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Think I'm ready to go home


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Interesting to read some of these posts as someone who is planning to move out to Australia. The difference for me is that I have moved out of the UK already, having been living in Switzerland for 5 years. With regards to missing home I have those feelings in Switzerland, so these points are nothing surprising. The points on supermarkets being bad is a interesting one as supermarkets are a big part of UK culture. The UK does enjoy a huge amount of choice and at cheap prices in fact. Cost of living is indeed something which I am apprehensive about in Australia. This for me is counteracted by:


the thought of living within half an hour drive of a beach;

living in what is essentially a holiday destination;


international culture and food (Melbourne);

an economy that has expanded for the last 26 years+ but still with opportunities to progress further and develop more;

loads of space and the possibility of buying a house at an affordable price;

jobs a plenty and a desire to retain people;

a country that is close to Asia in proximity and relations;

outdoor living and sport at its heart;

consistently being ranked one of the best education and health care systems in the world.


This is to name just a few things. Anything to add ? :)


Massive differences from Switzerland, I'm afraid. I'm afraid the beach attraction wears of with a lot of people over the course of time. No denying sunshine though. Not sure about the holiday destination thing. Anything around entertainment, holidays, pubs, tends to be pricy. There are camping alternatives, but I find a more stay home culture than experienced in Europe personally. Folk don't tend to go out during the week. The working culture is or can be stressful and difficult. Houses and cheap just do not or cannot be uttered in the same sentence.


Jobs a plenty? Really? Areas of WA are suffering depression age unemployment. 100,000 people left Australia during the last quarter. Numbers not seen for decades.


Definitely close to Asia. I guess a two edged sword there. The question being how to adequately compete in a low cost environment? Can Australian living conditions be maintained? More and more Australians are locked out of the housing due to cost. Rental laws are feeble for those confined to a lifetime of rent.


Education ranked among the best in the world? Are you sure? Many would dispute that.

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Completely agree on some points. I love the UK and adore London, the best city in the world in my opinion (in most respects), with Melbourne in second as I don't know it as much as yet. I was in Brighton last summer for a weekend, really fantastic (very valid point actually!).


Where did you live in Australia ? I am keen to hear any negatives I may not be aware of.


From what I see on this forum people criticise Australia when they live mostly in isolated and sometimes backward places. This is the same in the UK and there are places most people would not want to live in the UK for the same reasons.


Most people don't live in backward or remote places though in Australia. They refer to cities. Cities by their sprawling nature can be dehumanising places. At least the affordable localities. Nowhere in UK or Europe (generally) for that matter is far from somewhere more interesting, lively, promising. Not the same for Australia. Many people are sold an image of Australia, not always a reality.

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My OH's parents migrated after the war for various reasons. MIL couldn't stand the place. When her OH died she returned to the UK with the two children aged 16 and 6. She never gave Australia a second thought after returning. However, my OH always missed it and returned (with me) years later. His little sister is happily married and living in Hertford and loves coming here for holidays but would never live here. My MIL did before we moved to Australia. I think she would have enjoyed holidays here.


Correction in 2nd last sentencs. My MIL died before we moved to Australia.

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After 15 years of being out here, I'm going back to the UK to live in a year or so's time.


I've loved my time here, and the place and the people.


But the pull of home is too strong, and I want to go back to where I feel I belong.

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I guess it is really not necessary to throw out negative comments about either country. They are both good places to live and at the moment are relatively safe. I find it strange that people assume Australia is so centred around beach life. Most of us round here rarely visit a beach and don't want to, either.

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Hey guys,


I'm having a bit of a dilemma here and would love to hear from anyone going through the same thing. I've been living on the south coast of Sydney for the last 16 years. I'm a 2 minute walk from the beach and it is truly beautiful here. However, having just been back home to Manchester for a month (along with travelling to lots of other places in England), I'm feeling more than ever that I belong back in England. I have loved living in Australia, despite being frustrated by lots of things like crap supermarkets, awful pubs, ridiculously overpriced groceries and just the flipping modernity of it all (all seems shallow I know). My partner is Australian and likes the UK and would probably be happy to move over there. More and more, I feel these days like Australia is not my home and there is no way I can envisage ending my days here.


