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Anyone here living in geraldton that can let us know what its like moving there from the uk. how easy a transition it is, there is just the 2 of us so no family in tow


Any info would be of great use




There have been a few threads so worth a search.


My dad worked there for a while.


It's okay, but a bit feral.

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Without knowing you personally, it is hard to comment. I would consider it rough. It has more than its fair share of social problems. It is largely an industrial town. So, I would not generally recommend it as an initial place to move to.


It it is pretty isolated with pretty much nothing beyond except desert for long stretches.

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Anyone here living in geraldton that can let us know what its like moving there from the uk. how easy a transition it is, there is just the 2 of us so no family in tow


Any info would be of great use





It's not all bad. I have mates who grew up there and turned out okay. But there is a lot of drinking involved. And social problems. It's just a bit more on the edge. You're not going to get your quaint UK country village in Devon.

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It's not all bad. I have mates who grew up there and turned out okay. But there is a lot of drinking involved. And social problems. It's just a bit more on the edge. You're not going to get your quaint UK country village in Devon.


Not unusual for most if not all smaller Australian towns/cities. It certainly has little in the way of quaintness about it and very far removed from Devon without a doubt.


You may be aware of a rather famous Australian novel called A Merry Go Round In The Sea. It was a coming of age story set during the war in Geraldton. Randolph Stow wrote it and I wonder if it is still a novel used in literature high school classes here in Australia?

It can be a little tedious, much like the town in question I suppose. It should be noted Stow went to live in England after winning awards for this book. He never once returned to Geraldton, nor to my knowledge to Australia.

He lived out his years in Essex, living a very simple, unobtrusive life in comparative obscurity.


The book though was often stated as a good reflection of life in Geraldton long after the period living in. I could certainly associate it a short spell had up there as a kid.

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40,000 people live there. And it's on the coast with great beaches. I'm sure there are much worse places to live in Australia..


My thoughts exactly, it cant be all bad. going in with an open mind and not comparing to anywhere as i am fully aware Australia is completely different to the uk, or i hope it is otherwise why would i want to move there haha

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My thoughts exactly, it cant be all bad. going in with an open mind and not comparing to anywhere as i am fully aware Australia is completely different to the uk, or i hope it is otherwise why would i want to move there haha


No one said it is all bad. In fact for a start maybe not bad. Doesn't have to be forever. You'd be surprised (or not) some of the reasons people want to move to Australia. Only you will know the suitability of the place when on the ground. All personal comments are of course subjective. Most believe at the end of the day want they want to believe anyway, and seek posts that will confirm those beliefs.

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Anyone here living in geraldton that can let us know what its like moving there from the uk. how easy a transition it is, there is just the 2 of us so no family in tow


Any info would be of great use




Geraldton has a bit of a rep but if that's where the job is give it a go, just don't over commit initially ( like anywhere I suppose ). People I know who lived in Geraldton in the mid / late 1990s for a few years say sunset beach and mount Tarcoola were nice parts but no recent experience of the place and yes in reply to another thread your on almost anywhere in WA get AC !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me and my partner made the move from Sydney early this year as he was going to be sponsored on a 187 visa. Before the move we were told that jobs are hard to find and there isn't much going on however I had 3 job offers straight away, 1 of which before I even arrived in town. We were also warned and read online that the town has a bad reputation for drugs/violence which yes it does but what town/city doesn't have rough areas?!

It took us a while to 'settle' after living in a busy city but I enjoy life here now, great weather (except windy afternoons during spring) amazing beaches, cheap rent and just and easy life.


Let me know if you have any questions :)



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Anyone here living in geraldton that can let us know what its like moving there from the uk. how easy a transition it is, there is just the 2 of us so no family in tow


Any info would be of great use




Also just noticed your username... I'm from Blackpool :)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 2 months later...

We mved to Gerladton from Scotland in 2014 and were there for 18 months before moving back to Scotland. We absolutely loved our time in Geraldton but if we were to move back to Australia in the future we wouldn't settle there. It has everything you need and the beaches are amazing! Rent is pretty cheap and we never had any bad experiences as far as crime goes although we did hear of plenty of break ins and other crime going on. I would recommend Drummond Cove and the newer side of Glenfield. I know lots of people would suggest Wandina but we preferred living north of the cbd as you pass everything (as in Shopping centres, Supermarkets etc) on your way in to town plus the Glenfield beach is fantastic. If I were to live there again I would buy a decent car for normal driving and get an old proper 4wd or ute for going down the beach as thats something you will definitely want to do living in Gero! Good luck with it and hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Fire away with any questions I can help you with

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Thanks for all the input people, the job has been put on hold in Geralton unfortunately as i was really liking the idea of moving there, reasons out of my and the garages control so the job search goes on. Hi Danielle, small world isn't it :)


Instead of job hunting, why not put your energy into getting a permanent visa which would allow you to live anywhere and work for anyone and still in Australia permanently rather than be forced to move back to the UK eventually.

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It is something I considered but I was told that my age would go against me, and then there is the cost of it as I believe it is very expensive and 2 of us to pay for


So you are only looking to spend a few years in Australia? Because if you want to stay permanently, you will one day have to pay the higher permanent visa fees. How old are you? If age is getting to be an issue, it will only become more of an issue if you leave this longer?

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It is something I considered but I was told that my age would go against me, and then there is the cost of it as I believe it is very expensive and 2 of us to pay for


How old are you?


The cost of a pr visa is more expensive, but cheaper than shipping all your possessions back at the end of a 457. A 457 is only a temporary visa. It doesn't promise anything more and there is no automatic path to permanent.

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