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World Happiness Report 2018


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13 hours ago, simmo said:

actually no..

The authors are the typical lefty uni lecturers.One from the LSE (say no more) and another was involved in occupy wall street.

File this thread under "Fake News"

So you disagree that Finland, Denmark etc are the "happiest" countries in the world or is it the fact the the UK isn't so near the top?.  Would you have been hunky dory with the whole thing if the UK had been say   ........  No. 5..  Would it have been fake news then?   ;)

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15 minutes ago, Toots said:

So you disagree that Finland, Denmark etc are the "happiest" countries in the world or is it the fact the the UK isn't so near the top?.  Would you have been hunky dory with the whole thing if the UK had been say   ........  No. 5..  Would it have been fake news then?   ;)

I have been to both Finland and Denmark and they are the most miserable bstads I've met.. especially the finnish . 

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2 hours ago, simmo said:

I have been to both Finland and Denmark and they are the most miserable bstads I've met.. especially the finnish . 

I know a few Finnish families in Sydney and they are jolly, happy-go-lucky people.  Went to a couple of Finnish weddings in Sydney too.  Great times but boy oh boy they can drink.  I've been to Sweden and they can take life pretty seriously there.  Almost as bad as the Swiss. :P

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1 hour ago, Zack said:

It states in our local rag ,  that Australia has been voted the Happiest Country in the World. And in the  last opinion Poll. The question asked.  .Is it alright to call poms Whinging Bastards? 

Apparently Finland is the happiest country in the world.  

No it's not alright to call poms whinging bastards.   Whinging poms will do fine. :P

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9 minutes ago, Toots said:

Apparently Finland is the happiest country in the world.  

No it's not alright to call poms whinging bastards.   Whinging poms will do fine. :P

I agree whinging poms yes, bastards no.. On saying that in 11 years of being here, i've never heard poms referred to as whinging bastards only ever whinging poms.

I also read Vanuatu was the happiest place in the world so who knows,lol


Cal x

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1 hour ago, calNgary said:

I agree whinging poms yes, bastards no.. On saying that in 11 years of being here, i've never heard poms referred to as whinging bastards only ever whinging poms.

I also read Vanuatu was the happiest place in the world so who knows,lol


Cal x

Also never heard a Pom called a whinging barsteward 

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On 3/17/2018 at 22:59, Toots said:

I know a few Finnish families in Sydney and they are jolly, happy-go-lucky people.  Went to a couple of Finnish weddings in Sydney too.  Great times but boy oh boy they can drink.  I've been to Sweden and they can take life pretty seriously there.  Almost as bad as the Swiss. :P

Because they escaped

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On 3/17/2018 at 22:59, Toots said:

I know a few Finnish families in Sydney and they are jolly, happy-go-lucky people.  Went to a couple of Finnish weddings in Sydney too.  Great times but boy oh boy they can drink.  I've been to Sweden and they can take life pretty seriously there.  Almost as bad as the Swiss. :P

TBF the swedes in Sundswall where the inlaws live are not (too) bad, nor are the stockholmers.. but the Gothenburg lot OMG!  robots.

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On Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 21:24, The Pom Queen said:

Did you actually read any of it? Weather doesn’t play a factor. It’s not an Oz v UK study so stop trying to play one off against the other it’s a study on the United Nations.

I guess they have to find something for those highly paid boffins at the United Nations to do. When I see their meetings on TV there always seems to be plenty of empty seats in a massive auditorium.

I reckon they could get rid of the UN altogether and no-one would see any changes. All the money that's saved could just about see off world poverty.

I'm sure we'd all miss reports like the world happiness survey. Wonder how much it cost to knock that crap together.

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Scandinavian countries are years ahead of most other countries in how they treat their people. Yes people there pay some of the highest taxes in the world, but they get a lot in return. Their governments actually spend money on their people so life there is a lot less stressful:

- free or really cheap education (including university courses)

- great social security benefits so if are long-term sick, disabled, retired etc. you receive enough money to have a reasonable standard of life (as opposed to a pensioner scraping by on a pension that barely covers utilities and some food or an unemployment benefit that doesn't even cover your rent)

- very generous paid maternity leave

- access to great healthcare without huge out of pocket expenses

- lower working hours (fulltime 35 per week, although I'm not sure this applies to all Scandinavian countries). This makes people more efficient (less time to get the job done so how can we get it all done in time) and contributes to a much better work-life balance. 

As a result, Scandinavians generally are a lot less stressed and enjoy life more. 

Having said that, I think they often appear to be cranky and unhappy to foreigners because they are generally not very open with their emotions. People from cold countries tend to be like this (as opposed to people from warmer places like Italy, Spain etc. who can be a lot more openly emotional). 

The weather can also be a contributing factor in my opinion as it's pretty hard to smile when you're freezing your butt off. But just because they may not appear to be happy doesn't mean they aren't. 

Seasonal affective disorder is a thing...a cold and dark winter that goes on for months is likely to affect people's moods. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a contributing factor to the high suicide rates.

I haven't looked up why Scandinavia has high suicide rates, but I think that things like loneliness, mental illness, emotional stress (redundancy, divorce, death of a partner or child etc.), being bullied or discriminated against can all be potential reasons for suicide.

Just because you get free education, decent social security benefits and only have to work 35 hours per week doesn't guarantee that you'll have a partner and/or friends to share your life with, that you'll never end up with mental illness or that you'll never end up divorced and alone. 

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On Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 22:46, The Pom Queen said:

Obviously not when you look at the study and the reason a lot of the older generation chose to leave the EU. I think it use to be around 15 years ago but from what I hear things have changed, maybe it depends on the area but West Yorkshire seems to have been taken over and a lot who were born and bred there have been forced out.

Don't know about "forced out" PQ. A lot chose to leave while the going was good. Before the whole neighbourhood turned to crap and they couldn't sell their house. A lot of people are stuck there and would love to move but they've grown up there and don't feel "right"  moving.

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2 hours ago, Paul1Perth said:

Don't know about "forced out" PQ. A lot chose to leave while the going was good. Before the whole neighbourhood turned to crap and they couldn't sell their house. A lot of people are stuck there and would love to move but they've grown up there and don't feel "right"  moving.

Not understanding the ‘don’t feel right moving’.  What’s that about?

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On 3/20/2018 at 11:31, Zack said:

It states in our local rag ,  that Australia has been voted the Happiest Country in the World. And in the  last opinion Poll. The question asked.  .Is it alright to call poms Whinging Bastards? 

Care to state which local rag Zack just so we can check and reassure ourselves that this isn't just one more of your Anti-Australian rants. I'll take it that no reply means that you're bullshitting  but I'll also be only too happy to apologise if you can prove it.

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