We have just bought a house after a long time struggling to do so and are not in the best position financially, so moving back would be at least a couple of years away.


I'd love to hear from people who have had a difficult time making the decision about whether to go back to the UK or not and what sort of obstacles they came up against. I've made some bad decisions financially and tend to be quite impulsive, so I'm terrified but also determined to take the time to make the right decision.


Your thoughts are much appreciated.

I didnt go through ur whole post. As soon as i saw u said u dont belong here then i would suggest u better move back to UK. I know the feeling u have... u might be living peacefully in aus. But there will be something bugging u in ur heart all the time.


Sent from my SM-G9208 using Tapatalk

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I've now read this thread a few times. Taken all in and what I've realised, everyone is different and enjoys/dislikes different things. You can't convince someone to like the beach, or outdoor lifestyle, or a UK supermarket or UK beer... if they don't. I enjoy reading posts where people give their own experience, goods and bad... I enjoy less people trying to convince other people one country is better or worse than another country - due to their own bad or good experience. Everyone will have a different experience. You'll drive yourself crazy if you read posts and make a decision to move or not to move based on someone else's experience !


And thikign more about it, you could draw up a pro and con list for Australia and the UK and I'm pretty confident the lists would be level.


Go if you need to go, stay if you need to stay - but do it on your own experience, not others.

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I didnt go through ur whole post. As soon as i saw u said u dont belong here then i would suggest u better move back to UK. I know the feeling u have... u might be living peacefully in aus. But there will be something bugging u in ur heart all the time.


Sent from my SM-G9208 using Tapatalk


Yes I agree with that, as you say as soon as you say you don't belong that is all you need to know, time to go.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Interesting to read some of these posts as someone who is planning to move out to Australia. The difference for me is that I have moved out of the UK already, having been living in Switzerland for 5 years. With regards to missing home I have those feelings in Switzerland, so these points are nothing surprising. The points on supermarkets being bad is a interesting one as supermarkets are a big part of UK culture. The UK does enjoy a huge amount of choice and at cheap prices in fact. Cost of living is indeed something which I am apprehensive about in Australia. This for me is counteracted by:


the thought of living within half an hour drive of a beach;

living in what is essentially a holiday destination;


international culture and food (Melbourne);

an economy that has expanded for the last 26 years+ but still with opportunities to progress further and develop more;

loads of space and the possibility of buying a house at an affordable price;

jobs a plenty and a desire to retain people;

a country that is close to Asia in proximity and relations;

outdoor living and sport at its heart;

consistently being ranked one of the best education and health care systems in the world.


This is to name just a few things. Anything to add ? :)

Well Don't know where you are getting your information from but

Most of Australia is in Recession,Perth is heading for deep Depression.

Sunshine yes,but in the summer months it can get Oppressive,then there's the floods and fires.

Jobs are not plenty,Jobs are scarce.The Biggest steel Mill is on the Brink,it's $20billion in debt,Ten's of thousands could loose their jobs.

Ford and Holden are closing down next year 3000 workers loose their jobs. The Coal seam Gas Industry is Finished,The Mining Boom is Finished.Some Brits that think they have a Trade and Migrate here. Are Not Recognised In Australia,have to go on a Aussie 2 year course,to be qualified to Australian Standards.Many return home broke.

House Prices, the Dearest in the World,Unaffordable to most Australians.And Built so close together, you can hear everything next door

Education Is one of the Lowest in the westernized World, 45% of Kids that leave School at 16 can't read or write.Employers say they are unemployable.

