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A like would have been nice :) I shouldn't have been bothered but when you make an effort to post with the genuine intention to help it would be nice for someone to say thanks :)


I used my accounts so money was going in and out but you're right banks will make accounts 'dormant' - I've had zero balance in my Westpac account for a couple of years now so it will be interesting to see what happens.


Good helpful advice and responses on migration questions on this forum rarely receives 'likes' I notice. I always suspect that newbies seeking advice don't fully know how to use 'like' on forums - or else it is just bad manners.

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That could just mean that it was fully understood and didn't warrant a comment. It is certainly sound advice even if you never return to the UK as things can crop up months or years later. The only issue would be to make sure you hold sufficient balance in the account if you can as many banks threaten to close accounts with small amounts and no regular deposits.



If nothing else, a UK bank account is handy for visits. If people regard it as a "holiday fund" it makes a lot of sense. Nice to be able to get straight off the plane and start using your UK debit card immediately, no mucking around with exchange rates etc.

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Well Depti72 you have been in Australia a long time and I can't understand why you haven't moved back to the UK. I came back to the UK last year to spend some time with my mother, who sadly passed away very suddenly. I am heading back to Australia next month. I too have spent 35 years in Australia and for me that is where home is. It is always easy to remember how good everything is when you are not there to experience it! Everywhere you live there are pros and cons. Believe me, visiting London is very different to actually living there. Everything changes. There are things in the UK I will always miss, great pub lunches, beautiful greenery and flowers in the Spring/Summer. I will not miss short dark cold days of Winter and the lack of some warmer weather. My personal advice is to come back for a 6 month stint, see if you feel back "at home" here. Wish you the best of luck.

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Yes I think that is the crux of the matter, so many leave with the idea that life will be so good there really is no possibility of returning. We know someone in particular that burnt every bridge possible and the return wasn't pretty.


But one size doesn't fit all, you make it sound really negative that people have had a positive experience - we sold up, closed accounts and haven't needed a bank account in the uk.

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But one size doesn't fit all, you make it sound really negative that people have had a positive experience - we sold up, closed accounts and haven't needed a bank account in the uk.


Good for you but if your circumstances were to change you would now find it very hard to open an account in the UK and as I think you'd admit yourself it is much hard for migrants to Australia these days so many more are returning than even 8 years ago when we migrated so my advice still stands, it is not negative to keep a UK bank account open, just sensible.


You don't need to be moving back to use a UK bank account we found it useful for buying presents for UK family and friends long before we had any notion of moving back.

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  • 3 months later...
But one size doesn't fit all, you make it sound really negative that people have had a positive experience - we sold up, closed accounts and haven't needed a bank account in the uk.


I have no concerns whatsoever of opening a new UK bank account after living for 7 years in Australia. We are talking about the UK aren't we not North Korea??

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I have no concerns whatsoever of opening a new UK bank account after living for 7 years in Australia. We are talking about the UK aren't we not North Korea??


A lot of people have found it very hard to open quickly as most don't have the required documentation - the rules have changed a lot in recent years.

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I am in a similar situation and very mixed up very depressed and lonely all being treated by the Doc but when you close the door at night that is it. I came with my son and husband in 1989. No education to speak of left school at 15 went in the factory with Mum. Eventually got my head into gear and had some great jobs working for the National Childrens Home as a Housemother, then a Building Society and finally retail. My husband was an Aircraft Engineer and we lived in Derby he worked for British Airways. In 1989 we came to Australia to work for him not me and there ends the story. I already had a good job and thought it would be easy but my education level was year 10 so they said I had managed to work all my life and I get to Australia and couldn't get a job cleaning toilets. Anyway in 1991 the husband went to work in Malaysia and we never saw him again. So the next few years was school retail courses ,business courses working for the dole you name it I did it still no job offer but I have a lot of certificates. Anyway in 1997 I met a wonderful mad and we were married and lived happily for 18 years. Sadly in 2011 he was diagnosed with a terminal illness and passed away 2014. No I am not over it and yes I miss him terribly what makes it more sad is I haven't seen my son now for 1 year he is 40 but the lady in his life just doesn't seem to want to be friends they have been together about 3 years maybe she think I want to be her Mother like my son said I don't but I can be a bit over caring trying to please I suppose ( my Dad once said to me when we went for a visit back home I took some sheepskin slippers he was 96 and I thought they would be good for the winter (HE SAID YOU ALWAYS WHERE OVER THE TOP ) My son as started to write to me and send gifts which is great but I think I will be on my own this Christmas also. I take my doggy for her walk I see people and we have a chat but that is it not working I haven't been able to make a real friend. When Hubby died a year later we lost our dog Charlie at 17 she just didn't get over him being missing in her eyes, I have adopted a gentle sole of 13 who like me as separation issues from being left even all those years ago. I have my UK pension but only part due to time over here my husband did top it up for me but I wouldn't be able to live on it. I have an Australian Pension but can see that wouldn't be right to be able to take that with me I really get that but does anybody no what happens to people like me who don't have enough to live on when you go back. I am 68 and just feel I can't live like this anymore I really am a people person but never got the chance to show it, I will miss hubby going back if I do but he wouldn't want this for me. Well Keith and Linda I bet you didn't think you would get my life history all in one go but I am a Lancashire lass and we are a bit chatty. xxx Good luck if you go home.

