but it's not a given. Normally people are refused but there isn't enough evidence of them being defacto or being genuine.I think on here i've only come across one or 2...but there's probably more we don't know about.

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I don't think a CO has or should be allowed to say 'you're definitely going to get it' I would have thought they'd have to wait then just tell you their decision at the end of the 8-9 months.....nothing is guaranteed. Obviously if they've said they have everything they need then you can assume you're safe, but it's not a given. Normally people are refused but there isn't enough evidence of them being defacto or being genuine.I think on here i've only come across one or 2...but there's probably more we don't know about.


Yeah well that's what I thought. As far as i'm aware everything is in order and it should be all good. I guess I had a thought in the back of my head that they're only able to give out 'X' amount of visas and i would be X+1 and be told No.


From what i've read, the general consensus is - leave your CO alone to do their thing and give them a little nudge around the 7 month period to try and help it along. Does that sound about right would everyone say?

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I emailed hubby's CO (WP) a couple of days ago to make sure that she had everything that was required and also mentioned about the offer on the house. I was expecting a reply back that said "don't take any irreversible action until you have the visa in your hand" but instead she said that she had everything that she needed, was still currently looking at around May/June to finalise and would be in touch again nearer the time. Nothing positive there but nothing negative either, so very hard to determine either way if he's getting the visa. He's passed the medical and health checks, the relationship is genuine (we have grandchildren now as well as children) so I don't see why or how they would refuse his visa, but it's always a possibility, but then, I like to worry about everything!

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The refusal is actually quite a big deal when you think about it. They're basically telling an Australian citizen that they can't come home (unless they become single) so they must really have an issue if they're to reject one.


I think it's unlikely anyone with a genuine relationship, with evidence, has many issues.

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I emailed hubby's CO (WP) a couple of days ago to make sure that she had everything that was required and also mentioned about the offer on the house. I was expecting a reply back that said "don't take any irreversible action until you have the visa in your hand" but instead she said that she had everything that she needed, was still currently looking at around May/June to finalise and would be in touch again nearer the time. Nothing positive there but nothing negative either, so very hard to determine either way if he's getting the visa. He's passed the medical and health checks, the relationship is genuine (we have grandchildren now as well as children) so I don't see why or how they would refuse his visa, but it's always a possibility, but then, I like to worry about everything!


Last time I talked to someone who had heard the words 'finalise the visa' it was granted 3 weeks later. That was just before Christmas.


I'd really not worry. If you have submitted all the required evidence etc, have not been asked to provide anything further, or if you were, you've provided it as asked, have passed medical and police check was fine, the visa should be granted in due course.

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Thanks, Liz :)


luckily wasnt anything too serious, but enough to wish we were on western soil for the recovery. Alas, that's not to be, just yet and the GF didn't want to return if it meant a tourist visa etc. just means the standard of travel accomodation has improved, significantly, so it's not all bad.


But yes, I want us both to be able to get on with the next chapter, even if that is looking for work etc :)


Hows your girlfriend Dave? Hope you hear some good news this coming week!

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Last time I talked to someone who had heard the words 'finalise the visa' it was granted 3 weeks later. That was just before Christmas.


I'd really not worry. If you have submitted all the required evidence etc, have not been asked to provide anything further, or if you were, you've provided it as asked, have passed medical and police check was fine, the visa should be granted in due course.


Thanks Snifter x. I'm just a perpetual worrier and now with accepting the house offer, if he didn't get his visa, we would be homeless as I would like to sell up by the end of April really and the visa "could" take as long as June (we'll be staying with relatives in the interim period). I shall remain positive though and keep coming back to your post in times of doubt xx

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Thanks Snifter x. I'm just a perpetual worrier and now with accepting the house offer, if he didn't get his visa, we would be homeless as I would like to sell up by the end of April really and the visa "could" take as long as June (we'll be staying with relatives in the interim period). I shall remain positive though and keep coming back to your post in times of doubt xx


If your relationship is genuine and you've shown the evidence etc to support the application and the medical and police check were fine, why would they not grant it is how I look at it. I've been with my hubby for 10 years, married for 7, we have a child together. I never once worried my application would be refused. I provided what was asked for, my medical was referred (which I expected) but was cleared (again as I expected) and police check was clear. My visa grant came through just on seven months. Honestly, don't stress about it. Sounds to me based on what you've said the application is in order and is simply in the queue to be rubber stamped now.

