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Wanted Down Under


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There must be at least one positive story from WDU.




My favourite is when in Brisbane they go round the river on the city cat ferries where they are all "I could get used to this" then they show em 4 bed new builds 45 mins away in North Lakes where they work out what they can afford in pounds. :laugh:

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My favourite is when in Brisbane they go round the river on the city cat ferries where they are all "I could get used to this" then they show em 4 bed new builds 45 mins away in North Lakes where they work out what they can afford in pounds. :laugh:


Only between the hours of 8pm and 4am :-)

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I used to like the earnest expressions when they were working out the finances- as it was on that particular day. What on earth was the point of that being as most people take at least 12 months to actually get here? I well remember that house prices had actually doubled between the time we first applied and our actual arrival and I think now it might be even worse.

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Plus if the dollar pound exchange rate changes it will throw out the figures. Although after deciding they will have a 3 hour commute and be worse off and struggle for jobs they still always vote Australia

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Have any of you appeared on Wanted Down Under?

If so how was it being involved in the programme?


I think Cal (moderator) and her family were in the first episode (or one of the first) and they've also done a re-visited programme

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No other show makes me feel as angry as WDU!I'm usually a passive,calm type person,but that show alone,can make me feel like throwing stuff at the TV! I haven't watched many of them,but some of the participants need a reality slap!(in a kind way of course lol)

Yup me too! Only plus is that if I happen to be at the gym and it is in front of me as I am working out on the treadmill, then I work so much harder because I am so angry!!!! Maybe it should be compulsory treadmill activity (though I do try not to watch but it's sort of like a car crash!)

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Yup me too! Only plus is that if I happen to be at the gym and it is in front of me as I am working out on the treadmill, then I work so much harder because I am so angry!!!! Maybe it should be compulsory treadmill activity (though I do try not to watch but it's sort of like a car crash!)

:biglaugh:Ah Quoll that made me laugh!Thanks for the giggle hon!lol

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I've noticed in the shows I have watched (and that's not many,probably 5 or 6 in the early days)that when the husband goes for his trial job day?At the end of that day,the boss will say "We "could"offer you a job in the future"!So basically no firm offer of a job.Not sure how far along the participants were,potentially moving wise, when they were on the show,so maybe the boss factored that into the "could offer you something"!One family I recall,from Wales,the guy stated he wanted to leave Wales because he was sick of working 80 hr weeks!Has anyone forced him to work 80 hrs a week?You are the creator of your own reality!Why not just change jobs instead of countries?

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I must confess that we thought when we came here "Australia is the laid back country. You'll only go to work between lying on the beach, preparing a BBQ and fishing. Work is more like a 'hobby' for Aussies!" This wasn't further away from the truth than anything else as people even work harder here to our utterly horrify.

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My favourite is when in Brisbane they go round the river on the city cat ferries where they are all "I could get used to this" then they show em 4 bed new builds 45 mins away in North Lakes where they work out what they can afford in pounds. :laugh:


LOL, It was Springfield lakes, similar style but opposite sides of Brisbane... and it made us realise that if making a move from an estate in the UK,we sure didnt want to live in another cramped up, in your face community when arriving here, and doing the show was a god send as but for them taking us there and pairing us up with an Aussie family we would never have found Jimboomba , the place we have lived happily since Day 1 ,9 years ago... We still ride the city cat alot and are off for another weekend break in Brisbane this next few weeks..


For anyone looking at doing the show, if you can laugh at yourselves and are pretty easy going its a great experience. We made the first ever show so had a slightly different format to everyone else and also got almost 2 weeks here, they also approached us, we didnt approach them.

But for doing WDU we would not have had a Reccie and i would have moved out here 'blind' (hubby had been before).. One thing you do find is it tweaked and edited massively and you dont realise how much shows like this put a twist on things until you have taken part. Would i do it again ???? Hell yes,, we laughed from Day 1 (except for those horrible videos) and had a great camera team who were always up for a laugh.


Cal x

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LOL, It was Springfield lakes, similar style but opposite sides of Brisbane... and it made us realise that if making a move from an estate in the UK,we sure didnt want to live in another cramped up, in your face community when arriving here, and doing the show was a god send as but for them taking us there and pairing us up with an Aussie family we would never have found Jimboomba , the place we have lived happily since Day 1 ,9 years ago... We still ride the city cat alot and are off for another weekend break in Brisbane this next few weeks..


For anyone looking at doing the show, if you can laugh at yourselves and are pretty easy going its a great experience. We made the first ever show so had a slightly different format to everyone else and also got almost 2 weeks here, they also approached us, we didnt approach them.

But for doing WDU we would not have had a Reccie and i would have moved out here 'blind' (hubby had been before).. One thing you do find is it tweaked and edited massively and you dont realise how much shows like this put a twist on things until you have taken part. Would i do it again ???? Hell yes,, we laughed from Day 1 (except for those horrible videos) and had a great camera team who were always up for a laugh.


Cal x


I'm just hoping you weren't the family that people are describing as a car crash and wanting to slap ... I've always liked you lol

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I managed to find my post which I put on Poms in Adelaide regarding the 2014 episodes of Wanted Down Under (might be useful for someone and remember I am referring to Adelaide!), copy and pasted below....


We are currently over in the UK on holiday. My parents recorded the recent Wanted Down Unders for Adelaide which we have watched while we have been here as I was interested to see the information they are giving out to potential migrants. We have watched 5 episodes and have spent most of the time yelling at the tv! In one episode, one of the participants stated they would not consider taking a job in Adelaide for anything less than $130K. In my opinion you could have stopped filming and ended the program there! If they had been asking my advice in the profession they were in (and on the information shown) I would have said it would be highly unlikely that they would get a job on that salary in that profession (in the current job climate) as a new arrival migrant. To be fair to Wanted Down Under, the episodes we saw where the migrant spoke to an actual employer within their industry, in my opinion they did give them an accurate picture of the current job climate and told them it wouldn't be easy to gain work in their professions.


If people have been looking at this forum for a while, it should not come as a shock to them that they may struggle to find work when they first arrive, it may take them 3-6 months to secure work, it may be temporary/casual, they may need to take a job at a lower level or on a lower salary to get a foot in the door, they may end up doing a completely different job to what they have done in the UK - the information is on this forum. People that have lived here a while (I have been here 7 years) in my opinion are not trying to put people off coming, we are trying to give a realistic view of the job market and the changes we have seen over the past 2 years and help people prepare for this. There will always be new arrivals that get work quickly, their skills are genuinely in demand and they have no trouble finding a well paid job (my OH is one of them) but it wont be the case for everyone, people need to come with realistic expectations and consider whether they are up for the challenge - if they need to be.


To add...some of the houses they showed people on WDU were appalling and I do think that some of the choices were made purely to make good tv and get a reaction from the participants. Nikki Chapman also stated at the start of each program that a third of migrants will return to the UK. My personal opinion is that many people have unrealistic expectations about what it takes to start a new life from scratch. I have known people return to the UK after only being here a matter of months because things 'were not working out', it takes time, often years for all aspects of a new life eg jobs, emotions, financial, friendships, making a house a home etc to come together.

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