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How is Perth


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Guest The Pom Queen

I'm no expert on Perth and haven't read all the comments but I've just come back from a week there. Everywhere I went there were talks of job losses in mines and oil. I had a taxi and an uber both worked in the mines and lost their jobs. I was in a pub the other day and two guys were stood behind me saying that there was no work in oil and gas and all the Aussies had gone over to the Middle East. The other night as I was heading up to my room at the hotel a man held the lift for me he had lots of cases he told me he had just been laid off from the mines and he had no home and no where to go. The uber driver who took me to the airport this morning was a geophysicist and had been laid off 3 months ago, he said he can't get work anywhere as he is 50, he said most of the uber drivers were professionals who had been laid off from the mines.

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Thanks for the update I appreciate that, interestingly I also worked for the LNG (americano) organisation for only one year, and it was fine up to a point, I am no Engineer (unfortunately) but at least it gave me some useful experience in the area of work that I am in, Essentially, I don't usually work in the Oil and Gas world, I actually work in the financial world (London) and it does appear to be more prosperous there currently, and to be honest I really do miss working in that area, as I just find the people are totally professional (in most cases) ahem! having said that I do know the americano organisation is also based in London (Bech..L ) or Chevvy ronny I'm sure you know who they are...I also hope you land this role to which you have applied for, you are having a lot more success than I my friend, as with the roles I am currently applying for there are at least 175-200 other applicants, I used to work in Government here too, until December 2015 they put all jobs on Freeze (six month duration) so all the applications that I had put out which included 5 page essays just like you do at University which I still find a really strange procedure, why did we go to Uni, surely that in it's entirety, so lost all my applications in a moment, and I have to be honest that was pretty much my hope gone right out of the window so to speak, don't get me wrong I am still able to gain Interviews at various Universities ect but to no avail, I even found out Dept of Fisheries (one I did actually pass the selection criteria and Interview for re advertised and after making some inquiries to the agency they explained the were looking for another candidate with more experience, you can see how this can start to frustrate you in the processes involved here...perhaps I need to call it quits, sometimes in life it's good to know when it's time.. My last point as I do talk a lot, In London, the most important part of your application is YOU, they want to speak to you directly, and introduce YOU to their colleagues to gauge an idea of your personality and how you will fit in a team, there not interested too much in your resume, they take that as a given, but it's all about the person and how they interact with others which is fundamental, here is not quite the same from my own experiences..


Yeah I think I can workout the organisation you previously worked for from your encryption lol!


The application process can be painful down under of that there is no doubt.


The picture being painted of Perth is far from positive, however being a resident of NE Scotland hanging around here is very uncertain in the short term. We want to be back in WA to settle down however there is no avoiding the obvious downsides to the economy.


The boom was big but it appears the bust is even bigger!


It get the feeling that most of the jobs being lost are construction driven as opposed to operational in O&G. Where as they are both construction oriented and operational in Iron Ore?


I can't decide if my home town of Aberdeen is suffering more or my adopted home Perth is, I guess it's rather bleak for both.

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I'm no expert on Perth and haven't read all the comments but I've just come back from a week there. Everywhere I went there were talks of job losses in mines and oil. I had a taxi and an uber both worked in the mines and lost their jobs. I was in a pub the other day and two guys were stood behind me saying that there was no work in oil and gas and all the Aussies had gone over to the Middle East. The other night as I was heading up to my room at the hotel a man held the lift for me he had lots of cases he told me he had just been laid off from the mines and he had no home and no where to go. The uber driver who took me to the airport this morning was a geophysicist and had been laid off 3 months ago, he said he can't get work anywhere as he is 50, he said most of the uber drivers were professionals who had been laid off from the mines.


Wow that's a really bad summary of your interactions in Perth but not unexpected, thanks for sharing.

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Let's face it, O&G construction is going to be pretty dead anywhere, that's what happens when you get this:



I was working in the oilfields in Kazakstan in late 1998 when the price dropped almost overnight from about $40 a barrel to $16. Clients put almost every project on ice for 6-12 months until the outlook changed. No one is going to be making investment decisions with prices as they are, and they'll be looking to do a go slow on any project they can (ie where they haven't already committed such a percentage of the spend that it would be more economic just to finish. Basically anything that's about 50% through)


Good luck

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Yeah I think I can workout the organisation you previously worked for from your encryption lol!


The application process can be painful down under of that there is no doubt.


The picture being painted of Perth is far from positive, however being a resident of NE Scotland hanging around here is very uncertain in the short term. We want to be back in WA to settle down however there is no avoiding the obvious downsides to the economy.


The boom was big but it appears the bust is even bigger!


It get the feeling that most of the jobs being lost are construction driven as opposed to operational in O&G. Where as they are both construction oriented and operational in Iron Ore?


I can't decide if my home town of Aberdeen is suffering more or my adopted home Perth is, I guess it's rather bleak for both.