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If your relationship is genuine and you've shown the evidence etc to support the application and the medical and police check were fine, why would they not grant it is how I look at it. I've been with my hubby for 10 years, married for 7, we have a child together. I never once worried my application would be refused. I provided what was asked for, my medical was referred (which I expected) but was cleared (again as I expected) and police check was clear. My visa grant came through just on seven months. Honestly, don't stress about it. Sounds to me based on what you've said the application is in order and is simply in the queue to be rubber stamped now.


Snifter, what does it mean medical referred? cheers

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If your relationship is genuine and you've shown the evidence etc to support the application and the medical and police check were fine, why would they not grant it is how I look at it. I've been with my hubby for 10 years, married for 7, we have a child together. I never once worried my application would be refused. I provided what was asked for, my medical was referred (which I expected) but was cleared (again as I expected) and police check was clear. My visa grant came through just on seven months. Honestly, don't stress about it. Sounds to me based on what you've said the application is in order and is simply in the queue to be rubber stamped now.


I think that my worry is exacerbated by hubby who keeps asking me if people are refused their visa sooner rather than later and what will we do if he's refused etc etc. I keep telling him that I'm pretty sure it will be fine, but he's stressing me out even more!! His latest thing to stress about is what if the buyers for the house pull out? I'm afraid I replied what if the sky falls in, the sun rises from the West and the Messiah knocks on the door? I was trying to show him how ridiculous he's being and considering the buyer was literally stalking the estate agent by phoning her 5 times a day from the first viewing to me accepting the offer, I highly doubt they will back out now! Men!!

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Ah, she's great now thanks Liz, thanks for asking. We're laying by the sea enjoying our wait... as best you can, anyway.


Fingers crossed my 8 months is my date!


Good to hear, enjoy every minute! Enjoy some lovely veggie pakoras. They were my favourite snack when we went to India. Curry for breakfast I couldn't handle though!

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Snifter, what does it mean medical referred? cheers


It means that they needed to review it to make sure my medical condition wasn't going to cost the Aus taxpayer more than X amount of dollars in X amount of years basically. I had all the supporting documentation to provide for it at my medical, I knew it would probably be referred but that it would also be fine once it had been. I'd been expecting it to be that way. My panel doc gave me an A rating for my medical, which is as good as it gets, but even he said he'd expect them to refer it as a matter of course. If they had wanted anything else regarding it they would have asked but I obviously supplied enough info on it and it was fine.

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It means that they needed to review it to make sure my medical condition wasn't going to cost the Aus taxpayer more than X amount of dollars in X amount of years basically. I had all the supporting documentation to provide for it at my medical, I knew it would probably be referred but that it would also be fine once it had been. I'd been expecting it to be that way. My panel doc gave me an A rating for my medical, which is as good as it gets, but even he said he'd expect them to refer it as a matter of course. If they had wanted anything else regarding it they would have asked but I obviously supplied enough info on it and it was fine.


thanks Snifter. Seen a lot about referred medicals and wondered if it was the medicals being requested at a later date but that would be deferring wouldn't it, not referring! My brain is addled. Do people get told by their CO if their medical has been referred do you know?

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Do people get told by their CO if their medical has been referred do you know?


Not always. Even if referred they are dealt with within the timeframe given by the CO. Generally though most people will know if their medical is going to be referred as they will usually have an ongoing medical condition that merits attention iykwim or have had a serious medical condition at some point. Consultant letters or doc letters and notes are usually provided to support the medical.


Fwiw I have asthma and that didn't raise an eyebrow at all. The problem that got my medical referred was something that had required lots of investigation, tests and ongoing treatment. I was expecting it and prepared all the paperwork to support it.

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Not always. Even if referred they are dealt with within the timeframe given by the CO. Generally though most people will know if their medical is going to be referred as they will usually have an ongoing medical condition that merits attention iykwim or have had a serious medical condition at some point. Consultant letters or doc letters and notes are usually provided to support the medical.