Health System not the best by any means. Some Diseases like Lymes disease are not Recognised in Australia.Cost to see a Doctor and Prescriptions can cost $300 a visit Unless your doctor Bulk Bills You. . The Older you Get The Worse it gets.Waiting Lists are Huge.People are Dying on waiting lists.Older Australians are neglected,Pensions Are Low and Inadequate.Whatever the Ailment There's a Long Waiting List.

Law and Order is in crisis,Drunken anti Social Violent Behaviour across Australian towns and cities.Stabbings And Killings At least 6 a day.Youth Suicides is the Highest in the world,As is Wife Beatings and Murders.

Houses are Poorly built and not Suitable for the Climate.Freezing cold in winter,And Ovens in Summer.

Then There's the Rev Heads Screaming Around Suburbs,With Loud Exhausts,And Thumping Load Music.Aussie's love Making Noise.And Not many can string a sentence together,without the f or c word.

Repairs of any sort by a tradie are VERY EXPENSIVE. you have to learn to do your own.

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Well Don't know where you are getting your information from but

Most of Australia is in Recession,Perth is heading for deep Depression.

Sunshine yes,but in the summer months it can get Oppressive,then there's the floods and fires.

Jobs are not plenty,Jobs are scarce.The Biggest steel Mill is on the Brink,it's $20billion in debt,Ten's of thousands could loose their jobs.

Ford and Holden are closing down next year 3000 workers loose their jobs. The Coal seam Gas Industry is Finished,The Mining Boom is Finished.Some Brits that think they have a Trade and Migrate here. Are Not Recognised In Australia,have to go on a Aussie 2 year course,to be qualified to Australian Standards.Many return home broke.

House Prices, the Dearest in the World,Unaffordable to most Australians.And Built so close together, you can hear everything next door

Education Is one of the Lowest in the westernized World, 45% of Kids that leave School at 16 can't read or write.Employers say they are unemployable.

Health System not the best by any means. Some Diseases like Lymes disease are not Recognised in Australia.Cost to see a Doctor and Prescriptions can cost $300 a visit Unless your doctor Bulk Bills You. . The Older you Get The Worse it gets.Waiting Lists are Huge.People are Dying on waiting lists.Older Australians are neglected,Pensions Are Low and Inadequate.Whatever the Ailment There's a Long Waiting List.

Law and Order is in crisis,Drunken anti Social Violent Behaviour across Australian towns and cities.Stabbings And Killings At least 6 a day.Youth Suicides is the Highest in the world,As is Wife Beatings and Murders.

Houses are Poorly built and not Suitable for the Climate.Freezing cold in winter,And Ovens in Summer.

Then There's the Rev Heads Screaming Around Suburbs,With Loud Exhausts,And Thumping Load Music.Aussie's love Making Noise.And Not many can string a sentence together,without the f or c word.

Repairs of any sort by a tradie are VERY EXPENSIVE. you have to learn to do your own.


FFS Zack. Give it a rest. Oz isn't without it's problems but most of what you write is absolute Whingeing Pom bullshite. You really have absolutely no credibility with what you write as your past posts will indicate to anyone who has the misfortune to stumble upon just one. If it ain't Oz you're whingeing about, then it's the UK, solely depending of course, upon which country you're trying to justify escaping from at the time...........but whatever.........either one of them would be glad to be shot of your whining, , I'm sure.


If it's all as bad as you make out, how come you've been here so long? .....and back...........and forth? You really do epitomise the the whingeing pensioner (not necessarily Pom) who seems to have feck all to do with their life except bemoan the fact that everyone else, country/politicians/youth blah blah blah included, is to blame for their state of mind. Haven't you got a garden to dig or a caravan to haul you round the blue rinse circuit or something similar? An ex serviceman to boot? I bet your local RSL would withdraw your card if you carried on in there as you do here. As an ex serviceman and a pensioner, I'd die if I had to fall into the same category (in other folks' eyes) as yourself.


