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A quick hello from the UK!


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Before I went to Oz I would never notice small things like that.


I have a house way up on a hill with open views across a village to the countryside out to the mountains, fields and a pine forest.


The view from my living room of the mountains with snow on their peaks with the greenery down below, the rooftops and church spires of the village is really quite something I marvel at daily. My patio is at the front of my house and in 6 weeks, I will be getting the patio table and chairs oiled for the year then set up for our weekly late night meals and summer barbies with the family .


And the fresh Spring air....most refreshing and uplifting


Britain rocks ! I really appreciate how great it is here. What a great country to live in and be part of, I feel very proud of it.


Cant understand why anyone would want to chuck this in to live somewhere else.


Unless of course you live in a grotty city full of brutal 60's architecture or something...but even then you don't need to migrate these days for a better life.


Certainly not somewhere overpriced, bland, backwards, boring, over rated and extremely isolated from the rest of the world to the point where you cant even travel anywhere.


I was enjoying reading your post until the last two paragraphs. OK, we get it. You didn't like living in Australia. By the way I didn't move from a grotty city. Quite the opposite in fact and oddly enough, I really enjoy life here. As is often said on this forum. Everyone is different. Australia and in particular Tasmania is now my home. You really ought to forget about how much you disliked living here and just enjoy the life you now have.

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I really enjoy life here.


Bang right on cue.


Please go to the "I Love Australia" forum where you will also find lots of people bashing on the negatives of UK left right and centre, agreeing how dismal things are at home and why they want to get away from it all.


You yourself, are not "Moving back to UK" and nor do you even "live in the UK".


You live in Australia and are now "Australian", that's YOUR home, you love it and you even went as far as getting your citizenship.


You sold out to the place, and you love it good on you, we get that.


But... why are you "lurking" around and "chiming in" on a "Moving Back to the UK" forum when you have no intention of moving back home and are settled ??


Go to the forum you belong on, the one that relates to the country you have adopted as YOUR home and let the rest of us enjoy OUR home the UK and if we want to Oz-Bash we can - just like those who bash life in UK on other forums.


Britain is no longer your country any more.


You're pretty much Australian, even to the point of being unable to handle anyone who dare say anything negative about it just like a true Aussie.

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Bang right on cue.


Please go to the "I Love Australia" forum where you will also find lots of people bashing on the negatives of UK left right and centre, agreeing how dismal things are at home and why they want to get away from it all.


You yourself, are not "Moving back to UK" and nor do you even "live in the UK".


You live in Australia and are now "Australian", that's YOUR home, you love it and you even went as far as getting your citizenship.


You sold out to the place, and you love it good on you, we get that.


But... why are you "lurking" around and "chiming in" on a "Moving Back to the UK" forum when you have no intention of moving back home and are settled ??


Go to the forum you belong on, the one that relates to the country you have adopted as YOUR home and let the rest of us enjoy OUR home the UK and if we want to Oz-Bash we can - just like those who bash life in UK on other forums.


Britain is no longer your country any more.


You're pretty much Australian, even to the point of being unable to handle anyone who dare say anything negative about it just like a true Aussie.


How sad is this post

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Bang right on cue.


Please go to the "I Love Australia" forum where you will also find lots of people bashing on the negatives of UK left right and centre, agreeing how dismal things are at home and why they want to get away from it all.


You yourself, are not "Moving back to UK" and nor do you even "live in the UK".


You live in Australia and are now "Australian", that's YOUR home, you love it and you even went as far as getting your citizenship.


You sold out to the place, and you love it good on you, we get that.


But... why are you "lurking" around and "chiming in" on a "Moving Back to the UK" forum when you have no intention of moving back home and are settled ??


Go to the forum you belong on, the one that relates to the country you have adopted as YOUR home and let the rest of us enjoy OUR home the UK and if we want to Oz-Bash we can - just like those who bash life in UK on other forums.


Britain is no longer your country any more.


