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Cairns, is it safe? Boring?


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cairns is alright... alot of drunk aboriginals there,

our friend whos a lass was at a cash point and two walked up and just knocked her and her friend out...

very random

bit boring

very bogan

move somewhere further down the coast would be my recommendation..

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cairns is alright... alot of drunk aboriginals there,

our friend whos a lass was at a cash point and two walked up and just knocked her and her friend out...

very random

bit boring

very bogan

move somewhere further down the coast would be my recommendation..

Really? I dont want my wife or kids to be attacked, i guess some areas are better and safet than others, our other option was the gold coast.


Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk

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Really? I dont want my wife or kids to be attacked, i guess some areas are better and safet than others, our other option was the gold coast.


Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk



Yeah Gold Coast would be much better in my opinion,


moving to Melbourne as I love it there but everyone wants different things..

good luck with your move!

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Cairns city can be a little meh. I lived there a while back so not speaking from recent experience, but far prefer out of Cairns to live myself. There were plenty of social issues as the climate attracted homeless folk nationwide. Backpackers were a pain at times. Still plenty of worse spots in the world. Hope the job market proves more fruitful than it did for me though.

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No City In Australia is Safe, Some are out of Control You Should Download Some Current Affair Shows, on Aussie TV, And Cop Shows.Just Watching One Last Night .Mitchel Street in The Northern Territory. Is A Battle Field. With Drunken Drugged up, violent,Disgusting males and females. It Depends What sort of Life you Lead,If you are the Sort That Likes Clubbing.You could end up in Serious Trouble.King Hitting each other from behind,And Classing People is Common. We Don't go out at night.Gave that up 10 years ago.I wouldn't even take my dog out for a walk at night.Aged Pensioners at the Gold Coast have Told the Police ,Enough Is Enough They are Arming Themselves.They are fed up with Marauding Youths Breaking in, and assaulting them.Read A Few Aussie Papers and see for yourself. There Are nice Places Cairns is not that bad,Our Daughter Used to Live There,And We Did Visit a Few Times, But There's nothing There Really.After a while The Beach And the Walks do get Boring.Australia is Very Overrated I believe. The Weather is the Best part About it.That's it,And That's why most Poms Come here.Some Say It's the Life Style. Personally I don't get it.

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No City In Australia is Safe, Some are out of Control You Should Download Some Current Affair Shows, on Aussie TV, And Cop Shows.Just Watching One Last Night .Mitchel Street in The Northern Territory. Is A Battle Field. With Drunken Drugged up, violent,Disgusting males and females. It Depends What sort of Life you Lead,If you are the Sort That Likes Clubbing.You could end up in Serious Trouble.King Hitting each other from behind,And Classing People is Common. We Don't go out at night.Gave that up 10 years ago.I wouldn't even take my dog out for a walk at night.Aged Pensioners at the Gold Coast have Told the Police ,Enough Is Enough They are Arming Themselves.They are fed up with Marauding Youths Breaking in, and assaulting them.Read A Few Aussie Papers and see for yourself. There Are nice Places Cairns is not that bad,Our Daughter Used to Live There,And We Did Visit a Few Times, But There's nothing There Really.After a while The Beach And the Walks do get Boring.Australia is Very Overrated I believe. The Weather is the Best part About it.That's it,And That's why most Poms Come here.Some Say It's the Life Style. Personally I don't get it.

Sounds terrible. Where do you live? I just want to make sure I don't go there!

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Sounds terrible. Where do you live? I just want to make sure I don't go there!


As far as I know from previous posts, he claims to live on the Sunshine Coast!!!? my home for the last 13 years.

If you haven't visited here yet, then please come, because it bears no relation to anything posted above.

Of course every where has it's problem areas, but this female pensioner isn't afraid to go out at night.

We are talking Mooloolaba, Noosa etc.

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No City In Australia is Safe, Some are out of Control You Should Download Some Current Affair Shows, on Aussie TV, And Cop Shows.Just Watching One Last Night .Mitchel Street in The Northern Territory. Is A Battle Field. With Drunken Drugged up, violent,Disgusting males and females. It Depends What sort of Life you Lead,If you are the Sort That Likes Clubbing.You could end up in Serious Trouble.King Hitting each other from behind,And Classing People is Common. We Don't go out at night.Gave that up 10 years ago.I wouldn't even take my dog out for a walk at night.Aged Pensioners at the Gold Coast have Told the Police ,Enough Is Enough They are Arming Themselves.They are fed up with Marauding Youths Breaking in, and assaulting them.Read A Few Aussie Papers and see for yourself. There Are nice Places Cairns is not that bad,Our Daughter Used to Live There,And We Did Visit a Few Times, But There's nothing There Really.After a while The Beach And the Walks do get Boring.Australia is Very Overrated I believe. The Weather is the Best part About it.That's it,And That's why most Poms Come here.Some Say It's the Life Style. Personally I don't get it.