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I am in a similar situation and very mixed up very depressed and lonely all being treated by the Doc but when you close the door at night that is it. I have my UK pension but only part due to time over here my husband did top it up for me but I wouldn't be able to live on it. I have an Australian Pension but can see that wouldn't be right to be able to take that with me ... I am 68 .

@pommysheila - of course you can take your Australian pension with you!


The people who can't get the Australian pension are the people who move BEFORE they get to pension age. You're already over pension age, which means all you'd have to do is tell Centrelink you're moving to England. You'll probably find it will be reduced a bit when you move - but once you're resident in England, you can apply to have your Australian residence from 1989 to 2001 recognised towards the British pension. So your British pension will go up.


Have you got some superannuation? You can be get that pension in the UK too, though you'll have to submit a British tax return and pay tax on it. You do get a tax-free threshold though.

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........I'm sorry you feel like this......

........I guess so many unhappy times have contributed.....

........but as to returning after so long.....

........the practicalities are the hardest to overcome.....

........as @Lady Rainicorn has said......maintaining ties with the U.K.makes things easier...

........a bank account ,a family adress....

.........I see Marisawright has answered your pension worry.....

..........now it's assessing the cost......I read you have a new dog....

..........you would want to take...?

..........have you close family in the uk who would help.....put you up temporarily....?

...........friends you have remained in contact with...?

...........if your hearts set on moving.......set the wheels in motion...

............we often cite family and friends as the reason for going/staying....

............but be sure your doing this for you.....both can of moved on without you....

............and your social life may have to be built from scratch......

............though I'm sure and sincerly hope.......this is the easiest of your tasks....

.............good luck.....X

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Thank you for your kind words, I do still have some links but not to stay with so I would be flying solo. Yes doggy will be coming she has been left once I couldn't do that to her again. It takes too much to get over. I sometimes think she got a bad deal with me I need her more than she needs me I think. I am not going back because of my son it is me I am drowning. Looking after hubby was so heartbreaking he was on oxygen 24/7 a none smoker all his life like me and had lung disease ipf and died at 62. I watched him fight for every breath and I just put my whole being into looking after him I have just lost me now and maybe I will come back in the UK maybe not but time is ticking.

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'Mate' ??


Just spoken to Lloyds in the UK, I'll keep you posted. No, really.


I can tell you exactly what will happen because we went through the process just over a year ago.


It's against the law for any bank in the UK to open a bank account if you do not have a permanent UK address. You also can't open an account over the counter at a bank, you must make an appointment for an interview with a bank official. The bank will require you to show proof of your identity (passport) and UK address at that interview - a lease agreement, utility bill or bank statement. No address, no account.


Because you have to wait until you've got a lease agreement and then wait for an interview and then wait for them to set up your account and post out your PIN, card etc, it can take several weeks to get an account set up.


Also, if you've been out of the UK long enough to lose your credit rating, then some of the smaller banks won't even give you an account. The ones that will, won't give you a debit card let alone a credit card.

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Looking after hubby was so heartbreaking he was on oxygen 24/7 a none smoker all his life like me and had lung disease ipf and died at 62. I watched him fight for every breath and I just put my whole being into looking after him I have just lost me now and maybe I will come back in the UK maybe not but time is ticking.


Your loss is so recent, really, that most people would say it's not a good idea to make decisions yet. Grief can cloud your thinking. However it is a dilemma because you're not getting any younger either, so on the other hand, you don't want to delay too long.


I'd start the ball rolling by getting on to Centrelink and see how much pension you'd get if you went overseas. It might be reduced.

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