You're pretty much Australian, even to the point of being unable to handle anyone who dare say anything negative about it just like a true Aussie.


feel better now?

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Bang right on cue.


Please go to the "I Love Australia" forum where you will also find lots of people bashing on the negatives of UK left right and centre, agreeing how dismal things are at home and why they want to get away from it all.


You yourself, are not "Moving back to UK" and nor do you even "live in the UK".


You live in Australia and are now "Australian", that's YOUR home, you love it and you even went as far as getting your citizenship.


You sold out to the place, and you love it good on you, we get that.


But... why are you "lurking" around and "chiming in" on a "Moving Back to the UK" forum when you have no intention of moving back home and are settled ??


Go to the forum you belong on, the one that relates to the country you have adopted as YOUR home and let the rest of us enjoy OUR home the UK and if we want to Oz-Bash we can - just like those who bash life in UK on other forums.


Britain is no longer your country any more.


You're pretty much Australian, even to the point of being unable to handle anyone who dare say anything negative about it just like a true Aussie.

Still this bitter and hateful after all these years! You need some therapy. Let it go
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Bang right on cue.


Please go to the "I Love Australia" forum where you will also find lots of people bashing on the negatives of UK left right and centre, agreeing how dismal things are at home and why they want to get away from it all.


You yourself, are not "Moving back to UK" and nor do you even "live in the UK".


You live in Australia and are now "Australian", that's YOUR home, you love it and you even went as far as getting your citizenship.


You sold out to the place, and you love it good on you, we get that.


But... why are you "lurking" around and "chiming in" on a "Moving Back to the UK" forum when you have no intention of moving back home and are settled ??


Go to the forum you belong on, the one that relates to the country you have adopted as YOUR home and let the rest of us enjoy OUR home the UK and if we want to Oz-Bash we can - just like those who bash life in UK on other forums.


Britain is no longer your country any more.


You're pretty much Australian, even to the point of being unable to handle anyone who dare say anything negative about it just like a true Aussie.




Of course I can take criticism of Australia. I also moan about certain aspects of the country. It's just the way you come across in your posts. A tad on the sneering side. I think you need to join the PB and Simmo club. You can have a right whinge together to your hearts contents.



Anyway, we are hijacking Stormy's thread.

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Notice all the posters who are "snapping" back - every single one of them now "Virtual Aussies" who have sold out, turned their back on Britain, even going for citizenship (locations given as Canberra, Perth), and yet lurking around a "Moving Back to UK" forum for people who are planning to move back or have moved back.


How sad is THAT ?


Sounds to me that there is something "deep down inside", eating slowly away at you judging by the aggression being vented in your responses.


Like I say, it seems to be acceptable enough for the new migrants on "other" forums to bash the UK and why they are glad to be leaving etc.


So the thing called free speech works both ways - get over it.


We are here talking about UK many of us stating some things we didn't like about Australia.


"Virtual Aussies", don't take it so personally for goodness sake.


Don't call yourself "British" if you're settled down there and have no plans to ever come home.


You're no longer "British" if you've permanently turned your back on the place.


You are, in effect now, only "British born" and a British passport holder, and are pretty much an Australian ....but with a British accent.


A "Virtual Australian"


You cant have your cake and eat it.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Notice all the posters who are "snapping" back - every single one of them now "Virtual Aussies" who have sold out, turned their back on Britain, even going for citizenship (locations given as Canberra, Perth), and yet lurking around a "Moving Back to UK" forum for people who are planning to move back or have moved back.


How sad is THAT ?


Sounds to me that there is something "deep down inside", eating slowly away at you judging by the aggression being vented in your responses.


Like I say, it seems to be acceptable enough for the new migrants on "other" forums to bash the UK and why they are glad to be leaving etc.


So the thing called free speech works both ways - get over it.


We are here talking about UK many of us stating some things we didn't like about Australia.


"Virtual Aussies", don't take it so personally for goodness sake.


Don't call yourself "British" if you're settled down there and have no plans to ever come home.


You're no longer "British" if you've permanently turned your back on the place.


