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Hay Fever down under


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I was wondering if anyone suffered badly from hay fever in the UK and what was it like now your in Oz?

Mine always completely disappears when I leave the UK.

Where are you living (so i can judge city, sea air, bush).


All the best.... a .... a..... a choo

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48 minutes ago, Leighbee98 said:

I was wondering if anyone suffered badly from hay fever in the UK and what was it like now your in Oz?

Mine always completely disappears when I leave the UK.

Where are you living (so i can judge city, sea air, bush).

Once again, it's a very personal thing.  Allergies are weird things.  

I never suffered from pollen allergies until I went to work at Stirling University (in Scotland).  It turned out their Biology department had an experimental patch of exotic grasses in the middle of the campus.  I occasionally get a bit sneezy in Australia but it's not bad.

My grandfather had bad asthma and wheezed all his life, until he visited my auntie in Perth WA - he didn't wheeze once while he was there.  Yet my little nephew, who lives in Perth, has allergic asthma.

I had asthma (but not hayfever) when i was young and had grown out of it.  I lived in Victoria when I first arrived in Australia, and my chest was so clear, I got income protection insurance with no conditions. One year later, after moving to Sydney, my asthma was so bad i almost ended up in hospital.  If you are allergic to dust mites and moulds, then the whole of the Queensland coast and most of the NSW coast are risky, because both dust mites and moulds thrive best in humidity.  You'd be better in the less humid cities, like Adelaide or Perth or Melbourne.  

If you're allergic to pollens, then the whole of Australia is a potential hazard.  Your system has never been exposed to any of the pollens here and is quite likely to react badly.  Because Melbourne gets strong winds that bring dust and pollens from inland, it has a particular reputation for hayfever.

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I had pretty bad hayfever/asthma when we lived in Cambridge, and was told by the GP that because Cambridge is a big city crammed into a small space, and because at the time it was surrounded by farmland growing rapeseed, asthma and hayfever were quite common.  When we moved out to Suffolk, and then to Australia, it got much better.  However, I developed an allergy to mould spores which could be a bit of a pain at times and always meant that if I got a cough/cold over winter the cough would drag on for weeks.  We were in southern Sydney, near a river, so it was always really humid which meant that mould was commonplace.  I used to have to wipe down the backs of furniture/pictures, and things like leather boots would go mouldy.

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I had hay fever in the summer in the UK but seemed to grow out of it by my early 20s then I developed little patches of exzema on my wrists and elbows which I still get occasionally.  The only things that give me hay fever are the wattles when they bloom.   A couple of anti-histamines clears it up.

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On 4/21/2018 at 21:11, Leighbee98 said:

I was wondering if anyone suffered badly from hay fever in the UK and what was it like now your in Oz?

Mine always completely disappears when I leave the UK.

Where are you living (so i can judge city, sea air, bush).


All the best.... a .... a..... a choo

As has been said above, much will come down to what your triggers may be. You may have none, you may have a few. You won't know till you are here and living somewhere as to if its going to be an issue or not. Wattles, gums and so on can be a big problem, as can the winds carrying it all in. 


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