Fwiw I have asthma and that didn't raise an eyebrow at all. The problem that got my medical referred was something that had required lots of investigation, tests and ongoing treatment. I was expecting it and prepared all the paperwork to support it.


Ok thanks again for your help!

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Hi, just wondering if anyone knows what visa I could go to Oz on, as my visa hasn't been granted yet. There's a few tourist visas and I'm not sure which one would be best. I applied in July so could only be looking at another 65 days maximum but really don't think I can wait any longer! Any help would be appreciated



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Hi There,


I feel your concerns, I am in a similar situation. I am applied for a PMV end of August 2013. Though like yourselves I am trying to make relevant plans but feel anxious without knowing the outcome. 2 factors for me are, my fiance living in Adelaide is waiting for his divorce to come through which should have been dealt with last year. Though he tells me it should come through in a months time, I have just put my house up for sale hoping I get a buyer. You have a buyer so focus on that... Like people have said as long as everything has been submitted and you have not been contacted its just the frustrating factor of waiting in the que. My case officer KP a month after me submitting she asked for stat decs which I would have provided but the mirgation company I am with told me I did not need this annoying at the time but we submitted it within 2 weeks. Submitted medical and police check in time requested and ive heard nothing since, Ive been told the only reason I would be contacted is if they wanted more information. Fingers crossed everything will work out in the timescale to get everything done. I would hope given others peoples visa mine would be granted April/May time. Timescales seems around 8 1/2 to 9 months at the moment. Your married and have children so certainly do not see any problems for you. I'm hoping for marriage and children next year No negative thoughts!!, this forum helps to keep me positive.. Our relationship has certainly been through it, so difficult being apart..



I think that my worry is exacerbated by hubby who keeps asking me if people are refused their visa sooner rather than later and what will we do if he's refused etc etc. I keep telling him that I'm pretty sure it will be fine, but he's stressing me out even more!! His latest thing to stress about is what if the buyers for the house pull out? I'm afraid I replied what if the sky falls in, the sun rises from the West and the Messiah knocks on the door? I was trying to show him how ridiculous he's being and considering the buyer was literally stalking the estate agent by phoning her 5 times a day from the first viewing to me accepting the offer, I highly doubt they will back out now! Men!!
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Hi, just wondering if anyone knows what visa I could go to Oz on, as my visa hasn't been granted yet. There's a few tourist visas and I'm not sure which one would be best. I applied in July so could only be looking at another 65 days maximum but really don't think I can wait any longer! Any help would be appreciated




Be very careful applying for any other visa now as if you do and they cross over, you could cancel out your partner visa. By that I mean if you apply for a tourist visa and it takes a couple of days to come through, but in the meantime, after you apply you get your partner visa grant, then get your tourist visa grant, the most recent visa would cancel out the other as I understand it.


You are coming up to the 7 month mark. Not sure what is happening time wise but a little while back a fair few people were getting their grants 7-8 months in. Although it could be now back up to the 8-9 month time frame CO give when appications are lodged.


You would just apply for the 3 month tourist visa if you do go ahead. And then you have to go offshore for visa grant. Before you do anything though, contact your CO and inform them of your plans to travel to Aus and ensure they know you intend to apply for a tourist visa and when.

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Be very careful applying for any other visa now as if you do and they cross over, you could cancel out your partner visa. By that I mean if you apply for a tourist visa and it takes a couple of days to come through, but in the meantime, after you apply you get your partner visa grant, then get your tourist visa grant, the most recent visa would cancel out the other as I understand it.


You are coming up to the 7 month mark. Not sure what is happening time wise but a little while back a fair few people were getting their grants 7-8 months in. Although it could be now back up to the 8-9 month time frame CO give when appications are lodged.


You would just apply for the 3 month tourist visa if you do go ahead. And then you have to go offshore for visa grant. Before you do anything though, contact your CO and inform them of your plans to travel to Aus and ensure they know you intend to apply for a tourist visa and when.


Thanks Snifter, I didn't think of that! It sounds like I should just wait.


Many Thanks


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