You are, in effect now, only "British born" and a British passport holder, and are pretty much an Australian ....but with a British accent.


A "Virtual Australian"


You cant have your cake and eat it.

Another new member who comes along and all of a sudden knows all of us.

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Notice all the posters who are "snapping" back - every single one of them now "Virtual Aussies" who have sold out, turned their back on Britain, even going for citizenship (locations given as Canberra, Perth), and yet lurking around a "Moving Back to UK" forum for people who are planning to move back or have moved back.


How sad is THAT ?


Sounds to me that there is something "deep down inside", eating slowly away at you judging by the aggression being vented in your responses.


Like I say, it seems to be acceptable enough for the new migrants on "other" forums to bash the UK and why they are glad to be leaving etc.


So the thing called free speech works both ways - get over it.


We are here talking about UK many of us stating some things we didn't like about Australia.


"Virtual Aussies", don't take it so personally for goodness sake.


Don't call yourself "British" if you're settled down there and have no plans to ever come home.


You're no longer "British" if you've permanently turned your back on the place.


You are, in effect now, only "British born" and a British passport holder, and are pretty much an Australian ....but with a British accent.


A "Virtual Australian"


You cant have your cake and eat it.



I'm British, not even a PR, so don't make sweeping statements please, how do you know that I'm not thinking of moving back to UK, but if I do I know one thing for sure, I will never post such rubbish, should I move back.

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Let it go let it go ( sung like Queen Elsa ) for goodness sake johngdownunder it's a good job there are not many people with your ideology as its rubbishIam both British and Australian and consider myself very lucky to have that choiceWhere is the democracy when you say anyone who is an Aussie by choice can it say they British - I can , I do and I willi am from where you would I suppose call a grotty area the north east of England am I ashamed of where I come from no I am not I love both countries you seem to believe that's wrong ,it's not in my eyes

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I'm British, not even a PR, so don't make sweeping statements please, how do you know that I'm not thinking of moving back to UK, but if I do I know one thing for sure, I will never post such rubbish, should I move back.


You're an expat then, or a 457 temporary worker, you are hardly an immigrant who moved house and home with the intention of staying on for life then are you ?.


I do believe any "Virtual Aussie" who lurks around this forum really deep down has a secret desire to come home or is very jealous of others who are managing to get out.


But look at this for a moment - Put the shoe on the "other foot" for a second.


Me as a British person who lives here, is committed to my country and contribute to the costs of Britain, I pay my Ni and taxes and enjoy the privileges that come with being truly British.


I am personally appalled at some of the references in other posts I have read over on other forums where some potential excited new migrants bash the UK and its inhabitants, whilst being totally unaware of the big picture.


UK has clearly been good to them, they have warm, safe, comfortable, dry homes, jobs, families, friends and achieved the financial means to be able to migrate to what they feel for them at least, is a better life - it takes a lot of money (and courage) to do that. Hats off to them, we have all been there.


Whether they are right or not is their business, not mine, I have no desire to hijack their threads and tell them if I think they are wrong or right or snap at them for saying things about UK.


I only belong here on this thread because I am British, I have moved back to UK, I love it and enjoy discussing the UK with others who are coming home, and I can say what I didn't like about Australia, maybe they felt the same. if someone snaps at me then yes they will get the same back.


I too can read the "Moving To Australia and We're Excited" forums but I do not have the right to post on them because I don't live there and have no intentions of ever returning living there.


I was even offered an expat role in Perth 2 years ago on a 457 visa, company paying for our relocation and accommodation, but I refused it because I really don't want to live there, I love my current job and the love place and environment I live in now, my wife could never move from here either as she keeps a lot of animals and loves them to the point where she could never leave them.


But go to another forum and you will get your eyes opened.


Such as those who want to leave because UK has "too many immigrants", but yet are quite happy to become an immigrant themselves and export their own brand of culture elsewhere in this case Australia being their host country. Clearly unaware that Australia too like Europe has made commitments to resettle and distribute equally vast numbers of immigrants fleeing war and conflict , amongst (by comparison to UK), Australia's much "smaller" population. Of course that will impact on day to day life in Australia just as it has elsewhere.


