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Boris bookies favourite to be next PM


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Obama born in Hawaii ? ...really ......theres enough doubt about that .....
When Obama made the run for president ,his grandmother and other members of his family ,said they were at his birth in KENYA in 1961 .. A Hawaiian birth certificate then appeared ...who knows ?
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Obama born in Hawaii ? ...really ......theres enough doubt about that .....


No there isn't. His parents met at university in Hawaii, they were married in Hawaii, they were both still university students in Hawaii when he was born, he has a Hawaiian birth certificate and the local Honolulu newspaper had a birth announcement at the time showing the parents' Hawaiian address.


Of course, if you were a young, pregnant uni student with a choice between a birth in an American hospital in your home town with your mum close by... or the unknown conditions of a 1961 African hospital in a foreign country surrounded by strangers, you'd choose the latter...NOT. :wacko: And neither would your husband...who had not, at the time, told you that he already had a wife and 2 children back home in Kenya. :rolleyes:

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Benefits of Boris as PM: he'd tell the yanks where to shove themselves for interfering in matters that don't concern them. Comedy value.

Downside of Boris as PM: he'd probably also take the same approach with anyone in the UK who disagreed with his policies. Probably no more appearances on Have I Got News For You.

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Whilst using Brexit unashamedly to pursue his own policies I think that Boris will underestimate the backlash he will see from those in the Tories who feel Europe (warts and all) is still the better option.


In the recent Mayoral election, the stance of Zac Goldsmith, particularly on Europe, but also a very xenophobic attitude towards Khan turned myself and good friends away from the blue side.


Boris has rolled the dice. If UK stays in Europe then it's Osborne and he knows it.

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I disagree. At least Boris could argue he gave it a try, and hopefully Brexit fails. Boris can pull on the heart strings of the eurosceptics whilst still maintaining general popularity amongst the rest of the 1922 committee.

I can think of few things more damaging for the UK than Osborne as PM.


My favourite comedian, a Mr. Boyle from Glasgow pointed out that Thatcher said she would do something and then did exactly as she said. I think to an extent that Osborne is the same, and therefore whilst you can argue the rights and wrongs of what he would do, you wouldn't necessarily be surprised.


I think Boris is over hoping the "giving it a go" card - there are a lot of natural conservatives who are being put off by the current narrative and I think that is being very underestimated in the polls that are going on. I voted Green for Mayor and my friend Labour, despite then both voting Tory for all other selections.


If Boris becomes leader of the Conservatives on the back of the EU Referendum, then he will at most be a short term leader of the opposition, but he will never be PM.

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Where are we heading? Clinton or Trump for American president and Boris for PM. It's like dumb and dumber.


Fear not, sounds like Abbott is eligible to be British PM next! Bet he's glad he never gave up his British citizenship now....

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