Get a life man, before it's over! You've had enough time to make one, and if what's left of it is going to be spent whingeing, I doubt if any fecker would let you through their gates, be it Archangel Gabriel or Beelzebub himself, although the latter might just relish the challenge

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Well Don't know where you are getting your information from but

Most of Australia is in Recession,Perth is heading for deep Depression.

Sunshine yes,but in the summer months it can get Oppressive,then there's the floods and fires.

Jobs are not plenty,Jobs are scarce.The Biggest steel Mill is on the Brink,it's $20billion in debt,Ten's of thousands could loose their jobs.

Ford and Holden are closing down next year 3000 workers loose their jobs. The Coal seam Gas Industry is Finished,The Mining Boom is Finished.Some Brits that think they have a Trade and Migrate here. Are Not Recognised In Australia,have to go on a Aussie 2 year course,to be qualified to Australian Standards.Many return home broke.

House Prices, the Dearest in the World,Unaffordable to most Australians.And Built so close together, you can hear everything next door

Education Is one of the Lowest in the westernized World, 45% of Kids that leave School at 16 can't read or write.Employers say they are unemployable.

Health System not the best by any means. Some Diseases like Lymes disease are not Recognised in Australia.Cost to see a Doctor and Prescriptions can cost $300 a visit Unless your doctor Bulk Bills You. . The Older you Get The Worse it gets.Waiting Lists are Huge.People are Dying on waiting lists.Older Australians are neglected,Pensions Are Low and Inadequate.Whatever the Ailment There's a Long Waiting List.

Law and Order is in crisis,Drunken anti Social Violent Behaviour across Australian towns and cities.Stabbings And Killings At least 6 a day.Youth Suicides is the Highest in the world,As is Wife Beatings and Murders.

Houses are Poorly built and not Suitable for the Climate.Freezing cold in winter,And Ovens in Summer.

Then There's the Rev Heads Screaming Around Suburbs,With Loud Exhausts,And Thumping Load Music.Aussie's love Making Noise.And Not many can string a sentence together,without the f or c word.

Repairs of any sort by a tradie are VERY EXPENSIVE. you have to learn to do your own.


Some of the things you say are of course correct BUT when you come out with something like a doctor's visit can cost $300 and youth suicide is the highest in the world or education is one of the lowest in the western world then you lose what tiny bit of credibility you had.

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Some of the things you say are of course correct BUT when you come out with something like a doctor's visit can cost $300 and youth suicide is the highest in the world or education is one of the lowest in the western world then you lose what tiny bit of credibility you had.


The stuff Zack has listed made me think of what I thought life was like in the USA when I lived there.

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Interesting to read all the comments in here. Like other people have noted, I enjoy reading people personal experiences rather than blunt opinions on aspects such as one country being backwards.


My personal story is that I arrived in Oz in 2010 as a backpacker with my wife. What was supposed to be a 6 month adventure has turned into a 6 year stay, so far. We were on the cusp of returning to the UK earlier this year, however unbelievable work opportunity for my wife has meant we are staying for the foreseeable future. In all honesty, if it wasn't for this we would probably have returned, however we have learnt to enjoy our life in Oz. Things I'm not so keen on are is the summer heat, for me personally anything over 30 is difficult to deal with, and the humidity in Sydney can get quite bad. Talking to older Australians they say this is something that has got worse over time. I miss English TV, the country side, pubs and generally being a very accessible country due to the size. Living in Australia there are very few places you can drive to at the weekend. Also, I find English people slightly friendlier, however I think living in Sydney is not a fair comparison - if you went to London you'd think all English people are miserable.


I do wince when I hear stories of people selling up and moving here, having never visited, especially to either Melbourne and Sydney. In the 6 years we have been here house prices have risen astronomically and due to massive tax breaks for investors I can't see that changing any time soon. It's also very difficult to live outside of Sydney in a more affordable area and commute in due to poor public transport. For example, living in the central coast 40 miles north of Sydney will be a 2 hour commute into the city. We rent 5 minutes walk from the beach in the southern suburbs, if we wanted to buy it would have to be somewhere in the sprawling west of Sydney, even then a three bed modest house would cost nearly $1 million - and it really isn't the postcard Australia.