From what I see, the world seems to be heading in the direction of breaking up into "regions" similar to that of the EU, ending individual nations sovereignty and allowing free movement of people across borders. Do you think there wont be an Asia Pacific Region one day where the countries will join hands like the EU, where Malaysians, Indonesians, Vietnamese Thai, Bruneians can enter Australia freely and vice versa.


These people are so naïve to think they will leave UK and that all their problems will be gone when in fact, they will walk out of the frying pan straight into the fire, but this time round without the network of support they have in UK, only to be an immigrant themselves and equal to those other immigrants from other countries in the eyes of native born and bred Australians.


There's a lot more "bashing" of UK goes on in other forums.


Its called free speech, if you cant handle it, go elsewhere, its only a discussion at the end of the day none of it intended to hurt or upset anyone.


Just like if you don't like Perth, there's a great road for you to take called "Horrie Miller Drive" and it goes all the way to the departures door of Perth airport.

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Guest The Pom Queen
You're an expat then, or a 457 temporary worker, you are hardly an immigrant who moved house and home with the intention of staying on for life then are you ?.


I do believe any "Virtual Aussie" who lurks around this forum really deep down has a secret desire to come home or is very jealous of others who are managing to get out.


But look at this for a moment - Put the shoe on the "other foot" for a second.


Me as a British person who lives here, is committed to my country and contribute to the costs of Britain, I pay my Ni and taxes and enjoy the privileges that come with being truly British.


I am personally appalled at some of the references in other posts I have read over on other forums where some potential excited new migrants bash the UK and its inhabitants, whilst being totally unaware of the big picture.


UK has clearly been good to them, they have warm, safe, comfortable, dry homes, jobs, families, friends and achieved the financial means to be able to migrate to what they feel for them at least, is a better life - it takes a lot of money (and courage) to do that. Hats off to them, we have all been there.


Whether they are right or not is their business, not mine, I have no desire to hijack their threads and tell them if I think they are wrong or right or snap at them for saying things about UK.


I only belong here on this thread because I am British, I have moved back to UK, I love it and enjoy discussing the UK with others who are coming home, and I can say what I didn't like about Australia, maybe they felt the same. if someone snaps at me then yes they will get the same back.


I too can read the "Moving To Australia and We're Excited" forums but I do not have the right to post on them because I don't live there and have no intentions of ever returning living there.


I was even offered an expat role in Perth 2 years ago on a 457 visa, company paying for our relocation and accommodation, but I refused it because I really don't want to live there, I love my current job and the love place and environment I live in now, my wife could never move from here either as she keeps a lot of animals and loves them to the point where she could never leave them.


But go to another forum and you will get your eyes opened.


Such as those who want to leave because UK has "too many immigrants", but yet are quite happy to become an immigrant themselves and export their own brand of culture elsewhere in this case Australia being their host country. Clearly unaware that Australia too like Europe has made commitments to resettle and distribute equally vast numbers of immigrants fleeing war and conflict , amongst (by comparison to UK), Australia's much "smaller" population. Of course that will impact on day to day life in Australia just as it has elsewhere.


From what I see, the world seems to be heading in the direction of breaking up into "regions" similar to that of the EU, ending individual nations sovereignty and allowing free movement of people across borders. Do you think there wont be an Asia Pacific Region one day where the countries will join hands like the EU, where Malaysians, Indonesians, Vietnamese Thai, Bruneians can enter Australia freely and vice versa.


These people are so naïve to think they will leave UK and that all their problems will be gone when in fact, they will walk out of the frying pan straight into the fire, but this time round without the network of support they have in UK, only to be an immigrant themselves and equal to those other immigrants from other countries in the eyes of native born and bred Australians.


There's a lot more "bashing" of UK goes on in other forums.