It was a pretty bad writeup from the pom queen and I'm sure thete are a few uber and taxi drivers around who used to work in the mines. However to say there are tumbleweeds rolling down St Georges Terrace is way over the top. I was working out of Allendale square in Perth for a few weeks before Christmas and while there are a few too let signs around the place is still packed at lunchtimes. There are several really good new food halls, restaurants and bars, all of them very busy at lunchtimes and no doubt after work. The freeway and public transport is still packed on the way in and home, so there are still plenty of people working and making a good living. I'm not trying to make out there hasn't been a dowturn, there has but I don't know a tradie who has lost a job because of it. I know one geo and a cartographer who got laid off and it's been bad for them because they were on very good money and they get used to spending what comes in. I'm sure there will be a lot of people that used to be in construction or labouring that are out of work too. I know BHP released some bad results last week so they might be cutting back too. Honestly though Perth is busy as at the moment. Middle of the Perth festival, multiple things on every night in lots of different locations and they're all busy. We are off to see Sleater Kinney tomorrow night. I'm sure it's going to be another sell out. The money's coming from somewhere, not everyone is worried. To be honest when we came in 92 things were a lot worse, I was out of work for 5 months then but never did we consider moving back or that something wouldn't eventually turn up. We were committed though and knew we loved living here.

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It was a pretty bad writeup from the pom queen and I'm sure thete are a few uber and taxi drivers around who used to work in the mines. However to say there are tumbleweeds rolling down St Georges Terrace is way over the top. I was working out of Allendale square in Perth for a few weeks before Christmas and while there are a few too let signs around the place is still packed at lunchtimes. There are several really good new food halls, restaurants and bars, all of them very busy at lunchtimes and no doubt after work. The freeway and public transport is still packed on the way in and home, so there are still plenty of people working and making a good living. I'm not trying to make out there hasn't been a dowturn, there has but I don't know a tradie who has lost a job because of it. I know one geo and a cartographer who got laid off and it's been bad for them because they were on very good money and they get used to spending what comes in. I'm sure there will be a lot of people that used to be in construction or labouring that are out of work too. I know BHP released some bad results last week so they might be cutting back too. Honestly though Perth is busy as at the moment. Middle of the Perth festival, multiple things on every night in lots of different locations and they're all busy. We are off to see Sleater Kinney tomorrow night. I'm sure it's going to be another sell out. The money's coming from somewhere, not everyone is worried. To be honest when we came in 92 things were a lot worse, I was out of work for 5 months then but never did we consider moving back or that something wouldn't eventually turn up. We were committed though and knew we loved living here.



This is "our" findings and " Our" personal experience. Amongst our friends not one skilled person is out of work or working out of their skill set. As I say this is our findings and may not be others.

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Most miners are either skilled trades people or highly qualified professionals.

There have been a few with niche qualifications, like geos and another graduate I know in Environmental studies. He was on good money for not doing a lot for a few years. He's got another job but can't get used to 75,000 a year. Like VS points out though there are still heaps of well qualified and experienced people still doing FIFO and will be for a long time yet.

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That pool cleaning job was quite unique in the fact it was for an engineering maintenance company on Barrow Island which is a Class A nature reserve. Working on Barrow you made more money than any other LNG construction site due to that fact. Cleaners working working for ESS/Compass certainly would not command that pay.

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This is "our" findings and " Our" personal experience. Amongst our friends not one skilled person is out of work or working out of their skill set. As I say this is our findings and may not be others.




Recessions tend not to affect established people as much as the younger and older and newcomers. Established people have better contacts, plus companies tend to hire freeze before they fire.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Recessions tend not to affect established people as much as the younger and older and newcomers. Established people have better contacts, plus companies tend to hire freeze before they fire.


Talking about contracts , what is the rage in recent times is the restructuring of the organisation. Hence contracts can become null and void.

There is a tendency to prefer to employ contract staff or others where Long Service Leave/ Holidays/Sick Pay impact on profits/not to say reduced funding's. Just informed today that another NGO has reduced 40% of their staff over the past few months. Longer term included. My partners outfit is seeking to sack permanent staff as well as short termers.

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By Perth standards job market is slow by uk standards it's good lol depends what your open to doing, freeway still crap but loads of rentals available and cheap


Don't find Perth in any sense easy to find work. Do know people that have headed out after lost jobs, as well as reading of others on a forum as this. Also know of a number of people traumatised to various degrees with approaching job losses ......

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I dunno mate see what happens in the next two months, I wont sell my British home though. I did sell it but backed out of the deal. If I come back to OZ I will just leave it here unoccupied.