In reality, unless you have a specific trade or occupation it's very hard to get out of either Sydney or Melbourne, I think that is where the UK has a massive plus over Australia. The abilty to live in smaller towns and cities and commute.

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Interesting to read all the comments in here. Like other people have noted, I enjoy reading people personal experiences rather than blunt opinions on aspects such as one country being backwards.


My personal story is that I arrived in Oz in 2010 as a backpacker with my wife. What was supposed to be a 6 month adventure has turned into a 6 year stay, so far. We were on the cusp of returning to the UK earlier this year, however unbelievable work opportunity for my wife has meant we are staying for the foreseeable future. In all honesty, if it wasn't for this we would probably have returned, however we have learnt to enjoy our life in Oz. Things I'm not so keen on are is the summer heat, for me personally anything over 30 is difficult to deal with, and the humidity in Sydney can get quite bad. Talking to older Australians they say this is something that has got worse over time. I miss English TV, the country side, pubs and generally being a very accessible country due to the size. Living in Australia there are very few places you can drive to at the weekend. Also, I find English people slightly friendlier, however I think living in Sydney is not a fair comparison - if you went to London you'd think all English people are miserable.


I do wince when I hear stories of people selling up and moving here, having never visited, especially to either Melbourne and Sydney. In the 6 years we have been here house prices have risen astronomically and due to massive tax breaks for investors I can't see that changing any time soon. It's also very difficult to live outside of Sydney in a more affordable area and commute in due to poor public transport. For example, living in the central coast 40 miles north of Sydney will be a 2 hour commute into the city. We rent 5 minutes walk from the beach in the southern suburbs, if we wanted to buy it would have to be somewhere in the sprawling west of Sydney, even then a three bed modest house would cost nearly $1 million - and it really isn't the postcard Australia.


In reality, unless you have a specific trade or occupation it's very hard to get out of either Sydney or Melbourne, I think that is where the UK has a massive plus over Australia. The abilty to live in smaller towns and cities and commute.


Everything falls into place if you have a decent job. Without that life is just miserable and no wonder folk want to return to their home country. Like you, I cringe when people talk about selling their home and leaving a good job/lifestyle behind in search of a better life here. Years ago (we came 34 years ago) it was possible but it's so very much harder now.

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No different really as to why some people feel driven to migrate in the first place while others are content to stay. How we view things, experience them, our hopes, dreams, memories, preferences are all unique….so it is inevitable that differences of opinion will occur. If anything it is perhaps more surprising when posters are adamant that life in one country or another is amazing or the pits. Failing to appreciate what is on offer in Aus or the UK is fine, it is individual and based on so many factors. But an opinion is not the indisputable fact that some posters would have you believe. T x


I was on holiday in Fiji with my wife before we married. We had a fabulous hotel and had such a wonderful time. It was very beautiful and we were very happy there. Probably one of our best holidays. I had joined her halfway through her extended trip, and our exit flights didn't match. I stayed in Fiji three days after she left. God it was boring. Started to see all the problems with the country. Started talking with people who had been into the city. Mugging, pick pockets, poverty. Everything looked different. Hated the place. Couldn't believe how in a couple of days my perspective had completely changed.

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We are all different, some look all the time and think about moving here and there. My parents mad. I am an impetuous person but I have trained myself to think about things later. Two lists what do you like about living here what do you like about living there. Another list of non negotiable living requirements.


I hear so many people saying they belong but I do not feel that when I go over there now. Its not the England I knew and never will be agan. I do not feel comfortable over there at all. Its just the same as anywhere else now, mixed up people and problems, the British way has long gone.


Also I would consider where its safer to live these days. I can only look with sadness at all the attacks that are going on. With the open emigration policies of the last decade its silly to think that this is not going to be the cause of a lot of problems. Yep we can say we will take no notice and not let them win, but they will by stealth and single acts, people will stop moving around, going out etc.