Its called free speech, if you cant handle it, go elsewhere, its only a discussion at the end of the day none of it intended to hurt or upset anyone.


Just like if you don't like Perth, there's a great road for you to take called "Horrie Miller Drive" and it goes all the way to the departures door of Perth airport.

Maybe that is because you are on a "Poms in oz forum"

'In regards to the second highlighted sentence maybe take your own advice.

Now can we stop hijacking the OP's post.

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You're an expat then, or a 457 temporary worker, you are hardly an immigrant who moved house and home with the intention of staying on for life then are you ?.


I do believe any "Virtual Aussie" who lurks around this forum really deep down has a secret desire to come home or is very jealous of others who are managing to get out.

But look at this for a moment - Put the shoe on the "other foot" for a second.


Me as a British person who lives here, is committed to my country and contribute to the costs of Britain, I pay my Ni and taxes and enjoy the privileges that come with being truly British.


I am personally appalled at some of the references in other posts I have read over on other forums where some potential excited new migrants bash the UK and its inhabitants, whilst being totally unaware of the big picture.


UK has clearly been good to them, they have warm, safe, comfortable, dry homes, jobs, families, friends and achieved the financial means to be able to migrate to what they feel for them at least, is a better life - it takes a lot of money (and courage) to do that. Hats off to them, we have all been there.


Whether they are right or not is their business, not mine, I have no desire to hijack their threads and tell them if I think they are wrong or right or snap at them for saying things about UK.


I only belong here on this thread because I am British, I have moved back to UK, I love it and enjoy discussing the UK with others who are coming home, and I can say what I didn't like about Australia, maybe they felt the same. if someone snaps at me then yes they will get the same back.


I too can read the "Moving To Australia and We're Excited" forums but I do not have the right to post on them because I don't live there and have no intentions of ever returning living there.


I was even offered an expat role in Perth 2 years ago on a 457 visa, company paying for our relocation and accommodation, but I refused it because I really don't want to live there, I love my current job and the love place and environment I live in now, my wife could never move from here either as she keeps a lot of animals and loves them to the point where she could never leave them.


But go to another forum and you will get your eyes opened.


Such as those who want to leave because UK has "too many immigrants", but yet are quite happy to become an immigrant themselves and export their own brand of culture elsewhere in this case Australia being their host country. Clearly unaware that Australia too like Europe has made commitments to resettle and distribute equally vast numbers of immigrants fleeing war and conflict , amongst (by comparison to UK), Australia's much "smaller" population. Of course that will impact on day to day life in Australia just as it has elsewhere.


From what I see, the world seems to be heading in the direction of breaking up into "regions" similar to that of the EU, ending individual nations sovereignty and allowing free movement of people across borders. Do you think there wont be an Asia Pacific Region one day where the countries will join hands like the EU, where Malaysians, Indonesians, Vietnamese Thai, Bruneians can enter Australia freely and vice versa.


These people are so naïve to think they will leave UK and that all their problems will be gone when in fact, they will walk out of the frying pan straight into the fire, but this time round without the network of support they have in UK, only to be an immigrant themselves and equal to those other immigrants from other countries in the eyes of native born and bred Australians.


There's a lot more "bashing" of UK goes on in other forums.


Its called free speech, if you cant handle it, go elsewhere, its only a discussion at the end of the day none of it intended to hurt or upset anyone.


Just like if you don't like Perth, there's a great road for you to take called "Horrie Miller Drive" and it goes all the way to the departures door of Perth airport.


Your 2nd sentence about 'Virtual Aussies' ......... I have been lucky enough over the years to get back to the UK every second year when my Mum was alive and probably every 4 years or so after that. My Australian husband and I discussed the possibility of living in the UK three years ago but we decided not to as we are happy and settled here. I went back last May myself for 4 weeks. Husband wasn't interested and hates the long flight. I had a lovely time during my stay but except for one sister I don't have any family left there now. Hard as it may be for you to believe, I am perfectly content here. I don't want to live permanently in the UK and anyway, the UK is only a day away if I have the urge to go back for a holiday.

