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Do you regret moving back?


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We don't regret it but we are moving back to Oz by the end of April The pull of all of our family being there plus the journey and wondering how long we can continue to go to and fro ( we are seniors ) is all too hard We love where we are living in the North East and the ease of transport etc BUT not having family close gets harder by the day

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Just wondering if anyone who has made the move back to UK regrets it and why?





The only regret was having to leave behind our nice neighbours, who were also British.


Otherwise, no regrets, we have our lives back again.


Living in Perth suburbia was like we had entered some kind of early retirement.

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Just wondering if anyone who has made the move back to UK regrets it and why?


I don't think you can draw any conclusions from what people answer - there are so many different reasons why people move back.


Some will be delighted to be back because their Australian experience taught them to appreciate what they had at home.


Another common experience is that, if they face a few difficulties in Australia, migrants start seeing their homeland through rose-coloured glasses - and the longer they stay, the more they mentally exaggerate the good about home and the bad about Oz. But when they do finally get home, they realise how rose-coloured the glasses were, and regret that they didn't appreciate what they had in Australia.


For many people, though, it will be a mixed response - there will be things they're glad to get back to and things they'll miss about Australia. How you weigh those up is different for everyone.

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yes big regret!!! and i can't wait to return to australia. i could be here all day writing about whats happened to our lives since returning to the uk...but I'm not going too. but put it this way i will be returning on my own with (NO) husband.

wish you luck :hug:

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For me absolutely not but I think a lot depends on why you move back, homesickness is generally not a good reason and is something to be expected and worked through. Those that ping pong have typically not given Australia long enough to know definitively that they prefer the UK overall.


I had an unrealistic view of Australia moving out and thus was let down, moving back I was probably overly realistic and thus my expectations have been exceeded and I could not be happier.


I really think it's an 80/20 rule, 80% of those that migrate are happy, 20% move back and of those that move back 80% are happy.


Examining your own motives and expectations honestly will probably tell you what group you'll fall into but it isn't easy to be that honest as the mind plays tricks on you.

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yes i regretted it. the reality of life there didnt live up to my rose tinted memories. after a short honeymoon period getting back to oz & the life i threw away was all i could think about.


Fine if you are still very young in your twenties without children.


Pretty risky and expensive if you are middle aged to throw in the towel for a 2nd time.


It will cost tens of thousands of your savings again which you can never recover from, screw up your career and possibly leave you without a pension.

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Just wondering if anyone who has made the move back to UK regrets it and why?





Yes - i thought i could live here for a few years and spend some time with my parents and family but I just feel cooped up and overclothed all the time - giving up my Aussie life has been v. hard and i wish I had just come over for a few months/long visit instead of moving everything back. Now I want to go back but my OH doesn't yet :(

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nothing concrete at the moment, but we'll be heading back at some stage, I'm OK with it. both countries are good places to live, probably always miss something from one place or the other, the curse of a mixed marriage I suppose.

Indeed mate, did you find 'peace' while you were in Aus?

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Fine if you are still very young in your twenties without children.


Pretty risky and expensive if you are middle aged to throw in the towel for a 2nd time.


It will cost tens of thousands of your savings again which you can never recover from, screw up your career and possibly leave you without a pension.


Well we did it fine in our forties with a child and are not facing financial ruin that is a bit over dramatic!

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Fine if you are still very young in your twenties without children.


Pretty risky and expensive if you are middle aged to throw in the towel for a 2nd time.


It will cost tens of thousands of your savings again which you can never recover from, screw up your career and possibly leave you without a pension.


am already back in oz :) going back & forth did cost a lot but it was worth it to get back to oz & know for sure this is the best life for me. it took a couple of years to get back on a good financial footing but we didnt find it to difficult. my career hasnt suffered & my wages are a lot more in oz. i didnt want children in the uk so didnt have to worry about that but i recently had a baby :)

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Indeed mate, did you find 'peace' while you were in Aus?
Probably found the 'peace' once we arrived back here, in that we missed our lives in Australia whilst still enjoying being here, so I've come to the conclusion that I'll always miss one or the other and that's jut the way it is.
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We came back in April last year and returning to Australia in May.

Weve not regretted coming back to the UK as the family have had the chance to spend quality time with our little one however on reflection we should of come back for a long holiday instead.


I do worry our ping ponging will have an effect on our little boy (18 months) but then i think Kids adapt plus hes probably too young to realise.

Also not looking forward to the dreaded goodbyes again which will be worse this time!

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I found coming back to England has made me come alive, it just feels so natural being here. It's a bonus that our Australian kids love it here. I actually wish we had made the move sooner. It's not for everyone of course, just as living in Australia isnt.


I'd be happy just the same if my OH and I decided to live in Sri Lanka or Southeast Asia for a while .................. even back to Scotland for a long break - but like you Bristolman we know where we are content and that's all that matters really.

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