Aus has its problems too and we are not immune but we do not have such a footprint on the world map as Euorope and UK.


Funny, I think that way about Perth when I visit.

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Whats the "british way"?


Yeah that got me as well. Where we live is a wonderful community, the people are friendly and helpful and it's like I remember England when we lived here before. Would it be the same in Birmingham or London, no of course not but it wouldn't be in Sydney or Perth either. If the 'British way' is being friendly, polite, helpful, generous and tolerant then that really hasn't changed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can really relate to how you feel. I have been living in Melbourne for 10 years (originally from Northern Ireland), my wife is an Aussie. I have been home several times and each time it gets harder and harder to leave. To be brutally honest I dint think i have ever fitted into Australia and have been living a bit if a lie telling myself I'm OK. My wife likes the UK but with the current government making it hard fir q spouse to get a visa it can be really difficult. I'm at the stage where I wake up thinking if home and go to bed thinking of home. It's almost depressing me! I must sound like a complainer but I miss small things like the food, the nice people, the small houses. And to family get older and develop health problems also draws me back.

For your situation I totalling sympathise and understand and i think ultimately that a move back home would result in no regrets.

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I can really relate to how you feel. I have been living in Melbourne for 10 years (originally from Northern Ireland), my wife is an Aussie. I have been home several times and each time it gets harder and harder to leave. To be brutally honest I dint think i have ever fitted into Australia and have been living a bit if a lie telling myself I'm OK. My wife likes the UK but with the current government making it hard fir q spouse to get a visa it can be really difficult./QUOTE]


If that's how you're feeling, then I urge you to move heaven and earth to qualify for that spouse visa. As you're finding, that feeling is only going to get worse as you get older - and it's going to get harder and harder to go back, the older you get, so the sooner the better. Waiting for "ultimately" may mean never! For one thing, the requirements for the spouse visa just keep going up. For another, if you go back in retirement you may find you're not eligible for British benefits but Australia will cut you off, and you'll be in no man's land.

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Interesting to read all the comments in here. Like other people have noted, I enjoy reading people personal experiences rather than blunt opinions on aspects such as one country being backwards.


My personal story is that I arrived in Oz in 2010 as a backpacker with my wife. What was supposed to be a 6 month adventure has turned into a 6 year stay, so far. We were on the cusp of returning to the UK earlier this year, however unbelievable work opportunity for my wife has meant we are staying for the foreseeable future. In all honesty, if it wasn't for this we would probably have returned, however we have learnt to enjoy our life in Oz. Things I'm not so keen on are is the summer heat, for me personally anything over 30 is difficult to deal with, and the humidity in Sydney can get quite bad. Talking to older Australians they say this is something that has got worse over time. I miss English TV, the country side, pubs and generally being a very accessible country due to the size. Living in Australia there are very few places you can drive to at the weekend. Also, I find English people slightly friendlier, however I think living in Sydney is not a fair comparison - if you went to London you'd think all English people are miserable.


I do wince when I hear stories of people selling up and moving here, having never visited, especially to either Melbourne and Sydney. In the 6 years we have been here house prices have risen astronomically and due to massive tax breaks for investors I can't see that changing any time soon. It's also very difficult to live outside of Sydney in a more affordable area and commute in due to poor public transport. For example, living in the central coast 40 miles north of Sydney will be a 2 hour commute into the city. We rent 5 minutes walk from the beach in the southern suburbs, if we wanted to buy it would have to be somewhere in the sprawling west of Sydney, even then a three bed modest house would cost nearly $1 million - and it really isn't the postcard Australia.


In reality, unless you have a specific trade or occupation it's very hard to get out of either Sydney or Melbourne, I think that is where the UK has a massive plus over Australia. The abilty to live in smaller towns and cities and commute.


Well written that man.

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