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Maybe that is because you are on a "Poms in oz forum"

'In regards to the second highlighted sentence maybe take your own advice.

Now can we stop hijacking the OP's post.


The difference being, I am not a "Virtual" Brit, I am British because I pay into my country and help support Britain.


It is a Poms in Oz forum, and the thread is called "Moving Back to the UK".


If you've left UK and are happy and settled, turned your back on UK completely to the point of having taken out citizenship of Australia, you are now Australian, living there, working and paying into the Aistralian system, supporting Australia not UK. The UK is not your country.


You were only born in UK and happen to still cling on to that UK passport (just in case...good old NHS eh ?)....which you happen to be paying nothing towards it but still expect it to be there for you if Australia leave you in the lurch).


So you are basically an Australian now.


Talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it eh ?.


Don't call yourself True British, you don't have that right anymore - you gave up that right when you jumped on the plane, stopped contributing, and happily kissed the place goodbye.

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The difference being, I am not a "Virtual" Brit, I am British because I pay into my country and help support Britain.


It is a Poms in Oz forum, and the thread is called "Moving Back to the UK".


If you've left UK and are happy and settled, turned your back on UK completely to the point of having taken out citizenship of Australia, you are now Australian, living there, working and paying into the Aistralian system, supporting Australia not UK. The UK is not your country.


You were only born in UK and happen to still cling on to that UK passport (just in case...good old NHS eh ?), but you are Australian.


Don't call yourself True British, you don't have that right anymore - you gave that right up when you jumped on the plan and kissed the place goodbye.


What bollocks. We can call ourselves whatever we like. Lucky enough to have dual citizenship. Law says we are both British and Aussie, how cool is that? Unlucky for some who never made the commitment to citizenship.

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Guest The Pom Queen
The difference being, I am not a "Virtual" Brit, I am British because I pay into my country and help support Britain.


It is a Poms in Oz forum, and the thread is called "Moving Back to the UK".


If you've left UK and are happy and settled, turned your back on UK completely to the point of having taken out citizenship of Australia, you are now Australian, living there, working and paying into the Aistralian system, supporting Australia not UK. The UK is not your country.


You were only born in UK and happen to still cling on to that UK passport (just in case...good old NHS eh ?)....which you happen to be paying nothing towards it but still expect it to be there for you if Australia leave you in the lurch).


So you are basically an Australian now.


Talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it eh ?.


Don't call yourself True British, you don't have that right anymore - you gave up that right when you jumped on the plane, stopped contributing, and happily kissed the place goodbye.

Err, who are you talking to? As your description doesn't fit me nor does it fit anyone else who has posted on here. If you have an issue with people living in Australia then I can assure you this isn't the right forum for you.

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Guest The Pom Queen


It is a Poms in Oz forum, and the thread is called "Moving Back to the UK".


Exactly so I am not sure why you have come on MY forum telling people where they can or can't post, especially when you don't fall in to either of the categories above.

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VS I'm feeling rather jealous! Whilst I love Oz our last Uk trip was to Windsor, a first for me, we camped by the Thames for New Years (very brave I know ha ha!) and spend New Year's Eve in Windsor and it was just stunning, we didn't know at that time that OZ was on the horizon but 3 months later we were here so those memories are precious, very special actually xx

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Sorry V Stormy, we let someone high jack your thread, and I am guilty that I got sucked in .


Wish you all the best for your new life and please keep,posting to let us know how it's going, and I promise not to get involved posting off subject if another ---- poster tries to high jack it again.

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A quick update.


My wife and little fella arrived safe and well yesterday - though we didn't get back from picking him up from the animal centre at Heathrow until 11pm and I had to be in work for 6:15 this morning. So a bit bleary eyed. But don't care as it is just great to know they are here and currently sleeping soundly in bed.


We got to the cottage and we went in the garden together. It was interesting as he could clearly smell it was very different. Not just a new place, but he seemed to know it was something very different.

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