We are selling our place in the North East and going back to Adelaide ( totally different situation from you though as we are retired )

Selling though is proving difficult as we have had two offers both way way below our asking price so we too will leave the house empty but on the market

The drop of the £ against the $ is a huge concern too not a good time to take your money to Oz

We have friends in the oil industry in the UK who have said the situation is terrible with work

But friends in Oz say the same so it's a catch too situation

Your lucky that you can make choices because you have citizenship in Oz so good luck

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By Perth standards job market is slow by uk standards it's good lol depends what your open to doing, freeway still crap but loads of rentals available and cheap

So despite the fact the U.K unemployment rate is lower than the W.A rate, somehow the job market is better in Perth, isn't Australia an amazing place!!

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My oh is a qualified paramedic, a job he has done for the last 19 years so has no experienced in anything else or qualification. We are coming over as me being the main applicant as a nurse. I'm just wondering how easy will he find a job - any job?? The ambulance service are currently not recruiting and I think he wants to do something different. Any advise? Sam

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So despite the fact the U.K unemployment rate is lower than the W.A rate, somehow the job market is better in Perth, isn't Australia an amazing place!!


Job market in the UK is very misleading. The zero hour contract is very common in the UK, plus half of the UK needs - government tax credits to supplement their income because it is so low. Also its in a lot of peoples interest who have families to work 24 hours a week only and obtain tax credits.


The UK is a mess, great if your professional and in London.


Its not helping sterlings rate the upcoming EU referendum. Until that is over I can see the power losing value.

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We are selling our place in the North East and going back to Adelaide ( totally different situation from you though as we are retired )

Selling though is proving difficult as we have had two offers both way way below our asking price so we too will leave the house empty but on the market

The drop of the £ against the $ is a huge concern too not a good time to take your money to Oz

We have friends in the oil industry in the UK who have said the situation is terrible with work

But friends in Oz say the same so it's a catch too situation

Your lucky that you can make choices because you have citizenship in Oz so good luck


The North East is lagging behind the rest of the UK with regards to house prices.. A lot of job losses in Sunderland don't help. Anyway hopefully by the time you sell the pound has picked up against the dollar.

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My oh is a qualified paramedic, a job he has done for the last 19 years so has no experienced in anything else or qualification. We are coming over as me being the main applicant as a nurse. I'm just wondering how easy will he find a job - any job?? The ambulance service are currently not recruiting and I think he wants to do something different. Any advise? Sam


Tell him to go and complete a one week TAE (Training and Assessing Qualification) look up HBA Learning or Sand Goanna Training (on internet) for the best price and then try and get a job with ST John's Ambulance, delivering Senior First Aid or other similar courses. Money he would be looking at 60 - 85k I would say plus super. But with all roles theres a lot of competition so don't just apply, ring up and speak to the recruiter. He could chase up Silver Chain as well for aged care work. At least with care jobs there recession proof. Just be prepared to do some training or he could ask training companies about RPL (Recognised prior learning) basically they compare UK quals vs OZ and they knock a few units of a course he might study so he doesn't have to complete everything.


Going to OZ with a plan of doing something different is not a great idea as he will have zero experience and you don't want to make it harder on yourselves. Try and get a job in the same area and then branch out into a different role in the organization once you have your feet under the table. I.E. HR or recruiting or BDM

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Job market in the UK is very misleading. The zero hour contract is very common in the UK, plus half of the UK needs - government tax credits to supplement their income because it is so low. Also its in a lot of peoples interest who have families to work 24 hours a week only and obtain tax credits.


The UK is a mess, great if your professional and in London.


Its not helping sterlings rate the upcoming EU referendum. Until that is over I can see the power losing value.


Yeah it's so bad here it took me 3 weeks to get a full time job, took my wife about the same time, but she didn't like it so left and got another one, neither get tax credits, earning too much, don't live in London either, it's really terrible and the six weeks paid leave is hard to cope with, you'd best get to Perth asap it'll be nice for you to have your pick of jobs.

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Yeah it's so bad here it took me 3 weeks to get a full time job, took my wife about the same time, but she didn't like it so left and got another one, neither get tax credits, earning too much, don't live in London either, it's really terrible and the six weeks paid leave is hard to cope with, you'd best get to Perth asap it'll be nice for you to have your pick of jobs.


It all depends on which part of the UK you live in amibovered. Some areas have dreadful unemployment still - bit like Tassie.

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It all depends on which part of the UK you live in amibovered. Some areas have dreadful unemployment still - bit like Tassie.

Aye I know Jock, all my dads family are in N.E England, it's always been a struggle up there, at least since the pit's all shut, it's the crap about the U.K being a mess that gets on my nerves, it's doing as well or better than most of the rest of Europe, but you still hear the same old rubbish, not to say there is no room for improvement mind you.

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Good decision - Perth is not the place to be with no income - in fact most of Australia now I would say. Australia has changed so much - it is so expensive - Perth more so than other states but other states also so much more expensive, Australia years ago used to be an amazingly cheap place for eating out, pubs petrol, groceries - everything was so cheap - these days have long gone.


That doesn't resonate with the Australia I remember growing up in...personal consumption, eating out etc has exploded since I was a kid. Seemed a far bigger deal to spend back then and people saved up far longer for things.

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