Glad I came home if the Gold Coast is now full of armed pensioners!!! Hells Grannies?!!

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You could say the same about everuwhere, its what you make of the place, i occassionally go clubbing and have done for nearly 20yrs and ive never had a fight, been started on or robbed, but i know people who have, it happens everywhere.


Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk

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As far as I know from previous posts, he claims to live on the Sunshine Coast!!!? my home for the last 13 years.

If you haven't visited here yet, then please come, because it bears no relation to anything posted above.

Of course every where has it's problem areas, but this female pensioner isn't afraid to go out at night.

We are talking Mooloolaba, Noosa etc.


He claimed to live in Tin Can Bay at one time, if I remember rightly.......................yeah right!..................A real hell hole with bikies running the town! The butcher there has to charge $25 for a couple of lamb chops just to cover his protection money :wacko:

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He claimed to live in Tin Can Bay at one time, if I remember rightly.......................yeah right!..................A real hell hole with bikies running the town! The butcher there has to charge $25 for a couple of lamb chops just to cover his protection money :wacko:


He gets all is info from newspapers and TV programmes so no doubt Ramsey Street is true to life in Australia too!


You would have to be a pork chop to buy lamb chops at that price!

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Guest The Pom Queen

Pmsl at some of the comments. Ok I've lived in Melbourne, Townsville, Brisbane (now) and Cairns and my dream paradise is and always will be Cairns. We never locked our car or house up whilst living there. Yes we have aboriginals who live in Cairns, some are rough but the majority are lovely people, in fact one of my closest friends that I made up their is aboriginal, he is the kindest person I know and as often walked up to homeless people and handed him his brand new jacket or shoes. He is one of the modern day thinkers who thinks the past is past and that him and the white man are brothers. Others believe the white man stole their land and dwell on the past using it as an excuse not to work and sit around drinking all day. Cairns police are very strict with them, sometimes I feel they are too strict as they wont allow them to sit around in the parks drinking.

Suburbs to avoid all begin with M so it's easy to remember. Even then there are good and bad parts. Even the bad parts aren't like some areas in the UK that we would class as bad.

We lived in Redlynch Valley, absolutely lovely backing on to the rainforest and the creek and waterfalls. Great choice of schools, 4 within 10 minutes drive or a school bus.

If it wasn't for my health problems and needing a city hospital I would have lived there forever.

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Guest The Pom Queen
cairns is alright... alot of drunk aboriginals there,

our friend whos a lass was at a cash point and two walked up and just knocked her and her friend out...

very random

bit boring

very bogan

move somewhere further down the coast would be my recommendation..

Really? It's strange as it was not in the news and they publish every little bit of crime, things that in the UK would just be ignored as its a common occurrence. You say bogan, please tell me where you stayed and went? The Esplanade is full of backpackers as the locals tend to go to Ellis Beach, Trinity, Palm Cove etc.

'I have never heard anyone say Cairns is Bogan, I really think you must be thinking of somewhere else as I couldn't even class the M suburbs as bogan.

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Guest The Pom Queen
We are going to cairns next month and cannot wait. See plenty of drunks and druggies in central Manchester. It's not safe walking down market street at night!

You will love it, I'm jealous. I've been gone a year now, although go back every few months as my son was still there and I really miss my paradise.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Really? I dont want my wife or kids to be attacked, i guess some areas are better and safet than others, our other option was the gold coast.


Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk

I often walked the streets alone, never locked the house or cars you will be fine.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Cairns city can be a little meh. I lived there a while back so not speaking from recent experience, but far prefer out of Cairns to live myself. There were plenty of social issues as the climate attracted homeless folk nationwide. Backpackers were a pain at times. Still plenty of worse spots in the world. Hope the job market proves more fruitful than it did for me though.

Now that is an issue, employment, if you are a dr or nurse then you will be fine, other jobs are hospitality.

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